19.69% GTA 5 - Viper

bus investment

Looking at his digital clock he saw that it was only half five but going back to sleep would be useless so he decided to take a cold shower.


Keith arrived at Pillbox Hill, sitting down at a bench.. he was a couple minutes early so he decided to research his new employer while he waited.

As was previously made clear Devin Weston is a billionaire… his Lifeinvader page also describes him as being a venture capitalist and investor… he apparently owns shares in a wide arrangement of companies, from hotels to Alcohol…. The most important fact being that he was the major shareholder of Merryweather Security…

Keith was surprised by how much he posted of himself and his great sex life.. seemingly trying to get back to his younger self in a way..


A payphone rang, confusing Keith as to who would call a payphone.. but after some more thinking he realised Lester would totally call a payphone and not communicate that clearly.. getting up from the bench Keith approached the booth and picked up the phone..


["Yes its me.. now the guy you are after is Isaac Penny.. ruthless vulture capitalist.. about to take a interest in Vapid Motor Company and sell thousands of workers down the river.."]

"Sure… he is a horrible person.. so were do I go?"

[".. I Got you a bus… you can take over the rout.. you know surprise him.. take him somewhere he cant return from…"]

"Why the bus?"

["He rides the same on from and off work.. so if you follow the rout you will meet him.."


["One thing.. If I was you I wouldn't buy any Vapid stock until the acquisitions falls through.."]

"You sure L.. I could just short the stock and get double.."

["I didn't know you were smart enough to think that far… why do it now?"]

"Because I got an assistant who is willing to manage it and I don't have to deal with it.."

["Sure go for it.. just don't sell short for to long or you might gain nothing."]

"Yeye.. i will text you ones it is done.."

Keith hung up the phone and got back on his bike.. planning on going towards the location where the bus was waiting for him..

Before he left he texted his assistant telling her to pout the three million saved up into Vapid Motor Company and begin Shorting the stock.. adding that she should wait for a hour until she begins and that the next day she should stop and asses how much they had made.. reporting the earning an buying more stock with the money they would make until the price of Vapid returned to the original market price..

Keith had arrived at the bus terminal in Textile City, as he arrived he could see the bus waiting front and center for him.

As he got on he picked up the rout that he was supposed to take, he would have a few stops before he got to the target… there was one problem remaining, and that was how to deal with the target once he got on the bus… he could just shoot him but that would alarm people and get the police on his trail…

Getting the bus started Keith drove to the first stop, still contemplating how his death wouldn't lead to him getting into trouble…

Arriving just in time at the first stop where who guys get on.. one flopping himself down in the back of the bus.. and the other sitting in the front.

"I hope the traffic isn't to bad.. Yesterday it took me three hours just to go have a mile.. Do you know what happened to the old bus driver? I really liked that guy.."

Keith looks at the guy in the front who kept talking and not letting him think..

"Traffic looks to be fine.. I don't think we will have any delays.. The old bus driver called in sick... said he needed a day to rest.. he will be back by tomorrow, or at least I will not be here…"

"Ohh.." the guy looked surprised by Keiths answer looked like he wanted to ask more questions but someone beat him to it..

"Ugh.. there is a up-n-Atom burger box under my seat filled with vomit!"

Keith was feeling bad for the other guy but he didn't really have time to care as he arrived to the second stop..

"Good morning.." he tried to be nice but the guys that got on didn't reciprocate the gesture.

He pressed down on the gas pedal as the last person sat down… the guy in the front kept blabbering on about fame or shame, which in Keiths mind wasn't even a good show.

Getting to the next stop Keith didn't greet any of the ones that entered this time, just giving them a side glance..

Arriving at the next bus stop Keith saw his target waiting.. his impulsive thoughts suggested ramming into him, but he didn't have enough speed and the guy could probably see the bus not stopping and get out of the way..

Stopping at the stop, only Isaac Penny gets on.. but before he can proceed into the bus Keith stops him…

"Mr Penny right?"

"You know me…"

"Yes.. something about you one the news… anyway that will be one-fifty…"

"A Fair Hike! This is getting ridiculous.."

Isaac got out of the bus as Keith doubted on how to proceed… he watched as Mr Penny stole a bike from an old lady saying. "Blame it one the city!" and as he drove into traffic.. not paying attention and getting run over by a SUV..

"Shit… sorry guys.. I can't.. Eugh.." Keith pretended to be faint as he acted like he was about to throw up…

"You ok man…. Could you at least go one stop further.. I need to be dropped of there…." The guy that kept talking during the ride tried to convince Keith to drive just a little more so he could get to his stop.. but Keith refused.

