28.57% I alone Level Up! [Gamer/Highschool of the Dead, World-Hopping] / Chapter 2: Taking the First Steps.

章 2: Taking the First Steps.

And so the morning continued like normal… Well, as far as the new normal went.

School was obviously a no go. Especially with what Junpei's parents had heard, and then with the strange RPG System ability in play. Even his parents had decided to close the eatery for the day.

Like hell, will they'll have the capacity to serve customers efficiently, while their hearts would always be thinking about their son's rather peculiar situation.

At the moment, the family had relocated to the main-room. Both father and mother sited beside Junpei, as their son prepared to check the other features.

But first…

"Junpei, are you alright?" Mom asked, with her face set in curiosity.

The reason for her words was because of the following message, which came right after Junpei had finished checking his Status.

[Basic Mission, (Check my Status): Complete!]

[Gamer has received 5exp points, and Gift Pack {Inventoried}]

Junpei smile reassuringly. "No worries, Mom. It's just a normal thing, this isn't a Level Up. It's just me receiving exp points and rewards for completing a Basic Mission… Though, that will explain the exclamation mark I had seen on the Quest section, before."

[1 to Intelligence for an apt deduction]

"See? Now it's rewarding me for making an apt decision. So that means that my explanation is correct."

Seeing the smug look on his son's face, itched Dad to make a small quip of his own.

"But son. For the System to be adding to your Intelligence Stats for such simple reasoning. Sure, that this isn't it pitying you by making you a bit smarter than before?"

"Oh, come on, Dad!"

"Hahahahaha! Sorry about that, son. No need to pout, big guy." Meanwhile to his Wife, Asahi winked at her, before saying to his son.

"So how about you go check out the Store option, you seemed to be eyeing, ever since you opened this System-like ability."

"Ah, right!"

Junpei excitedly shrank his Status screen, going back to Menu to pick out the Shop option.


[Myriad Realms Shop] (0 Ascension)

And then, it widened to a variety of colorful articles.


Junpei's eyes widened, and his mouth hung open as lists and lists of weapons, armors, potions, pills, herbs, food, and even machinery were displayed in an exquisite manner.

Everything had been divided into its own section. Articles, materials, bloodlines, pills and portions, weaponries and machineries. Hell, there was even…

"Skill Books! I knew that I would find you here!"

Unarmed Combat, Spear Mastery, Sword Mastery, Snipping, Stealth, Gun-Fu, Cooking…

There was also an Ability subsection containing mystical skills, like Fireball, Frost-Lance, Earth-Spike, Call Minor Elemental and many others. Unsurprisingly enough, Cultivation Manuals for Both Qi and Mana Cultivation were placed in their own section.

And to consider that this is only the (0 Ascension) stage…

"Yeah, I'm loving this Myriad Realms System, more and more… Though, the prices…"

Mom couldn't hid her wince at the numbers, she saw. Those numbers felt like they were ready to give her a heart attack.

"Yeah… We aren't equipped to buy them all, Junpei."

Some of their prizes were hilariously outrageous. Like for some, it is either you have a black credit-card or nothing. Specifically, the eccentric skills and abilities from the mystical section.

"10,000 dollars?! 500,000 dollars?! Why is it in dollars and not yen?" Dad hollered, letting out a whistle. "Sorry son, but some we can provide, the others not so much. Let's not bit off more than we can chew, eh."

"I know that, Dad."

Candidly speaking, Junpei wasn't as down as his parents. Because if his System actually has an eccentric option in its Menu which is the Shop. Then surely, the elements of Drops and Loots, are in play. Which meant money and items. And then there's the System Rewards.

[1 to Intelligence for an apt decision]

Junpei smirked. 'Yeah, this situation isn't exactly hopeless for me.'

While it was unfortunate that Junpei couldn't get most of what he wanted in the Shop. He didn't despair or rage. It was only a matter of time, and as his theory on Drops, Loot and System Rewards were correct, then it wouldn't be for long.

