42.85% I alone Level Up! [Gamer/Highschool of the Dead, World-Hopping] / Chapter 3: The passion to be more…

章 3: The passion to be more…

For Junpei, the entire accumulation in time and effort he spent in cleaning the basement could be summarized in one word.


Buckets of brown water were thrown out. Changed for cleaner ones due to the grimes that had been stuck to the wall and floor. Mops had to be rewashed as a result of turning brown, and cobwebs cleaned away… Rats, lizards and all sorts of rodents that had made the basement their hideout were swiftly exterminated.

Twice, Junpei had to stop his work as a result of his SP count reaching 0. Although, the good part in all this was when Junpei had accidentally realized that he could gain Stats Buffs just by eating.

When Mom had brought apple tart and orange juice for them to eat, as they took a short recess. Junpei's HUD screen popped up, informing him of the Buffs to his Stats.

[ Apple Tart and Orange Juice consumed: 5% increase to HP and SP recovery]

Everyone stood transfixed at the screen, before Dad broke the silence.

"Wait. Did this System actually increase your Stats just from eating?"

"Temporarily, yeah." Junpei blankly nodded.

Junpei could already feel his strength returning even more quickly. Pulling up his Status, Junpei saw that the Buffs were already there.

[Name: Junpei Asahi]

[Karmic Alignment: True Good {40%}]

[Job: The Sole Gamer]

[Species: Human] (Progress: 0%)

[Ascension Stage: 0] (Progress: 0%)

[Level: LV 0] (Next Level: 0%)

[Title: Not-slotted/Not-slotted]

[HP: 100/100 (5% Rec UP)]

[SP: 25/100 (5% Rec UP)]

Unknowingly, a cunning smirk spread Junpei's lips wide. With this, Junpei had a tangible idea on how to improve his chances on completing the Rise above the Limits of Humanity Mission.

Shaking his head, Junpei patted his cheeks as he chided himself. "Now, now. This isn't the time for this, Junpei. One thing at a time. Finish this first, then you can try out your methods, later."

At that, Mom nodded. "You're right, Junpei. This place certainly isn't going to be cleaning itself, and we're already on a timer. So let's put our backs into it."


At the synonymous cheer. The trio all went back to work with more vigor.


In the end, they all sat together on the clean polished ground too tired to move –though in Junpei's case, it was his SP reaching a precarious 8, once more- ragged breathes, but with fulfilled smiles. The trio looked proudly at the result of their hard work.

"Now, this finally looks like how I remember it." Dad said. Palms placed on the cool ground, while nodding his head in satisfaction.

"Prim and proper with everything still intact."

Mom also smiled, letting out a reminiscent smile. "Looking at all this reminds me of those days when I had to drag you out of this room, every time you lose yourself in doing your workouts…"

But then Mom's smile turned remorseful.

"Sorry for keeping this away from you, honey."

In response to Mom contrite apology. Dad pulled Mom into a hug, while pecking her cheeks.

"Now, no more of that. I decided to put this away for the Family. After all, you guys are my number 1. More than any fitness training."


Junpei retched at the romantic scenery before him. "Urg… Come on, guys. Your son is actually watching this."

But that only made Dad to hug Mom even tighter, while smiling impishly at his son. "What? Are you saying that you don't wanna' see your old folks proclaim their love before you?"


But at the sight of the still ongoing lovey dovey atmosphere. Junpei ignored them as he focused on the System that promptly sprang up.

[Skill: Cleaning LV 2]

[Basic Mission (Cleaning Operation): Complete!]

[Gamer has received 20exp, 20 dollars]

Suddenly, a golden light emanated of Junpei lighting up the room. From Junpei, an indescribable sensation suffused his being. His tiredness had vanished while he felt his muscles minutely squirming.

With the sound of a congratulatory trumpet, another System message sprang up.

[Congratulations Gamer! You have Leveled Up!]

[All base Stats increase by 1, Free 5 Stats Points, Free 2 Skill points]

Junpei could only describe this sensation with one word.


As someone who was very much aware of himself, being it his chubbiness and plainness. Junpei was aware that something had changed. It wasn't apparent, but it was there. With the tiredness gone, Junpei did some jumping jacks, going as high as his fat frame could allow him.

"I feel great! Haha… So this is how it feels to Level Up."

Junpei opened his Status to see the change of numbers.


