100% I alone Level Up! [Gamer/Highschool of the Dead, World-Hopping] / Chapter 7: The shard of Hróðvitnir or How I became a Werewolf?! (Final)

章 7: The shard of Hróðvitnir or How I became a Werewolf?! (Final)

'I've done all that I can do within my capabilities.'

Junpei took in a deep breath as he made his final preparations.

'I've bought what needs to be bought. Upgraded what needs to be upgraded.'

The Bastard –Shing- Sword strapped against his back, and on his right hand rests the Houtian Jade Sword. A copper jeweled necklace adorned his neck, while two dark ferrous rings decorated his left fingers. Secured on both side of his legs were two arms common to the modern man.

Not all of the Items had been bought from the Shop. Some were his System Rewards, while the others were from the Monster Drops. Junpei had his Lucky Hands Trait to thank for that. More Items had been placed in his Inventory, but those Items were for precautionary measures…

"Alright~ HP, SP, MP, and QP gauge, filled up. Buff Items, installed… Makima?"

Situated at the top of Junpei's hair, the Fairy replied, dutifully.

" Auto-Combat Assist is at the ready."

"Good," Junpei breathed out and headed for the black gate.

"Let's get this over with, shall we."

With a push and a *creak* the black gates leading to the Boss Room opened.

It's time for the finale…


Final Destination

Junpei was first met with darkness. A darkness that felt thick and heavy, accompanied with a warmth that certainly didn't feel cozy. It was a warmth that felt… Pregnant in a diabolical way.

There is something inhumane hidden under its cover…

Junpei's left hand lit up in amber as Mana gathered into an amorphous shape. Narrowing his eyes, Junpei Danger Sense kept tingling as he had the strangest sensation of being watched.

Just as Junpei was about to cast «Fireball» upwards to get a clearer view of his surroundings. A wizened voice called out to Junpei from the darkness.

"Hah~ for over 15,000 years, I have waited for this moment. Now finally, finally you have arrived, my fated adversary…"

It sounded like a growl. Majestic, yet at the same time had an enticing madness to it. Coated under the cover which the darkness provided, this particular voice contained a certain power which could fill even the staunchest of minds with unease.

Luckily for Junpei, he had the Gamer's Mind.

Junpei took in a deep breath with «Fireball» still at the ready. Unsurprisingly, Junpei's enhanced eyes couldn't see through this esoteric darkness even though he should be naturally capable of doing so.

Licking his lips, Junpei moved in an amble gait coupled with an anew sense of cautiousness. Meanwhile, the voice carried on amused with Junpei's actions.

"Ah~ is that fear I smell, my fated adversary."

"Not my fear, Werewolf. I do not fear you. Cause if I did, I certainly wouldn't have the guts to enter this room." Junpei shot back, defiant.

Chucking, steps that sounded too much like a moving earthquake trudged forward. Heading towards Junpei who promptly took on a defense stance.

"Good. A prey filled up with fear wouldn't make a hearty meal, now would it?"

"You seem to be misunderstanding something, Werewolf." Junpei said, letting out a small smirk.

"I certainly will not be the prey in this fight… You are."

"Hu… Hahahahahaha…! Very well!"

With a *whoosh* the darkness was lifted. Ancient torches sequentially lighted up, spreading out to reveal the Final Room.

It was large. The size of a football field and then some. Large debris were littered around and up above was stone shaped ceiling. The entire place appeared to be a dome or something of a similar nature…

But what was more important were the contents within the Final Room.

Dire-Wolves, Lycanthropes… Even their Elder Class versions all stood over 50 meters away, growling and salivating at the sight of Junpei. They were over 150 in number!

But even amongst the daunting lupine pack, the one who spoke out to Junpei under the cover of the darkness clearly stood out among its kind…

Tall enough it could be comparable to a small house in size. Containing bulging muscles coated in a silvery fur with black lines running over. The lupine was a being straight out of a fantasy picture.

To Junpei, he could only liken its appearance to that of a God.

A God of the Werewolves.

" Observe."

[Name: (Blank)]

[Karmic Alignment: Chaotic Evil]

[Species: Shard of Hróðvitnir]

[Level: 28]

[HP: 3000/3000]

[SP: 1500/1500]

"Oi, Makima…"

Junpei began slowly, as a trial of sweat slid down the side of his face.


"Is this really a low Level Dungeon?"

"Yes, it is… Though I'm beginning to suspect that it's a Mythological Class Type."

"You don't say…"

Junpei could see the Shard of Hróðvitnir's jaw stretch out into a maddening smirk before it said with a voice that actually shook the room.

"Now, I shall test your mettle against that of my brethren. Allow me to see if you have what it takes to face 'he who is one with the Great Devourer!"

It was an unspoken signal for the Lupines to attack. Watching as the beasts were darting towards him. Junpei gritted his teeth in irritation as the Shard of Hróðvitnir infuriating voice rocked the room once more.

"Try not to die too early, my fated adversary, or else the 15,000 years I spent waiting for the fated battle would be all for nothing."

The air heated in response to the Shard of Hróðvitnir's jib. With a scorching blare, a fully charged «Fireball» wiped out four of the Dire-Wolves, turning the lupines into nothing but ash.

"I'll show you, bastard… You won't find me to be so easy to eliminate."