'Just you wait for me, my lovelies. I'll buy you all!'

Shrinking his Shop icon, Junpei went to check his Inventory. He remembered seeing an [!] sign which indicated that there was something in the waiting for him in the System's hyperspace. Something he wanted see. Especially when the System had rewarded him with a Gift Pack.



A black and white grid table manifested itself. While Junpei nodded at the familiar appearance. His eyes went to the two brown chest packages that were currently occupying two of its spaces.

'Starter Pack and Gift Pack. Gift Pack would be the System Reward from before, while the Starter Pack would be what the [!] originally was for in the first place… Alright then, I'll start with the Starter Pack.'

With that thought. A rather peculiar package in a brown bow, maximized and popped open in confetti showers. Then its contents was made known.

[Starter Pack]

-Mediation {Upgradable} (Skill Book!)

- Mana Potion x2 {Low-Mid Grade} (Miscellaneous Item!)

-Healing Potion x4{Low-Mid Grade} (Miscellaneous Item!)

- Qi pill x4 {Low-Peak Grade} (Cultivation Resource!)

-Soul pill x4 {Low-Peak Grade} (Cultivation Resource!)

- Bastard –Shing - Sword {Uncommon} (Weaponry!)

-3000 dollars

Immediately, Junpei knew which of the items he was going to start with. Excitedly, Junpei raised his hands out, and said. "Mediation."

The Skill Book vanished in the screen. Above Junpei's palm, a blurry outline manifested, promptly taking the shape of a brown book. Ignoring the surprised whoa from his parents. Junpei looked at the front cover which had the simple title, 'Mediation' written on it.

Now's the time to see how this Skill absorption works. But right before Junpei could do that, his Dad interrupted him while as he offered a suggestion.

"Son, before you absorb the Skill. Why don't you first try using Observe on it to see what the Skill actually does."

"You're right."

Nodding at the suggestion, Junpei narrowed his eyes. "Observe!"

[Mediation: The basic requisite for every Cultivator and Magic Magister in order to get started with their Magic and Qi training. Grants Low Mana/Qi affinity upon initialization, and grants 10% Mana/Qi regeneration.]

Mom blinked, commenting after reading it. "Well, it certainly looks helpful."

With a half-smile, Junpei replied. "Helpful? Try like, god-send. Mom, I don't know the first thing about Mediation except closing your eyes while inhaling loudly through your nose. This Skill here will help me skip right pass all that. That's not even mentioning its other effects."

"Alright, I can see what you're talking about, son." Dad said, rubbing his chin. "So how about you absorb it. Let's see how it's done."

"I don't need you to tell me that."

[Skill Book 'Mediation' absorb? Yes/No]

"Of course, yes!"

The brown book disintegrated into motes of light. Floating towards Junpei who glowed briefly as the motes entered him. Junpei at first expected to feel pain. But fortunately, it wasn't so. The information was seamlessly being imputed into his brain, and suddenly, Junpei now knew how to mediate.

"So… Feel any different?" Mom asked while looking a bit worried.

Unlike her husband and her son, she feels wary towards this 'System.' It was only logical as this isn't normal. While her loved ones took it in stride, Mom decided to be the rational one, here. So at the very least, from an outsider's perspective, she would be the one to ask the questions.

"Eh, well..."

Junpei clenched his hands, contemplatively. Closing his eyes for a moment. Junpei felt like everything was fading away before he hastily pulled himself back. With an understanding look, Junpei realized that he had almost began mediating right at that very moment.

'It's just so… Easy.'

Looking towards his Mom, Junpei said. "From henceforth, refer to me as Guru or Sensei."

Mom responded by cuffing Junpei at the back of his head.

"Don't get smart with me, you rascal!"


Meanwhile, Mom placed a hand on her chest letting out a sigh in relief. At least, her worries were unfounded… For now.

"Next up." Junpei stretched his right hand as if to grab something.

"Bastard –shing- Sword!"