[Name: Junpei Asahi]

[Karmic Alignment: True Good {40%}]

[Job: The Sole Gamer]

[Species: Human] (Progress: 0%)

[Ascension Stage: 0] (Progress: 0%)

[Level: LV 1] (Next Level: 3%)

[Title: Not-slotted/Not-slotted]

[HP: 110/110]

[SP: 110/110]

[MP: 140/140]

[QP: 140/140]

[STR: 11 (0)]

[VIT: 11 (0)]

[AGI: 11 (0)]

[INT: 14 (0)]

[WIS: 12 (0)]

[LUCK: 11 (0)]

[Stats Points: 5]

[Skill Points: 2]

[Evolution Points: 0]

[Karmic Points: 0]

In checking his Stats, Junpei had realized that his HP, SP, QP, and MP had shot up, particularly his QP and MP. But when looking at the marginal increase of his INT and WIS compared to his others Stats gave Junpei an idea of what's going on.

"Seems like my Strength and Vitality influences my HP and SP. 1 additional Point to any of the referred Stats means 10 points to HP or SP. Good to know."

"So, how does the Level Up feel?" Mom asked.

Looking at his Mom who was giving him a cursory look. Junpei smiled reassuringly, raising his pudgy arms in a pose.

"I feel great, Mom. Better than ever, if I had any say about it."

Mom eyed her son, for a few seconds. Seeing that there was no ostensible qualitative change on him, she let out a sigh of relief. "Then, I have nothing else to say for now."

A loud clap drew both Mom and Junpei's attention towards Dad who looked enthusiastic.

"Now, that we're done, here. Let's go take a short break and then I'll show you the ropes to a proper exercise, Junpei. And as you're aiming for completing the Bonus requisite of your second Mission, our workout will be on a hard course level."

There was an excited gleam in Dad's eyes. "So let me ask you now. Are you ready?"

Junpei glanced at his Mom, who let out a resigned breathe, shrugging with a smile. Before turning back to Dad, nodding back just as eager.

"Yes, I am!"


Time passes, on.

To say that it was easy would be a lie.

"Come on, son! Just 30 more reps to go and you're through!"


Junpei's body screamed against the self-inflicted torture. The tiredness was palpable on his facial features. Even though Junpei had the Gamer's Body, which meant that there was no such thing as being sweaty. The lethargic and nauseating sensation of his SP nearing 0 was not comfortable in the slightest.

Junpei felt like he was having a feverish cold.

Foods of different varieties were strewn around. Each giving their own Buffs which helped Junpei in replenishing his SP or improving its recovery rate. Though there were some food and drinks that temporarily improved his Stats, like Red-Bull drink.

[Red-Bull Consumed: (Adrenaline Effect) 3 to STR and AGI]

The temporary 3 points were actually effective. For one, Dad had to steady himself from stumbling as he didn't expect Junpei's punching power to increase to a substantive level.

'Anyone who would have received such a hook, would be feeling it for the rest of the day.' Dad told Junpei, impressed.

But back to the main topic.

"100!" With a roar, Junpei pushed himself up fell down while heaving heavily.

[SP: 45/110]

Nodding proudly to himself. Junpei lethargically stood up from the mat feeling accomplished. Thanks to the threadmill, the 10KM run was done indoors, and with Dad as the coach, well… Let's just say that if Dad were to be anything apart from a cook, it would be a coach.

But in the end Junpei had done it all.

[Skill: Body-Fitness LV 2]

[Due to performance of strenuous activities, 3 to STR, VIT, and AGI]

[Basic Mission, (The Preparation to Becoming Powerful): Complete!]

[Gamer has received 100exp, 3 Stat Points, Iron Rank Loot Box {Inventoried}]

[Congratulations Gamer! You have Leveled Up!]

[All base Stats increase by 1, Free 5 Stats Points, Free 2 Skill points]

Meanwhile, Junpei stretched his hands up after the golden light show. His fatigue gone due to the Level Up. Opening his System, Junpei checked out his Status.