"Sorry man.. I can't… I think I need to go home…." Keith stepped out of the bus and stumbled around the corner, removing him from the sight of the passengers and walking the rest of the way to his office, that was in the area..

He didn't need to get his car from Textile City as he could get his assistant to do it…

Texting Lester that he cleaned the car he wanted, but that it would run into some trouble and then pick up speed again.. confirming his job and getting a convertible seven thousand for making it look like an accident..


Keith had arrived to his office, arriving to his floor he opened the doors and greeted his assistant.

"Stacy.. how is it going?" Keith sat down on the table so he could view her monitor

"Well thanks boss.. I am doing good.."

Keith let out a awkward laugh..

"I meant the stock.. but I am happy that you are going strong.." Saying that he points to the stock exchange that was open in the background, hidden behind a layer of tabs.

"Ohh, of course.. I was quit confused by your request as the acquisition of Vapid is underway and it isn't expected to go down anytime soon.. but I did as you have requested and lent out the stocks with promises of buying them back after a day, but…" She opened the tab showing the stock market and how Vapid stock was still rising..

"Could you open up weazel news.. I am sure they will be covering it by now.." an evil smirk was on Keiths face as he instructed his assistant..

[Welcome viewers by Weazel news.. for those tuning just in.. a accident happened leaving on visionary venture capitalist Isaac Penny, who was killed in a accident on San Andreas Avenue.. right under the highway… he is the latest instalment in a string of deaths this time seeming to have no connection to the other murders of promising businessmen in Los….] Keith paused it there… and turned to his assistant

"tomorrow there will be a minimum of fifty percent decrease and the next day more… after that it can only increase making my three million at minimum reach nine million… maximum is around twelve million… I am sure you could reach that.. right?" His tone was upbeat, but there seemed to be a hidden threat if she didn't reach that number.

"Of course boss, I will not disappoint you!"

Keith just smiled and turned away, leaving her with;

"I am sure you will not.."


Keith sat at his desk, surfing through the internet…

He found some reports of some stolen cars and the apparent murders that kept happening.. he was sure that if he played it smart and let the heat simmer down.. maybe invest in something that Devin suggest as he was competent enough to know the business.. but apparently didn't pay very well, as Trevor had send some angry messages in a group chat were he called Devin all kinds of things..

It didn't really bother him when he got paid, just that the amount was agreed upon.. which now that he thought of it Devin never did…

Keith set it out of his mind as he looked through some of the businesses that he could purchase.. some were out of business, like the nightclubs.. and others were looking to sell the owning rights of the property, like some cinema's or bars..

Keith was looking into first getting a legal business to at least have cash come in.. thereby explaining how he got the money to invest in other businesses..

He did some simple calculations to look for the earliest break even point as those would bring him money the fastest.. some had incomes that depended on other factors, like the Car Scrapyard and LSPD Auto Impound.. but overall he found several suitable businesses

The first one was Smoke on the Water.. but Keith found out someone he knew already purchased the place. Namely Franklin, who had been the owner for some time now.. seemingly buying it after he got his payment from the jewel store Heist..

The Hen House seemed promising as it was a Bar and Nightclub… the only problem was that it was located in Blane County.. thereby being to far to manage properly.

Keith did find two suitable once that could do the trick.. namely Doppler Cinema and Downtown Cab Co.

Both being both would be turning out profit within two years and had room to expand, as the film industry was in a dip and he could upgrade the cap service to provide VIP services thereby making more profit.

The price would total to eleven million if he included the plans to redecorate and upgrade the businesses.

Leaving Keith with one million.. more than enough to get some other projects on the run.

"Its all coming together.." he smiled seeing things work out in his mind.

Make some money.. invest it… don't get screwed over by others.. Kill them if they do… complete it all and go into a rich and early retirement..



"Stacy how is it going with the stock market?" in the morning the next day the crash could be seen the stock had reopened and plummeted to the ground leaving the company almost worthless and at rock bottom… but like most companies someone else will pick it up or some new information gets out.. it will pump itself back up and nobody will be the wiser.. as if it never dipped in the first place

"Its just as you predicted.. it may be even worse as some people we made a deal on want to back out of it and give it back early.."

"Great.. just remember to take the profit and reinvest in the company.. if all works out then there will be two new businesses to add to my company.."

"Really sir? Which companies are you planning to buy?" Stacy looked up at Keith with a questioning look as she had heard him talk about opening a nightclub in the past.

"The cinema in Vinewood Hills and Downtown Cap Co…. they will get more profitable once I reinvest into branding and new equipment.. Making the total around eleven million.. which should be feasible considering how low it has gotten and how quickly it will restore itself.."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