Junpei growled as his grey eyes let out magma hue.

ᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥJunpei's Statusᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥ

[Name: Junpei Asahi]

[Karmic Alignment: True Good {40%}]

[Job: The Sole Gamer]

[Species: Human] (Progress: 0%)

[Ascension Stage: 0] (Progress: 0%)

[Level: LV 19] (Next Level: 62%)

[Title: Mommy and Daddy's Boy/Delusionist]

[HP: 1000/1000]

[SP: 1000/1000]

[MP: 840/840]

[QP: 840/840]

[STR: 90 (2 {Armor ATK UP})]

[VIT: 90 (8 {Armor DEF UP!})]

[AGI: 90 (0)]

[INT: 80 (4 Mana REC UP!)]

[WIS: 80 (4 Mana BOOST UP!)]

[LUCK: 54 (0)]


[Stats Points: 61]

[Skill Points: 38]

[Evolution Points: 0]

[Karmic Points: 0]


[Class Seeds]

{1st Seed} [Energy Martial Artist] (LV 1)


⸢Passive Skills⸥

[Gamer's Body] (MAX)

[Gamer's Mind] (MAX)

[Icon of Sin {Pride, Envy}] (MAX)

[Physical Endurance] {Stage 2}(10/100)

[Mediation] (LV 35/100)

[Body-Fitness] (LV 40/100)

[Danger Intuition]

[Low Mana Affinity] (MAX)

⸢Active Skills⸥

[Observe] (LV 30/100)

[ID Creation] (13/100)

[Unarmed Combat] {Stage 1}(29/100)

[Skill: Mana Manipulation] {Stage 1}(LV 90/100)

[Sword Mastery] {Neophyte Stage 1} (LV 10/50)

[Flaming Fist Barrage] {Stage: Acolyte Stage} (Progress: 5%)

[Berserk] {Neophyte Stage 1} (LV 0/10) NEW!



[Juggernaut III] «STR»

[Regenerator III] «VIT»

[Fleet III] «AGI»

[Eidetic III] «INT»

[Thought Acceleration III] «WIS»

[Golden Hands II] «LUCK»


[Qi Body Reinforcement] {Stage: Acolyte Stage} (Progress: 51%)

[Mana Bolt] {Stage: Acolyte Stage} (Progress: 21%)

[Platform] {Stage: Acolyte Stage} (Progress: 19%)

[Fireball] {Stage: Acolyte Stage} (Progress: 30%)

[Lightning Fists] {Stage: Acolyte Stage} (Progress: 22%)

[Qi Explosion] {Stage: Acolyte Stage} (Progress: 0%)

[Berserk] {Neophyte Stage 1} (LV 0/10) NEW!

ᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥJunpei's Statusᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥ


The Houtian Jade Sword drew a clean line across the frame of a Lycanthrope splitting it into two. [Danger Intuition] beeped as Junpei hastily took a left and right swerve, avoiding two Dire-Wolves pounce.

'Tsk. They're too many… I've got no choice but to use 'that.' Junpei thought with a grimace on his face.

Junpei crouched and took off with a light hop over 50 meters into the air –it was amazing how big the dome is to even surpass such a height- The power behind Junpei's jump was such that he hung midair for over a few minutes, and just as gravity began to stake its claim over him. Junpei stretched his arms down, casting the movement support Ability.


A crystalized board materialized, serving as foothold for Junpei, granting him a small reprieve against the growling canines below.

But still, Junpei knew that wasn't enough.

While taking out Portions of all variety from his Inventory, Junpei whispered.

"Makima, it's your turn."

"Okay, Junpei~"

Incanting, the Fairy flew out as she went above Junpei's head. Makima was currently giving off a pastel glow that illuminated the room. With a rippling pulse, an invisible dome of light spread out within sixty steps in diameter, originating from the Fairy.

{Boundary laid… Sensory connection set}

Junpei's left eye automatically closed, sealing itself, while both Makima's circlet eyes were replaced with ashen pupils.

{Installing… 'Combat Mode' complete}

Initiate «Auto-Combat Assist»

Makima's petite arms shone as orange and blue beams flew out at four times the speed of sound piercing through the lupines.

«Auto-Combat Assist» it was the only support combat ability Makima had as a Peak Grade Fairy. The «Auto-Combat Assist» functions as both a Clairvoyant and Attack Ability type.

Using a bird's eye view. An invisible dome is established for over a particular diameter set, and everything that enters and moves within the diameter set is brought to the awareness of both Makima and Junpei.

It doesn't matter even if the attack that cannot be seen. For as long as the dome is up, both the Fairy and her master will know who or what is in it.

The attack Ability mostly stems from the nature of Junpei's Abilities, or to be more concise; the Essence of Junpei's Attacking Abilities. The orange and blue beams stems from the Fire and Lightning Essences which comes from his «Fireball» «Flaming Fist Barrage» and «Lightning Fist» respectively.

The Essence in this case is concentrated into an Attack of considerable power. Although it had a length-limit of being any adversaries within the sixty feet dome. Those outside the invisible barrier were safe from Makima's reach.

While both functions appeared to be powerful, the key reason why Junpei is reluctant to use such an Ability is because of its Mana and Qi consumption rate.