[Name: Junpei Asahi]

[Karmic Alignment: True Good {40%}]

[Job: The Sole Gamer]

[Species: Human] (Progress: 0%)

[Ascension Stage: 0] (Progress: 0%)

[Level: LV 2] (Next Level: 25%)

[Title: Not-slotted/Not-slotted]

[HP: 150/150]

[SP: 150/150]

[MP: 150/150]

[QP: 150/150]

[STR: 15 (0)]

[VIT: 15 (0)]

[AGI: 15 (0)]

[INT: 15 (0)]

[WIS: 15 (0)]

[LUCK: 12 (0)]

[Stats Points: 13]

[Skill Points: 4]

[Evolution Points: 0]

[Karmic Points: 0]

Junpei paused as he noticed something.

"Wait a minute, my Stats…"

Junpei already has 13 Stats Points waiting to be utilized. And if Junpei adds just 10 to any of his Stats –except LUCK that needed 13 Stats Point- he'll be achieving the requisite for his Rise above the Limits of Humanity Mission.

A clean 10 into any of the Stats meant that Junpei would be strong enough to flip a car, run 100 meters in 3 sec, or have an IQ of 350… Wow.

But still, doesn't this mean that there is something wrong with this Mission?

[Danger Intuition Pinged!]

Junpei only let out a morose sigh to that. "Yeah, I figured. So that means… a-"


Dad hollered, interrupting Junpei's line of thought. As Dad looked at his digital wristwatch, he said. "We've been here for quite long enough. Let's go back inside, I'm sure that your Mom is waiting for us so that we can start dinner together."

Junpei nodded while still remunerating. He still had enough energy to keep on going, but for now, he wants to arrange himself first. Not to mention that he hadn't done what he had been planning to do pertaining to the items in his Gift Pack.

Dismissing his Status screen, Junpei said. "Alright, Dad. Let's go."


After Dinner.

Junpei stood before a mirror, his pudgy form cleaned and free from dirt, after a fulfilling bath. With a towel wrapped around his waist, Junpei said. " Equip, sleepwear."

The newly stashed sleepwear in his Inventory disappeared, switching places with the towel Junpei draped around his waist.

[Sleepwear (Common): Twinkle, twinkle little star, and what have you. Grants 10% to HP and SP restoration when worn]

Junpei nodded his head. "Sounds about right."

As Junpei returned to his bed. He paused, looking at his bedstead. As a result of the Boost to his Status, Junpei had been feeling quite different. He felt stronger, faster, sharper…

Junpei could recall all the words that had been uttered in throughout the day. While not word for word, it was something close to that. Junpei could swear that such capabilities weren't in his profile, before. Looking back at the bed, an itching feeling arouse within Junpei.

'15 in STR, VIT, AGI. How strong does that make me?'

Junpei moved. Crouching beneath his bed as both hands gripped under it. Taking a deep breath, Jupei clenched the bed hard, straining himself as he rose up. The bed arose with him.

"Ha… Hahaha!"

It was a stifled laugh filled with disbelief.

Junpei shifted the one-person bed, holding it in the middle, before slowly releasing one of his hand. The hand that held the bed strained at the sudden pressure while Junpei grunted. But that was all there was to it.

Junpei knew he couldn't hold it for long. But it was an undeniable fact the Junpei was doing what was impossible for the Junpei of this morning.

And all this is just after one day of having the System.

A dark part of Junpei was howling at him to go to school tomorrow. The tormentors and the bullies would have another thing coming, if they try their shit against him… Weeks spent eating through straws. A perfect punishment for all of them.

Especially, her.

Junpei shook his head. Now wasn't the time to have such macabre thoughts. His Mission was still ongoing, and it was better to put his time now on things more important… But still.

"I have bonafide Superpowers!"

Doing a small dance that would have been described as horrific to an outsider's eyes. Junpei beamed childishly at the prospect. With this, Junpei could become whatever he wants to be. There is no such thing as a limit before him.

"Hell, I could even go for World Domination and that'll still be plausible. After all, I am the First Ability User in the World… Nah~ I don't think I have the stomach for what such kind of prospect entails."

And World Domination aside, Junpei still had more important things to do. Filling up the blanks in his Status for example. Opening his Status, Junpei scrolled down towards his list of Titles.

From his Stats, the Title subsection sat un-slotted which obviously meant that Junpei had to be the one to slot in the preferred Title for it too work. Luckily, Junpei already had two in mind.

[Mommy and Daddy's Boy]

(You love Mommy and Daddy, and Mommy and Daddy loves you too! Ah~ how sweet: Grants about a 40% increase in your favor pertaining to any of your endeavor as long as Mommy and Daddy supports you.)


