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Jin was feeling like he was sitting inside a sona. A very very Hot Sona.

Jin just took a freaking Biju Dama on his face while he was trying to save the villagers.

The attack was so powerful that everyone felt the power of the blast.

Jin the moment he came in contact with the blast, fall unconscious.

He might have a powerf ul energy like Ki inside his body but that does not means that he could handle a dangerous attack like a Biju Dama.

His body was seriously injured, but what he did not know was that this attack help him break a limiter inside him just like the spirit bomb did to Goku.

Soon the power of the Biju Dama was gathered near Jin and he started to absorb it.

Everyone in the village was looking at Shu kaku after the big explosion happened.

Now they started to understand how dangerous a Biju could be.

The memories of the Nine Tail attack started to come back to them.

All the Jonin and Chunin who were trying to fight Shukaku started to lose hope.

None of their attacks worked. This started to make their situation even harder as their Hokage was currently not there with them.

He was fighting with Orochimaru and the reincarnation of the First and the Second Hokage.

Shukaku being the twisted tail beast he was, now started to target the civilians.

He was doing this on purpose as he already knew that the shinobi are protecting them.

Naruto and other Genin also saw that and now they were very angry about their weakness.

Naruto had already learned the summoning technique and immediately started casting hand signs.

"Summoning Jutsu" shouted Naruto but this did not work as only a small toad appear.

"Why you are here? Where is the Chief toad?" asked Naruto.

"Pop is at home, you can ask me what you need," said Gamamaru.

Naruto was more irritated by this and made an annoying comical face.

Shukamaru started to charge another Biju Dama and this time the target was Konoha Hospital.

"We can't let this attack happen," said Guy.

He directly opens the 6th gate and kicks Shukaku.

This attack was so strong that Shukaku was thrown out just like how he did when Jin used his Recoilless kick.

The Biju Dama which Shukaku was charging was disrupted but the aftermath of this was not something Guy anticipated.

The Biju Dama ended up blasting in the stadium itself and everyone who was there blasted off with it.

Fortunately, no one was dead but this attack was so powerful that everyone who was near the explosion, ended up getting injured very badly.

On the other side of the village, Jin who was still now unconscious suddenly woke up by this blast.

But he was not in his normal form.

His eyes were silver in colour and even his black hair had silver linings in there.

he stood up in between a forest which was destroyed.

Jin had a very calm expression on his face but in reality, he was very very excited. Finally, he was able to break through his limit and enter into the second stage of the Ultra instincts.

"UTLRA INSTINCTS SIGN" mutter Jin in again a very calm tone.

He looked at his hand and clench his fist and then slowly release it.

He quickly eats a Senzu Bean to recover from the injuries he sustained.

He was trying to understand what things have changed inside him and how strong he had become.

He could feel that this form is very temporary and he might only have 5 to 10 minutes at best.

He might be able to master it later and increase the time limit. But right now he needs to complete and take advantage of this form.

With this thought, he immediately launch instant transformation and appear on top of the Hokage monument.

Jin was looking at the currently rampaging BIJU and the destroyed parts of the Konoha.

He wanted to be angry by this form of his did not let him.

With a single step, he again disappear but this time it was not teleportation but his speed alone.

Jin could have bet that he is much much faster than the current Raikage right now.

Shukaku was creating another Biju Bomb and was planning to destroy the hospital this time around.

But when he was charging the Biju Dama something happen.

Jin directly appears on the top of the Biju Dama and kicks the big ball of chakra before Shukaku could even fire it.

The Biju Dama was sent outside of Konoha.

Those people who did saw Jin kicking the Biju Dama and there were not many of them in the first place were stunned at what just happened.

Shukaku himself was stunned at what happened as Jin took the Biju Dama almost out right under his nose.

"Impossible," said a jonin who was looking at the battle.

"Who is that person?" ask someone else.

"Dammit, Who did that" Shukaku ask in anger.

Jin after kicking the Biju Dama backed off and stand on top of a big building to observe the situation.

He was also making plans on how to fight Shikaku.

Orochimaru and Hiruzen who were fighting the last two Hokages saw this and did not have words to express what they were feeling.

They have never seen a person kick a Biju dama and Might never saw doing it in the future either.

We are talking about a Biju Dama. It's like a nuclear warhead with the power to destroy from cities to countries.

How much the person has to be physically strong enough to kick Biju Dama would be, everyone was thinking.

"Ready For Round 2" ask Jin in a calm but powerful voice.


If you want to read more chapters!! ahead go to


Discord invite: https://discord.gg/VqU83N2As4

kamidemond kamidemond

let hear some music in the next chapter shall we

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C32
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


