Reviews of King of the skies: I reincarnated as a bird?! by RiCrease - Webnovel


  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



love it so far. like the idea of the person is bird creature, I also like how it l All is build up

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LV 14 Badge

Although there are only 4 chapters as of writing this it pretty good somethings I have noticed are: • it’s very fast paced, fast paced like so far he has evolved 3 time in 1 evolution and he has been captured and probably enslaved in 4 chapters. • next is character design, so far there hasn’t been to many characters to describe so take this with a grain of salt but it’s sub par as there isn’t much discretion of the characters other than size and colour but this might change as there are only 4 chapters and not that many characters. • third is the main character he is meh, he adapted very quickly like almost instantly, he has no problem eating raw fish right of the bat and he has no problem killing monsters either (don’t know about humans but he attacked a elf no problem). • I’m just going to go over the system real quickly, so far it’s just your generic system that answers questions, shows stats, skills and evolution options although the stat points rise quickly like he goes for 10-15 in stat to 200+ very quickly so there’s that. So that’s some of the things I’ve noticed this story has alot of potential in my opinion it just needs to improve the description of thing and maybe slow it down a bit. overall pretty good. Oh and take this review with a grain of salt as Im not gods at evaluating thing

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Shameless review of the author :) I am trying to make sure my writing is as correct as possible, but I could improve in many ways, hope I get better!

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love it so far. like the idea of the person is bird creature, I also like how it l All is build up

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LV 14 Badge

Although there are only 4 chapters as of writing this it pretty good somethings I have noticed are: • it’s very fast paced, fast paced like so far he has evolved 3 time in 1 evolution and he has been captured and probably enslaved in 4 chapters. • next is character design, so far there hasn’t been to many characters to describe so take this with a grain of salt but it’s sub par as there isn’t much discretion of the characters other than size and colour but this might change as there are only 4 chapters and not that many characters. • third is the main character he is meh, he adapted very quickly like almost instantly, he has no problem eating raw fish right of the bat and he has no problem killing monsters either (don’t know about humans but he attacked a elf no problem). • I’m just going to go over the system real quickly, so far it’s just your generic system that answers questions, shows stats, skills and evolution options although the stat points rise quickly like he goes for 10-15 in stat to 200+ very quickly so there’s that. So that’s some of the things I’ve noticed this story has alot of potential in my opinion it just needs to improve the description of thing and maybe slow it down a bit. overall pretty good. Oh and take this review with a grain of salt as Im not gods at evaluating thing

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Shameless review of the author :) I am trying to make sure my writing is as correct as possible, but I could improve in many ways, hope I get better!

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