35.11% Salvatore Saga, Part One:My life with Damon. / Chapter 197: 36. Hasta Manana.

章 197: 36. Hasta Manana.

I ended up doing all sorts of gigs around America for nine weeks, buying a few more mansions on the way, living on bases part of the time, and organizing from there. I had money and if I saw one that I wanted I bought it. 

Adam was on a couple of the gigs, or I left him to do the gigs, and then I went elsewhere. I heard rumors that Salvatore was taking a relaxing couple of weeks' cruise in the Caribbean, but I didn't care now.

I was in work mode, and with Damon and I being a divorced couple, he was free to do what he wanted. I knew the vampire man was fooling around with other women even if he was married, so I didn't care. I didn't have to care. I was free to focus on my work and not need to make sure to have time for relationship. 

Damon and I weren't in a relationship that I had any right to claim him for myself, now I was literally on the same level with other women and I wasn't tall, big-breasted, and wide of the hips, Damon's taste in women went in that direction more than anything else.

I was 55 kilos fucking fit, full of muscle, and swimming had kept my body in shape. I wasn't curvy. In fact, I wasn't even in a horrible fucking mood now. Month after month went by, and the lust for the fucking diminished. It lost its meaning when it was just something I sometimes did.

I felt less like a woman and more like leader, doer and even in part soldier as well. Organizer. I had many roles and my organization was the one taking my focus right now. I was no time to be beloved, woman, sex-beast. Not right now.

And sometimes, I could do but when the blow-ups and planning protocols and safety systems took up most of my time, I was focused on them. Magnum helped some, but then again, Jarod was also helpful when he got on the bad guys' heads, so to speak, and I got a few extra tips on what to consider and what to equip myself with. Jarod spent time in bases with me if he happened to be area. As Centre was after him, he had to move from time to time so centre became one enemy of us too. I put quite few fleas to see how we could best crippled them.

I then went through the protocols also with Adam. We were working full time, and he took a few of his army buddies along for the ride then. We agreed on the most effective protocols and protective gear, and Magnum was the main planner, but he had recruited more people to do all the work, whatever was needed. It was just obvious that we had to gear up for part of the job quite comprehensively. I had gotten my first real lesson of need of proper safety gear on one goddamn mission what was supposed to be easy one.

If it hadn't been for Penn, Brian, and Fred, my trusty sidekicks, at one of the blow-ups, I would have been caught when I found I was still vulnerable to tasers. They had taken taser bullets. One hit my leg and stunned me instantly, and if it hadn't been for my support team carrying me to safety in time, the guards that were coming would have taken me for a Krycheck once again. I was out like a light from one fucking bullet for three hours and I compelled them more or less to see that it had not been that bad. 

But I didn't tell Adam about this at all and downplayed it conveniently to Magnum, but he made me some bulletproof pants or ones that didn't let the taser bullets work. It was one of those balance of terror things where the bad guy made a move; we made a countermove, and the bad guys reacted to them again. If only Adam or Damon would have known, I was not sure what they would have done to me. So I kept my secrets.

 I had jobs all over America, and I got to be a leader effectively before I went to Las Vegas to play waitress. The gig was simple. I was in the casinos, waiting tables and listening. All day, I listened and walked around in my little waitress outfit. This was job for women and I was in good shape enough to pull this through.

I wore fishnet tights with a short black skirt, a tight white shirt, and my hair was in braids. I kept it blonde now and proper makeup on, high heels on my feet. I had tight body corset that gave me more hourglass shape, lifted my breasts properly up. There were a lot of supernaturals, alphas, vampires, succubi, incubi, and all kinds of people from all over the world, even from the underworld, and I walked between the tables carrying dishes and drinks, food, letting the men stare and comment on my body. I was now pretending to be human and trying to be a bimbo blonde to the best of my ability. 