Instantly, Junpei let out a yelp as a sword almost his height, but twice his weight manifested on his hand. Junpei couldn't stop the blade's edge from passing through the ceramic tabletop in front of them, as if it was butter. The trio could only watch as it sank into the ground producing a cool shing sound effect.

It was only after a passing spell did Mom decide to speak. "Junpei."

"Yes, Mom."

"Do not ever play with that sword in this house, you got that?"

"Loud and clear, mam."

Junpei quickly casted ' Observe' on it, to see its properties.

[Bastard –Shing - Sword: An Uncommon Rank weapon with a stabbing, slicing, and dicing effect meant for baddest of the bad. Causes 25% damage on LV 15-20 and 60% critical damage on LV 14-below. Minimum Requirements: STR: 20]

"Well, it's no wonder that I couldn't use it at all. Using this sword requires me to be twice as stronger than I am now."

"Hmm…" Dad began. Drawing everyone's attention to the contemplative look on his face. "You know, while all the Items are actually cool and all. Why is no one commenting on that 3000 dollars that has been staring at us right in the face?"

At that, Junpei dismissed the Bastard –Shing- Sword, pulling out the money from his Inventory. Junpei held the wad of cash for some seconds before giving it to his parents.

But Dad just shook his head.

"No need for that, son. Well, I can tell that the money isn't a counterfeit, and after all, if this System is actually giving money as part of its Rewards, then we won't be hurting for cash for that Shop of yours."

Junpei arched his brow. "But I thought you originally knew that."

"About what?"

"The money issue."

Dad tilted his head in confusion. "Wait, you knew that the System was going to give money as part of its rewards?"

"Well, it was obvious. The Shop and the Gift Pack were the major signs, after all… And by the way, I've also gotta' check out the later as well."

After collecting the money and storing it in his Inventory. Junpei shrank the Starter Pack Icon while enlarging the Gift Pack Icon.

Rubbing his hands together a tad too greedily, Junpei said. "Now, what are you going to be giving me, now?"

Then he clicked.


A few minutes later, Junpei was beaming from ear to ear while his parents smiled tiredly at the sight of their peppy son.

"You know, I had been initially wondering about what kind of System this is. But now I get it. This System is one of the overpowered types… I'm so gonna' wring out every kind of advantage it brings with it."



-The Preparation to Becoming Powerful {Daily Grade D Mission}

[You are unsatisfied with the way your life is so become better!]


-100 Push-Ups

-100 Sit-Ups

-100 Squats

-Run 10KM

(System Rewards: 100exp, 3 Stat Points, Iron Rank Loot Box)


- Rise above the Limits of Humanity {Daily Grade D Mission}

[The Limits set by others? Fuck them! Be the Special one]


-Become strong enough to lift three tons (STR: 25)

-Fast enough to run 100 meters in 3 seconds (AGI: 25)

- IQ of 350 (INT: 25 WIS: 25)

(System Rewards: 1000exp, 10 Stat Points, 1 Voucher Card, Copper Rank Loot Box)

Bonus Reward

(Completion before the Weekends will be rewarded with: ?, ?, and ?)

Reading the contents of the Mission, Junpei sweatdropped. "This is going to be a problem. First Mission aside, how am I expected to complete the second one, and in one week no less."

"Um, Junpei, if I can understand correctly. Isn't the one week a Bonus requirement? Doesn't that mean that it isn't important in the bigger scale of things?" Mom offered.

Junpei knew that Mom was right. The Bonus was just a secondary objective that doesn't need as much consideration as the main objective… But still. Now that it has been presented to him, Junpei wants to acquire it even more!

That [?] sign always meant something big in games.

Is this being greedy? Junpei would admit it is. But that's just the human in him. When such a marvelous opportunity to gain more is presented to Junpei, he couldn't just leave it be. Thankfully, now he actually remembered one of his rewards in the Gift Pack contained a little something that would help him in this situation.

All that's left is a proper location and the right equipment.

