61.49% Salvatore Saga, Part One:My life with Damon. / Chapter 345: 24. The River Of Dreams.

章 345: 24. The River Of Dreams.

Magnum, his body weary from a long demon-hunting gig, drove through the dimly lit streets of Vermont toward his hotel. Exhausted and desperate for rest, he hadn't been able to contact Mimi, and Damien's dilemma lingered in his mind, a puzzle without a solution.

The memory of Mimi's joy during the cat show tour clashed with the haunting images of the gig where countless lives were lost, leaving her spirit wounded. Months had passed since Magnum had taken Damon or Damien to Nevada, and he had confided in Dresden, revealing the truth.

With a sigh, Dresden confessed his prior knowledge of Damien living within Damon, a revelation that empowered him to take action. However, Magnum's urgency to confront the demons forced him to awaken Damon or Damien, knowing that Dresden couldn't arrive in time. Yet the wizard had promised to create a potion to conceal Damien.

The real challenge, however, lay in bolstering Damon's abilities to combat the malevolence within him. This was uncharted territory for Dresden, and uncertainty clouded the situation. Damon's own strength would be pivotal, and Dresden feared that any misstep or ill-fated potion could weaken rather than fortify him. Therefore, for now, Dresden could only act when Damien surfaced.

Parking the car, Magnum pondered his next move. His fury towards Sark simmered within, aware of the consequences Mimi had inflicted upon his allies. Perhaps accompanying Mimi to the base would offer solace and protection. Magnum had aided Ruby, ensuring his safety alongside Jake and Rob. Together, they would guide her on her journey.

Exiting the car, he retrieved his bag and fished the key to his hotel room from his pocket, unlocking the door. An overpowering stench assaulted his nostrils, a noxious blend of blood, vomit, and unknown horrors. Magnum instinctively breathed through his mouth, fighting back the urge to retch. Flicking on the lights, he spotted a scroll resting on the couch. A shock coursed through him as he recognized the blood-red strands of hair, realizing it belonged to Mimi.

He let out a loud curse, the frustration clear in his voice. He quickly reached for his phone and dialed Samuel's number, his fingers tapping against the screen. Samuel assured him he would come with Colin to aid Mimi, promising to arrive within an hour.

The urgency in Samuel's voice was palpable as he said, "See if you can rouse her from her slumber. Wrap her in something clean if you dare to move her. That damned Damien has likely abducted and tormented him."

Magnum's voice trembled with regret as he replied, "Yeah, damn it, I should have delivered Salvatore straight to Dresden. Why didn't I think? Oh, damn it, Mimi is growling."

Samuel's voice tried to steady him. "Alright, don't panic. She's injured and in a terrible state, and her feline instincts might be heightened. There's also the vampire side, but if you're cautious, she won't harm you."

Magnum reluctantly agreed. "Fine, start making your way here, then. I'll do my best to extract her from that musty blanket." The call ended, and Magnum hurried to gather sheets and towels.

I awoke to the muffled sound of hushed voices, confusion immediately clouding my mind. As I struggled to regain my bearings, an unfamiliar scent filled the air, foreign and unsettling. A low growl involuntarily rumbled from deep within my chest.

Squinting my eyes open, I found myself in a dimly lit hotel room or perhaps a dingy motel. And there, standing before me, was Magnum. His voice mingled with Samuel's distant voice emanating from the phone. Magnum was speaking about me, relaying our situation to Samuel. The conversation seemed to stretch on until finally; he ended the call, disappearing into another room momentarily before returning with a bundle of bedsheets and towels in his arms.

"Mimi, I'll do what I can to help," he murmured, his frustration clear in his voice. "First, let's get you out of this moldy blanket. Then I'll wrap you up in a towel and sheet."

He cursed softly under his breath as he wrapped off the surrounding blanket gently. A sharp intake of breath escaped him as he caught sight of my naked body.

I mustered a weak reassurance. "My joints are inflamed and dislocated. They've been subjected to grinding and stretching. I'm also battling a cold and an unquenchable thirst for blood, but I assure you, I'm not in the mood to attack. Don't worry."

I wasn't certain how well Magnum heard my whispered words, but at least I had conveyed something, or so I hoped. Sensing my unease, Magnum hushed me, urging me to be quiet as he mentioned the impending arrival of Samuel and Colin.

"There's nothing to worry about," he assured me.

