12.97% Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads / Chapter 77: A Usual Morning in a Different Place

章 77: A Usual Morning in a Different Place

Earth land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Akane Beach.

January, x781.

After Ren and Sun left the room Alfonzo, Elicia, and Erza were assigned, the three Fairy Tail wizards took a little time to freshen up after their long drive from Magnolia to Akane Beach. First, Elicia and Erza went into the bathroom and shared the bath, followed by Alfonzo.

Then shortly after Alfonzo's bath ended, Masa arrived and showed them to the dining room. Although dinner was luxurious, Elicia and Erza were not particularly impressed with it. Alfonzo was a better chef, after all. Even so, Alfonzo, Elicia, and Erza shared stories of their quests with the Seto Family.

Sun, while listening to the stories,, had her eyes glowing with excitement. She loved stories about adventure and these stories were right up her alley. Ren, Masa, and even Fujishiro, the latter two being in the room as guards, were all impressed by the feats the three young adults had accomplished over the years.

Gozaburo, on the other hand, glared at Alfonzo the entire time. The look of admiration Sun was directing his way every time he spoke was eating him up inside. Even so, he gained a begrudging respect for the young man after hearing what he had done as a wizard. That still was not enough for him to hand his perfect daughter over to that bastard, though.

The story time only came to an end when Sun started to fall asleep at the table. This prompted everyone else to call it a night as well. So, Masa led Alfonzo, Elicia, and Erza back to their bedroom for the night.

The next morning, Alfonzo was the first to wake up. Slowly opening his eyes, he was surprised when he could only see darkness. However, after years of living the life of a wizard, he did not panic. Instead, he assessed his situation as calmly as possible.

'Okay, this is weird.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 'I'm almost certain that both Lici and Erza are clinging to me. But Erza should be on the other futon. So, why is she in mine? And then there's the fac that I can't see. It feels like my head is pressed between a pair of breasts. And they definitely belong to Erza. I mean, although Lici's are bigger than they were in our past life, they aren't this big.'

Just as Alfonzo thought, Erza was now in his futon along with Elicia. During the night, she had crawled into his futon after getting up to go to the bathroom. Then, she used him as a body pillow unconsciously, pressing his face into her cleavage that was greatly exposed by the purple, silk night gown with black lace trim she wore to bed.

Elicia, on the other hand, slept with her head on Alfonzo's left arm and wrapped her arms around his waist while intertwining her legs with his left leg.

Though he was truly enjoying the feeling of two women clinging to him, Alfonzo carefully extricated himself from their embraces. He needed to use the bathroom and was not in the mood to dampen the futon.

After a few minutes, when he came back from the bathroom, he saw that Erza had rolled over and wrapped Elicia in her embrace, pressing the shorter girl's face between her breasts as she had done to him.

'So, she's a sleep hugger.' Alfonzo thought as he watched the current scene with a smile. 'Anyway, I guess I should wake them up. We've got some work to do today.'

"Hey, it's time to wake up, you two." Alfonzo said, gently shaking the two women. "We should get some breakfast and then do a little light training before we get to the quest."

While Erza's eyes began to flutter open immediately, Elicia, who was also hugging Erza, tightened her hug and pressed her face deeper into Erza's cleavage.

"Five more minutes…" Elicia said sleepily, not even noticing the position she was in.

"Huh?" Erza exclaimed in confusion. "Elicia, why are you in my futon? And why are you hugging me?"

"It doesn't matter…" Elicia said, still sleepy. "Just go back to sleep."

At that moment, Alfonzo couldn't help but chuckle.

"I think you got it wrong, Erza." Alfonzo said with a smile. "Lici isn't in your futon, you're in ours. IN fact, when I woke up, I was in the position that Elicia is in right now."

Hearing that, Erza's mind completely snapped to attention. Then, she raised her head to look at Alfonzo who was crouching at the head of the futon and looking down on his partners for this quest with a smile.

'I'm in their futon? I must have crawled into the wrong one after going to the bathroom last night.' Erza thought to herself, piecing together her situation after Alfonzo's explanation. A moment later, however, she reddened from her neck to the tip of her ears. 'So, that's why I'm hugging Elicia. Wait! Did he just say that he was in Elicia's position not long ago? Does that mean Alfonzo's face was pressed into my bosom?'

Immediately after having that thought, Erza sat up straight, bounced to her feet, and sprinted into the bathroom with her face burning in embarrassment. And she did all that with Elicia still in her arms, who muttered about letting her go back to sleep.

"Damn, she's cute when she's embarrassed." Alfonzo said with a chuckle.

About twenty minutes later, Alfonzo, Elicia, who was complaining about being awoken so violently, and Erza, who's face was still sporting a scarlet tint, came out of their bedroom. Then, after asking for directions, Elicia and Erza ended up in the dining room again while Alfonzo was in the kitchen.

Shortly after taking a seat at the dining room table, the Seto family, accompanied by Masa entered the dining room.

"Good morning." Ren said as she saw Elicia and Erza sitting at the table. "I wasn't expecting to see you so early in the morning."

"Yes, good morning to you as well." Erza said with a polite bow. "We are quite used to waking up early due to our training."

"Ah, I see." Ren replied with a nod. "That makes sense."

"Elicia, are you okay?" Sun asked, taking a seat next to the seamstress. "You don't look like you're in a very good mood. Did ya have a bad dream?"

"No, I had a great dream…" Elicia said, glaring at Erza as she said so. "… That someone pulled me out of very violently."

"Please forgive me." Erza said, bowing her head while clenching her right fist in front of her chest. "I was just too startled when I woke up. You may hit me as recompense."