Luckily, Dad seemed to have a solution.

"While I don't know how you're going to become a superhuman in less than a week. I do have leftovers from my yesteryears that could help." Dad said, rubbing his chin.

Eyeing his son who looked at him with starry eyes, Dad barked out a loud laugh as he stood up.

"Honey, if I can remember correctly. The equipment from my training days are still in the basement, yes?"

Mom's eyes widened in understanding, as she replied. "Yes, yes they are! Honestly, I thought that those dumbbells and the rest would be collecting dust resting till evermore. But…"

She looked at Junpei, continuing. "It seems like we can finally put them to good use." Standing up, Mom said. "Why don't you go show him the equipment, while I'll go bring out the cleaning tools; that place must be gathering cobwebs and dusts to an asthmatic level."

Watching as his wife left, Dad stretched his hands giving a light groan. "So, what are you waiting for? Let's get going."

Dismissing the HD screen, Junpei nodded excitedly. Time to go check out his future training site.


You know that artic breeze the usually flows out when you open a fridge, right? Now just change the chilling breeze to nose itching dust, and you've gotten yourself a basement.

A dust-ridden basement.

"Wow," Dad said, covering his nose while coughing. "I know that we haven't been using this place ever since we had a basement at the store. But this certainly isn't hygienic."

Retreating back, as he felt his nose watering, Junpei muttered. "You don't say."

The basement was in the backyard outside of the house. Wincing, Junpei instinctively clenched his eyes at the morning sun. It was around spring and looking around the neighborhood, Junpei could see the sakura blossoms occasionally fluttering around.

Today's really a good and beautiful day. Double that, as a result of his ability.

Seeing that his Dad was heading inside. Junpei quickly followed as well, holding up a torchlight while using his other hand to cover his nose. The room was dark while containing a murky stale air.

Junpei wouldn't have been able to see anything, if it weren't for torchlight Dad had told him to bring along.

"Alright, where is it?" Dad muttered as if he was searching for something, and if Junpei could hazard a guess. It was the light switch.

"Found it!'

A click, and florescent bulbs flickered on lighting the basement. Junpei nodded his head impressed by its size. It was big. Filled with enough space for the training he had in mind. But what was most important were the apparatus currently covered in a white, or rather, stained brown cloth.

"It's all here, Junpei."

Dad looked fondly as he pulled down one of the cloths revealing an array of barbells, with its weight stacked by the side.

Junpei went pulling the others revealing all other set of training equipment. Treadmill, dumbbells, rowing machine, smith machine, suspension bar, leg and overhead press, and all other apparatus… There was even a punching bag at the edge of the room.


"What. Don't look so incredulous, Junpei. I once did tell you that before I meet your mother, I was a fitness-nerd. And I don't think my muscles have atrophied yet."

Junpei could agree with that. Underneath those baggy clothes of his were stanch muscles that could scare off the common man. Once in the eatery, Junpei had seen his Dad thrashed a group of thugs so badly that they had to be rushed to the hospital.

Well, the thugs were at fault for their rude behavior, and most importantly, they insulted Mom.

"So, how do you see it, Junpei?" Dad asked spreading his arms. "The place isn't perfect now, but a little cleaning would do the trick, eh."

"No worries, it's perfect. Thanks, Dad." Junpei replied wholeheartedly.

"You're welcome, Junpei."

Sounds of footsteps with metal clanking, drew the attention of the basement occupants to the stairs. Mom walked down with facemasks while on both hands were iron buckets filled with mops, brooms and other cleaning appliances. Tossing masks to her husband and son, Mom said.

"As I suspected, dust. Here put on the facemask and let's get to cleaning."

Immediately a screen popped up before, Junpei.


-Cleaning Operation {Grade E mission}

[Help your parents clean up the basement]

(System Rewards: 20exp, 20 dollars)

"My first prompt Quest, huh." Smirking, Junpei cracked his fingers. "Let's get right to it, then."

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


