46.66% THE HUNT IS ON / Chapter 7: 07. Attacked

章 7: 07. Attacked

I was laying on Aria's bed and I was so happy to be away from the Caesar household for the weekend, talking on Skype..

"I can't believe they treating you like that, oh my poor child I swear if they ever cross paths with me I'll slap them both overseas.." Sarah said angrily..

Sarah had forgiven me after I contacted her precisely after two weeks and three days of mayhem with the Caesars. She was a very close friend of mine since the third grade and she was kind of like a body guard to me..no one messed with us in school..

She was actually a mean bully, but I had saved her life when she was about to cross the road to get her ball..i had quickly ran towards her and pushed her to the side when the on coming car almost took our lives..

From then on Sarah has stuck to me like glue..in return we came good friends and since I was a bit week she scared of the other kids when they came to bully me..oh how I miss her and the thought of her getting revenge on the Caesar brothers was very sweet..

"Oh please Sarah..you don't know how crazy those two are..Roman ended up spinning me ontop of his head after dinner that night..i almost barfed on him but thank goodness I held it in, I couldn't risk more misfortune having to deal with him again..and I already told you about Derek scarring me half to death with his stupid fast and furious skills..These guys are not to be messed with!! They have a big gang and let me tell you they are just as rowdy as them.."

It was true..their friends that consisted of eight people four from Dereks side and the other four from Romans side were ruthless idiots, some were disgusting clearly as perverted as the brothers, others were cocky, some were intelligent and mature with a nice side to them…but in the end they were all boys!..and raging hormonal teens at their age only think about one thing…

Girls and their package..

"So what!!..Jeana clearly your not safe around those pricks!!" Sarah said worriedly..

"I know..but even though there stupid friends tried to hit on me by falling right on top of me and teasing me…Roman and Derek would beat the crap out of them and warn them.."

"Well that's good Jeana..it seems that they are looking out for you as protective brothers should.." she said with a smile..

"Hah!!!..Sarah please don't jump to conclusions..let me finnish….they would beat the crap out of them and then they told their friends….""Jeana is off limits..because she is our toy""..yeha so much for that brotherly love" I said with venom as I recalled the previous night..

Seeing their face lit up with their stupid grins plastered on their faces..i couldn't believe they made me make coffee, tea and hot chocolate and serve them that very next day when they came around after school..the best part was Denise and my father had a wedding to attend..so I was stuck alone with those two fool and their friends for their guys night out..

10 guys and one nerd girl..things were seriously looking up for me..

"They made me their maid for the night.." I said pathetically..

Sarah was wide eyed shocked and anger written all over her eyes..

"Why those dam idiots..hang in there Jeana..those pricks..gah I wish I could be there to kick all their asses off to Bangkok" I could see the rage in her eyes..it was the kind of rage of a over protective mother trying to protect her cub in the lion king..even those she was a black belt..their friends were thugs with crazy fighting skills..

"Thanks..i'm good, hey I'm not weak after all you are the one who showed me how to be strong..Sarah.." I said reassuring her I was ok..

"Yeah. You need to get back in the game..i'm going to show you some quick moves that will help you out in the future..Aria you can participate too.." Sarah said with delight..

Aria was still in shocking phase as she heard the torture and pain that I was living with the Caesars as their step sister..she bombarded me with many ridiculous questions when I told her at school the next day…

Where does sexy Roman sleep?!, have you ever walked in on them butt naked?!..take a picture next time for vendetta!!..She went on and on..i was laughing and repulsed at the same time as she continued about them being badass and handsome beings..euughh..trying hard not to barf I just tisked and shook my head..

"Yeah sure!!.." she said patting my back for support..she smiled back at Sarah who looked delighted to see her with me…

She had given us both a break down on first basic self defence moves, she also gave us some cool youtube self defence videos to learn from, and we got some preety clever moves..kinda like wrestling moves..

"So Jeana make sure to kick him in the happy place and on his stomach and then you escape.."

She said grinning at me when I told her about the late night kitchen incident that started this crazy war…

"Ha..Sarah you should have seen how Roman was chasing her the next day..he was super pissed.."

I took a break and let Aria and Sarah have a chat while I went to the bathroom..

Even though I knew Aria for three weeks I could tell that all though she was concerned for my well being, she was also happy in love with Roman..even after she saw for herself that he was a player with no feelings about girls hearts towards the Barbie at our school..some crazy part of her liked that about him..his ruthlessness and his big ass ego around the school..this crazy girl had a crush on him..

Aria was nerd…a super rich nerd so walking in to her bathroom was like walking in a five star grand hotel bathroom with a/c…

I wish this was my room!...crazy I know but if you saw the interior and the mirrors with the crazy beautiful chandelier..this bathroom was drop dead gorgeous with it beautiful big windows..

