5.58% Destroying My Own World / Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Guilds of the World.

章 24: Chapter 24: Guilds of the World.

Mykel was in the White House in Washington DC with Richard and Russel. Russel was informing Mykel about the situation on the other side of the world. Mykel wasn't that surprised when he heard that all the powerful demons that came out of the portal had been taken care of.

"Based on what I have heard and watched, these people are currently sitting on the top as the best and strongest Awakeners," Russel said as he used the lazer pointer at the projected screen.

Mykel looked at the names and wrote them down on his phone because he was interested in each one of them.

"Now, after everything has settled down and the portals seemed to be inactive, these people have formed a guild. These are the names and I have put them in a rank based on the previous information I have shown you," Russel said.


The Rank of Guilds of the World

1. Olympian's Guild (Greece and Italy)

2. Valhalla Guild (Northern Europe)

3. The Sun Guild (Egypt)

4. Golden Lotus (China)

5. Shinshi Clan (Japanese)

6. Winter Guild (Celtic)

7. The Redshield Guild (United Kingdom)

8. Sinhwa Clan (South Korea)

9. The Rebirth Guild (United States)

10. Zoroaster Guild (Middle East)


"I'm sorry if I offend you by putting your guild in the ninth place, but I calculate it not only based on individual power but also the number of members," Russel explained nervously as he looked at Mykel.

"No, I'm fine with that. It would be best if you put my guild out of this since I'm more interested in the other guilds that aren't mentioned here. There must be a lot of guilds with potentials, so you can remove mine in there," Mykel replied as he looked at the names of the guilds. "Or just replace my guild with one of the four guilds here," Mykel suggested.

Mykel was really unbothered by it, and there was one name that took his interest. The Redshield Guild and he didn't know that they made their own guild, and surprisingly better than his guild.

"I'll do that if you want it, Mister Mykel," Russel said.

"Also, if you can. I don't want to be mentioned anywhere or my guild. I want to watch these guilds take their fame and glory from behind the curtain. I'm interested in them and want to see them in person. With that being said, I don't want to be recognized by them yet," Mykel said.

Richard had been so quiet and he looked troubled that Mykel could see it in his face. Richard realized that Mykel had been staring at him, and then Mykel raised his eyebrows.

"This morning, Alfredo contacted me and he wanted to buy the giant demon's body. He gave a stupid amount of money for it, but since it was you who defeated it, I can't give the answer right away, but he didn't know that," Richard said.

"You can do whatever you want with it. I don't need it and neither does my team," Mykel said as he looked at his phone.

Richard nodded with understanding and then discussed it with Russel. Mykel on the other hand had been staring at the Redshield Guild on his phone. He decided to check it out on the internet, but there was barely any information about them.

"I have been wondering. The Redshield made their own guild? Who are the members?" Mykel asked.

"We actually don't know much about it, but the King himself asked for their protection. We tried to dig for any information, but it was really hard to do because the King himself protected their information," Richard answered.

"That's why I believe the Redshield Guild is actually powerful and I put them in the list. Only a few people in the world know that the Redshield created a guild," Russel said.

"Is that so? Then I changed my mind. Tell Alfredo if he wants to buy the demon's body, he has to contact me because I'm the one who killed it," Mykel said as he looked at both of them. "I'm going to dig for information about them," Mykel continued.

"It's risky, can you do it?" Richard asked.

"I'll be fine. Even if I ended up in a bad spot, I won't drag you in. I can promise you that," Mykel answered without hesitation. "That would be great if I could meet him in his place, but that would be impossible at the moment," Mykel continued.

"Wait, hold on a minute. Mister Mykel, I think you're really in luck because a month from now, all the guilds are going to meet. It's still a plan though, but I think it might be happening," Russel said with his arms crossed.

"Who's so optimistic enough to invite them and that all of them would attend that event?" Mykel asked.

"It was Sir Alfredo himself who suggested that, and he planned to bring them all to his palace. He said it was to let all the strong Awakeners know each other," Russel explained.

Mykel scoffed as he put his phone in his pocket.

"He's trying to bring some of them to his side. What a cunning man," Mykel said with a smirk on his face. "Well then, if that's the case I should prepare for that," Mykel continued as he stood up.

Mykel left and went back to New York with the helicopter as he waited for Alfredo to contact him. When he was back in his office, Alfredo hadn't contacted him still, so he just focused on training his team and told them about the Awakeners and the Guilds.