Watching as over 35 MP and 27 QP were lost in less than 2 minutes, Junpei quickly gulped down the spicy tinged Mana and Qi Potions, and his hands went to the side of his legs.

It's time for Junpei to do his part.

From his foot strap, Junpei drew it out.

A ranged device that lobs metal projectiles with an explosive force of Mach 2.5…

"Enchanted' Taurus Raging Bulls… Equipped."

Large handguns barrel edges lit up with a rumble, and two Dire-Wolves fell with massive holes on their bodies.

Normally such a thing shouldn't have been possible. Shooting through the Dire-Wolves that is. From what Junpei had gleamed from his earlier battles, the beasts –especially those after LV 10- require a force greater than a shotgun before one could even puncture through their skin.

Their physiology was so combat-evolved that Junpei was sure that nothing less than an assault from very lethal weapons is needed to kill just one of them…

So what does that say about Junpei who could tear through almost all the lupines present like biscuits with his bare hands?

Shaking his head, Junpei kept on pulling the trigger, downing more of the beasts. After spending a considerable amount of dollars –Junpei is clearly in red as of this moment- he had upgraded the guns from Common to Peak Uncommon Rank…

And wala~! A 6x sound-barrier breaking enhanced projectile weapon~!

Though, Junpei was quite sure that the guns kick-back had the capacity to mangle the arms of a day 3 Junpei who already had the System…

Talk about scary!

After another glance at his Stats gauge, Junpei nimbly threw his gun into the air, gulping down a Mana Potion and then caught his gun in smooth sequence. Continuing on the almost laser like hail of fire…

'It's still not doing anything.'

Junpei thought while keeping an eyes on the Shard of Hróðvitnir.

'Somehow, I don't know if I should be grateful or plain insulted…'

The Final Boss's actions disturbed Junpei in a way he couldn't describe.

Dispersing his «Platform» Junpei avoided a Lycanthrope's lunge. With a round-kick, Junpei took off the beast's head, landing on another hastily made «Platform»

Looking upwards Junpei said to Makima. "How're you holding up?!"

"I'm fine! It's you that I am supposed to be asking that, Junpei."

"You don't need to worry about little ole me." Summoning the bullet cartridges from his Inventory, Junpei reloaded, as he continued. "I've got my ass covered."

"… Junpei, are you perhaps trying to speak using a cowboy accent, just now?"

"Uh, yeah…"

"I'm sorry to say this, but that doesn't suit you at all."

"Oi! I take offense to that! After all, I do have ' The Son of all Nations' Title?"

"I refuse such a Title. Henceforth, you're now the son of a Japanese."


But even Junpei's outraged exclamation couldn't hide the easing in his voice.

Even now, Junpei is still tense. Looking at the way the Shard of Hróðvitnir is so calm even though Junpei has been winning this fight ever since the beginning is disturbing on so many levels, it isn't even funny.

After all, this could mean that the Werewolf still had an ace up his non-existent sleeves…

'Well, I also have mine. But the question is whether my own little bag of tricks can hold well against the Boss Monster.'

The battle carried on with Junpei and Makima attacking and evading. A familiar golden aura shrouded Junpei's form 3 times in the course of battle proclaiming the fact that he had Leveled Up.

It was when the enemies were approaching the 25 mark did the Shard of Hróðvitnir decided to make his move.

"Impressive, my fated adversary." It said, jauntily.

The Shard of Hróðvitnir's great form arose, heading into the dome of light without any form of regard. The urge to take a shot at the Boss Monster grew within Junpei but he violently squashed it down.

'Something tells me that if I do that now, he just might enter the battle early… I'm not ready to fight it while its minions are still are around…'

An enchanted beam bore a hole through an encroaching Lycanthrope.

'And still very dangerous.'

As if the Shard of Hróðvitnir had read Junpei's mind, its smirk widened as it lifted up its head and let out a fiendish howl!

For a moment, the «Platform» underneath Junpei flickered as his brain rattled at the intensity of the sound.

Thankfully, it was only for a split second.

[Shard of Hróðvitnir's Call of Arms, Negated!]

The other lupine creatures howled with their leader. Their humanoid forms hunched and began to emanate a darkish purple light. They grew an inch taller, their fangs and nails grew longer, their faces more monstrous than before.

"Brace yourself." Makima said, grimly. "The Shard of Hróðvitnir has just used a Buffing Skill on its minions."

"I can see that." Junpei said while downing the contents of another Potion.

"Makima, disengage the «Auto-Combat Assist»… Looking at that Werewolf, I get the feeling that we're approaching the finale. I don't want to lose any of my essential Points before the main fight."

"Alright." The pulsing light dimmed, dying down. "But please be careful."

As Makima retreated into the enclosure of his armor, Junpei let out a small smile.

"Of course I will."

«Platform» vanished as Junpei freefall to the ground. Metal parts of his armor grated their-self with a cringing sound. Letting out a breath, Junpei's left arm slowly went to his back pulling out his other sword.

Junpei didn't trust his guns as he did his sword. And by the way, he doesn't know how fast the lupines has become. Junpei doesn't want to take any chances… Not when he's this close to the end.

Bloodstain greats swords glistened under the dim room, as the Shard of Hróðvitnir raised its hands pointing towards Junpei while smiling.