I resigned, and I ceased my attempts at conversation. Magnum lifted me with astonishing gentleness, cradling me in his arms, his murmurs of surprise at my lack of weight barely audible. He carefully placed me onto the bed, layering towels and sheets around me, securing me in a cocoon of warmth. The blanket was then draped over me, providing an additional layer of comfort.

With a soft towel in hand, Magnum cleaned my face gently. The nausea surged within me once more, and I couldn't contain the expulsion of bloody foam and unknown substances. Magnum remained silent, focused on aiding me and cleansing my face. I could sense his frustration and self-blame.

In an attempt to ease his burden, I whispered, "It wasn't your fault. Damien is a sadist, deriving pleasure from inflicting pain. He was merely following his own twisted desires."

Magnum, his voice filled with determination, responded, "Dresden knows. Did you hear me? He knows, and he will make Damien back off. Everything will be okay."

I nodded weakly, my body convulsing as I vomited once again. Magnum settled beside me, his presence a comforting anchor, as he tried to keep me still. The excruciating pain from my misaligned joints made it impossible to find respite in sleep. The chill in the room seemed to intensify, casting a yellowish hue over the dim lights. Restlessness consumed me, exacerbating my already dire condition. 

Samuel sent a message to Magnum, saying that they were just pulling into the motel yard, so Magnum went to meet Colin and Samuel. Magnum spoke in a low voice. He knew just as well how keen Mimi's ears were, so there was no need for her to hear everything.

"Mimi is pretty damn weak again. Her joints have somehow been treated, so they can't hold in place. She's vomiting or trying to vomit. Her skin is full of blisters and sores. She's got a fever, Damien tortured her for six weeks, and I've got her wrapped in towels and sheets now, but she's barely got any skin on. She probably weighs about 20 kilos or so. She is just a weak skeleton, and she's got a terrible bloodlust; Damien drained her blood just from her neck for so long that Mimi's vampire side is showing again. But she purrs,"

Magnum tried telling the two doctors everything he had seen, but Mimi's condition disturbed him again. 

Samuel said. "It's Mimi's cat side trying to calm and comfort herself. It's not a sign that everything's okay. We've got another godless job, but you go find Damon and deliver him to Dresden. Because once again, he's the best one to fix Mimi. When he surfaces, that is."

Magnum nodded and went on to his prey. Samuel and Colin stripped off their jackets and grabbed some supplies, which were already at the ready.

Colin said, "Hopefully, the lady's straps won't get cranky again. Still, I've got some strap-strengthening drops in store."

Samuel nodded, and they went into the bedroom to look through Mimi.

Colin and Samuel approached me, their footsteps echoing softly in the room. Colin's voice broke through the silence. "It's time for my fine young lady first to have a few of these little drops."

As he spoke, he gently brushed some liquid onto the inside of my mouth, causing a tingling sensation on my lips. Unbeknownst to me, I had been purring quietly, lost in a state of confusion. My feline side was comforting itself. 

Gradually, the men unwrapped me, their hands groping me through the haze of the moment. Samuel maintained a neutral expression while I fought to stay awake amidst the overwhelming pain that engulfed me from all directions.

Miraculously, Mirella was awake, unlike Mimosa, and she spoke up. "I could help if I got away from you. At least for a while before Magnum gets Damon fixed up."

I confided in Mirella, trusting her implicitly. "Go ahead if you can," I replied. 

Mirella contemplated for a moment before responding, "I can probably be out for three to five days already. I can help you out a bit if those two will let me. I know you really well, so I know what I'm doing."

With determination, Mirella leaped out, surprising Samuel, who recognized the tall blonde woman as Mirella. She assured him, "How about I just tell you two what we have been going through again these past six weeks once we get Mimi out of pain? She's full of metals, mercury in particular, which causes very nasty nausea. Do either of you have anything for that? I was awake most of the time, although I felt nothing, but I know what Damien did to Mimi."

Colin assisted me as I vomited again, my pale lips oozing bloody foam.

Mirella explained, "As you can see, she is vomiting a lot; she is very unwell. She is in a lot of pain all the time, confused, feverish, and bloodthirsty. So vomiting would be at least one thing you could get rid of." 

Samuel rummaged through his bag and declared, "Yes, I can help with all those problems. The solution is simple. Let's put the lady into a deep sleep so the nausea and pain won't reach her. Works every time."

Mirella nodded, leading Colin to another room where she divulged almost everything that had been done to me.

