34.61% Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad / Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Tournament Part 1!

章 9: Chapter 9: Tournament Part 1!

"Ladies and gentlemen! It's almost time for our final round! But before that, good news for everyone that didn't make the finals! We prepared some super fun side games that everyone can be interested in! We even brought in cheerleaders to get the blood pumping!" Present Mic said as almost everyone got back from their break. Nothing of note happened, Luffy ate almost as much food as there was, Izuku and Todoroki had an interesting little chat and the girls of class 1-A were tricked. "Hold on."

"…What are they doing?" Said Aizawa with wide eyes as he looked at his girl students.

"Looks like class 1-A is going full-on fan service!" Present Mic said as a lot of the boy's participants were blushing at the fact that the girls were wearing cheerleader uniforms.

"Shishishsihsihsishi!" Luffy laughed while clutching his stomach and pointing at the girls. "You guys look so ridiculous! Shishishi"

"L-Luffy! Don't laugh!" Momo said with a very heavy blush on her face. "I can't believe I let myself get tricked by that little pervert again."

"I even used my quirk to make these outfits." Momo said as she plopped to the ground.

"Oh, c'mon. You couldn't have known." Uraraka said as she put a comforting hand on her shoulder while also slightly glaring at a laughing Luffy. "Besides, we were all tricked." She knew Aizawa wouldn't have made them wear these outfits if only she went with her gut instinct.

"Now now, girls! I appreciate a woman trying to draw attention to herself as much as the next heroine." Midnight said on her microphone which caused a sea of denials to come from the cheerleaders. "But we must make preparations to see who will be fighting whom! So come closer everyone!"

As Midnight said this, every participant drew closer, be they cheerleaders or otherwise.

"Oh man, I can't wait to get this started! I have always watched the sports festival on my TV, but to actually be here!" Kirishima said as he was brimming with excitement. "It feels surreal!"

"What are we gonna do anyway?" Luffy said as he was walking side-by-side with Kirishima, still recovering from the fit of laughter he had to endure earlier.

"Well every year is different, last year they held a foam sword competition." Sero said as he held a finger up, slightly in the back. "But It will involve some sort of battle, that much is for sure."

After some bickering about there being too many participants and whatnot, a majority of team Kendo chose to withdraw, leaving only Ibara Shiozaki and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. After they have said their emotional goodbyes and promises of winning, Midnight proceeded with the tournament, showing who will be fighting whom.

"Ashido?" Luffy asked himself as he saw the brackets. Unbeknownst to him, a pink-skinned girl was severely sulking. "Who's that?" (So I'll be keeping the fights normal, I only switched Aoyama with Luffy.)

"Dammit, I at least wanted to make it past the first round." Mina said as she dropped her pompoms. She had no hope of winning besides pure dumb luck.

"Ah don't worry, I'm sure you'll do fine!" Toru cheered her best friend on, only for Mina to look at her like 'Are you serious?'. "Well you at least made it to the tournament, I didn't even get past the cavalry battle."

"Well, we always have next year." Mina already accepted her fate, with Toru right behind her

"Now that we have decided who our duelists will be, let's enjoy the side games!" Midnight said as she walked off with a little strut in her.

Several minutes later, Luffy decided to check up on Momo. At the moment she was trying to think of a strategy against Tokoyami while also putting in her bare minimum into cheerleading. "Hey Momo, how you doing?"

"Oh, hey Luffy, you gave up on your scavenger hunt?" Momo said a bit surprised at seeing the straw hat approach her. Usually, he would have either gone to the buffet or tried to solve this little side game.

"Well, I wanted to do it. But I don't know what this thing is." Luffy said as he held up his card.

"… If you want I can make you a smartphone." Momo said, slightly bewildered that Luffy still didn't know what a smartphone is.

"Nah, the prize isn't meat so I don't care." Luffy said as he plopped on the ground, Momo following closely sitting next to him.

