21.7% Harry Potter / Highschool DxD : A deal with the devil / Chapter 28: Chapter 28 - The next day

章 28: Chapter 28 - The next day

The sun was barely peeking over the horizon when Thomas started to stir in his bed. He had been tossing and turning all night, trying to find a comfortable position, but his body was sore all over. He had a dull headache and his muscles ached as if he had just finished running a marathon. Bahamut didn't mention anything about this, and because of that Thomas found on his own body how the transformation had backfired, leaving him feeling like he had been hit by a truck. Now, that wouldn't have been a problem, but for some reason the dragon wasn't answering at all, making Thomas angry at his own sacred gear.

Shaking his head, Thomas groaned and rubbed his eyes. He slowly sat up, wincing at the pain in his arms and legs. He looked down at his hands and was relieved to see that they were back to normal. No scales, no claws, just regular human hands making him let out a small sigh of relief.

As he got out of bed, he realized just how sore he was. He took a step forward and nearly collapsed as his legs buckled under him. Thankfully, he caught himself on the bedpost and took a deep breath, trying to steady himself.

"Are you okay?" came a voice from across the room.

Thomas turned to see his roommate Adam sitting up in his bed, watching him with concern.

"I'm fine," Thomas said, but his voice was weak and raspy.

Adam raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "You look like you're about to fall over."

Thomas managed to give his roommate a small smile. "My body feels sore. I'll be fine."

Adam nodded but didn't seem convinced. "Do you want me to get Michael and James? Or do you want me to go after Madam Pomfrey?"

Thomas shook his head. "No, it's okay. I'll be fine after I rest for a while."

However, as he took another step, he almost fell to the floor, making him realize that he was in no shape to be walking around. His legs felt like jelly and his muscles protested with every movement he tried to do. Suddenly he stumbled forward, and Adam quickly got out of bed to help him.

"Come on, Tom, let's get you back in bed," Adam said, leading Thomas back to his own bed.

Thomas lay down, grateful for the softness of his mattress. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. He felt exhausted, despite having just woken up.

Adam sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at Thomas with concern. "Are you sure you don't want Madam Pomfrey to check up on you?"

Thomas shook his head. "No, I'm okay. Just need to rest."

Adam hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Mate, be honest with me, what happened last night?"

"You know what happened."

"Bloody hell I do. Tom, we are friends, right? So please, for the love of god, tell me the truth is the least I and lads deserve."

Thomas groaned inwardly. He had been hoping to avoid this conversation. "It's a long story."

Adam shrugged. "We've got time."

Thomas sighed and closed his eyes. He knew he couldn't avoid it forever. "I stood behind, ready to keep Fluffy from eating you guys. Before I continue please, Adam what I'm going to tell you needs to remain between us, mostly because I fear what's going to happen if others find out about this."

Adam nodded seriously. "I promise, Tom. You have my word."

Thomas took a deep breath before continuing. "The thing is, I have this... special ability. It's called sacred gear. It allows me to gain better control over my magic, but last night I found out that it also let me transform into a dragon-like creature."

Adam's eyes widened in surprise. "What? How is that even possible?"

Thomas shrugged. "I don't know all the details, but it's a real thing. And last night, when Fluffy attacked us, I... transformed. But something went wrong. I think I pushed myself too hard, and now I'm paying the price for it."

Adam was still processing everything. "So, you're like a super wizard or something?"

Thomas chuckled weakly. "I guess you could say that. But right now, I feel more like a broken toy."

Adam shook his head in disbelief. "Man, that's... that's crazy. But also kind of awesome. I mean, you have this amazing power!"

Thomas grimaced. "It doesn't feel very amazing right now. But you're right. It's a powerful tool, and I need to learn how to use it properly."

Adam nodded in agreement. "Definitely. And don't worry, Tom. Your secret is safe with me. But we should probably keep an eye out for any potential threats, just in case."

Thomas nodded. "Thanks, Adam. I appreciate it."

Adam stood up from the bed. "Of course, mate. Get some rest, and let me know if you need anything. Oh, by the way, what about James and Michael, will you tell them the truth or keep them in the dark?"

"You can tell them and only them."

"I doubt they'll believe me, but if anything I'll just send them to you."

"You do that."

With that, Adam left the room, leaving Thomas alone with his thoughts. He couldn't help but wonder what exactly went wrong with Bahamut's transformation and what exactly happened to him last night when his dragon transformation reverted back after a minute or so. But for now, he needed to focus on healing and getting back on his feet. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, determined to rest before his first class of the day.

As Thomas drifted off to sleep, he suddenly heard a voice in his head.

[Thomas, can you hear me?]

Thomas was surprised to hear Bahamut's voice after the dragon went silent for the whole night. He hadn't been able to communicate with him since the transformation had gone wrong.