It was not hard role to pull, not at all as world was full of bimbos. I was just one more of them. Again, with my memory, I was getting quite juicy information, from everything and everyone. Lot of info was like that I did nothing to it, yet, like very descriptive stories of alpha parties, where there had been this time five young bitches to learn how to take cock and fuck. Or quite dark stories few vampires that were discussing what they dare to do as Lord Salvatore seems to be everywhere and he always knows. I hoped not, and that my disguise was good enough. My vampire husband did not need to see this. He might take this wrong way.

There were quite many alphas talking about heat, bitches, how they are waiting when someone gets heat so whole pack gets to fuck. Poor girls. It was not my job to stop that, but I did not want to be werewolf, not at all. Few packs were planning killing Bran. I almost stopped and thanked them. 

There were few tables full of vampire women, I was more or less rolling my eyes as these were Damon's fans; they praised him, more or less and talked about how he fucks them all the time and takes to movies and whatever. I felt nothing. I did not let myself feel anything. I was now Flea. Not Mimi.

 Oh, that I got a lot of information, which I passed on to the fleas and considerately to Adam because I knew Bran hadn't let us out of his grip. On the blasting missions, I had already done protocols, things to ensure safety at all times.

My mind worked its own way. So I came up with my own things. Again, surprise was our side as my protocols were something new. This job gave my mind ample time to think things through. 

I knew that Adam and Magnum had taught them a lot of these things, but I had my own lessons, too. I was thinking about these protocols and everything else as I was listening to everybody talk.

In the evenings, I would do gigs if I happened to be on. Now, I didn't do any Reddington gigs when I was alone, and the rest of the time, I was organizing stock. During the day, you heard a lot more information as people and creatures came in for lunch and chatted about many things.

I got so much information on many things that I had no use, not really not yet but maybe in the future.

Still, in the evenings, it was so much more boisterous that they rarely talked about business, so I was listening during the day, but there was always a flea listening. There were several of us spies waiting tables because Vegas is a big place, and it took an entire army of waitresses and waiters. We went through the information in the evenings, and the night shift could leave a report on the table for me to read before I went to the scouting. 

My desk was full of papers and my days were busy but then again, something inside me was content. I was doing what I supposed to be doing. Now I had that goddamn army. Prophecies were roadsigns, but I had no time to delve into them as an everyday business in fleas kept me busy.

Warehouses were filling up, stuff came in because we were getting a lot of material from some of the gigs—for example, medicines. Whenever we found a naughty pharmaceutical warehouse or shipment, we would raid it if at all possible. We needed to collect things as the hamsters and Magnum scoured through these warehouses pretty darn efficiently. There was always something he could tinker with to make some new security equipment or something.

He found his calling as our quartermaster more or less. He was very good at what he did and he did quite a few pieces for me but there was always chance to adjust vest or whatever so if there was tight spot someone could take my gear too; they weren't so made by measure. I kept my stuff behind lock and key. They were much lighter than others and Magnum made them strong as others but he always did best for me. He knew what I was capable of and it would be essential for me to be able to act so gear would not hinder me. Humans were different as they would not move so fast or be so nimble as I was. 

We found other people's stashes too. Demons or witches. I always had Dresden and Constantine go through them and remove anything dangerous. They were very careful, and if Bridgette happened to be around like she was a couple of times, I let her go in and see what she could find. She found treasures, or so she said, and took a few books with her every time.

My principle was just to get things away from all the bad guys, and if our side could use them to do good, it would be a great victory. I kept the storage locations strictly between us. Centre was one place what was our target, and we found information there mostly, and Jarod went through that first thing. I didn't need Bran, for example, to know how much stuff we already had in the pile, and that's why I didn't tell Adam that much, either. However, he was busy and spent quite a bit of time in New Orleans—some problem with the pack.

 In between, I might go through a couple of safe deposit boxes and use that money to buy weapons or explosives, for example. I had some contacts where I could buy guns and, well; I didn't do any of those deals myself. Magnum was one of our main buyers and Ruby and Sapphire were the others, our female partners. Ruby was blonde and small, always wearing red, and while Sapphire was dark and tall, they wore blue, and they were inseparable, a real power couple. 