"Should've expected that." Momo now sat on the ground as they watched some of the other students participate in a side game with a giant ball. "Do you think I'll win?"

"Of course!" Luffy said without missing a beat. Momo always appreciated that part about Luffy. "Plus we trained so there isn't anything to worry about."

"True, but I still have a long way to go until I learn even the basics of haki." Momo said as she recalled sparring with Luffy. "You said so yourself."

"Everybody learns differently." He said as he started cloud gazing. " if I've learned anything, is that you learn the most haki in the heat of the battle. So who knows? Maybe you'll learn it this match."

"Maybe." Momo said as she started to go over everything Luffy taught her, which, besides a few broken bones and bruises, wasn't much.


In Momo's gym.

"Oi Momo? Why'd you call me here?" Luffy said as he stood in the middle of the ring, while Momo was equipping her boxing gloves. (Those small ones.)

"I need to ask a favor of you Luffy." Momo said which caused Luffy to quirk an eyebrow. "Teach me haki."

"Sure!" Luffy said with no hesitation.

"I gotta say, I thought that agreeing to you to teach me, would be harder." Momo said perplexed at the fact that Luffy was so nonchalant about teaching her haki. In her mind, haki was a super-secret technique that only gifted children could learn, but calling Luffy gifted was a stretch.

"Why not? It's the least I can do for what you did for me." Luffy said as he started looking for something around the gym.

"I didn't do anything for you. If anything I'm still repaying you for saving me at the mall." Momo said as she put a hand on her chin. "So anyway, how is this going to work?"

"It's not that hard, I just need a blindfold and a big stick." Luffy said, which caused Momo to use her quirk to make just these items.

"Like these?" Momo said as she held out a bat and a black blindfold to Luffy.

"Yeah! Where did you get these?" Luffy said as he looked at the baseball bat. He had seen it before on the TV but never in person.

"I used my quirk. Which I told you about 1 million times before." Momo said with a small sigh, she wasn't surprised at this point. "So, what are we doing?"

"I'm gonna teach you observation haki. Now, normally for the very beginning, we would need something like a giant pink elephant." Luffy said as he remembered the first part of his own haki training. "But we don't have that, so we'll just skip over that step. Everybody learns haki differently, it took me a year and a half to learn the basics of all forms but we have only a couple of days. Here put this on."

"Umm, Okay." Momo said with uncertainty as she grabbed the blindfold and put it around her eyes. After that, she was forced into a sitting position by Luffy. "Luffy?"

"Okay, now dodge!" Luffy said as he prepared to strike.

"Dodge wh—" Momo couldn't say anything else, as she felt a baseball bat hit her square in the shoulder, with what must have been the strength of a freight train.

"What The Hell?!" Momo said as she untangled herself from the ring's ropes. "You could have broken my arm!" It was dislocated and slightly fractured.

"No way, I barely put any force into that!" Luffy defended himself. "Plus I told you to dodge!"

"I WAS blindfolded!" Momo retorted as she wondered how the hell was Luffy so strong. "How am I supposed to dodge it if I can't see it?!"

"With haki!" Luffy said as he prepared another attack. "Dodge!"

"WA—" Momo once again found herself tangled. *I might actually die before the sports festival.*

"No time for slacking off! After this, we will spar! Old man Rayleigh always said the best way to learn is through pain." Luffy said as he prepared for another home run. "So get ready, oh wait I'm not supposed to say dodge."

End Flashback.

"I still have some bruises from the hits you gave me." Momo said as she caressed her arm looking mad, but her tone said otherwise. "I was lucky that any broken bones I had were quickly fixed by our family doctor, or you would have been in serious trouble."

"Shishishi, sorry." Luffy said as he tried to hide his laughing mouth. "But you learned something, right?"

