86.66% Overlord: Advent of the New Gods / Chapter 65: Chapter 13

章 65: Chapter 13

AN: This is a double update so don't forget to read ch 12 first

The only companions for her tonight were the crackling of the fire and the buzzing of the insects. Antilene sat by the campfire, choosing to be the watch for this night while Relzania and Yvon slept in their bags. She would be unable to find any rest in sleep even if she tried. Her memories wouldn't, refused to, leave her alone.

How it helped her to choose a path, she could not yet tell. 'If only that angel would tell me more. How should I know what path to take?' Her mind was growing tired from the constant assaults of memories and emotions, memories she had long suppressed.

Antilene poked the fire with a stick, choosing to stare into the fire as a distraction. Within the dancing flames, forms took shape, forms she knew, engraved to never be forgotten. She recognized herself as a small child. Memories of her childhood, brought so much pain. Antilene cried as she tried to stand up after another beating, her mother calling it training. It was all that woman ever did to her.

She knew her mother, Faine, hated her. She overheard things spoken when her mother thought Antilene wasn't around. A sharp-eared freak made in the image of a monster who had violated her mother for weeks, until she was conceived as the result of the relentless assault; that was what she was to the hateful woman. A half-elf, the product of rape, was nothing more than a burden for the broken woman; she was hated for nothing more than for being born.

How heavy the fists and boots of the famed hero were, heavy with pain and malice. Her bones were broken and mended thousands of times, her face turned into a mush, her ears torn off enough times to fill a room. Each 'training session' brought so much suffering. She didn't understand back then. She begged for a gentle embrace and for love that didn't come, as there was none left in the cold heart of her mother. Faine didn't want her.

As much as Antilene wanted to hate Faine, love for her mother lingered in her heart, a love she didn't want to have for the woman. Faine didn't deserve love, she was a terrible mother who punished a small child for the actions of adults, for things she had no hand in. She understood why she was hated by the one person who should have given unconditional love. And for that understanding, she had promised herself that she would never hate her children, no matter the circumstances they were conceived. They would not undergo the same raw hatred as she had, for being born and brought into this world.

There was a person who had shown her what love is, and that person was nothing more than a servant to her mother. Nazaire was an older plump woman with a warm smile, a glimmer of hope whenever they met. Her shape appeared in the hypnotic flames alongside her. She saw herself being held in Nazaire's lap while the woman read stories of the past, of friendly adults and happy endings. Helping make breakfast as best as she could, she did it all. Nazaire even tried to distract her mother from tormenting her whenever she could, not that it was often successful.

Nazaire was but a human woman, however. Her age caught up to her and the cruel grip of death ripped away the one person Antilene didn't want to lose. Nazaire's funeral was the last time she cried. It was the last time she felt warmth before she closed off her heart.

Tears stained her face. She hadn't cried for so long. She let them fall. The pain wanted to come out. It had festered within her heart for so long. There was so little kindness in her life. Her two current travel partners were only polite because they feared her. They wanted her as a meat shield against the horrible and uncaring world, to be tossed to the wolves the moment she was unhelpful as a tool.

'You can be so much more.' Why did these words from a monstrous God refuse to leave? Did the ruler of monsters see more in her than she knew about? Maybe it was the path she needed to take, to be a true follower of a God. But the suffocating darkness this undead entity had exuded sent shivers down her spine with a mere memory of it.

The other message firmly burned in her mind was, 'Whores like you are for the lowest of lows.' it was a declaration from a God who she had offered herself to should he defeat her. How naive her offer was. Of course, she was undeserving to lay with a God and even less deserving to carry a child of a God. The supposed male Gods didn't even want to see her body. She remembered all four of their monstrous faces turning away as the elf-like Goddess stripped her bare.

In truth, she had little idea what actual courting entailed, as all she knew were the gruesome details of what was done to her mother and the small titbits she had overheard on her rare trips around the city while listening to young women discussing their suitors and lovers. Little more than gossip compared to the education the rich and nobility, or even most commoners, got on the matter.

'There won't be mercy the second time. Don't get in our way.' Would they even accept her if she sought them out? What do they stand for? She knew the aspects of each of the Six Great Gods, for she had long served their devotees, but there was no such information on the new Gods.

'What would be the aspect I stand for?' This question she needed to be answered before she met them again, she had to. All she knew was to fight and some low-tier clerical spells. Made into nothing more than a living weapon, Antilene knew she couldn't offer much more.