"Yes, I can hear you. What happened? Why am I feeling pain all over my body?"

[It seems that the transformation process overloaded your body. You weren't able to handle the power of that spell, so your body rejected it. The backlash caused your transformation to revert back to your human form with quite a harsh backlash.]

Thomas was horrified. He had no idea that the transformation could have such dangerous side effects.

"Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening again?"

[Yes, there is. I don't know what Rerek did to your body, but it would be easier for me to help gradually build up your resistance to my power. It will take time, but it will make it easier for you to control my power as you grow stronger.]

Thomas felt a wave of relief wash over him. He was glad that there was a solution to his problem.

"Thank you, Bahamut. When can we begin?"

[Not any time soon. Both your body as well as your soul needs to heal before we can even attempt another transformation since I doubt you will live if you try it now. You might be almost at the peak of a Low-Class being, but that's next to nothing in the eyes of beings like me or well, drastically weaker than me.]

Thomas listened to Bahamut's words with a heavy heart. He knew that the dragon was right, that he was nowhere near strong enough to control his new power. But that didn't make it any easier to hear.

"I understand," Thomas said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I just wish there was something I could do to speed up the process. I hate feeling so helpless."

[Do not worry, Thomas. You will learn to control your power in time. But rushing things will only make things worse. You need to be patient and focus on your recovery.]

Thomas took a deep breath and nodded. He knew that Bahamut was right. He needed to be patient and allow himself time to heal. With a heavy heart, he got on his feet and left his room heading towards the great hall. Thomas dragged his slightly sore and tired body towards the Great Hall, he couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. He had been looking forward to learning how to control his sacred gear and harness his newfound powers, but Bahamut's words had shattered his hopes. For now, all he could do was rest and wait for his body and soul to heal and see if by the time winter break came he would be able to at least start using his sacred gear for charms and magic.

When he entered the Great Hall, he quickly found his three roommates already there, digging into plates of scrambled eggs and toast. James was busy chatting with a group of Hufflepuff girls, while Adam and Michael were talking quietly amongst themselves.

"Hey, Tom!" Michael called out, waving him over. "You look like you've been through the wringer."

Thomas managed a weak smile as he took a seat between them. "I'm just a little tired. Had a rough night."

Michael gave him a concerned look. "Adam told us everything and while I don't exactly believe everything, I can see why you would lie to us so…Anything we can do to help?"

Thomas shook his head. "Just need to rest and wait for my body to heal. Thanks for worrying. "

James finally noticed Thomas' presence and gave him a wave. "Hey, man. You look like shit."

Thomas chuckled weakly. "Thanks, James. Nice to know you're always so supportive."

James grinned. "Hey, someone's gotta keep your spirits up, right? But seriously, how are you feeling?"

Thomas sighed. "Just exhausted, mostly. And a little frustrated that I can't use my new power yet. And since I'm more than sure that it'll take time to heal, I'm trying to be patient."

Thomas let out a small chuckle, grateful for James' light-hearted comment. "Thanks, James. You always know how to lift my spirits."

"Of course, mate. That's what friends are for. Thought seriously, are you alright?" James replied with a grin before taking a bite of his toast.

"Could be better."

"Hopefully you will be able to fly today since we have our first flying class?" Adam and Michael nodded, but Thomas raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Flying class? What are we going there?"

James' eyes widened in excitement. "We get to learn how to fly on broomsticks! The school instructor is supposed to be really good and it's a mandatory class for all first-year students."

Thomas was skeptical. "Broomsticks? I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that. I mean I didn't even think I would fly on a broomstick until now. What if I fall off?"

Michael shrugged. "That's why we have safety measures in place. And besides, it's supposed to be really fun. We can't have our strongest ace against the Slytherin, let his fear hold him back from trying new things."

Adam nodded in agreement. "Exactly. And who knows? You might even enjoy it."

Thomas sighed, but he knew his friends were right. He couldn't let his fear of the unknown stop him from experiencing everything Hogwarts had to offer. Ever so when he was already walking down an unknown path, as the host of the Bahamut. "Okay, fine. I'll give it a try."

James grinned. "That's the spirit! I can't wait to show off my flying skills."

The other three boys exchanged amused glances, knowing how much James loved to talk about his love for Quidditch. But they couldn't help but feel a little curious about flying themselves. As they finished their breakfast, the boys chatted about their expectations for the class and what they hoped to learn. James was excited to show off his skills, while Michael was eager to learn how to maneuver through the air. Adam was more cautious, wanting to make sure they followed all safety protocols, while Thomas was simply hoping to not fall off his broomstick.

