14.28% I alone Level Up! [Gamer/Highschool of the Dead, World-Hopping] / Chapter 1: Countdown to the Apocalypse and my Golden Finger: Stage 1
I alone Level Up! [Gamer/Highschool of the Dead, World-Hopping] I alone Level Up! [Gamer/Highschool of the Dead, World-Hopping] original

I alone Level Up! [Gamer/Highschool of the Dead, World-Hopping]

作者: vtorx_0867

© WebNovel

章 1: Countdown to the Apocalypse and my Golden Finger: Stage 1

[Welcome Gamer, to the Myriad Realms Ascension System]


His toothbrush stopped scrubbing. And even as he swallowed a bit of toothpaste due to the sudden phenomena happening, Asahi Junpei could only stare monotonously at the strange spectacle his brain had just conjured for him this morning.

Junpei had been on his desktop playing games till 4 in the morning. Now here he is, paying for it by having a stylized bluish HD screen shoved to his face… Just great.


Junpei tilted his head to the side, but the strange floating HD screen still followed his line of vision. Shrugging, Junpei ignored the screen, taking his time to turn on the faucet to wash his face. Trying to clear away what little hold sleep had over him.

As Junpei turned off the faucet. He stared at the mirror where a swarthy chubby Japanese stared back, wearily. His fat frame coupled with his droopy naturally aggressive eyes and dark bed-hair, gave Junpei the look of an antagonistic homeless person. But that isn't why he is currently feeling down.

For you see, this is the dawn of a new day, and it is finally time once again…

Today is a Monday, and that universally means school-day. But if anything could picked up the first observation Junpei had of himself. Then no one needed to explain how school-life is for Junpei.

Just another form of Hell.

Wincing, Junpei rubbed the side of his torso. The side he had been repeatedly hit at by his deluge of tormenters. Gritting his teeth, Junpei wondered if there was a way he could convince his parents to allow him to stay back home, for a while.

Junpei never saw the point of going to school. From a young age, he had decided to be a cook just like his parents. Their eatery was quite successful in the neighborhood. While not in an opulent casket, Dad and Mom's eatery was well off to afford the family small luxuries.

[Initiate System with Verbal/Thought Command: Menu]

Ruffling his hair to hide his eyes, Junpei couldn't help nodding impressed at his delusion.

"At least, this one is more vivid than the others." His artificially tempered voice whispered out.

This isn't the first time that this has happened. Once, he had thought he had the powers of a flying-brick hero, Supreme. Strength, flight, hell, even heat vision! At that time, Junpei had thought they were all real and his parents didn't help. Playing along instead of correcting their son of his delusion.

Junpei at that time had thought that with his –bogus- powers, he could finally kick his bully's ass. He won't be messed around with anymore… That he'll finally enjoy a normal school life.

But no! All he got was being laughed at, then beaten up, and then laughed at, even more.

Junpei has considered it a miracle that he hasn't turned nihilistic, yet!

The keyword being, 'yet.'

So every time something like this happens, Junpei made a resolution that he'll let delusions like this die off on its own. No need to raise a racket over his eight-grade syndrome. Even though, he's currently a high-schooler.



As Junpei bonked his head against the corner wall, by mistake. He had come to a sagely conclusion that this fabricated illusion was quite persistent and annoying.

"0.5 out of 100 for aesthetics!"


"That's it. This has been among my ever increasing top 10 worst mornings of my life."

Walking down the flight of stairs that always creaked due to his weight. Junpei wore a somnolent scowl on his face as he descended down for breakfast.

⸢Initiate System with Verbal/Thought Command: Menu⸥

'It's still there. Damn are my delusions really this persistent?'

For what could this be if not some fabrication, that Junpei's mind had dug up, for him to get away from this painful grip termed, 'IRL.' Life isn't just some game. He had learned that the hard way…

In the most painful manner…


"Hahahaha! Can you believe this loser, guys?"

"Ptfthahahaha… God, I haven't laughed like this for ages."

"Wait, you wanna' cry, piggy? Check this out! Piggy's wants his mummy!"

"Hey, someone take a picture of his face for posterity!"

"Eh~ I don't wanna'~! His image will ruin my phone."

"That's a good one!"



Junpei eyes dilated. Struck by a sickening vertigo. Covering his mouth to stop the rising bile, while his other hand gripped the stair's railing to steady himself from slipping.

'Good going, you idiot! Do you want to have another panic attack and trouble your parents like before?!'

The last time something like this had happened, Junpei had to spend 2 weeks in the hospital. Mom and Dad really looked devastated at that time. At the look of their worried expressions, Junpei swore to himself to never trouble them again.

Taking in a few deep breathes, Junpei chased away that surge of memories.The images pertaining to the worst day of his life. Opening his eyes, Junpei took satisfaction that while he was still feeling jumpy, the stiffening sensation was gone.

Junpei tapped around his face. Creasing away any sign that might reveal what had just happened. Junpei didn't want to see his parents being fretful around him this morning.

Once is enough, thank you very much.

"Morning, Mom, Dad." Junpei incanted as he arrived at the dining table, which was a few steps away from the kitchen.

