51.17% Pokemon: Radical Redux / Chapter 130: Safari Zone Adventures

章 130: Safari Zone Adventures

Misty was sitting down on the edge of the water with her fishing rod, just waiting. Psyduck was sitting next to her, it had been about an hour since they entered and she did catch a few Pokemon.

But they were just a few Shellder, some Goldeen, Krabby, and a Seaking. She also caught a lot of Magikarp which she just released back into the water.

But Misty didn't hate it, she was used to having to stay in one place for an extended period of time for a few Pokemon. Until recently the only thing that was annoying her was a Psyduck laying on the grass.

She had her eyes closed but she could hear the sounds of Psyduck being Psyduck.





Misty was getting annoyed hearing the constant sounds, it almost sounded like there was more than one, she wondered how one Pokemon could make so much noise.

She opened her eyes and was about to yell at Psyduck until she noticed that Psyduck wasn't alone, he was talking to a female Psyduck who washed up, and when she noticed Misty she immediately jumped back into the water.

Misty tried to hold her hand out as she dived to try and grab the second duck saying, "No no no, I'm sorry please come back!" But the Duck was gone.

Misty got up and looked at Psyduck who was giving the same clueless expression as always, "Why couldn't you have told me about it!"

"Psyyyy?" Psyduck said looking confused before seeing something behind Misty.

Misty didn't notice Psyduck's change so he continued, "I'm already letting you stay out so you should at least help me find some water Pokemon,"

From behind Misty a Slowpoke slowly walked behind and was looking at them, Psyduck tried to point, but Misty wasn't listening to him.

"I mean it's bad enough that half the time you jump out of your Pokeball, and the other you're just in pain, then Ash refuses to let you get addicted to the medicine so I have to deal with you."

So Psyduck took a breath and yelled out, "PSYDUCK!" which caused the Slowpoke to raise his head and make a sound.

"Slowww~" it called out causing Misty to finally look behind her.

"Oh look a Slowpoke, I can't believe I found one of you out here!" She said as she chucked the green Pokeball catching the pink critter.

Psyduck just lied on the ground and felt like a new headache was coming.

Brock was walking through the Trees looking around, he had caught quite a few Pokemon, but they were all just Rock types that he was going to send back to the Gym.

He was looking for a few Pokemon that he might be interested in but he wasn't having any luck, not in the finding Pokemon part he saw a lot of Pokemon everywhere, just in the finding one that particularly interested him.

A Grass Type would be nice, and so would a Chansey, but other than that he wasn't too sure on what else he would find, sure maybe a Pokemon from a different region would be nice, but he wasn't planning on adding another Rock type for the time being.

As he walked through the forest he had Bonsly on his shoulder keeping a lookout for anything of interest and he was following the lake going upstream.

As he was walking he caught some more Pokemon, though most of them were Rock Pokemon, actually they all were, but he still looked around for anything that caught his interest, until eventually he got closer to the bed of the river.

In the water, he saw some pink Coral resting, and on the rocks he saw some red shells, he wasn't too well versed in Pokemon of other regions but he could recognize them as Shuckle and Corsola.

He was surprised but also kinda underwhelmed until he realized something, 'Cindy and Suzie need some starter Pokemon, I'm sure they'll love a Corsola, and maybe Tommy would like a Shuckle.'

Brock's eyes started shining as he pulled out Some Pokeballs and started throwing them at the unsuspecting Pokemon, catching a good few.

After he collected his balls he heard the sounds of rocks rubbing together, looking in that direction he saw a mountain, and about 3 Nosepass were marching across.

His eyes shined again as he thought, 'Salvadore would love one of those,' so without hesitation, he caught the three, when he collected the balls he noticed they were making their way to a cave.

Brock sent out Vulpix and told her to light up the cave, when she did he noticed two Pokemon lurking in the back of the cave, a Lunatone and a Solrock.

Brock's eyes lit up again thinking, 'When Billy and Tilly get old enough, those will be perfect,' So with more Pokeballs in his hand he ran into the cave to catch more Pokemon.

In the Safari zone, there was a railway system where tourists could sit down and watch the Pokemon in the artificial habitats without catching them.

Yellow was in one of them, she released her Pokemon and was riding in the same cart with all of them, although Gravvy had to take one on his own since he was too big.

As they started traveling they could all see several Pokemon moving through the forest, they even got to move into the restricted zone to look at the more rare Pokemon that they wouldn't be allowed to catch.

Yellow had her notebook and was making some quick sketches, she also had her Pokedex to take a few pictures and videos. Overall very enjoyable.

But the thing that was the best was that around halfway there was a Nidoqueen with two Nidoking fighting. It looked like the Nidoking were fighting for the right to have the Nidoqueen as their mate.

The battle extended for a long time but thankfully nothing escalated to a point where Yellow would be put in a position to do something, and one Nidoking emerged victorious and the other ran away with his head down.

The Nidoking and Nidoqueen held each other and made a happy roar into the air, making Yellow and her Pokemon clap to congratulate them as the cart they were riding in continued.

In a secluded area about 5 Tauros were drinking out of a watering hole, they were all at ease with their tails down none the wiser.

From a nearby bush, a pair of eyes shined, looking at them it didn't look like any of them was the leader of the herd, but that didn't change anything.