Eventually, they finished their breakfast and made their way toward the Quidditch Pitch for their first flying lesson. As they walked, James continued to chat excitedly about the class, while the other three boys listened with varying degrees of interest. When they arrived at the pitch, they were greeted by Madam Hooch, a stern-looking witch with sharp features and short, grey hair. She was wearing a green cloak and carrying a large bag of broomsticks over her shoulder. Her piercing gaze surveyed the group of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs with a no-nonsense expression, and her strict demeanor immediately commanded their attention. She quickly went over the basics of flying and safety precautions before handing out broomsticks to each student. Thomas couldn't help but feel a little nervous as he mounted his broomstick. He had never been on one before and the idea of flying through the air seemed both exhilarating and terrifying.

As the instructor gave the signal, the students pushed off from the ground and lifted into the air. James, being the most excited of the group, shot off like a rocket, performing quick turns and loops in the sky. Michael and Adam followed behind him, tentatively trying to keep up with James' impressive maneuvers.

Thomas, on the other hand, was struggling to keep his balance. His body still felt weak and sore from his recent transformation, and he was finding it difficult to concentrate. As he wobbled in the air, the other boys flew over to him.

"You alright there, mate?" James asked concern etched on his face.

Thomas nodded, trying to regain his composure. "I'm good, just need to get the hang of it."

Michael, who was hovering nearby, chimed in. "Maybe you should take it easy, Thomas. It's your first time flying, and you're still recovering. No need to push yourself too hard."

Adam added, "Yeah, we can't all be flying experts like James here. Just take your time and enjoy the ride."

Thomas appreciated their concern, but he didn't want to be left behind. He was determined to learn how to fly and not let his recent setback hold him back. "Thanks, guys, but I can do this. I just need a little more practice."

"Don't worry, mate. It takes time to get the hang of it. Just keep trying, and you'll get there."

Thomas nodded and took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He slowly lifted his broomstick off the ground and began to fly forward, albeit shakily. The other boys followed closely behind, keeping a watchful eye on their friend.

Madam Hooch was worried about Thomas and his struggles to keep his balance on the broomstick. She had noticed that the wasn't feeling all that good and that his movement seem rigid, and it was affecting his ability to concentrate so like any good teacher, she flew over to them, scrutinizing Thomas' technique closely. "You need to keep your body relaxed and your focus centered," she advised. "Take a deep breath and try again."

Thomas followed her advice and took a deep breath, steadying himself on the broomstick. He closed his eyes, trying to calm his nerves and clear his mind. Madam Hooch watched closely as he lifted off the ground and wobbled in the air, trying to find his balance. She was concerned but also impressed by his determination to master the art of flying. As he struggled to stay aloft, Madam Hooch flew closer to him, ready to catch him if he fell.

But just as she was about to intervene, Thomas suddenly seemed to find his footing on the broomstick. His body relaxed and his focus centered, and he began to fly with ease. Madam Hooch watched in amazement as Thomas soared into the air, the wind whipping through his hair. He was a natural-born broomstick raider, it seemed, and he quickly gained speed, flying higher and higher into the sky. He turned and twisted, feeling the broomstick respond to his every movement.

The other boys watched in awe as Thomas flew effortlessly, a grin spreading across his face. James was the first to break the silence. "Hey, Tom, you're a natural!"

Thomas laughed, feeling exhilarated by the experience. "I guess I am! But you were right, this is awesome!"

James grinned when he heard his friend's words before he saw Madam Hooch nodding approvingly. "Well done, Mr. Grayson. You're a natural on the broomstick. Keep practicing and you'll be a star Quidditch player in no time."

The other boys watched in amazement as Thomas flew with confidence, the fear and doubt that had been plaguing him disappearing in the rush of the wind.

As the class drew to a close, Madam Hooch called all of the students back to the ground. James, Michael, and Adam landed with ease, grinning from ear to ear. Thomas, who had been lost in the thrill of flying, had to make a sudden stop, nearly toppling off his broomstick.

The boys rushed over to him, concern etched on their faces. "You alright, Tom?" Adam asked.

Thomas smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Yeah, I'm good. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this."

James clapped him on the back, beaming with pride. "That was incredible, mate. You really have a knack for flying. Maybe in our second year, we could try for the Ravenclaw team together. Can you imagine how good that would be?"

The other boys nodded in agreement, their skepticism about the class evaporating in the wake of Thomas' newfound talent. As they made their way back to the castle, they discussed their plans for the weekend, talking excitedly about the possibility of joining the Quidditch team next year.

<Visit my patr3on for more chapters for this novel (at least five chapter ahead - right now there are 30 more chapters than here ) >

< Just change "3" with "e" Patr3on Link : https://patr3on.com/meatbunkun>

MeatBunKun MeatBunKun

Special thanks to my Tier 4 patrons : 

Fallout Armagedon


And to my Tier 6 patrons :

Aaron H

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C28
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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