His parents were already there, dressed and ready for the day.

"Morning, son." Junpei's Dad, Asahi said.

Dad's huge frame which Junpei has always secretly envied, creaked his chair. Dad lowered his newspaper to take a glimpse at his son, before he resumed sipping the black coffee he held with his other hand.

'It is a sign of maturity.' Dad told Junpei, one time when he had asked. Though, Junpei couldn't exactly see what kind of maturity his Dad was talking about.

Sipping black coffee, maybe. But to Junpei, that is not maturity. It's more about taste. Reading newspaper when you're eating, only distracts you. The food could spill, staining your clothes. There isn't anything mature about that, no matter what angle Junpei used.

Truly, the world of adults are on a whole different league from teen-scamps and little broods.

Mom's pleasantly plump form, ruffled Junpei's hair. Her dark brown hair tied to a bun, while lovely eyes closed pleasantly.

"Morning, Junpei." Mom said. Ruffling Junpei's hair, lovingly.

Letting out a smile of his own, Junpei sat on his side of the table. Beside Mom who seated close to Dad who placed himself at the head of the table. That is how it has always been in this family. How Junpei had met it. And to be honest, Junpei didn't want to change it for anything else.

[Initiate System with Verbal/Thought Command: Menu]

[New Message!]


Arching his brow, Junpei realized that the persisting HUD now had a wording to it. It was that of a message. Humming to himself, Junpei decided to see what the message even talking about. More like, Junpei was humoring himself.

'Eh, should I just focus on… Ah, it opened.'

The message screen bursts into showers of blue light, and the message from within sprang out.

[Gamer: To clear your doubts on the veracity of the system. A special feature has been patched in.]

[Visible Mode: A special feature that enables visibility of the Myriad Realms Ascension System to outside party.]

[Enable feature, toggle: On/Off]

'Whoa, Whoa… Doesn't this seem a bit too elaborate to be just some conjured illusion?' Junpei thought.

A feeling of apprehension coursing through him. This is just too strange. Yes, he would admit that sometimes, his mind would always bring up crazy stuffs. But it had never been to this level… This isn't normal.

With an audible gulp. Junpei focused on the 'On' sign. Imagining as if he was clicking on it.

'I mean, what's the worst that could happen?' Junpei thought with self-assurance.

Then it happened. An audible tinging sound that drew his parent's attention. A simple cursory look, widened their eyes in shock at what they both saw. Just in front of their son was a blue holographic screen.


Junpei's Dad dropped his newspaper. Rubbing his eyes before staring at the flatting screen in uncertainty.

"Uhm, honey. Am I seeing things, or did you add something to my coffee?"

"Unless, I added the same thing in mine. Then I suppose we're both seeing the same thing, dear."

Clearing his throat, Dad clenched his eyes shut for a minute, before saying. "That means, what I'm seeing isn't an illusion, is it?"

Mom absentmindedly nodded back. "I believe so… Eh, Junpei. Is that some kind of new device you bought without us knowing?"

Meanwhile, an electric feeling coursed through Junpei. Blinking, he stared at both his Dad and Mom.

"Wait, are you both telling me that you can see this?!"

Both Dad and Mom looked at each other in confusion before returning their eyes to their son.

Dad shrugged as he said. "Well, a blue screen, saying… Hmm? I can't see very well."

Junpei took it as a cue to stand up from his seat. Hurrying to Dad's side to give him a proper angle. Narrowing his eyes, Dad continued.

"Initiate system with verbal/thought command…? What's this?"

Looking at his Mom who nodded as well. Junpei while in a state of shock, couldn't help breaking into a smile.

This might just be it… The best day of his life.

And so, Junpei Asahi took in a deep breath and said firmly. " Menu."


[Myriad Realms Ascension System]



-Inventory [!]


-Quests [!]

-Events [!]

-Star Castle [Locked Until 1st Ascension]

Never had Junpei's heart beaten as quickly as it had right this moment.

"It's a caricature of an RPG screen." Dad said, rubbing his chin in contemplation.

Breakfast, predictably had been forgotten by all. Though that had been expected. Junpei meanwhile sat between his parents, while he looked at the screen with a sense of awe.

He had seen this before. Fanfics, novels, webcomics, anime. This is one of the most written troupes particularly in the entertainment section, when dealing with an excitable power-grinding fantasy progression.

The ability to grow endlessly. Learn skills just by holding a specific kind of book and saying 'yes.' Possessing the capability to become more than what one currently is. Better yet, unlike some System stories, Junpei could actually see that his System had a Shop function!

Oh, what goodies would he see if he clicks into it?

"Junpei, your Status. Why don't you start with that, first?"

At his Dad's suggestion, Junpei nodded. Right, it's not like the other options are going anywhere. While the alert symbol attached to the Inventory, Shop, and Quests itched Junpei, he decided to leave that for his future self.


The screen blinked away, with another display taking place.