I was learning to delegate, or find people to do certain jobs, not everything was for me. Not at all. I was getting better in my role as leader and I knew how to be strict and when to listen too, but remembering that I had ultimate responsibility. How fast this had grown, was quite amazing, and I had no idea what we could achieve or how many lives we would save or then lose but this was it. 

For a while, I couldn't believe how fast my little organization had grown and started to slowly cover the entire world—even Australia. There are pharmaceutical companies there, too. I was sitting at my desk in our headquarters, and I was looking at the list of names. I was leader of goddamn imperium but I did not use my vampire title anywhere. I had little knowledge of vampire politics and no will to get involve in that. I could have, I was lady Salvatore, but I kept that out of my organization.

This was everyone who had been with us, and now the number was in the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands. For a moment, I was very almost confused. I felt, on the one hand, it was great that there were so many of us involved, but then the responsibility I had inspired more or less everyone, almost according to this, was my ideology from the beginning.

I felt responsible for all of them. I knew our gigs might not always work out, and these people were prepared to risk their lives for me. But I had to go on. I had started this, and I was ready now to really take responsibility for this thing. It was time for me to show the bad guys what I had created and what we could do.

We got donations and friends. We had money coming in, and I tried to use it as cleverly as I could go further on our cause and not waste it on anything unnecessary, even though our accounts were full. You never knew what you would need.

 During those nine weeks, I met two very special men. The first one actually tried to snipe me. I had been in Vegas for five weeks. I trudged to my car in the evening, my footsteps echoing on the asphalt as I let all the information I had gained during the day structure itself into my mind. It was surprisingly exhausting being a waitress, and although I was in good shape, my body was clearly showing the strain as every muscle ached, and I couldn't wait to get in my car.

I was on my way to my car when I saw a flash in the distance. Now Las Vegas is full of lights and flashing things; you wouldn't think one flash would catch your attention. This wasn't just any flash. But if you happen to be a sharp-shooter like I am, I knew right away what it was. Something caught my eye, and this was stalking me from one of the hotel rooms.

I ran away at vampire speed, and the bullet hit where I had been a moment before. I looked in the direction the bullet had come from and said out loud. I knew my shooter was still looking through the scope.

See if he could read my lips. "You're a coward, or you don't have the guts to come face to face with me. Mirage, suite 5231, penthouse." 

I walked to my car, sat down, and sighed. My legs were so fucking tired from all the fucking walking. Then I went to my hotel. My mind was tired too. I used my pretender skill all the day, and it was exhausting as one part of my brain was working all the time and not everything even come to my conscious mind right way.

Tired, I went to my penthouse, my muscles needing a bath. I put the food in the oven and went to pour myself a luxurious bubble bath that did wonders for my sore muscles. I was enjoying myself as this lily of valley scented bath was just what I needed. I was there for 45 minutes, got up, and put on a velour jumpsuit when I went to eat. Now, I didn't care about being beautiful or attractive; now, it was time for comfort.

A couple of hours later, I got a call from the lobby that I had a visitor. I told them to put the guest up.

The door was open, so I heard my mysterious murderer walk into the room. I sat in an armchair, looking bored. I was still wearing my velour suit. My hair was down, I was without make-up, very young looking, and trying to look like I was bored. But I was anything but bored.

The man who walked in his appearance might be best described when two actors came to mind: Brett Dalton and Michael Des Barres. The man was Murdock. I had heard of him and had let my reputation as a sniper ring in his ears. He walked over to the table and sat opposite me.

I looked at the man and said in a calm, innocent voice. " Why did you try to shoot me? Haven't you heard I am immortal? You wouldn't have even knocked me unconscious, at most irritated, and after working all day as a waitress, my nerves are not the best, and I could have responded quite lethally. As you know, my reputation." I kept my little girl act up flawlessly.

