
章 63: 67...

~Bulma's Pov~




Pale blue eyes met mine... Who was this person?

Getting a good look at him, he was pretty handsome... And well built...

'Oh no!'

I quickly tried getting up off the floor, I didn't want whoever this was to see me in my current state.

"Ouch!" I looked at crimson droplets falling from my knee...

'I must have scraped while falling...'

"Bulma? Your bleeding! I'll grab a first ai-"

"No need, I can help" I heard the stranger say, he sounded like a teenager... I hope he isn't...

He inched closer, his warm breathes that smelled like strawberries filled the air in front of me. His body was muscular too...

I took a small peak again, his features were really pleasant looking, and wild spikey yet glossy hair complimented his icy blue eyes.

I felt him grab my leg, and what felt like electricity shot through my body, causing me to yelp in response...

I saw him look in my eyes, a smile brighter than a thousand suns combined was beaming at me. I could feel my face heating up from everything he did.

But to my shock, light green waves rushed from his hands... Soothing soon ensued, and the injury I had early was gone...


This wasn't making any sense. Did he just use magic?

'Is he some sort of MAGICIAN!!!'

That was impossible, that doesn't exist... Right?

"There, you're all patched up," He told me, reaching for my hand.

I looked at him for how long, I couldn't care to remember...

"Soo... Ready to grab on?" He asked again, snapping me back to reality. And as I grabbed his hand, I felt that same electric feeling I had before...

Whoever he was, he was making me fall into a dizzy spell...

"Well, I'll need to go for now mister Briefs... I have other, commitments. I'll see you again soon."

That was it?

He was leaving this quickly?

"W-WAIT! Ummm... Why... Don't you stay for dinner!?" I said, hoping to keep him here as long as possible.

My father looked between the two of us and smirked.

"Yes, that is a fantastic idea! You must be hungry after that much talking"

I saw him shoot a wink toward me, I'd have to thank him later for this...

"Hmm... Sure, I have an hour left anyway... Plus, I am a little hungry, so why not?"

I smiled.

"That's great! I'll help prepare dinner too!" I said, hurrying myself, and my mother to the kitchen.

We had work to do...


~Clone Daiko's Pov~




I should get going, I've spent enough time here... My other self should be leaving the time chamber, literally anytime now...

I stood up from my chair, wiping my mouth.

"Well, thanks again for the meal, it was delicious, but~ I'm afraid I have to go now"

"Wait! You showed us something amazing, surely you'll be back again, right..." I heard Bulma ask.

I saw the look of expectancy in her eyes. I would come back, but I'm not sure exactly when I'd be back.

"Well... I can't give you an exact date, but I'll visit you all again soon." I said to her. She nodded with understanding.

I smiled at her one last time, it was fun doing all of this. Even if it was for a moment.

I placed my two fingers on my forehead, scanning the area for Kami's Ki. Getting a lock on, I disappeared from the Brief's residence and was instantly on the lookout...




I saw Kami looking at me with surprise, maybe not expecting me to have such a skill.

"I'm back, is my other self out yet?"

"No... It hasn't been a day as yet. Why would he or you, be leaving?" Kami asked, but just as I was about to answer, I saw the door move open...

'I suppose it's time...' I thought with more expectancy than I should thought.

As the door opened, I saw a towering figure, standing around 6,5-6 inches tall. My other self had quite an imposing figure, and being so much over six feet was, intriguing...

As the smoke cleared, I saw my original self. My self where the bloodlines grew further in, myself without ki, and myself with nothing but pure physical hardships that molded his very being...

The smoke finally cleared up, and soon, a tattered piece of blue pants could be seen, then after that, his body was revealed. His hair was far longer and smoother than before, and from here, I could see strands of red mixed in too...

Getting a better look, his body was far more defined, and his upper body was broader and triangular than ever. Behind him were not one, but 2 separate tails, both being green in color with red feint highlights...

That part was, interesting...

I could see a gentle smile plastered on his face, that barely looked like the one I had now. He was pleased I suspected, and so was I. It was me after all.

He then looked toward me.

"... I guess this is it... This is the culmination of my efforts..." My original said. My future self's voice far deeper than ever, I'm a little jealous...

I simply nodded.

I could see it, that's for sure. His mere presence was warping the very fabric of space. His body seemingly contains enough power to what I estimate, to be able to wipe out an entire planet with little difficulty...

This was impressive, no, it was beyond being impressive.

"Mind showing me what you achieved in that place?" I asked excitedly.

He smiled.

"Of course, but in there" He pointed back to the chamber. I quickly dashed towards him.

He led the way, and I obliged.

He closed the door behind us, leading me to a place of nothing but pure whiteness. Most people would have gone insane from being in here, but my mind was tough enough to handle such a thing...

"So, gonna show me what you got?" I said.

He nodded, smiling.

"Pay close attention..."

I saw him widen his hands, and he then clenched his fists. Instantly, he flexed.









The sound barrier shattered, and a shockwave erupted as he finished flexing. Now his aura was far more imposing than before, he got dozens of times stronger...

As I was about to ask, I saw him turn around, revealing his back...

And there it was, the demon back, more menacing than I could imagine it to be...

"HOHO! This is good!" I shouted.

The very hair on my hands stood up. Sure, he wasn't nearly as powerful as me, but he was me.

Now, he was not just any blade, he was a blade that had been sharpened and tempered countless times over...

I sensed earlier, that even in his casual state, he was always on guard, and I felt that he was capable of reacting to me. The current me could wipe away and easily dwarf his current strength by thousands of times over. However, I was suppressing myself.

But this was impressive.

"Is that it though, I know you have something more up your sleeve" I said to him. I could tell when I was hiding something.

He remained quiet for what seemed to be a minute...

"I want to test my new form against you... Since with your strength, I can go all out, and not hold back." My original said.

This took me off guard, a new form? That wasn't possible, technically. But I rolled with it.

"Alright, go ahead. Show me this new power of yours" I said, quickly powering up. Just in case I might have something that could bridge the gap we had now. Once again, this was me after all.

A far more talented version of me...

However, I saw his eyes and sclera instantly shift to pitch black.

He responded by saying, "With pleasure..."













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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C63
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