(Where people see blank, you see colorful things… ! Um is there something wrong with your brain: 20% increase in Mana/Qi manipulation)

Even as Junpei read the Title's Effect. Two words had already formed, hollering in his mind.

"How Overpowered!"

The Mommy and Daddy's boy effect is one that will help Junpei a great deal. It was more of a lucky charm of sorts. But to have a 40% increase in his favor in whatever he did… Well, it changes many things.

Delusionist too is quite an upgrade. Seeing that Junpei is a budding Magic Magister and Cultivator. Delusionist would help him get acquainted in manipulating mana and qi.

"Now that's done. The Gift Pack."



[Gift Pack]

-Marebito Gene {Human-mid Grade} (Bloodline!)

-Time Dilation Hour Clock: 1use {Low-Peak Grade} (Mystical Item!)

- Body refining Tonic x6 {Mid-Mid Grade} (Cultivation Resource!)

-Soul Cleaning Tonic x6 {Mid-Mid Grade} (Cultivation Resource!)

- Soul Tempering Scripture {Sky Grade} (Cultivation Technique!)

- Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians {Sky Grade} (Cultivation Technique!)

- 10,000 dollars

- System Guide Fairy Egg {Peak Grade} (System Gift!)

"I know that I've said this before. But with this, I'm 100% sure that this is an OP System. But still that brings to question… The Rise above the Limits of Humanity Mission, there has to be more to it. Because at the rate that I'm progressing. I'll be able to clear the Mission in just two days."

[1 to INT, WIS for an apt deduction]

And there's the clincher.

Junpei shook his head, before stretching out his hand. "Marebito Gene."

A blue tennis-like orb manifested, falling onto Junpei's palm. Junpei rubbed its smooth surface as he watched the center of orb glow orange briefly. Tilting his head, Junpei casted Observe to see its properties.

[Marebito Gene: A bloodline type belonging to humans whose bodies surpass their kind's limitation. Capable of inhuman physical feats. Additional 3 to STR, VIT, and AGI upon every Level Up, and 15% increase in workup dividends]

Well at that description, what was Junpei supposed to say to that.

[Bloodline 'Marebito' absorb? Yes/No]

"Of course, yes!"

The orb cracked and shattered. Turning into blue motes of light, flowing into Junpei. Visibly, Junpei could see his skin squirming. Changing, becoming condensed. While his fat wasn't completely gone, Junpei could actually see muscle definitions.

Junpei raised his shirt to check his stomach. There was still fat, obviously, but not the obese kind of fat. His stomach looked more of a compact round if nothing else.


There was the System Fairy Guide in the Gift Pack which would be helpful in guiding him. But Junpei saw that is was under timer. 1 week before hatching. So that meant that it'll be on a Sunday.

After Observing the rest of the items, Junpei nodded, bringing out 1 Soul Refining Tonic and then decided to absorb the Soul Tempering Scripture leaving the Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians for tomorrow.

The Body Refining Tonic is an essential for the Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians, and unlike the Soul Tempering Scripture, the Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians is a physical training –albeit a very powerful one-

Meanwhile, the Soul Tempering Scripture required only Mediation and Soul Refining Tonics. Which meant that Junpei would be able to utilize it now as opposed to the Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians.

[Soul Tempering Scripture: A preparatory Special Class Cultivation Technique utilized by budding Magisters. Strengthens the Soul Force and increases the numbers of spell slots required for a 0th Level mage. Passively increases INT and WIS and can permanently improve them further with training]

[Cultivation Technique 'Soul Tempering Scripture' absorb? Yes/No]

A yes and an information dumping after, the Cultivation Technique was finally his. And just as Junpei was about to get into Cultivating, his eyes widened as he remembered the other matter he had almost forgotten.

"Oh, right. I remember seeing [!] sign in the Events as well. Wonder what is it?"

With a quick deploy of his System, Junpei clicked into the Events section.



-The Beginning of the End {World-Tier Event}

[Big, small, rich, poor, beautiful, ugly, weak, strong, man, woman, old, young… Everyone including You is not an exempt from the Festival of the XXX. Your actions and decisions on the Festival would be calculated and rewarded appropriately. Take heed, Gamer… Lest it catches you unawares]

[Date of Event: 11-4-20xx]

"Ok… That's freaking ominous."