After training was over, he was surfing the Internet and trying to get something about the Redshield family again. This time, he went into a conspiracy theory site and found a lot of interesting coincidences about the world order.

"Illuminati and freemason. They have a lot of branches around Europe," Mykel talked to himself as he put his chin on his knuckles.

He found a lot of old pictures of people wearing a waist cloak with a symbol of an eye inside a triangle. Those people were famous people, and to his surprise, one of them was an ex-president of the United States. He was also surprised when he saw a few core members of the freemason were Redshield.

"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply," Mykel quoted the words that Alfredo's father said. "Give me control of a Nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws," This time, Mykel quoted what Alfredo said. "What an interesting family," Mykel said as he chuckled.

As Mykel dug deeper into the rabbit hole, his phone rang, and it was Alfredo who called him.

"I heard that you were the one who killed the demon, so I immediately call you when I heard it from Russel. Since you must have heard about it, I'll tell you the price for the body that you killed. I'm offering you thirty billion dollars, how's that?" Alfredo asked.

Mykel wanted to decline the offer and was urged to ask for information about the Redshield family in return, but it would be risky and might put him in a bad spot.

"Twenty billion is enough. You don't have to dig your pocket deeper for this. I don't want to make you broke because of doing business with me," Mykel answered.

Alfredo laughed really hard that his voice couldn't be captured, he then cleared his throat and said, "You're underestimating my family wealth, Mykel Alester, but I would gladly accept that."

Mykel hung up the phone after he was done with the matter and continued to surf the Internet. He then found an interesting comment on the article, and it was someone who knew a lot about of Illuminati and Freemason. The person didn't leave any information about themselves, so Mykel clicked on the profile of the person who left that comment.

To his surprise, all the person's comments were always about the Illuminati, Freemason, and Redshield family articles. He read all of the person's comments and found it interesting and all the conspiracy theories that person said were spot on and made Mykel think it all wasn't just a coincidence.

"I need to find this person," Mykel said as he looked out the window.

章 25: Chapter 25: Found you.

Mykel watched as the giant demon was being carried with a crane onto the cargo ship. Rumors started to go around about Mykel and the mysterious person that he was going to do business with. They had so many speculations, but none of them were near the truth because they didn't even know the Redshield.

"It's done, the money has been sent to your headquarters," A man in a gray suit said. He was Alfredo's trusted advisor that dealt with all the business overseas. "It's a pleasure to do business with you, Misfsd Mykel," he continued as he offered his hand for a handshake.

Mykel shook the man's hand and then watched the ship sail as dozens of choppers guarded it from above. The man then went back to his private jet and flew back to the United Kingdom since he had no more business there.

"Good morning, Sir," Anderson said as he looked at Mykel leaving the secured gate into the air site.

"Morning," Mykel replied without batting an eye and then left.

Anderson had been promoted to major in the army for his amazing feat, and he was stationed at the airport and managed the whole area. Eric also got promoted and he became a captain in the army which was also stationed at the airport.

They both knew with whom Mykel was doing business, and they were told to shut their mouths about it. Of course, they did what was told, but that didn't mean they didn't do some research about the Redshield family.

"How could he have the authority to sell that thing? Isn't the president have to get involved in this since that thing could be the most precious thing we might have?" Eric asked as he walked next to Anderson.

"What makes you think the president didn't get involved? Do you know how much money Mykel got from selling that thing?" Anderson asked back as he looked around and hoped nobody was listening to their conversation. "That thing could bring billions of dollars," Anderson nodded up and stared at the biggest cargo plane he had ever seen.

"Yeah, there were a hundred container trucks that came in this morning. We both saw the money was being transferred. There should be tens of billions of dollars back there," Eric said.

"All we know is that the Rebirth Guild is so powerful now. They have less than twenty Awakeners, and yet they could take over the whole city on their own. As we speak, they will only grow more powerful," Anderson answered. "The president gained something from this as well, that's why he let the Rebirth Guild do whatever they want," Anderson continued.

"Let's stop talking about this and grab lunch," Anderson said. "I hope Anzel is fine out there. He has been on a mission to take back the cities out there," Anderson sighed as he looked at his phone.

Eric nodded with understanding and went to the cafeteria to eat lunch.

Mykel was on his way back to headquarters as he stared at his phone. He suddenly stopped scrolling as he looked at an article made by the user that he had been looking for. The article was released three days ago, and it was about the Redshield family and his infinite wealth.

"So you're still alive, that's a good sign," Mykel said as he put down his phone and looked outside the window. "Let's find where you live," Mykel continued and planned to ask someone to track down the user's information.