'Wow! We've known her for almost five years, and this is the first time she's said that to me.' Elicia said, internally fan girling at one of the lines she loved from Erza in the anime.

Meanwhile, after hearing Elicia's explanation, Ren and Sun looked on with confusion. However, before either of them could ask what happened, Gozaburo spoke.

"Where is that brat?" Gozaburo asked. "Is he not having breakfast with us? If so, that's fine with me. It would be better without him."

While Ren glared at Gozaburo for his rude remark, Sun looked at her father with confusion, not understanding why he would say that. Meanwhile, Elicia and Erza's eyes lit up when Gozaburo mentioned Alfonzo and breakfast together.

"Fonzie is in the kitchen, he's cooking breakfast." Elicia said with a smile while a trickle of drool leaked from between her lips.

"Oh, he can cook as well?" Ren asked with a smile. "I'm sure he will make a great husband someday."

"Yes, you are in for quite the treat." Erza replied with a nod.

While Ren was smiling as she glanced at her daughter, Gozaburo gritted his teeth for the same reason Ren was smiling. Meanwhile, Sun was just curious to know how Alfonzo's cooking would taste. And she would not have to wait long to find out.

Alfonzo, after another fifteen minutes, walked into the dining room with a large metal platter floating behind him. On the platter were eight Japanese style breakfasts, consisting of grilled salmon, steamed white rice, miso soup, a fried egg, and a small plate of pickled radishes.

"Good morning, Gozaburo, Ren, and Sun." Alfonzo said, placing the platter on the table. Then, as he set a plate in front of everyone, he continued. "Masa, good morning to you, too. I made breakfast for everyone. Oh, Fujishiro isn't here. Well, I made some for him, too."

While Elicia and Erza were unfazed by the plates in front of them, The Setos and Masa were flabbergasted. The Setos had hired some of the best chefs in Fiore, so they were no stranger to good food. However, they all gulped audibly after seeing and smelling Alfonzo's food.

"This looks incredible." Ren said in an astonished tone.

"And it smells so yummy." Sun added in a blissful tone.

"None of that matters if it doesn't taste good." Gozaburo said in a disgruntled tone.

Masa on the other hand did not speak. However, his body language let everyone who saw him know that he was impressed.

"Well, don't hold back on my account." Alfonzo said with a smile. "Let's dig in before it gets cold."

With that, everyone said a short prayer. Then, with their chopsticks, The Setos and Masa dug in right away. Meanwhile, Alfonzo, Elicia, and Erza simply watched with amused gazes.

"Mmm~~~!" Ren and Sun moaned in ecstasy.

Gozaburo, after his first bite, raised his head toward the ceiling and did everything in his power to hold back his own moan. Something Alfonzo, Elicia, and Erza were thankful for. No one wants to hear a middle-aged man moaning early in the morning, after all.

Masa, on the other hand, ate with style and poise, no outward indications of the unbelievable satisfaction he was feeling from the breakfast in front of him.

'Masa~.' Alfonzo and Elicia thought simultaneously with admiration in their gazes.

After they both had that thought, Alfonzo and Elicia made eye contact before they both smiled, realizing that they both made the same reference in their heads.

After seeing the reactions of the four, the three Fairy Tail wizards finally started digging into their own breakfasts. Not long later, everyone was finished, with one untouched plate still sitting on the table.

"That was so~~ yummy!" Sun said with a blissful smile on her face.

"Yes, that was delicious." Ren agreed. "Have you ever thought about going into the food business, Alfonzo?"

"It wasn't that good." Gozaburo said with a huff. However, his eyes never left the uneaten plate as he continued. "It was decent at best."

"Try saying that again when you're not staring at that plate of uneaten food." Ren replied while rolling her eyes.

"*Cough* Anyway, we shouldn't let this food go to waste." Gozaburo said, reaching for the plate. "The brat said he made it for Fujishiro, right? Then, I'll take it to him."


"You leave that plate where it is." Ren said after smacking the back of Gozaburo's hand. Then, she turned her attention to Masa. "Masa, go call Fujishiro and tell him to come have his breakfast."

"Yes, Ma'am." Masa replied making his way out of the dining room.

"Elicia, Erza, do you two get to eat like this every day?" Sun asked with her eyes sparkling. "That's so lucky."

"Yeah, everyone in the guild gets to eat breakfast like this on most days." Elicia replied.

"Most of us have to pay for it though." Erza added. "Alfonzo, when he's in Magnolia, works as the guild's chef in the mornings."

"Wow!" Sun exclaimed with envy. "That makes me want to join Fairy Tail. Then I could eat yummy breakfasts like this every day."

"Well, almost every day." Elicia said with a smile. "Fonzie has to go on quests, too. And those can last a week or more."

"If I became a wizard and went on quests with him, then I could eat like that every day, right?" Sun asked, her eyes sparkling even more than before.

While Sun was fantasizing about eating good food and going on adventures, Ren smiled happily at the thought of a business alliance through marriage getting closer to reality. Meanwhile, Gozaburo was gritting his teeth so hard that it could be heard from the next room. At the same time, tears of blood threatened to flow out of his eyes at any moment.

'How can this be?' Gozaburo thought to himself as an image of Sun running away from him played in his mind. 'My Sun wants to leave me. No, Sun, don't leave Daddy…'

SixthSense1029 SixthSense1029

Shout out to my new Patr3on!


Read up to chapter 80 on my Patr3on at:


Personally, I think chapter 80 is my best chapter so far. For either book.

Thanks for reading, I hope ou enjoy the story.

Comments, Reviews, and Power Stones are always appreciated.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C77
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


