/ Fantasy / My System is Turning Me Into a Yandere

My System is Turning Me Into a Yandere オリジナル

My System is Turning Me Into a Yandere

Fantasy 131 章 647.8K ビュー
作者: Iam_hastur

4.78 (16 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Devon slaps Eleanor across the face for turning down his advances. This was nothing new; in this world, women of lower status are treated like slaves and toys because they are the primary reason that the corrupted She monsters known as Divas exist.




[4 weeks later]

Devon's body was located at the bottom of a deep cavity in the Divine Forest, with both hands and legs cut off, and evidence of severe torture was revealed, including a level of violence that is too awful to describe.

The injuries found on the body, however, were extensive, with the major ones including seven broken ribs, 519 shallow cuts all over the body, both eyes forcefully removed, his manhood gruesomely stretched beyond repair, and his teeth and fingers forcefully ripped off and wrapped around his neck, the arteries as a base, almost as if it was a warning.




Kerja was almost taken advantage of by the head trainer Leon, but a great disturbance occurs in the courtyard, compelling the trainer to stop his evil crime.

[8 hours later]

Leon's body was discovered, and the cause of death was 495 stab wounds to the chest. At the scene, only a mysterious girl claiming to be him was discovered, and all evidence points to her committing the murder. The delusional woman was sentenced to life in the Orc lab as a breeder girl for the heinous crime.




"Lord Agnus, you must believe me, Xander your son is dangerous, I saw it with my own eyes, that thing you brought back from your mission isn't human, I saw him kill my sister, he took her wings and forced her to eat it, and forced me to watch, please husband, you must kill him while he is still young, you must...


"Silence woman who allowed you to speak, that thing you call a monster was one of my blood brother's son." He is the last remaining Overdeath in existence, like his father, he will grow up to be a fine assassin, do not defame such noble blood, as long as I breathe no harm will come to him, you will treat him with respect, am I clear?"

Angus yelled at his fifth concubine, irritated by her slanders; after all, she has always been down his throat since Xander arrived, and if he doesn't correct her now, she will definitely enrage him, forcing her to fuck about and find out.

Meanwhile, Ram looked over at Xander's bed and noticed the black hair Demon in the guise of a toddler floating and gliding in the air, silently laughing at her, all the while keeping that awful sadistic smile of his.

It was plain to see what Xander was thinking. He was relishing her agony, as well as the several fruitless attempts she made to expose him.

To add insult to injury, he suddenly brought out a familiar skull as he began sharpening his keen demonic claws, Yes! this demon child who torments her even in her dream, kept her sister's skull as a file to sharpen his claws.

"Please believe me, my darling... l-l-look, he's flying again, that technique shouldn't be feasible for a one-year-old... it's a saint-class performance, I tell you, he's the devil!!!"

Angus turns around, but Xander is sleeping quietly on his bed, not bothering anyone, until he looks back at Ram.

For the fifty-fifth time, she was slapped over the balcony for lying about his adopted son.

«Congratulations. The task "Rightful discipline" is complete»

«Reward 1: Three-level advancement»

«Reward 2: Stealth has been promoted to Level 34»

«New mission established»

«Use the astral body technique to stalk Priscilla without her divine intuition detecting you.»

«Reward 1: ???»

«Reward 2: An angel's inquisitiveness»

No One 17 and Under Admitted
  1. Felipe_Elizondo_6445
    Felipe_Elizondo_6445 貢献した 7387
  2. kiwami803
    kiwami803 貢献した 1883
  3. BreakFire
    BreakFire 貢献した 1741


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    Interesting brutal novel. I have a one question before reading. Is this a male or female lead? I have no idea even after reading the synopsis and cant self insert into a female protag. Hope you can give me some info.

    3 の返信を表示する

    usualy i dont write any reviews but let me try. Over all the story is very good, the pacing is a bit slow but it dosent get repetertive and because it is slow paced the worldbuilding is already pretty fleged out, for example one whole chapter is dedicated to it. The characters are also very unique, but there are some characters, at the time only one in my oppinion, that are mentioned and appeare in one or two chapters but are kind of forgotten? Anyways that can change in the future. Continuing with the writing style, ithink it is very refreshing to read a novel that has a big variety in terms of descriptions. The last thing i think is also a huge plus, is that the powersystem or story overall is redicuolus but there is logic behindert it, which let it seem that those abileties and powers are justified and not only existing because it is a reicarnation novel with a system. Btw English is not my first language, so exuse me if there are and mistakes.

    0 の返信を表示する

    I hope you all enjoy the story so far; if you like SCP and WoD, along with MGQ, then those are where my initial motivation stems from; as it becomes quite obvious later down the chapter. But yes the Mc is the Yandere, and it's not gender bent no his system is making his personality more Yanderish in this hellish world.

    7 の返信を表示する

    I am but a simple man, I see Yan-Yan I click ftl, enough said.

    1 の返信を表示する

    Another one for the library cart for sure, A male Yanderechan lets go.

    1 の返信を表示する

    Wow just wow! A male Yan husbando, Xander is a menace; kind of weird when you take his physical appearance into account. Although I must say the battles are unique. But what I like the most is his scp-like nature.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Good story, keep it up—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-

    0 の返信を表示する

    Male yandere huh, pretty interesting concepts never really saw much of them other than MTWABV and some less popular novels, also will there be lemons in the future?

    1 の返信を表示する

    The start is very good and male yandere as a MC is a new perspective ... but the story lost it's spark when author just forwarded 3 years in ch 3 or 4 and even after 50 chapters MC is still 4 months old it got boring when author introduced other sceneries and not the mentioned 3 year time skip one .... it got confusing to....May it will all make sense after the arc is completed but now it's very confusing

    0 の返信を表示する

    A great novel. I'm enjoying it. the author has done a great job.

    0 の返信を表示する

    What can I say, as one of the many Incantations of the main character, it is only right I give myself five stars, but if you are looking for a story with a male Yandere, look no further?

    2 の返信を表示する

    well dayum, that sounds like something right to my tastes. |I'm in bois

    0 の返信を表示する

    Currently on chap 77 The premise is good and the story itself is fine but some parts of the story interaction are like meh and kinda awkward. While some english words are spelled wrong and some chapters are full of info dumps. Other than that it's a good read.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Hello author! I would like to ask some questions, if possible, please answer... they are as follows: I would like to know if there is harem in the work, I would like to know if there is ntr or yuri in the work (I hope not), I would also like to know if there would be yanderes among the harem... and the last question, and if the mc really loves the girls, he doesn't just use them and discard them... if you can, please answer!

    4 の返信を表示する

    I like it though I didn't understand the synopsis now thinking about it it is probably mc torturing them I would like to know if its true or not I have only read it till chapter 14

    1 の返信を表示する

    I really liked this book. This book has become one of my favorites. I also really liked the Yandere concept. I really liked the strong main character. There is also a very cool and interesting cosmology.

    0 の返信を表示する

    作者 Iam_hastur