Aria had a huge shower and a outdoor bathtub facing the green forest..she lived in a big estate and her parents owned banks and law firms..i was in awestruck of the whole place..

"JiJi!!..i hope your not sleeping in there!.."


Aria had given me a nickname and I heard Sarah laughing outside…I quickly turned of the tap and when I looked in the mirror..i swear I saw two blue glows in the background..

It was dark and we were a good three floors up…no one can be outside?...


Coming coming..

I was distracted and went back in to join them..

"SARAH COME DOWN!!.." Her mothers voice boomed in the background.

Sarah muttered a curse word from under breath.

"That's the generals call. I got to go. Nice meeting you Aria. Remember keep on practicing the moves. Aria you guys need to stick like glue get it got it good same time next week guys! Meeting adjourned."

We nodded..

"Seeya next week Sarah..bye.."

"Later." she said and logged of Skype..




"Well the weekend has come to an end. Then back to school tommoro." Aria said with a sigh.

Staying with Aria since friday night I got to learn about her side of the story too. She really enjoyed her time with me and told me about how she ended up going to Apollo High.

Unfortunately, Aria was kicked out from one of the most prestigious school's she attended over seas. Why? Because she hacked the school's computer to pass her french test that she was really crap at. However it wasn't her idea. Due to peer pressure Aria agreed to do the sinful task that unfortunately cost her friendship with the girls who'd been using her like a tool, to get what they wanted. The principal caught her and then expelled her.

She'd felt shameful and even worse that she'd let her parents down.

"Hey, the sun doesn't shine every day. We all go through some crazy times in our lives, but we always manage to recover with new friends around.." I said brightly trying to cheer her up..

"You're right Jeana. I'll make it up to them eventually."

Aria had a big heart and she couldn't stand her parents being disappointed at her, she knew very well that they were doing this for her own good and getting her away from the wrong crowd she used to hang out with.

She had just transferred a week ago before me and she had kept to herself mostly to her self, due to trust issues, but luckily she knew I wasn't part of the bad bacth and became good friends easily.

"C'mon lets go do some paintballing in the forest, then go bowling watch a movie in the cinema room. I just got the latest Transformer movie!"


"Ok I hacked the studios."


"Hey, old habits die hard."

I shook her head and chuckled at her criminal mind.

"You're going to get in trouble one day."

"Hey, it's cool so long as they don't find you. Besides I'm like a ghost I never leave traces behind, especially when it comes to the dark net. That's a bad place you know?"




We were set with our paintball guns. Since it was a hot summer day, we both donned on some short shorts and wore tanks tops. I wore a white tank top and Aria one a camouflage one to blend in with the trees.

"Get ready to go down with my crazy shots Ari!" I got my toy weapon ready.

"Your on!"

We high fived each other and entered the deep forest and she gave me a walkitalki so that if I got lost she could guide me back.

"1 2 3 go!"

I flipped a coin.


"Tails I win!" I grinned with joy making her roll her eyes.

"Whatever, I'm going to count to 20 and then I'll hunt you down." She warned.

"Ok, but first I need to do this!"


"What, it's part of the play c'mon hacker girl it'll be fun."

I grabbed her shoulders made her shut her eyes and quickly spun her around as she began the count down while I ran deeper in the forest.




Soon after a while.

Aria had found me due to her excellent navigational skills via tracking my phone.

"Hey, that's cheating!"

"My house, my rules." She started shooting as I dogded her attack.

We were now in attacking position

"Ha! Take that Jiji!!"

We were in battle zone and I had got hit by her a good six times while I hit her more then seven times in a row.

"Crap not the face!!" She squealed.

"Touche!!!Bitch. You got me twice on both cheeks Ari, do you see me complaining?!!"

"Shutup Pizza Slut!"

"BurgerKing Hoe!"

As much as we were foul mouthing each other. Aria and I didn't seem to care, since we were having lots of fun hiding and surprise attacking each other.

I was now hiding behind the tree crouching down and got her again on her ankle

"Your too fast Jiji!!" She whined with a little yelp.

"C'mon then Ari, show me what you got pick up the pace slowpoke" I challenged.

I ran further down. She followed but I climbed a little hill so I could get a good location of her when she followed. I hid once again behind the tree and saw her chase me.

"Jiji!! Where are you?" she shouted calling out my name.

I noticed she kept on looking at her phone trying to locate me out in the distance, but it seemed like she had no luck. The signal must be weak around these deserted parts of the woods.

Oh no your not finding me that easily. I mischiviously grinned.