As the largest Tauros lifted his head noticing something 5 Pokeballs simultaneously hit the Tauros making them all go in and the balls clasp shut.

Then from the bush Ash walked out and collected the Pokeballs, "And that makes 16, but so far haven't found the leader of the herd."

Pikachu was lurking close behind Ash as he saw him put the balls away and started looking around again.

Then his ears picked up the sounds of rumbling, so he quickly ran over to Ash and explained the situation.

Ash listened to Pikachu's explanation as a smile crept onto his face, "Where there's rumbling there's a stampede, and where there's a stampede there are Tauros."

As Ash moved towards the sounds of rumbling he saw an entire herd of Tauros running across the open grass, but his eyes shifted to the one at the very front, the one in the front is always the strongest.

Ash smiled as he pulled out some more Pokeballs and started approaching the herd.

Misty was still sitting near the pond, overall not that much happened, some more Pokemon she already had, that female Psyduck never came back, and the only new Pokemon she caught was a Tentacool.

Which she wasn't mad about, she actually thought Tentacool was cute so she caught it with no hesitation, but at the moment it has been a few more hours and she is running low on Pokeballs.

Misty sighed and started packing up her things. The only reason she stayed in this spot was because of the sunk cost fallacy, but at this point, it was clear she wasn't finding anything.

Currently, she thought of what she wanted to do next, if possible she wanted to find any new water Pokemon from other regions but so far she has had no such luck. 

As she finished packing her last lure into her kit she heard a small splash, looking back into the water she saw a small Horsea looking at her.

Misty's eyes lit up as she slowly got close to the small Pokemon and held out her hand, with one behind her back, "Hey there how you doing little one."

The Horsea tilted its head as it slowly started coming closer and as soon as it got close Misty's hand reached out with a Ball but at that moment Psyduck appeared in front of her and got blasted by a Smokescreen from Horsea.

Psyduck's face was dyed black as he opened his eyes and started rolling on the ground since it got in his eyes, making Horsea laugh, giving Misty just enough time to throw the Pokeball and catch the thing.

Misty picked up the ball and then saw Psyduck rolling on the ground, "You know you could just jump into the water to wash it off right?"

As soon as Misty said that Psyduck stopped, then jumped into the water making the surface black from the ink. Then Psyduck's head emerged from the water looking much more refreshed.

Misty's eye twitched as she returned Psyduck to his Pokeball, she still had a few extra balls Yellow gave her so she still wanted to look around a bit.

"And that's the last of them," Ash said as he grabbed the final Pokeball, he managed to catch the entire herd of 30 Tauros, and after that, he took another quick search to see if he could find anything that interested him, which there wasn't.

So Ash used the remaining Pokeballs to catch any stragglers bringing his total up to 40.

When he arrived back at the main cabin the only one there was Yellow, Misty and Brock were probably still catching some Pokemon, but it didn't matter at the moment so he handed all his Pokeballs to Kaiser.

The way that Safari Balls worked was that technically they were registered under Kaiser, and he would transfer them to regular Pokeballs so that trainers could keep them for themselves.

As Kaiser was looking through and transferring the Pokeballs he looked at Ash, "Why'd you catch so many Tauros?"

Ash just gave a goofy smile and said, "I didn't want to break up the herd."

Kaiser nodded at that response and finished up, then he handed all the Pokeballs to Ash, which he took, he then got the leader and had Abra leave a mark on him.

After all the Tauros got transferred Brock and Misty finally arrived each holding a bunch of Pokeballs.

"I caught a good few, I can't wait to see their faces!" Brock said, looking happy.

Misty nodded, "You and me both, I caught so many water Pokemon!"

Ash and Yellow looked at each other and took a step aside as the two started trying to push each other out of the way so they could get their Pokemon transferred first.

Ash looked at this and just looked at Yellow, "I'm going to send all of mine away, you… should make sure they don't kill each other."

Yellow looked back at Ash kinda nervously, "I'll do my best… I hope."

Ash left them to do that as he walked over to the PC and dialed Damian's number, after a few moments the familiar blue-haired boy answered in an open field.

"Hey Ash, how's progress going?"

"I just got everything ready, I'll transfer them and you can get them all situated, I'll head over there in a bit," Ash said as he moved everything to the teleporter and sent all the Pokeballs in a few batches.

On Damian's side he could see all the Pokeballs appearing next to him he could barely hold them all, then one fell releasing a Tauros, making him fall over and dropping all the balls, releasing all of the Tauros.

Ash could hear the scared screams of Damian but he just hung up, Pikachu was just looking at him after that, "He'll be fine, probably."

Pikachu looked unconvinced so Ash just gave him a bottle of Ketchup and walked back to the lobby, where he saw Brock and Misty each on separate PCs sending as many Pokeballs as they could back home.

Kaiser walked back over to Ash, "Well I'll say this has been quite interesting, but it was nice to see a Dratini again, I hope you'll keep her safe," as he finished talking he looked at the framed photo of a younger him with a Dratini.

"You know, that Dratini is probably still out in the water, it may have even evolved," Ash told the old man.

"Maybe, but it's not my place to say, either way, it was good meeting you and thank you," Kaiser said as he held his hand out, which Ash took.

"No, I should be thanking you, we all gained a lot today."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C130
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