«Qi Body Reinforcement» Junpei's body lit up with a circuit like glow. «Lightning Fist» pastel sizzling arcs spread out from Junpei's arm charging up his Uncommon Rank Weapons.

His leg dug into the ground, and as Junpei narrowed his eyes. Not even as second passed as a blue bullet shot forward to meet the horde with a howl of his own.

What followed soon after was carnage.


Some minutes later

"Ha… Ha… Ha…"

Heavy breaths escaped Junpei's mouth, but the dissolving carnage strewn around him could not be denied.

"Dammit, that was really some shonen level powerup." Junpei groaned.

His body twitching in the phantom pain at the vanished injuries done on his person.

Whatever kind of Buff the Shard of Hróðvitnir gave his minions was, Junpei would admit that it's quite powerful. It increased their combat capacity by four-fold. Speed, power, toughness, ferocity… Every single thing that made the lupines dangerous had been elevated.

[Congratulations Gamer! You have Leveled Up!]

Sighing euphorically, Junpei cracked his neck as the Level Up took away his tiredness and the annoying phantom pain.

Just as Junpei was picking up his now chipped sword from the ground. Claps that felt more like cannons going off, drew his attention to the final opponent.

To the Shard of Hróðvitnir.

"Good! Very good! I didn't expect much at first. But, ha… Seems like my years spent waiting has dimmed my eyes from seeing potential… Alright, in order to express my sincere apologies, I will allow you to make your final preparations without interrupting."

Somehow the Shard of Hróðvitnir's words of goodwill made Junpei's face to scrunch up in anger. Junpei didn't know why, but the behavior the Shard of Hróðvitnir had been displaying since the beginning had been irking him.

The creased eyes. The demeaning smirk. The arrogant air!

It's almost like it's been looking down on him the entire time… Just like those bastards back at school!

Memories that Junpei thought had vanished into void as a result of the emergence of his new powers provided, dredged themselves up from the recesses of his mind.

It's like they were all before Junpei, looking at him like they always did!

"You're looking down on me, huh. You and every one of them... I'll show you." Junpei growled. "I'll show you all!"

"Hah!" The Shard of Hróðvitnir scoffed as its form begun to shrink. "You'll show me nothing but entertainment. Entertainment that will dance to my tune and die a failure."

In the end, what stood before Junpei was a 9 ft. tall monster. The Shard of Hróðvitnir's form appeared even more compact, and more… Dangerous.

"Oh, yeah?" Junpei said as he began a slow gait forward. "Well I've got something to say about that…"

«Qi Body Reinforcement» «Lightning Fist» But Junpei wasn't done yet. Casting his swords aside, Junpei clenched his fist as he called upon his latest abilities «Qi Explosion»… «Berserk»

Deep within his sub-consciousness, Junpei's Spiritual Manifestation began to vibrate, turning red. Its pure white Qi was replaced with one that was off the color of blood. Physically, Junpei's muscles swelled up a bit while his facial visage bore one not too different from the lupines he slain.

[Qi Explosion-chain-Berserk: 15 to STR, VIT, and AGI]

[For reaching 100 in Strength, you have obtained the Trait 'Juggernaut IV']

[For reaching 100 in Vitality, you have obtained the Trait 'Fleet IV']

And even with this bubbling intense feeling within Junpei the most important part in all this is that he could still think clearly thanks to his Passive Skill…

[Rage lessened due to Gamer's Mind]

Crimson red replaced grey pupils, as Junpei glared at the Shard of Hróðvitnir with the first and true intent to kill.

"You're so going down…"

"Fallacies, my fated adversary. That's all your declaration will ever amount to."

The perception of reality sprayed into colorful blurs. With a sonic boom, auras of silver and darkish blue ripped the ground apart, zipping for their opponents with an intent to win… With an intent to kill.


The Boss Room quaked at the collision.


The air violently ripped apart from the force of Junpei's fist.

A baleful wind fragmenting the view before Junpei for over 15 paces. Rocks, rusted metals, everything had been ripped apart at the application of the Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians in conjunction with Junpei's monstrous strength…

Everything except the Shard of Hróðvitnir, that is…

"Wonderful, truly wonderful." A wizened voice boomed.

Junpei eyes dilated in shock.

How did the Werewolf get behind him?!

"I believe it's now my turn to serve." The Shard of Hróðvitnir said.

Humongous humanoid paw rose up. Jet black claws jutted out, glistening in an ethereal cyan color. It was the color of its Mana. The Shard of Hróðvitnir's maw opened in joy as it utilized its own Combat Ability.

"Claw of the Devourer… [Battle Arts] «Rend»"

Junpei's [Danger Intuition] blared like never before.

'Crap! If that attack hits me.' Slowly turning, Junpei thought grimly. 'It'll be straight up Critical!'

His Trait [Fleet IV] automatically kicked up. With a bullet-like speed, Junpei flickered away avoiding the Werewolf's Ability.

Observing the effects of the Ability, Junpei sucked in a cold breathe.

From the Shard of Hróðvitnir's claws spring forth a pastel purplish arc. Five in number. It made a sound of reminiscent to that of chainsaw as it cleanly split everything before it. Travelling for more than 5o meters before it dissipated.

"Be careful, Junpei." Makima said from beneath his armor. "That's a Spatial Ability. It'll sheer through your level of Physical Resistance like butter."