The man smiled and said, "I'm a Murdock, an assassin, just like you are, aren't you, Flea? Isn't that right? You certainly live up to your name, little girl in pajamas. I don't think I'd know better if I didn't know who you are. Perhaps I just wanted to get your attention."

He looked at me almost paternalistically. There was almost need to care in his eyes. 

I smiled back and said, " What do you want?" 

Murdoc was silent for a moment and leaned back and said, "I want to teach you. You have skill and lots of it, but I don't for one minute think you couldn't use a little mentoring. The kind of tricks that come with experience when your organization is already quite large. I'm only human and maybe I want to have a student of my own to impart the lessons after I'm dead. Maybe I want to make the best of the world even better." 

I thought about it for a moment and said, "I'll contact you when I need to, for real. I'm here now gathering information, but if you have some time off and need a job, I have an extensive list of victims. Have you been involved with Reddington? He's got gigs, too, and he pays well. As far as being human, your life can be very much longer than the normal 80 years. And If you prefer to be something other, I guess it can be done too."

I stood up. I walked to the cupboard or little fridge and took a little bag of my blood, poured a decilitre of it into a crystal glass, and then put soda water on top.

I gave the drink to Murdock and said, " That'll give you ten more years. It'll rejuvenate you."

He looked at me for a moment and drank the drink in a couple of sips, feeling my blood begin to rejuvenate and help. Quite many, including magnum has told me that it is quite euphoria but not addictive, to drink my blood and there is strawberry taste in it.

Murdoc was quiet, enjoying himself, and said, " Yeah, I know Reddington. And I can take a job. I can work without pay from time to time if you're short of money." 

He sounded somehow more chipper now. My blood has that effect on humans. 

I smiled and said, "I don't have time for Reddington victims all the time, so I'll give you a list. Twelve names are $12,500 per name. Do as many or as few as you want."

I gave him the list and instructions on how to get his money. I gave him Reddington's contact information, and Murdock thanked me and walked away. He didn't give me his contact information. Fine by me.

I enjoyed the rest of the day when I went to bed for the night, actually. I couldn't always do the gigs; sometimes, I had to get some sleep; when I was in complete control of my environment, it was approaching OCD, and then I could sleep when it got into my head that I was completely safe.

A couple of days went by and I was leaving the waitressing job again on my way to the car. Someone came and wrapped his arms around my upper torso and stuck an injection in my neck. It didn't do anything.

I pulled away with a sharp jerk, turned around, and said, "Really? Ketamine hasn't worked on me for many years. Do your homework before you come at me, whoever the fuck you are."

The man was another cross between Michael Hall and Heath Ledger. Apparently, my reputation had rubbed off on the next murderer. And let's see if this is any good.

I sighed and said, "Dexter? Dexter Morgan?"

He nodded, confused. He said, "It's not actually Morgan, but it's the same guy. You're a flea then, and you really are, what I've heard, interesting. I came here to offer my skills for your organization and for you. If you have a nasty guy or want to find out if someone deserves to die, I can help."

I said. " Yeah, yeah, I can use you too." I handed him my flea contact business card and said, " Talk to this guy, and if you try that trick again, I'll kill you. Is that clear?"

I was a bit nervous and not in a playful mood at all because I could have broken his neck on reflex alone if I didn't control myself. He nodded and left without saying a word.

I thought to myself that such was my luck. Luckily, this satanic venture will soon be over for me as people from Missouri come to continue, so I might get to spend some quality time with the men, maybe if there's anyone available.

Back then, I had no idea just how freaking important these two and magnum would be in my life later on. They would be my other family with few other ones. They would help me out hardest time of my life, be there when I would experience loss like no other, they would even keep me in their arms, making sure I would sleep or eat. They are still very important to me, Damon knows them, he is quite friendly with them and I do not know about his motives. Is he just keeping enemies closer or is he taking them as his own as well?

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