
章 55: Manipulation

"What... my what?" Claire asked, a quizzical eyebrow raised. A snicker escaped her lips. "Xander, this is a terrible time for pranks—"

"I'm dead serious, Claire," I interjected firmly, shaking my head. My voice bore the weight of urgency. "I'll explain everything later, but right now, I need you to give me your blood. It's an emergency."

Claire regarded me with a skeptical look, initially expecting it to be a joke. However, after a few moments, her eyebrows shot up, and her eyes widened.

"Oh my God, you're actually serious, aren't you?" She lowered her arms from her chest, her tone filled with disbelief and confusion.

"Yes, Claire, I am," I affirmed, nodding. I let out a sigh and rubbed my temples briefly. I gazed intently into her eyes. "Do you trust me, Claire?"

Her response was swift. "Yes, of course," she replied, snapping out of her initial surprise.

"Good. Then trust me when I say I'll explain everything to you later," I assured her with a smile. "Time is running out, so please do me this favor."

Holding the syringe in my palm, I extended it toward her, and she looked at it thoughtfully. Eventually, she sighed in resignation and accepted it.

"Fine, but don't forget your promise," she remarked before heading to her bathroom. "I'll be back in a sec."

I couldn't help but think that it had gone smoother than expected. Claire was more reasonable than I had anticipated, and it was crucial because time was of the essence.

Claire's blood had the power to resurrect the dead; I had seen it happen on the show. What remained uncertain was how long a person could be deceased before her blood lost its effectiveness.

With a sense of purpose, I waited for her return, and soon enough, she emerged from the bathroom with a syringe filled with blood.

She approached me and handed it over, her expression a mix of seriousness and curiosity. "Don't you dare forget your promise," she warned.

"Thank you, Claire. We'll definitely talk later," I expressed my gratitude, offering her a smile before activating my power.

"Sure," she mouthed, sighing. In the next moment, I flew out of her house into the sky, heading straight for my own.

Upon arrival, I paused to survey my surroundings. My attention was drawn to a suspicious black van parked in front of one of the vacant houses for sale across the street.

Ignoring it for now, I flew into my room.

With my power deactivated, I landed at the foot of my bed, facing Eden's lifeless body.

The syringe filled with Claire's blood was clutched carefully in my hand. I inspected the crimson liquid within, excitement and hope building within me.

"...Hope it works. Here goes nothing," I muttered, taking a sharp breath.

With a determined motion, I bent down and inserted the syringe into Eden's twisted neck, emptying its contents into her veins.

Stepping back, I watched her intently, squinting with expectation. The moment of truth had arrived. Any second now, she should be brought back...

But nothing happened. I waited, pacing the room for five long minutes, but there was no sign of revival or even the start of healing.

Had it failed? Had too much time passed for the blood to work?

With a disappointed sigh, I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair, my gaze still fixed on her lifeless form.

It seemed I would have to return her body to where I found it; leaving her to rot in my room wasn't an option.

As I took a step, preparing to activate my powers, Eden's body suddenly twitched, causing me to halt in my tracks. Did she just twitch?

Her entire body began to convulse, and my eyes widened with excitement. It was finally working!

In an instant, the room filled with the sounds of bones shifting and cracking. Eden's neck gradually realigned itself to its proper position.

Her pale skin and lips regained color, and a feeble groan escaped her lips as her eyelids trembled. Slowly, her eyelids lifted, revealing her black eyes and the healthy whites beneath.

Without warning, she gasped loudly, startling me for a moment. She raised her upper body, her gaze shifting downward as she started rubbing her head.

"...Urgh... where am I?" She murmured softly, her voice trembling with confusion.

"In the land of the living," I replied calmly, hiding my excitement.

She froze and then withdrew her hand from her head, lifting it to look at me with wide eyes.

"Xander?" She tilted her head in confusion, turning her gaze around the room. Her eyes widened further like saucers.

"Where is this place? What am I doing here? I'm supposed to be in the ce——"

But before she could finish her sentence, she froze once more. Her eyebrows shot up, and her eyes filled with horror as she pieced it together.

"...I was in Sylar's cell... he used his power to throw me into the glass and then killed me," She muttered slowly, her voice shaking. "I—remember... him smiling... as he crushed my neck. I remember it all..."

Her tone was ice-cold, sending shivers through the room. I frowned deeply as I heard her, a sense of unease washing over me.

"But–But... I'm still alive. How is that possible? How am I still alive?" She asked, her voice trembling, still in shock, and addressing herself. It was as though she couldn't grasp the reality of her situation.

"It's simple. I brought you back," I asserted, trying to maintain a sense of composure.

She stopped shaking and mechanically raised her gaze to meet mine, her eyes wide with shock and surprise.

"...You brought me back?" She inquired in astonishment. "How?"

"That's not important right now," I replied, shaking my head to maintain the facade. My hands were tucked into my hoodie pockets, concealing the syringe. "What matters is that you're alive. We'll sort out the details later."

"Why am I here?" She asked in a soft voice, her shock beginning to dissipate, leaving behind confusion. "How did you get my body?"

Sigh...I was going to hate myself for what I was about to do but it had to be done. I needed her on my side when the time came.

I'd deal with my emotions later...

"I have your people to thank for that," I stated, feigning a bit of hesitation. I looked at her with faux sadness. "I returned to the base to warn you about Sylar, but when I arrived, you were already dead. Sylar had already escaped."

As I paused to let that sink in, her shock heightened. I continued carefully before she could respond, calling upon the skill my father taught me.

"After that, Mr. Bennet ordered his men to take your lifeless body and discard it unceremoniously at the edge of Lake Ramsey, claiming that he'd let the authorities handle it."

Her shock deepened as I recounted the twisted story. I lowered my head to hide my face as if overwhelmed by guilt. I continued in a somber tone, my hands clenching into tight fists.

"You were dead, and they were treating you like trash. I couldn't let that happen. I had a chance to save you, a way that I remembered, so I decided to do it, to redeem myself."

"So, I followed the people responsible for disposing of your body, and after they left, I managed to take your body. That's how we ended up here," I explained, my quivering voice filled with sadness "...I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me. It's all my fault." My fists shook.

Silence filled the room after I concluded my story. Then, Eden let out a deep sigh.

"I see. I suppose I owe you now. Thank you," Eden said softly. I heard her stand up from the bed and move closer to me. "It's not your fault, Xander. You warned me the first time, but I didn't listen, and you tried to do it a second time despite the danger. You did your best, even though you don't exactly know me. You're my hero."

She suddenly pulled me into a tight hug, whispering softly in my ear. Her voice was soft, filled with warmth and gratitude.

Playing my part, I reciprocated the hug, wrapping my arms around her waist and pretending to be moved by her words. Inside, I struggled to push down the disgust that welled up within me.

...It was all for the greater good.

KingSeyer KingSeyer

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C55
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