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock." Junpei grumbled.

As soon as Junpei's feet touched the ground, he took off to the air avoiding another «Rend» sent by the Shard of Hróðvitnir. Gritting his teeth, Junpei spread out his arms as he called upon his own Ranged Abilities.

«Mana Bolt» «Fireball»

The air torched in response to Junpei's will.

With a powerful toss, an orb of fire and raw Mana speed through the air, set on course for the Shard of Hróðvitnir.

Huffing, the Werewolf vanished in blinding speed as it avoided the elemental projectile.

"Looks my own attacks can hurt it back." Junpei noted in relief.

Landing on a conjured «Platform» Junpei Equipped his large handguns, letting down a hail of enchanted bullets on the beast below.

Unfortunately, the Shard of Hróðvitnir nimbleness made sure that it wasn't tagged by the enchanted leads.

At the immediate sight of a purplish glow on the Werewolf's claws, Junpei hopped away, and an instant later, his «Platform» cleaning separated into three parts.

In an acrobatic stunt, Junpei Inventoried one of his guns chucking a bombardment of «Fireball» while his other hand fired out six enchanted shells in an instant.

The sound of lead entering flesh followed by the Shard of Hróðvitnir's grunt, brought a smile to Junpei's face.

'I can do this.' Junpei hopefully thought. 'Maybe I don't need to use 'that' after all.'


But then, not everything goes according to plan now, does it?


"What's it doing now?"

Junpei observed in wariness as a dark aura enveloped the Shard of Hróðvitnir. There was something sinister about that glow. His [Danger Intuition] pinging in warning was just another confirmation to his fears.

Raising his gun, Junpei took a shot at the Shard of Hróðvitnir to test the waters. See what kind of upgrade that was. With a *Bang* the bullet flew ever true at 6 times the speed of sound.


"What… What just happened?" Junpei murmured, letting out another barrage of bullets that were cleanly divided into two.

Around the Shard of Hróðvitnir, Junpei could spot a flickering purplish light that appeared when the bullets neared the beast's proximity. Slicing the projectiles into two. It made a strange *Shing* sound, like that of a sword drawn out from its sheathe.

Raising its slit eyes, the Shard of Hróðvitnir now had a staid air emanating around it. "Range for Power… [Battle Arts] «Rampage»"

And then… It disappeared.

Letting out a surprised yelp. Junpei fretfully looked around, in a bid to find where the obviously 9 ft. monster had disappeared to.

"Look out, it's behind you!" Makima quickly cried out.

Junpei's perception of the world slowed down, but it was already too late. The Shard of Hróðvitnir was behind him. Its speed increased to the extent that Junpei's [Danger Intuition] wasn't quick enough to deliver warning and his [Fleet IV] too slow to get himself out of the way.

Before Junpei could perceive the Werewolf, the left portion of his face exploded in pain.



Grunting, Junpei felt his head pushed back awkwardly before his body followed suit. With the sound of cannon being discharged, Junpei flew at a great velocities, slamming against an opposing wall of dome with a cratering force.




Junpei felt like his spine had snapped at that moment. Due to his Gamer's Body, Junpei that the pain was only temporary. It will quickly fade away. But still, that doesn't mean that the phantom pain will be gone as well.

Junpei disconnected his body from the depression he created, quickly created a «Platform» to land his feet on. Didn't want to risk touching ground with the Shard of Hróðvitnir in such a Buff state.

Though as Junpei turned back, his face scrunched, taking on a look of longsuffering.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me."

Just some feet away from Junpei, the Shard of Hróðvitnir stood on the flat wall. It was walking the same way it would on flat-ground. Slowly and predatorily, it strode towards Junpei on all fours… Then it shot forward.

It sprang towards Junpei, with maw and knife-like claws raised. Junpei raised his handgun taking a shot at the airborne creature. Swerving, the Werewolf avoided the bullet. But Junpei only did that as a distraction. Junpei needed to gain distance in order to refill his Stats HP and MP gauges…

'I've been keeping my Physical Enhancements on to even keep up with this bastard. I can't risk my MP and QP running out on me… The only problem now is that whether the Werewolf would give me time in order to do so.'

After that line of thought, Junpei jumped off rocketing away.

Streaks of colors painted a constellation in the Final Room. Sonic booms left in the combatants wake. «Platform» manifested only to be dispersed. The air sang a glistening song, fire and raw Mana painted the landscape blue and amber.

It was a battle straight out of a fantasy…

A blurry meteor fell upon a large debris shattering it and webbing the ground below. Dusts dispersed to reveal Junpei lain prone on the earth, underneath the feet of the Shard of Hróðvitnir.

It's clearly obvious who the victor in this battle is…


The Shard of Hróðvitnir mimed a thinking pose, as it pressed its full weight upon Junpei.

"What was it you said before this battle began?"

As bonafide superhuman, Junpei knew he could lift a lot, –at least more than 10 tons- But placed under the Werewolf's paw, Junpei realized that he couldn't move a muscle no matter how he heaved. The intensity of the pressure was such that Junpei was astonished that his ribs hadn't been broken, yet.

