レビューを書くOh Mighty Great old ones of webnovel please shed some of your sympathy and boundless Grace on this lowly one for he has just begun his journey of creating these worlds , this new world is filled with the plague of cringiness due to my folly whose source is ignorance , i hope that with your divine guidancr and glimpses of your Unfathomable Wisdom may cleanse this world of the despicable pestilence of cringe
Oh Mighty Great old ones of webnovel please shed some of your sympathy and boundless Grace on this lowly one for he has just begun his journey of creating these worlds , this new world is filled with the plague of cringiness due to my folly whose source is ignorance , i hope that with your divine guidancr and glimpses of your Unfathomable Wisdom may cleanse this world of the despicable pestilence of cringe