Meanwhile, Samuel approached me and reassured me, "Do you feel wise now? Don't worry. This will make the nausea go away."

With swift precision, he inserted a needle straight into my heart from my side. Instantly, the world around me faded as I succumbed to a deep sleep.

Samuel took a quick, apprehensive look at Mimi. This one had no skin, and her exposed muscles and tendons were distressing. The heat radiating from her body showed a raging fever. Every joint was swollen and inflamed, causing excruciating pain. Surgery seemed imminent, but Samuel couldn't be certain yet.

He hesitated to administer any other medication, opting instead to rely on the powerful sedative he had given her. The drug would keep her unconscious throughout the journey back home. Once there, he planned to give her another soothing jelly bath and provide additional support for her joints.

Carefully, he swathed Mimi in tightly wrapped sheets, hoping they would alleviate some of the strain on her fragile limbs. With utmost caution, he lifted her into the car, feeling the weight of her suffering in his arms. Colin and Mirella climbed in beside them.

As they set off, Mirella attempted to flirt with Colin, but he remained unimpressed, sensing something unsettling about her. Colin had learned to trust his instincts, and at this moment, they told him to keep his distance.

They drove to the dimly lit house, the sound of the engine echoing in the quiet neighborhood. Samuel carefully retrieved a sturdy stretcher, its metal frame cold to the touch, to transfer Mimi more comfortably. He was determined to keep her joints aligned, knowing that any misalignment would only intensify the pain once she began healing. The anticipation of when that healing would occur weighed heavily on his mind as he prepared to clean her joints and administer antibiotics.

Meanwhile, Colin and Mirella engaged in a hushed conversation, their voices barely audible over the hum of the nearby equipment. They discussed Samuel's return to work, their concern clear in their furrowed brows. The squelching sound filled the room as Samuel gently placed Mimi in the gel-like substance. He carefully supported her fragile joints, his hands trembling slightly with the weight of responsibility. To ease some of Mimi's discomfort, he added Damon's blood to the gel, hoping it would provide some relief to her delicate skin.

A strong antiseptic scent permeated the air as Samuel administered the powerful antibiotic, its bitter smell lingering on his nose. The thick consistency of the gel provided much-needed support for Mimi's frail body, offering a small measure of stability. Samuel knew he needed to find a way to further stabilize her before resorting to more drastic measures. He had already conducted blood tests, revealing a chaotic mix of metals, herbs, and drugs in Mimi's system, exacerbating the inflammation.

Exhausted, Samuel leaned back in his chair, the worn leather creaking beneath him. He let out a weary sigh, fully aware of the arduous journey ahead for them all. As he contemplated the situation, he realized that Damon's self-blame only fueled Damien's power, creating a dangerous cycle that needed to be broken. How could he convince Damon to release himself from this guilt, knowing it was crucial for Mimi's recovery and to prevent further torment?

Time was of the essence, and Mirella had to reluctantly go back into Mimi's mind within the next 24 hours, unable to be out, as Mimi was too weak. Colin and Samuel tried to stabilize Mimi's deteriorating condition. Samuel felt disgusted when Mirella suggested an unconventional approach. She proposed methods that bordered on brutality, such as removing skin or ligaments. They waited anxiously, as Magnum recently reported capturing Damien, and now they relied on Dresden to bring Damon back to the surface to aid Mimi.

Colin and Samuel diligently worked on Mimi's joints, their tools clinking softly as they carefully opened them up. The scent of antiseptic filled the room once more, mingling with the metallic tang of blood. The infection stubbornly persisted, causing Mimi's straps to strain under the pressure. Colin focused on reinforcing the straps as he focused on getting rid of all the infected tissues on Mimi's battered joints. The sound of his tools scraping against metal echoed in the room.

He shared his expertise and taught Samuel techniques to strengthen the straps, keeping Mimi painless and in a deep sleep. Stress and pain also made the straps weaker. Painless rest was best for Mimi right now, and Mimi was in no condition to move and crawl onto the floor. Though hesitant to divulge his drops or their ingredients, Colin appreciated Samuel's resourcefulness as he discovered alternative medicines and substances that proved effective.

The room remained filled with an air of tension as they all awaited the results of Magnum's capture. Time seemed to stretch endlessly, each passing moment intensifying their anxiety. But amidst the uncertainty, there was a glimmer of hope that they might finally find a solution to Mimi's plight. 

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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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