It was incredibly agonizing as Junpei could only face upwards. Upwards to where the mocking grin of the Shard of Hróðvitnir bore down on him…

As for the Shard of Hróðvitnir, it continued on its tirade with a conceited tone.

"If you don't have the mind to say it, how about I say it for you; that I'm going down. That I am the prey. Hahahahahah… I haven't had quite the laugh in ages. Still, what a disappointment. I have been playing around ever since this battle started, but really, is this all you have to offer?"

The Shard of Hróðvitnir spitted out caustically.

"Why did you have to be the one ' She' chose as her Champion? Because all I see before me is disappointment in a pathetic sack of flesh. Truly, you are one not worthy of her Divine Gifts…"

Junpei's Physical Enhancements lit up, and with a roar, Junpei tried to push himself back up…

Only to be pressed back down with double the force.

Making a sound of disgust, the Shard of Hróðvitnir said.

"I feel like I've wasted my 15,000 years of waiting for nothing. If you are the Champion ' She' has chosen to kill ' Him', I might as well give up any illusion of victory for the Grand Cosmos. Yes, that's right… You are nothing more than a comedic poser, and you will die before me as one… A grand mistake."

Junpei's Points gauges had been displaying a precariously low number, and his MP, and QP were already at an all-time low. The luminous glow of his «Qi Body Reinforcement», «Berserk» and «Qi Explosion» had already died down.

Junpei's Mana and Qi Points had ran out, they couldn't support his Enhancement Abilities anymore…

He had truly lost…

The Shard of Hróðvitnir's foot rose from Junpei's prone form, but Junpei didn't have the necessary Stamina to get away. It was obvious from the manner in which the foot was raised what the Shard of Hróðvitnir was about to do…

Junpei would to be squashed like a bug as soon as the foot drops…

But despite all that. Despite the pain, Junpei was lost in his own little world.



There's always this little hidden 'something' within everyone.

Something, they want to keep hidden from the world outside.

To some, they let this little hidden 'something' fester to the point they become killers, and psychopaths in order to cleanse their selves of this little 'something' or to just share their pain with others… Others become cynics. Shutting themselves out from the world that brought them so much pain…

But what of the ones who hide their pain with their smiles…

How do they deal with their own festering little hidden 'something?'


' Hahahaha… '

It's always the laughter…

' What are you waiting for dance, Piggy?! Dance! Hahahaha… I'm so gonna' get those 100 thousand views for this shit. '

It's always the humiliation…

' Alright, what's the number? Or you know what, forget it. How about I focus on your left rib and then, we'll go back to the other side, eh. Hahahaha… No need to ruin Duke Piggy's face. '

It's always the beatings…

' What Akira-kun and Shiwase-chan are bullying you? Hahahaha… No, that's impossible. How about I get to it later, hmm?'

It's always the favoritism…

' Hahahaha~ just imagining Junpei's face if he realizes that the teacher he went to complain to about his little-roughhousing is actually fuck-buddies with the said problem student. Ah~ this's actually giving me the kicks!'

It's always the result of hoping for any sort of escape…

' Why don't you get it, Piggy? You're a fucking piece of shit. A cunt masquerading as a human. Hahahaha… The sooner you get it and do your part as the School's number I Loser, the better.'

It's always the same words…


What makes me so different from them that I can't even be treated as a normal human being?

Is it because I'm fat, or is it because I'm not handsome? Is it because I'm not intelligent or is because I'm not athletic?

Why can't I just be left alone?

Even being ignored would be heavenly compared to the hell that I face.

Every single time I see them laugh it's always at my expense.

Grinding my teeth like an old hag while I'm left festering in my hate.

I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them.

I hate that fucking smile on their faces…

No… That's not it. That's not what I feel. It's something much more. Something more primal.

Yes, now I remember what it is…

It's … ENVY.


{Passive Skill [Icon of Sin «Envy»] Activated!}

[Gamer's Mind Deactivated!]

[Gamer's Body Deactivated!]

[Karmic Alignment: True Good( 40%) Chaotic Evil (10%)]

[Envy Skill «Ravenous» Activated]


The paw landed with a force that shook the very dome. That should have been the signal for the end of the battle… But it wasn't, for the Shard of Hróðvitnir felt no flesh resistance when his paw ought to have crushed his fated adversary…

From behind it, the Shard of Hróðvitnir heard growling.

It was a growling that spoke of a hankering want…

"You should not have done that." A sultry voice belonging to that of a seductress said behind the Werewolf.

Turning back, the Shard of Hróðvitnir watched in abject fascination at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure that stood before it.

His fated adversary crouched on a debris on all fours. His entire upper-armor was gone while a sickly dark aura tinged with green enveloped his entire physique. Green eyes with dark slit pupils glared at the Shard of Hróðvitnir with a kind of hate reserved for an archenemy, and not to mention that he was growling…

It seems like his fated adversary had become a rabid beast…

Still, the human wasn't the voice that just spoke to the Shard of Hróðvitnir.

Hovering yards away from his fated adversary, was a woman of inhumane beauty. Her skin, a gleaming ruby and her hair, a curly jet black. Two ram horns jutted from her skull and from her back, bat-like wings sprang forth.

The Shard of Hróðvitnir could only remain mesmerized at her sensual presence, as the beauty sauntered on unhindered towards its fated adversary.