I saw her head back another way. This girl was going in circles! I was about to come out and get to her but she was fast on her feet and soon headed back towards the direction of her illuminating house.

Crap I almost had her!

I came out of my hiding spot and easily jumped down from the small hill when suddenly I heard a rustle behind me.

Strange? Didn't she just run the other way?

But then again the bushes in these parts were quite thick. Perhaps she found my location and was trying to lure me out?

I turned around and followed the sound, smirking away I thought Ari was lurking near by clever girl was trying to confuse me.

"Ari? Come out I know you're here!"

There was no sound, until my radio went off.

"kssssshhh..Seriously where are you?! Your no way at the house..ksssshh…Mama A out…Ksssshh"

My eyes went wide with fear creeping up on me. I nervously gulped. I was not alone in my surroundings. Someone was here. Watching my every move.

Creeped out for being way too alone around these deserted parts I quickly grabbed my radio.

"Kssshhhh..I'm coming..ksssshhhh…Jedi Jen out…Kssssssshhhh"

"Kssshhh…seriously Jedi Jen? pfffftt…Ksssshh!!!"

I was just about to reply back when I heard another rustle behind me. It was closer than last time and panic quickly got to me.

"Ok, time to head back home Jeana." I muttered lowly to myself with sweat escaping my forehead. I quickly went towards the direction Aria previously ran to, but suddenly a fast dark shadow blocked my path.


"Kssshhhhh…HurXXxXX…Jedi…XXXxxxXX…Jeana your breakixxXXXxx ing XxxXXXxxx..Up!!..KSsssssshhh.."

Crap not now!! The batteries in the radio were dying.

"kshhhsshsh…Ari!!..Wait I'm on my wa..sxxxxx.x.x.xx…KSsshhhssh.."

I turned on my heel the sun had already set. Dawn loomed over the great big forrest I was in. Maybe we shouldn't have run so deep? However we'd been so caught up in attacking and hiding in various places that we didn't realise how deep we'd went.

Night easily surrounded me. I looked around confused at to which path I should take next.

The worst part of being lost was I got the feeling, someone was watching my every move and not only that, the familiar rustle behind me followed me behind me.

I had to hide! I couldn't let whatever was behind me follow me back to the house! What if it was someone or something dangerous? I couldn't put Aria's life at risk like that.

My heart hammered in my chest as I strangely felt this dangerous aura surrounding me in the thick darkness.

I crouched down and lay silently still near the fallen log.

I had to see my pursuer. Maybe it was human? If so, were they lost too?

Sure Jeana, why would a human follow you? You are in the California woods after all! There could be other wild life present. Oh please I know the deer run the in the forest, infact me and Aria did see a couple of in the distance.

Hopefully there are no mountain lions or wolves if my history is correct. There haven't been any dangerous predators in these parts?

I was thinking about it loudly in my head, when I heard a fast cracking noise.


Why does it sound like fast bone cracking?

Curiosity got the better of me and I slowly ducked my head up.

As I did so, my eye went wide with fear and shock. I saw two glowing blue orbs in the distance. The same orbs I'd seen from Aria's bathroom window. The shadow was more clear and frightening as I saw what it finally was.

It was definitely not human.

It was on all fours.

On my knees still crouched down I saw it lock eyes with me. I couldn't breathe for a split second, as though as I was suddenly entranced at it. I couldn't look away because it had the most beautiful glowing eyes I'd ever seen on a wild looking animal.

It's eyes were light blue and I swear I saw specks of silver glowing through it's centre. It was weird, it was like I was staring into it's eyes like I saw the moon.

The creature had me locked in a daze and I suddenly wanted to reach out strangely and touch it. But just as I moved I snapped out of my daze and realised I came across a wild looking animal, who was still hiding in the darkness from me.

I nervously gulped as it flashed it's eyes suddenly pink at me.

"N..N..Nice puppy.." I stuttered in a lowest whisper.

It then growled deeply and stepped out in the moonlight, making my heart pound out of fright.

I was speechless as I let my heart beat do the rest of the talking.

Gasping out loudly my throat wouldn't let me scream out of horror. My breath was caught on the huge form now slowly and dangerously approaching me, whilst it licked it's tongue over his dripping saliva sharp looking teeth.

That was no puppy.

Run You Fool!

I obeyed and turned my direction fast and sprinted not taking a second look back at the four legged huge beast that had big sharp claws, sharp canines black and brown fur, glowing blue angry eyes full of anger.

It growled out giving chase, making me it's prey for the night.

Luckily for me the darkness of the night helped me trip on a large tree trunk! Thanks, circumstances!

I scrambled on the floor and I let instinct take over me..

