"Ah, then who is it? Are you really serious with her?" One of them asked, and another added, "Why are you asking such question as though our brother here likes to play with women?"
The other person shrugged, "Who knows, maybe it's just an arranged date."
Gao Tian massage his forehead as he answered, "It's not an arrange date. Why don't you leave already before she comes?"
One of them patted his shoulder supportively, "Then we wish you the best, Brother Tian! If she doesn't show up..." He leaned in closer, whispering and gesturing toward Jiang Xiu's table, "I saw a lot of beauties at that table. No one would say no to you."
Gao Tian's brows furrowed, "Beauties?"
His friend nodded, mistaking it that he didn't know which table he was talking about, "In that table, the eight-seater one."
Though Gao Tian knew exactly which table his friend meant, he played along, feigning ignorance as he wanted to know something.
In a world of betrayal, Chen Lin and Wu Yuxuan's love unfolds.