Spinning to the Shard of Hróðvitnir in a tantalizing manner, the beauty with circlet eyes of red and black, said with a grin.

"This has been one of my end goal, but still, it came out a tad too early. Well, no matter." She, or rather Makima, the once Fairy, now Succubus shrugged. "Let's begin a little experiment, shall we? Let's see how long you'll last, little doggie."

Before the Shard of Hróðvitnir could even reply to Makima's insolent words. Its entire hackles raised in… Fear?

Lupine eyes widened as the Werewolf realized that its fated adversary was suddenly before it. His fist drawn back for a punch.

'Did his speed increase because of this strange aura?' The Shard of Hróðvitnir thought, before shaking its head. 'No more importantly, did I feel fear just from that?! Impossible. Incomprehensible!'

Refusing to acknowledge its fear just because of its fated adversary's enhanced speed. The Shard of Hróðvitnir howled, raising its own fist, and shot it forward.


The wind bayed and the earth rippled as fist clashed against fist.

Smirking, the Shard of Hróðvitnir said. "Hah. I thought that you've brought something new to entertain me with, but enhanced speed? How foolish of you to even dream of defeating me with just that!"

But then its fated adversary did something strange.

The aura around its fated adversary howled forming a whirlwind. There was a sickening sound of hairs being forcefully pulled out. Its fated adversary is mutilating himself, and when he finally began to talk, the voice that came out didn't sound… Human.

" Y oU' re sO sTR onG~ hO w nI cE iT I s to BE sTR onG. I tOO wAN t tO be sTR onG. I wA nT iT… I wA nT iT! I wA nT iT! I wA nT iT! I wA nT iT! I wA nT iT! I wA nT iT! I wA nT iT...! A nD I wIL l hA vE yoU r sTR eN gT h! [Envy Skill] «Ravenous» "

The Shard of Hróðvitnir wasn't given any chance to ruminate what had just happened. A loud static sound assaulted its ears and then it suddenly fell to the ground, knee first.

The Werewolf felt like it had been hit with a dizzy spell, but what was even more alarming is that the Shard of Hróðvitnir felt its very strength being sapped away.

"W-What's happening to me?" The Shard of Hróðvitnir cried out in shock.

Its Buffing aura had automatically shut itself down, as its Mana could no longer keep on supplying the necessary Mana for its Enhancement Ability.

"How is this possible?!"

" [Envy Skill «Ravenous»]" Sited upon a rock unaffected, but very interested with the current happenings. Makima explained in a sultry tone.

"Don't tell me that you don't have an inkling about what is truly happening. After all, this Skill, is a copy of your Divine Original's Skill, albeit weaker…"

'It can't be…' The Shard of Hróðvitnir thought in disbelieve. But then, the Werewolf could feel it, no, it could even see it.

A white murky aura flew out from the paw the Shard of Hróðvitnir used in exchanging blow with its fated adversary. It was like an amorous line, intermittently glowing. And it was connected to its fated adversary whose aura's seems to be getting even thicker by the second…

From Makima's mouth came out a laughter, beautiful as it was cruel. "To put it this way, all your Physical Strength or rather, your Stats are being devoured till you become weaker than even a new-born cub. And there's nothing~ you can do about it."

"I refuse such a thing!"

With a deafening wail, the Shard of Hróðvitnir moved ahead at blurring speeds. Its aura shifted from its body coalescing around its fist. Arriving before its fated adversary, the Werewolf punched out with all its might…


But the Shard of Hróðvitnir's blow was halted. Its powerful momentum dispersed with naught but four fingers raised languidly as if to say 'Stop'…

Green and red eyes stared at the nonplused Shard of Hróðvitnir within the sickly aura storm, creasing in a crazed manner.

Before the Shard of Hróðvitnir could even let out a word, its fated adversary vanished and then its abdomen contorted and exploded in pain. A rush of wind came out from the Werewolf's back, and with a *Bam* it flew and impacted against the opposing wall…

An ironic turn of event…

"How is he doing it?" The Shard of Hróðvitnir crazily muttered.

Hackles rose once more as fear took hold of the beast who had once been a part of the Divine.

Using its [Surface Walking] Skill the Werewolf jumped away from its location. Which promptly exploded soon after. Rolling as it struggled to regain its orientation, the Shard of Hróðvitnir watched in harried fascination as its fated adversary pulled himself out of the hole it created.

Neon verdant eyes hungrily searched for his prey and upon seeing the Shard of Hróðvitnir, he smiled…

Unconsciously faltering, the Shard of Hróðvitnir still couldn't comprehend how the Monster –for there was no other word to describe its fated adversary- could obtain and use a Skill unique to its ancestry…

There is also the core question of what method or medium was the Monster using to absorb its strength.

"No time," The Shard of Hróðvitnir murmured. Claws jutted out, glistening with a cyan light. "I'll just have to do this the hard way… Claw of the Devourer… [Battle Arts] «Rend»"

An arc of light tore through the air heading for the Monster. The Shard of Hróðvitnir expected the Monster to dodge –and he did- only that the Monster wasn't fast enough to avoid sufficient damage.

Letting out a pain-filled cry, the Monster feet dug into the wall while his right arm cradled the now left stump. The Monster's left arm had been cleanly bisected by the «Rend» Ability.