As soon as Mykel went back to headquarters, he went to the floors where his employees worked. He asked them if there was someone who could track someone's IP address from a website.

"I can, Sir!" A man raised his hand and looked at Mykel with confidence.

"Come to my office," Mykel said.

Mykel told the man what to do and straight to the point that made the man feel nervous. The man knew why Mykel was interested in the user because he could read the articles and what it were all about. As he was doing his job, his head couldn't stop thinking about it, and bothered him a bit.

"I found the person's address, and even his name," The man said.

"Let me see," Mykel said as he leaned his head at the screen. "Huh? He's way closer than I thought," Mykel smiled as he chuckled.

"Is that all, Sir?" The man asked nervously.

Mykel didn't say anything as he grabbed his pack of cigarettes from his suit pocket. The silence made the man more nervous because he knew that Mykel knew what he saw was something that should be kept a secret.

"Edward Hugh. You have little sister and a mother in the apartment on the hundred and fourth street. Their apartment room is thirty-seven, isn't that right?" Mykel asked as he lit his cigarette.

"Y-yes Sir..." Edward nodded his head repeatedly became he never thought Mykel would know his name and where he lived.

"A single word coming out of your mouth about this. I'll make sure you see the death of your sister and mother, do you understand?" Mykel asked and stared into Edward's eye.

"I swear on my life and I swear to God that I won't say anything. I'll try to erase this from my head!" Edward answered as he started to tear up.

"Good, now go back to work. I'll pay you triple the amount of your paycheck for a year. That's if you decided to stay," Mykel said. "I suggest you stay so I can monitor you. Or you can leave, but you will have to say goodbye to your family," Mykel warned.

Edward nodded his head repeatedly as he sobbed in fear. He then left Mykel's office as he wiped his tears and went straight to the restroom to clean his pants.

"Why do you specifically bring us here? Is there someone important that you want us to meet?" Aurea asked as she looked at the apartment in front of her with Jeanne and Elena next to her.

"Something like that, but I brought you guys here because I think you guys might be interested. Let's head in," Mykel said as he entered the apartment.

Mykel asked the receptionist and mentioned the man's name, Harold Erickson. The receptionist hesitated to give him where Harold lived, but then Mykel put a thousand dollars on the desk. The receptionist immediately gave the room number to Mykel after he took the money.

Mykel stood in front of the door and knocked on it gently. They were quiet and tried to listen to hear if there were any doorsteps coming from behind the door.

"Yes? Can I help you?" An old man with messy hair and round glasses looked at Mykel through the small gap in the door.

"Harold Erickson, I'm interested in your article. You might think I'm suspicious to know where you live, but you should know who I am, and I'm curious about the Redshield family," Mykel said.

Harold looked at Jeanne, Elena, and Aurea who stood right behind Mykel. Jeanne and Elena gently smiled at him to show that they meant no harm, except Aurea who had been judgingly staring at him.

"Yeah, I know who you are. You're Mykel Alester," Harold said.

"That's right, and I have been doing business with Alfredo Mayer de Redshield. I need to know what kind of man he is," Mykel nodded his head as he kept his distance between him and the door to put Harold at ease.

"You're playing with the incarnation of the devil," Harold said and he looked at Mykel with pity. "Come in, I'll give you everything I know," Harold opened the door and let them in.

Mykel looked around and saw so many books about demons on the shelves inside his apartment. He then looked at the desk and table that were filled with papers, and he saw the same symbols that the Gatekeeper had.

"Do you want tea? Coffee? Or perhaps whiskey?" Harold asked. "You look like someone who enjoys alcohol, so whiskey it is. With rocks or not?" Harold asked again.

"I'm fine either way," Mykel answered.

"What about you, ladies?" Harold looked at the three of them.

They all shook their heads because they were still confused as to why they were there. All they knew was that it was about Alfredo and his family, Redshield. They realized about the books and the papers around them, they wondered who Harold was and why Mykel was interested in him.

"Please have a seat," Harold said as he pointed at his dining table and put the glass of whiskey down.

They sat down and looked at Harold who was busy searching for something in the drawer. He then came back and sat down with a pile of papers and documents in his hands.

"I would ask anyone who came to me if they believe in demons, but I guess that question is no longer necessary," Harold said and chuckled. "This time, I'm going to ask you if you believe that demons have been living among us in the past few centuries?" Harold asked as he looked at Mykel.

Mykel emptied the glass in a single gulp, and then said, "Go on. I'm listening."

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