44.28% Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This! / Chapter 31: Chapter 31): First Date!

章 31: Chapter 31): First Date!

Chapter 31): First Date!

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

{20+ advanced chapters on buy-meacoffee/flaminglines}


Ryan walked back after his shower picking up his bag he smiled at Meredith, "Don't let it be so long before I hear from you again Merbear, and be safe."

She hugged him nodding, "I will be. And make sure you treat the girl you are with right, and you better not be married and haven't told her."

Ryan felt there was a story there but he wisely kept away from that, "Sure thing."

After another hug he left getting into the car and driving off, he already messaged Leah to let her know he was on his way, since he was coming from Seattle it would take him some time too. She had also asked what she needed to wear and he told her casual, he knew that even if she was happy about dating she still was not a girly girl, so nothing to fancy for her.

The drive was calming his nerves, this was their first official date and he wanted to make sure that he got it right, he was glad he knew her well enough that he could plan what he thought was the perfect date. That didn't mean he wouldn't be nervous though, he had always felt nervous around Leah, he was just good at calming his nerves, well weed was good at calming them.

It wasn't long before he was pulling up in front of the Clearwater house, he checked his teeth before taking the lilies that he had bought for her, walking over he took a deep breath before knocking on the door. He chuckled inside when he saw Seth answer the door with his arms crossed, "What do you want?" He asked trying to be intimidating.

"Hello there young sir, I am here to pick up the fair lady Leah for our night out in the town." Ryan said giving a winning smile.

Seth scoffed while laughing, "Leah, a fair lady? Please more like a---"

"Seth if you finish that with anything inappropriate you will be grounded for a month." Sue said walking up behind him with a glare.

Seth was immediately cowed as he chuckled, "Haha, no mom I was going to say she is a goddess, can't you just allow me to finish speaking first?"

"Sure you were. Hey Ryan, Leah will be here in a moment. Oh! Those are some lovely flowers." 

"Thank you," he plucked one out and handed it to her, "This is for when you finally decided to leave Harry, always think of me Sue."

She chuckled as he saw Leah turn the corner, "Ryan, stop hitting on my mom, you are taking me on a date for gods sake."

Ryan though didn't answer, in his opinion she was looking beyond beautiful, there was not much changed about her but she was looking amazing with a white halter top that showed off her toned stomach. With black skinny jeans that were hugging her legs and her butt amazingly he was tongue tied, he maybe have drooled but he would never admit to it.

"Wow." Was all that he could answer in return, he saw Leah smile a small blush covering her cheeks.

Sue stood to the side a wide smile on her face, Seth was trying his hardest not to laugh while Harry stood in the distance watching it all with a small smile on his face.

"Thank you." Leah said going back to her confident self again.

"So are you ready to go?" He asked reaching out for her hand which she interlaced with his in seconds.

"Bye mom, dad, Seth." She called out behind her as they began to walk away.

"Take care of her Ryan, I will hunt you down if you don't!" Ryan heard Harry yell out from behind him making him chuckle some.

He opened Leah's door before he went and settled into his own side, "So, you ready?"

"That depends, what are we doing?" She inquired as she buckled her seatbelt.

He just smiled as an answer, he kept asking along the way and he would only smile at her as not to give it away, he knew that she would like what he had planned so he didn't want to spoil it for her. When they finally made it into Seattle it was a lot quicker then leaving as there was no traffic, they drove along the road until they reached 'Francis Stadium'.

"Ryan?! Are we doing what I think we are?!" She asked excitement shinning in her eyes as she looked between him and the line of people out front.

"Well if you think we are going to 'The Fall Out Boy' concert, then yes you are right. I even got backstage passes." Ryan answered a smile on his face.

She squealed wrapping her arms around his neck as she was obviously pleased by where they were starting the date. He didn't have much time to enjoy the hug as she was rushing him out the car, he laughed following her glad that she was happy about what he had planned, it was actually perfect timing.

They walked up to the line and when she was about to go to the back he grabbed her shaking his head, leading her to the front he, he didn't pay extra for front row and a line skip pass for nothing. The smile he got from her was well worth the two hundred a piece that each of them cost, in total he had spent over six hundred just for this part of the date, but to him it was worth it.

He took her hand leading her into the arena, along the way they bought shirts and some bracelets to remember the concert by, after grabbing those they went inside. Leading her to the front she was practically bouncing in excitement as he led her to their assigned spots at the very front right where the stage was.

"This night could not get any better!" Leah shouted in excitement five minutes later as the band came out.

"Hey everyone, we're Fall Out Boy and we want to get things started right here so why don't we Dance!" Their lead singer said with a smile before the band kicked off.

"Dance, dance..We're falling apart to half time..Dance, dance..And these are the lives you love to lead..Dance, this is the way they'd love..If they knew how misery loved me!" Leah shouted along singing the lyrics with everyone else as they went into the song.

Ryan followed along dancing behind her as they all jumped around, there was a light layer of sweat on her forehead as they went into the eighth song right before the end of the concert. He had been entranced by her hips swaying more then once, and she had noticed too which led her to doing more exaggerated movements with them.

"Alright everyone we are going to close this one out already, you have been a wonderful audience so, Thanks For The Memories!" Patrick shouted in the mic as the band started again.

The crowd cheered as they played the last song, it happened to be one of Ryan's favorites so he was really into it too, he had an arm wrapped around Leah as they enjoyed the rest of the song, it was amazing. As it came to a close instead of heading out they went to where they were allowed backstage, he chuckled some as he saw how nervous Leah was.

"Stop laughing, this is a big moment for me." She said hitting his stomach as they made their way back.

"If you say so. I would more nervous if this was Taylor Swift." He said shrugging which was true for him even if Taylor eas a country/pop star he she was more famous in his opinion.

"Ugh, you do not know music Ryan." She said shaking her head, he just laughed though.

When they reached the back he stood behind her as she acted like an excited but shy fan getting an autograph and picture with each member, Ryan was happy to see her smile as she did so. It was a good decision for him to bring her her as their first date.

"Oh my God! They were awesome! Did you see Pete! He is so hot!" She announced as they walked out of the venue hall.

"Yeah keep it in your pants woman, you are on a date with me." He mock glared at her.

"Oh don't worry Ryan, we aren't running away together...yet." she said with a wide smile.

"Yeah well---" Ryan did not get to finished as he was slammed against the walls of the building next to them in an alley. Faintly he heard the same happen to Leah and her cry out int pain.

His eyes flashed red as he saw another set of red eyes staring back at him in amusement, he growled anger clear on his face as he struck it with his fist sending the vampire flying. He didn't wait to see the damage he had done, instead he rushed to Leah who was crying as another held her down and was taunting her.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt for long." He whispered in her ear while licking her neck.

Ryan said nothing as when he reared back to bite her he punted the vampires head, he put all his strength behind it too which allowed it's head to crack and fly off hitting the wall. Leah screamed out in fear, he crouched down looking her in the eyes.

"Leah, I need you to calm down okay love? Don't worry about them I will explain all of this after I am finished with them okay?" Ryan said with a soft smile.

She nodded quickly holding on to his arm tightly.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C31
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


