18.18% Gaara IN MHA(Version 2) / Chapter 1: The Little monster

章 1: The Little monster

Hello, IsekaiFan here, i saw the comments in the other book saying how illogical it all was, and how many plot holes there were, i agree with that and i saw that i really left a lot of information blank, so, taking that into account, i decided to stop being lazy (i I made the previous FanFic literally without thinking and I just wrote what came into my head), so after 1 hour and 30 minutes writing nonstop and with total concentration on the Novel, I made this new version of the FanFic, I don't believe I will please everyone, but the improvement in information has increased considerably (I will leave the initial product for everyone to see), and I have made the scenes more detailed, this will also explain the reason for the strength he has at 5 years old, yes, I will continue with my idea it's only 8 years old for the plot to start, I won't make changes anymore, if you don't like the story, you're free to drop this, the initial chapters may not make sense at first, but if you wait for further development, everything will start to change. to fit in.


"..." -Talking

'...' - Thinking

[...] - Message


(PoV MC)

I'm having a strange feeling through my body, I don't know how to describe it but the closest is the feeling of a baby in its mother's womb, I feel like I'm drowning in bubbling water...

But how did I get here?

----------------------------------------Flashback Time-------------------------------------

I was in my room watching the recently released anime called My Hero Academia that I had waited until I had the first three episodes to give the story a chance, as a professional critic (self titled) I looked for a post on the forum to debate, and soon I found my target

His name was IAMGOD which I thought was a peculiar name, but I couldn't judge, after a long debate we soon started laughing together as if it were a joke to pass the time, we ended up being silent as if we appreciated the time, soon he was the first to say

[I haven't laughed this hard in a long time! Tell me Shadow(nickname) if you went to MHA what power would you choose? Of course, respecting the world level] – IAMGOD

After thinking about the answer for a long time, I remembered a character that I loved as a child so much for his personality and power

[If I were to analyze all the possibilities I would choose Gaara and his powers, because of how versatile he transformed his power, of course also considering the bijuu, Shukaku, as part of his power, just so that his level was much higher than most, I can't say if he would be able to defeat All Might since I haven't seen much about him] - Shadow

After my answer, 1 minute passed without me receiving a message, when I was about to give up, I suddenly saw it written

[Are you sure of your choice?] – IAMGOD

I didn't understand why he said those words but I answered without thinking too much

[Yes] – Shadow

[Then I wish you good luck] – IAMGOD

When I read those words I suddenly felt a great sleep and now I am in the current situation

-----------------------------------End of Flashback----------------------------------------------------

When these memories came back I suddenly started to feel my body, trying to open my eyes I saw that I was inside a cylindrical glass capsule, I couldn't look more closely because my sight was blurring and soon I had to close it, but before I saw two people in front of me in white coats looking at me in astonishment, and after what appeared to be an argument, one of them ran from the room. With my eyes closed I felt a sudden and powerful urge that made me fall asleep.

(PoV Doctor- Saijou Miyamura)(It's a random name so don't worry, this is just for identification)

My name is Saijou Miyamura, I am an illegal scientist working in the suburbs of Hosu City, when I was caught doing illegal experiments at my former workplace, while running away, I was met by a man who was wearing the attire of a conventional bartender, but his face it was hidden by a dense mist, as if its body was made from it.

"You are the scientist Saijou I presume" – said the being that I didn't recognize

By knowing my identity, I was soon alert and held a gun that I had hidden in my lab coat in case it was necessary, with a touch of anxiety on my face, I soon asked the being.

"Who the hell are you! Show yourself!"

Even seeing my gun pointing at him, the being didn't back down and just raised his hands as if he was mocking me.

"Calm down sir Saijou, I'm here to make you an offer"

At first I didn't answer but I waved for him to continue, of course, without taking my eyes off him.

"I want you to participate in our project, you and another qualified team of scientists will carry out experiments related to humans, or rather laboratory rats, in search of creating a perfect being in everything, this will not be without remuneration, I will give you a safe place for research and money, what do you think? It's a good offer isn't it?"

I found it really tempting but couldn't help but doubt it, this offer was too good to be true so to confirm what I should do at the moment I asked

"Who is behind you? Who is your leader!"