Play Dead.

I knew very well that I had less chance of survival.

I was dealing with a really huge wild wolf, and not a bear that unfortunately got to Leo. Meh, atleast it got him an oscar, but looking at my terrible state of circumstances. I was not in a movie. This was real life!

Playing dead, worked miraculously on bears. Then my mind quickly went to Jurassic park. Funny, how your mind would work when faced with a dangerous animal that is slowly circling around you, just waiting to pounce on you.

Anyways, they said in the movie, if you didn't move T-Rex couldn't sense you. How wrong was I?! The beast had got to me, when I suddenly felt the pressure upon my back with's it great paw. My heart flipped inside of me as I could feel it's dangerous energy and aura looming over me like a great big shadow.

It started sniffing me up from the back of my exposed legs. It turned me around with it's great big head upon my front. I naturally turned around fighting every fibre in me not to run, even if I wanted to.

I knew escape would be futile.

This creature was fast, and I could feel it's crazy power over me already.

The wolf sniffed at my front chest and neared my neck as I heavily kept my eyes shut, letting it curiously scent me.

Then it strangely gave a lick at my neck and cheek, making me gasp out. I whimpered soft as it turned me back around on my front. I remained lifeless as a log as it circled around me slowly.

As if it was playing with it's prey.

It then leaned it's snout down behind my head and I closed my eyes as it neared my head on the side. It took a sniff at my face and head and I couldn't help but release a slow whimper escaping my lips.

I tried to move ever so slowly underneath from it, but then it's pressure from it's paw heavily came down on my upper back.

It growled near my ear angrily.

Warning me not to move.

"I don't want to die…I want to live…help me god!" I whispered out with my heart pounding away.

"Please! Don't kill me."

I suddenly said it like a wavering whisper with my eyes slipping out with tears.

It let out a wild howl in the air making goosebumps fly upon my skin and then suddenly the wild creature of the night scratched my leg causing me to cry out in bloody pain.

The wild wolf was not going to spare my life. My chances of survival were not looking good as I was thrown in the air suddenly crashing on my back against a tree. Oh, I groaned heavily against the tree my vision was a bit blurred but I could see the huge wolf approach me.

Like it was dealing with a personal vendetta, and I was a clear target.

Quickly I turned around to a crawling position but to my disadvantage it pinned me down to the ground, before I knew what to expect next..


I finally let out a huge loud striking scream echoing the whole forest and the whole nation.

The huge wolf bit me on my left side of the shoulder piercing its deadly canines sharply in my flesh.

It let go of my shoulder it scratched me again right behind my neck clawing its razor sharp deepening the wounds.

"Crazy wolf dog mother efffing.# F.#$@$ .#KKKing .#DUMB@@$$$D0 .#..@##҉ҾṜῩῩῩῩ︠︡" I started screaming at it as it painfully tortured me, with it's deadly attacks.

Just kill me already, why must you do things painfully!

The wolf then did something strange and began to lick away at my wound from my back, legs and on the shoulder.

"No!!! Get away from me!" I grabbed a log nearby and smashed it upon it's head, only for it to through it away with one swish of it's powerful paws. I froze shaking like a leaf as I pulled myself into a curling position in the ground, hiding my head out of it's view.

I cried as it dipped it's head and licked heavily open my bite wound upon my shoulder.

Strangely, I felt my wound burning sensation ease away. What was it doing to me? I gasped unable to move as it continued playing it's tongue trying to relief the crazy pain.

Oh no what if it was tasting me?

By the way it was licking at me strongly, I got a bad feeling it liked my blood.

Seriously Please God!!! I promise to be a good child and obey my lovely brothers. I won't run away from them please help me, I'll be good to them to the extent of protecting them just please save me from this meat eating wolf!

As if my silent prayers were answered.

Three gun shots were fired up in the air and I saw a flash of torches coming through.

"JEANA!!.." Ari said screaming at the top of her lungs.

My wild attacker got the message and he fled the scene in no time.

I had slowly stumbled up to my feet, with blood trickling down my legs, shaking away and leaned on the tree, with my shoulder aching like crazy when it ran away.

"Over Here!!!.." I said weakly as a sudden dizzy spell came over with.

"Oh my god! JEANA!" she cried out as she found me looking very dead upon the ground, unconscious.

Rain_Hero219 Rain_Hero219

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Unknown: I planned to mess with her at first, but then as I got close, I smelled something amazing about her. When she locked eyes with me, I knew I was staring at something rare and beautiful when the moon shined on her. I knew already what she was to me. I hated the fact that she belonged to the enemy clan, but it didn't matter anymore. She's going to be my moon and I'm not going to let her get away from me.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