Junpei sat on his bed with his eyes trained on the content of the System Event.

For once, the System wasn't being totally helpful –although Junpei had already been expecting that- the Festival of XXX. What does the hell does XXX mean? Some gatcha event, gaming event… Hell, it could even mean the apocalypse!

The fact that the Event is classified as a World-Tier, meant that whatever happens will affect everyone. Thankfully, there was already a date of when this would be happening. After 1 week and 5days. It's close, but at least there is still enough time to prepare.

Tomorrow, Junpei will be showing this to Dad and Mom. He can't handle this alone.

Sighing, Junpei cupped his face. "And to think that I half-expected everything to be smooth sailing. My bad."

But for now, there is nothing Junpei could do about it. Except to prepare…


Some minutes, later

Junpei sat on the ground in a lotus position. The Soul Refining Tonic consumed, while mediating on the Soul Tempering Scripture.

Due to possessing the knowledge on the Cultivation technique and possessing the requisite which is Mediation. Junpei quickly found himself pulled away into his inner consciousness.

Junpei breathed in, drawing in the air. Or at least what appeared to be the air. Junpei felt nothing, and saw nothing. Only a dark seamless world where nothing existed. Then the change came.

At first, Junpei thought his mind was playing with him, as Junpei felt like a strange energy flowing around him. A ubiquitous force that was unending… Though, it felt rather tainted in a way.

Still, the mysterious energy felt heavy, powerful, and potent. It took only an instant for Junpei to realize that this was Mana.

Instinctually, Junpei projected a mental representation of himself into the dark like space, which Junpei now understood was his inner consciousness. Drawing a deep breathe, the Mana visibly flowed into him in blue ethereal strings moving while entering into his soul. Suffusing it.

The Soul Refining Tonic Junpei took, hastened the absorption process, while Junpei immediately began cultivating through the Soul Tempering Scripture.

As the name implies, Soul Tempering Scripture helps an acolyte Magister strengthen the potency of his soul. Mana flows into the Visual representation of Junpei's soul, while the soul itself let out a humming ripple as it process the Mana being given it.

Like what Junpei had noted before. The Mana around him was tainted. Using such Mana quality in establishing his foundation would only hurt Junpei later on. But with the Soul Tempering Scripture, that wouldn't be a problem.

Outside of his consciousness, a stream of black putrid smoke began emanating from Junpei's body. This was the taint or rather, the contaminated Mana. Leaving behind a white thick smolder which congregated into Junpei's soul representation.

Deep within Junpei's consciousness, his soul physique began to thrum violently as the sound of a loud gong rang through the void-like space.

And every time the gong rang, the phantom like image became a bit more vivid. It was becoming stronger… Normally, the Soul Tempering Scripture is a technique that could only be cultivated by those with strong wills. As the soul tempering was very arduous.

And very, very, very painful.

An apt description would be intentionally giving yourself a large wound, then pouring hanebero pepper and salt and sealing the wound with a bad needle. In other words, this technique is meant for psychopathic masochists.

But Junpei was obviously different.

Junpei is the Gamer. Possessing all the necessary qualities of the Gamer and that included the Gamer's Body. For Junpei, this is more like grinding than cultivating.

Junpei initiates the Soul Tempering Scripture to run through his body and then loses himself into a trance as his soul automatically refines Mana and gets stronger.

If a proper mage could see this. They would curse the heavens with eyes cring blood for being unjust. But Junpei didn't know that and if he knew… What was he suppose do about it?

[Skill: Low Mana Affinity (MAX)]

[Skill: Mana Manipulation LV 4/100]

Junpei's brow raised in surprise. This is his inner consciousness, Junpei didn't suspect that he'll be receiving System Messages in here. But he is once gain, being proved wrong.

The System can appear wherever and whenever it wants to… Kinda cool in his opinion.

As Junpei noticed that the Mana absorption speed had reduced, he immediately pulled out another Soul Refining Pill from his Inventory.

Even if Junpei uses it all, he'll be sure to grind his WIS and INT Stats all night. He has Qi physical workout for tomorrow.

vtorx_0867 vtorx_0867

for any who are interested to know. Marebito gene is from Maruo Kaido (Ayashimon) and the Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians is from Lin Fang (Martial World)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