"Come on Mister Saijou, that's not important right now, know that I can help you escape this place if you agree to our agreement, but if you want to know who my boss is, you can look back"

When those words were said I felt a cold sweat on my back and a great pressure on my body, I looked back as I felt such pressure on me and what I saw was just a huge person with an evil look on his face, even so , I couldn't help but recognize the figure, it was someone well known in the criminal underworld, even if he was unknown to the sunlit world, because of his control of the media. My eyes couldn't hide the horror I was feeling at this moment and my face was completely pale.

"A-All for One *gulp"

"So doctor… are you willing to contribute with us or not?" - the creature that was behind me spoke.

So after that incident four years have passed, I am currently working for All for One in a hidden place in the city of Hosu, in the beginning I soon understood how the experiments would be carried out, we would use incubator capsules to create human fetuses, right in their initial moments we would give different types of serums and strengthen their bodies soon as they developed, not everything was perfect and only 3 fetuses out of a hundred that we had previously managed to survive to become full babies.

With that, we moved them to bigger capsules to spend all the rest of their development in them, with that a year went by that we studied how to give them permanent power, during that time we didn't touch the Alpha, Omega and Delta projects (as they will be called for now), but soon after some positive results we used the serum on them definitely, All for One didn't stop us and as long as we got results he wouldn't do anything to us.

The serum was tested on all three but unfortunately Delta died in the process, the other two showed no change but through blood and body tissue samples we saw that their muscles and skin became stronger, and their blood now seemed to have a higher duplication, causing his regeneration to be increased.

We were happy with the result, but it was still not enough, we had to create the perfect being, the one that even in his state of weakness remained at the top, soon more and more experiments were carried out, involving both, whether on mental, cognitive improvement , enhanced senses, strength and stamina, all have been tested, unfortunately the Omega project died midway, leaving us with only Alpha still alive.

Seeing that, we were considerably discouraged, but we didn't give up, he was our hope to stay safe and alive, with that it had been three years since the project had been created, in the third year of the project (they took 1 year doing the experiments that resulted in the death of omega ), Alpha appeared to be perfect, his body, genetically modified, showed no signs of defects, be it muscle mass, DNA, skin, eyes, mind, anything possible, he was perfect, but we didn't stop there.

We continued tests involving his body, we pushed him to the limit possible, and soon, half a year had passed in this way, there was nothing more we could do, what we hoped was that soon he would wake up from his sleep and show us real effects of our creation , there was nothing else we could do with his body, ourselves, now it depended only on him and how he would train his body and Quirk. (with the tests they did in Alpha all these years it is logical that they would notice that he had a Quirk)

Even with that, we did not fail to notify All for One about all the progress made, and they rewarded us very well, the child even after all this time still did not wake up, afraid we did tests to see how his mental state was, and we saw that it was healthy, with no bugs in it.

More than half a year passed like this, Alpha, on its fourth anniversary since its creation, showed active signals in the brain for the first time in years, after that we went day after day in its capsule waiting for it to wake up.

-----------------------------Moments Before the MC's Awakening------------

There was me and another colleague walking normally along the corridor towards Alpha's room, this for us has already become routine, but today I woke up with a different feeling, feeling a hint of anxiety and animation, entering the room soon I noticed that Alpha still had his eyes closed, when I was about to give up, turning my back to the capsule, my colleague started screaming.


I hurriedly looked at him because I didn't understand what happened, he had fallen to the ground shaking completely, on his face was a huge shock and in his eyes there was a light being radiated in joy and excitement, I didn't understand at first but then he pointed to the capsule where Alpha was with her fingers shaking.

"L-L-Look! A-Alpha has woken up! Alpha woke up!"

When I heard that my eyes immediately moved to the capsule and I clearly saw his open eyes looking all around, he had made some subtle movements to change direction, but right after his eyes met mine he was closing them, at that moment, I quickly shouted to my companion, with a gigantic smile on my face and a completely crazed and joyful look on my face.</font>

"Kayaku! Go quickly deliver the news to All for One! Our little monster just woke up!"

Hearing that, he didn't question it and immediately ran outside in search of contacting the others.


So... there it is, taking into account the comments of the previous FanFic, this novel will be NoHarem, that's because I saw that in the future, it will contribute a lot to develop the characters, mainly the personality of the MC who, by the way, will have a lot of development in the middle to the end of the story, all this due to FMC, which obviously I will not say who it is, but it will have a great contrast with the personality that I want to give to Gaara, or better known in this chapter as: Project Alpha

This Chapter Have 3,1K of words, Enjoy!

Edit: I Fixed the initial bug, but i don't undestand what happened

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