'War, bloodshed, death. I only bring pain and misery.' That is what she represented to those around her. A near-immortal entity among the short-lived humans, a perpetually-stained war blade. By their standards, she wasn't even an adult yet. Relzania was older than her in terms of physical and perhaps even mental development. For all her long life and supposed experience, she was still an adolescent pushed into a role she shouldn't have taken upon.

The scenes in the hypnotic flames shifted again. She stood before the elven woman in the dark plate armor with red accents. The Goddess's beautiful face glared down at her with indifference.

'What do you want? I told you to get out of our way.' The voice sent shivers down her spine as it rang in her mind.

"I don't want to get in your way. I need help. I need my place." She whispered back, unsure if it was the Goddess listening in or perhaps just scenes made up in her agitated mind.

'Help? For what reason should I help you? You could have gotten on your knees and professed your servitude. Instead, you fought till your last breath, you tried to harm me and my brother with stolen power. A power that was not yours to wield.' The Goddess' tone grew harsher.

"I am sorry. I don't want to be that guardian anymore. I want a place to belong, I want to find you and the other gods. I want to follow you and others. I want to know who you are."

'Who I am? I am the drive to kill and destroy that burns your heart. I am the will behind your hand when you end lives for glory's sake. I am WAR itself. And you are but a child looking for a mother's breast to suckle, to coddle in despite your experience. You are not ready for what I and the others can offer.'

"Please…" That was all she could say in response. Her whole world was engulfed by this larger-than-life presence which was the very aspect of sentient beings: Everyone who had ever lived, fought for or against something, such was the essence of war.

'You will find me when it is time for us to meet again. This time know your place and know what you can offer.' The presence of the Goddess faded after those words, leaving only darkness behind.

She felt a gentle nudge. Antilene opened her eyes and straightened out. In front of her was crouching Relzania with a concerned expression, with the morning sun lighting up her face.

"You dozed off. Is everything alright?" Her travel companion asked.

"Yes… Yes, I'm fine." She replied impatiently and stood up with a stretch. Falling asleep in a sitting position wasn't particularly pleasant and her extremities were stiff from inaction. Nothing compared to last night.

"You know if something worries you, you can talk to me," Relzania remarked. It was easy to see that Zesshi had cried during the night. That angel had done something to the half-elf girl and she was doing a poor job of hiding her inner distress, streaks still visible akin to morning dew.

"I am fine," Antilene stated while distracting herself with rations from the backpack, reaching for a pack.

'You don't look fine.' Zesshi, or Antilene, was still cold and standoffish although they had traveled together for a while now. It wasn't surprising considering that the girl had been avoiding social interactions and keeping to herself, not that people around her ever tried to befriend the Theocracy's secret trump card. She knew how others viewed her, and the tint had stained her deeply.


The bubbling liquids filled the room with the strong aroma of the half-made concoctions. The next batch would last him for quite a while, but that wasn't the main concern at the moment. In front of him stood a vial filled with a purple potion, sporting a noticeable amount of red specks glittering throughout. Nfirea finished another infusion with magic and a few more specks appeared, much to his delight.

'This will take months with my mana pool. Perhaps I should report the results and see what to do from there. The process had worked as predicted.' he mused with a long yawn, internally sighing.

The main reason for his work slowing down was his soon-to-be wife Enri. Not only was she watching him like a hawk to make sure he would eat and get enough sleep, but she was inexhaustible in bed and wanted to do lovemaking as long as he was able to, and then have some more. Which meant he was always exhausted.

'Maybe I could report to Lord Tabula today and use it as an excuse to ask for advice about private life. He is also married. Yes, I'll do just that.' He decided and grabbed the communication orb, channeling the now-familiar mana pattern.

The results of this call were … unexpected. One short explanation later he and Enri were invited to visit the guild base of his employer to talk about his progress and discuss the future.

"W-we are invited to meet Lord Tabula and Lady Mariposa right now!?" Enri panicked when she found out the news, shrieking as she nearly dropped her ladle.

"Lord Tabula is rather casual about meeting times, but I recommend you pick a proper outfit for this meeting. Something formal and befitting your station. I am authorized to request transportation whenever you both are ready." Yuri, who was present when Nfirea brought the news, commented.

"Sure. I'll get my city dress. Enfi, find your shirt, and don't forget to comb your hair!" She shouted and ran for her home, even abandoning her half-washed utilities.

"Ermm…" Nfirea froze in place and scratched the back of his head.

"You should prepare as well," Yuri reminded him.

"Right." he nodded and ran to his house as well. He and Enri had not yet properly moved in together as they planned to do so after the marriage. Nemu and Mili would move to his house so he and his soon-to-be wife would have privacy at night. Considering how small the village was, it wasn't a big deal and Enri's sister would always be just a few steps away if a situation called for her assistance or vice versa.