[Name: Junpei Asahi]

[Karmic Alignment: True Good {40%}]

[Job: The Sole Gamer]

[Species: Human] (Progress: 0%)

[Ascension Stage: 0] (Progress: 0%)

[Level: LV 0] (Next Level: 0%)

[Title: Not-slotted/Not-slotted]

[HP: 100/100]

[SP: 100/100]

[MP: 100/100]

[QP: 100/100]

[STR: 10 (0)]

[VIT: 10 (0)]

[AGI: 10 (0)]

[INT: 10 (0)]

[WIS: 10 (0)]

[LUCK: 10 (0)]

[Stats Points: 0]

[Skill Points: 0]

[Evolution Points: 0]

[Karmic Points: 0]

"At least, it's uniformly arranged." Mom mulled at the new information.

Mom wasn't confused at most of the things, she saw. Being in a wholesome family, where there are get-togethers between father and son playing games could do that. While Mom wasn't on the level of her husband and her son in terms of gaming. She could say she was actually decent in it.

A bit of gaming is quite therapeutic.

"But still, I'm quite stumped… Strength, Vitality, Agility, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Luck are understandable. Stats Points and Skill Points too. But what are Karmic Points and Evolution Points?"

Junpei nodded his head, agreeing to his Mom's question. And it wasn't only that.

'From what I can deduce, HP and MP means Health Points and Mana Points respectively. SP would be Stamina Points. But that's common knowledge… QP and Ascension Stage. What's that?'

[1 to INT and WIS for apt deduction.]

Junpei felt his head tickle a bit, when receiving the notification. Before Dad's hand ruffled his hair.

"So tell us, son. What was the great deduction that you made to receive those points?"

"Eh, it's nothing that serious. I just assumed what HP, SP, and MP are. Though like Mom, I'm still wondering what the others are."

Like an unspoken command, the screen shrank a bit. The areas in which Junpei had been confused on, highlighted and smaller orange screens sprang out explaining what they were.

[QP: Qi Points. A fundamental Essence of the World that can only be sensed and utilized by a few chosen, who are called 'Cultivators.']

At that, there was a short spell of silence in the dining room.

"Isn't that… Like those Xianxia and Wuxia stories, you always like reading, Junpei?" Mom asked, breaking the silence.

"Well, used to read, mom." Junpei corrected.

But still, well, this is really something. Back when he was in middle-school, Junpei had took to reading Chinese web-novels. If nothing else, apart from how ridiculous their stories were, there was still an exciting element in it…

Although, Junpei lost interest after seeing how monotonous their MCs were.

'Seriously. Slapping young masters, destroying clans, find mysterious treasures, find pearly beauties like gatcha… It's always wash and repeat!'

But still, Junpei wouldn't deny their usefulness. Hell, Junpei would be the first to admit that he liked the way their powers are. And if this System wants to give him that, then Junpei will receive it with open arms.

[Ascension Stage: A stage that determines what 'Type' of 'Creature' you are. The Ascensions are limitless, and your capability to Ascend depends on your will to do so and the Divine Marks you receive]

[Karmic Points: Based on your Karmic Alignment, points are given based on your Actions and Decisions which could be used as Vouchers for certain System Rewards and Events]

After reading that, Dad's eyes subtly went up to see his son's alignment.

'True Good. Safe…' Dad thought with a sigh of relief.

While he actually had faith in his son, well, as a father he just had to be sure. And thanks to any divine being listening right now. Junpei has a Good Alignment. Though the 40% added to it bothered him quite a bit, but he was sure it is fine… Or he hoped it is.

[Evolution Points: These Points are gained when slaying 'Special Bosses' and through certain Quests and Events. The points helps in boosting 'Bloodline' abilities, create new ones, or to give existing 'Bloodlines' new features]

After that, Junpei dismissed the smaller screens while he went on to check his Passive and Active Skills. As expected, he recognized most of the skills there, though there were others he didn't understand, and others that made him uncomfortable.

⸢Passive Skills⸥

[Gamer's Body] (MAX)

[Gamer's Mind] (MAX)

[Icon of Sin {Pride, Envy}] (MAX)

[Physical Endurance] {Stage 1}(20/100)

[Danger Intuition]


⸢Active Skills⸥

[Observe] (LV 0/100)

[ID Creation] (10/100)


-The First Ability User in the World

-The Son of all Nations

-Mommy and Daddy's Boy

-The Delusionist

-The One who was Betrayed

- Piggy

-School Num. 1 loser

It was only until Junpei saw the array of embarrassing and degrading Titles, which sounded more of an insult, did he quickly dismiss the screen in its entirety. But unfortunately, his parents had seen it all.

"Piggy, School Num. 1 loser? Son, is there anything going on in that school of yours, that you aren't telling us?" Mom asked.

At that question, Junpei couldn't help heaving a resigned sigh. He had held long enough to last this long. But it seems that he couldn't hide things from his parents forever. Not like he wanted to anymore…

'Hmm? I'm not feeling as fretful as I thought I should be. Probably The Gamer's Mind at work… Small blessing's I guess. At least, I'll be able to calmly explain everything to them without that annoying pit in my stomach.'

So with a sad smile on Junpei's face at the sight of his worried parents. He opened his mouth and began to talk.

vtorx_0867 vtorx_0867

Just me letting off some steam...

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