A typical beast would have rejoiced at the damage being done onto the Monster, but the Shard of Hróðvitnir is not one to rejoice on small victories.

Certainly not when there is a real possibility of it losing to a Thief.

Using the short time lag to its advantage. The Shard of Hróðvitnir dashed onward with its claws glistening once more…

" [Battle Arts] «Rend»"

But as the Werewolf suspected, the Monster had dodged the second attack –all while still wailing- Blood dripped from the Monster's stump as he looked at the Shard of Hróðvitnir while gnashing its teeth.

" I W aN t iT T oO oO! [Envy Skill] «Ravenous» "

Even though, the weakening Shard of Hróðvitnir was prepared for the monster's counterattack. The said Monster's speed could only be described in one word… Sublime.

The sight of the Monster zigzagging was the last thing the Shard of Hróðvitnir saw below it was sent back reeling. A thunderous blow connected to its skull, thumping the Shard of Hróðvitnir hard enough that it yelped in pain.

Like an arrow shot out from a professional archer, the Shard of Hróðvitnir fell back to the earth. And it could feel it…

"E-Even my [Battle Arts] too…? What kind of being, are you?!"

But the Monster didn't reply. The Shard of Hróðvitnir was quite sure that even if it could, it wouldn't. The Monster's raised its right arm, miming a pose that the Shard of Hróðvitnir could clearly recognized, as he called out.

" Claw of the Devourer… [Battle Arts] «Rend»"

From the Monster's fist sprang out dark arcs of light the seemed to devour what little light the room provided.

At the sight of its own attack approaching, the Shard of Hróðvitnir struggled to stand up. Unheeding of the Succubus mocking laughter that spoke of its futile stance…

Yes, the Shard of Hróðvitnir would admit that the Succubus was right in doing so. For the Shard of Hróðvitnir would have also done the same, if it were in the same position.

But still…

"Hah… I have spent 15,000 years preparing for this battle. But it seems like I've really lost an eye for spotting real talent. Literally."

It was an echo of words from before. Only that this time, the words bore a different meaning to it.

Smirking, the Shard of Hróðvitnir –who's Stats were already approaching to that of an Elder Lycanthrope- said proudly. "I am he who is one with the Great Devourer! Come face me, my fated adversary… Though I won't be so easy to fall to despair like you did."

The one armed Monster fell down from above bearing a calamitous wrath and churning envy… The Shard of Hróðvitnir howled as it shot back up, battle ready.

Monstrous man and humanly beast fought an unrelenting battle…

It didn't long, but it was truly a battle hard-won.


Two minutes later,

The Shard of Hróðvitnir could feel itself melding back to the Ether. The place from which it sprang form. The void from which the [System] had created it, amongst many things.

Despite its impending disappearance, the Werewolf couldn't help but smile. Only that unlike its battle ready smirk, its present smile felt more… Peaceful.

The sound of clinking informed the Shard of Hróðvitnir of its final visitor.

"Truly, you are a warrior deserving of Divine Origin. Shard that originates from the Devourer of the Chief God, Odin."

Letting out a wry chuckle, the Shard of Hróðvitnir said. "No need to try pacifying me with such meaningless platitudes, Succubus. I know what you're here for."

With the sound of cheerful clapping, the Succubus replied with an abrupt change of tone. "Oh really~ then I won't beat around the bush. After all, I can only hold off your death for so long. So little doggie. Can you give me your Soul in its entirety?"

Scoffing, the Shard of Hróðvitnir said. "It's not like you're asking now, are you."

"Yep~ but I don't want to be fighting you while trying to take it at the same time. I wanna' give it to my hubby squeaky clean, you see."

Coughing, the Shard of Hróðvitnir could feel a hand approaching its dying form. The Werewolf knew what the hand wanted. It's the Shard of Hróðvitnir's Soul. Laughing, it said.

"Before you carry on Succubus, tell me. Does he knows what you really are?"

There was a pause in the hand's approach as the Succubus took her time to formulate an answer.

"He doesn't. And if I have it my way, he wouldn't know. Junpei needs Makima the Fairy, not Makima the Succubus. We both love him, but he doesn't need me… Not yet."

The hand dropped and the Shard of Hróðvitnir knew no more…

Although, the Werewolf left this World cackling madly as if it had just heard the something truly amusing.


{Passive Skill [Icon of Sin «Envy»] Deactivated!}

[Gamer's Mind Activated!]

[Gamer's Body Activated!]

[Karmic Alignment: Chaotic Evil (10%)True Good (40%)]

[Congratulations Gamer for clearing 'The Abode of Hróðvitnir Shard!']

[Dungeon Rewards now available!]

[Congratulations Gamer! You have Leveled Up!]

[Congratulations Gamer! You have Leveled Up!]

[Congratulations Gamer! You have Leveled Up!]

[Congratulations Gamer! You have Leveled Up!]

[Congratulations Gamer! You have Leveled Up!]


With a loud gasp, grey eyes widened to see a familiar ceiling.

The Gamer has finally woken up…

vtorx_0867 vtorx_0867

I got my inspiration for this chapter's fight scene from Solo-Leveling and 'Tate no Yuusha' (hope I got the name right) Naofumi's battle against the Undead Dragon.

Load failed, please RETRY

次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