His choice of clothing was a pristine white shirt with polished silver buttons, and loose brown pants not too dissimilar to the ones he wore daily except perhaps slightly cleaner. Enri meanwhile was dressed in a long light red dress with a high cut and elbow-length sleeves.

It was a fair guess that they would visit what was equivalent to a noble house at the very minimum, and their appearance was the bare minimum to be called presentable. Nfirea couldn't afford to purchase a proper silk suit for himself or a dress for Enri, nor could he even dream of brewing the expensive cosmetics wealthy ladies tended to use to enhance their appearance, so they had to make do.

The Gate that appeared beside Yuri was a curious type of magic he hadn't seen before, but he reasoned his employer wouldn't use unsafe transportation methods for an employee he had once praised. Enri grasped his hand tightly and nervously walked beside him as both crossed the barrier.

On the other side awaited a room that defied his wildest dreams. He, as a prominent alchemist, had visited various manors of E-Rantel's top brass, but their decorated houses might as well be squalors compared to the decadent wealth and the sheer space presented here. The most impressive feature of them all was the enormous crystal chandelier above their heads, filled with hundreds of artificial lights, each as bright as a second-tier light spell, if not brighter.

By the doors stood a pair of maids, beauties in their own right and comparable to the most beautiful of human women, but they predictably paled in comparison to Lady Mariposa, who was waiting for them in the middle of the room clad in an elegant dark dress with a deep cut, her long neck decorated with a thick golden necklace encasing various precious gems.

"Ah, Enri, Nfirea, welcome to our dwelling. My husband will be with us shortly. I hope you brought the sample with you." She greeted them with a slight tilt of her head and a professional smile decorating her face.

"Yes, of course." Nfirea extended his hand with the vial in it, his wife nervously shifting slightly behind him.

"Great. Now, please join me for tea and refreshments while we wait." She motioned at the table as maids rushed over and prepared it.

The sound of the door opening half a moment later diverted his and Enri's attention away from the woman. A monster he could have never dreamed up in his nightmares entered the room. Its gray skin was oily as if it just emerged from under the water, its face had long limp protrusions and its six arms were long and spindly, barely connected with a membrane. This monster was dressed in a robe that emanated a slight glow, ominous in every possible way.

Nfirea felt Enri crack his fingers with the sheer strength of her grip as she gasped. His first instinct was to run, but there was nowhere to retreat. The portal had already closed behind them, entrapping them.

"Tabula! They were not supposed to know yet!" Lady Mariposa angrily shouted at the grotesque creature.

'That is Lord Tabula! But how?' Nfirea couldn't believe his ears.

"I was in a rush and… oh please, don't be afraid, we mean you no harm." The creature responded in a guttural voice.

"Lord Ainz and Lady Albedo will be furious! How am I going to explain this to them?" Mariposa raged at her husband as leathery wings appeared on her back and shook angrily, hurling drafts across the room. A pair of horns sprouted out of her forehead and her eyes changed to golden yellow, glowing with power.

"Lord Ainz… I remember…" Enri gasped aloud.

"Enri?" Nfirea turned to her questioningly.

"I remember now. Lord Ainz was an undead. He made me and Nemu forget so we wouldn't be afraid," She explained.

Nfirea could feel her grip relax and his nearly crushed fingers' release from the torment. Seeing Enri become calm was a good sign that they weren't about to die at least.

"Memory-altering magic, of course, I could perform that-"

"The cat is already out of the bag! You can't screw with their heads each time you mess up. I'm sure you two can keep a secret." Mariposa quickly addressed the pair with a glare.

"Yes." Nfirea nodded vigorously.

"Your secret is safe with us," Enri added.

"That's good. Let's proceed then. There are few things we should discuss." Tabula eagerly grabbed the potion from Nfirea's still-extended hand and brought it close to his face, eyes darting around.

The fact that his employer was some sort of strange monster and his wife was most likely a demon wasn't an easy thing to process but ultimately, he and Enri owed them their lives, and thus far their inhuman patrons had been nothing but kind and understanding.

'I wonder what their goals are. Maybe they want to see if monsters and humans can work together. That would explain why they saved me and Enri.' He would get to the bottom of this, for himself, his wife, and his village.

Editing by aidan_lo.

Proofreading by Sluethen, aidan_lo, Squid, fvvck, nate051499j6, x4x, clagan, Mfkzrocker LionLover and Stac.

Link my discord server (https://discord.gg/WmGKVU3XG2)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C65
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