"I hope so." Momo said, wishing that all those broken bones and restless nights with Luffy beating her, amounted to something. "Tokoyami has a strong quirk, and I don't know its weakness. Maybe if I do a variety of different tests during our battle then maybe I can figure out some sort of pla—"

"Stop it." Luffy said as he lightly punched her on the head. "You're making my head hurt."

"OW!" Momo said as she rubbed the top of her head. "That hurt!"

"How many times did you do this when we fought?" Luffy said which made Momo momentarily forget about her pain. "I think every time. Sometimes there isn't a weakness, trust me I know." Luffy was thinking of his first fight with Kaido, Doflamingo, Katakuri, and many others.

"If I fought like you, I would be dead right now." Luffy said with a straight face, which was an unusual sight for Momo. Luffy was 99% of the time silly and goofy, seeing this different side of his gave her pause and goosebumps. "Sometimes the only way you can win it's just by punching your enemy until he can't get back up. Don't forget that."

"…You have been in a lot of fights, haven't you?" Momo asked the obvious after about a minute of sitting in silence. She didn't mean to pry but she hoped that maybe, with a little bit of luck, she'll be able to look into that rubber brain of his.

"Yeah, you can say that." Luffy didn't mind sharing, especially with somebody like Momo. "More than I can count."

"I'm sorry, that must have been horrible." Momo didn't like the fact that someone as close to her as Luffy, has seen more bloodshed than any child should see.

"Why're you sorry? I don't regret it."

"You don't?"

"Of course not, If I can't fight for the sake of my dreams then what's the point in having them?"

"There aren't any other ways of reaching your dream besides fighting?"

"No, not my dream."

"Huh, I hope I will find a dream like yours someday. One where I would give my life to achieve it."

"I hope so too."

"Ok, Ok! Enough chit-chatting and games, Let's leave the spots area for Cementoss, our resident builder, to make the arena! So anybody who is still in the grass area, get to your seats!" Present Mic said with enthusiasm from his booth while Eraser heard was trying to make his headache go away.

"That's our queue, It's time to go, to our classes 1-A's area." Momo said as she got up from the ground and looked at Luffy. "Let's go." Momo said with a slight smile and an extended hand.

"Yeah, I'm coming." Luffy said as he grabbed her hand and used it to prop himself up. Soon after they started walking back to their seats.

"Thanks, for the talk." Momo said as she didn't look away from the path in front of her. "It helped."

"Anytime!" Luffy said as he slapped Momo's back almost making her fall.

*Okay, he's back.* Momo thought as tried to regain her balance. Momo liked Luffy's serious side, it showed that he understood the world rather than just live in it but she preferred Luffy's sillier side more.

Soon after a quick wardrobe change, they got to their viewing space. Mineta was sulking because the girls took off their cheerleader uniforms which managed to get a tongue-slap from Asui. Everybody was there, doing their own thing, besides Izuku. After some time of Luffy eating the other's popcorn and Bakugou getting frustrated at him for causing such a ruckus, Cementoss finally finished.

Soon after, Izuku's fight with Shinso started. For a second it looked like Shinso would win just by telling Izuku what to do, but after two broken fingers, Izuku just ran him out of the arena. After ending the match and a quick check-up at recovery girl, Izuku rejoined his classmates.

"Deku! Hey!" Said Uraraka while also giving small flashbacks to Izuku from his days of being called that by Bakugou.

"I am glad you were able to secure your victory!" Iida said as he pointed at the seat next to him and Luffy.

"Thanks, guys." Izuku said as he sat down. "It was a close one."

"Yeah, you almost walked off." Luffy suddenly joined their conversation. "Not the smartest guy, are you?"

"N-n-n-no! I-it's not like that!" Izuku stammered at having the class rep call him a dumbass. Thankfully he was saved by the quirk-creation user.

"No Luffy, don't you remember?" Momo said which caused Luffy to quirk an eyebrow at her. Right now she was peering over the railing to get a better view. "Shinso can mind control people, that's probably what happened."

"Oooooh!" Luffy made an O shape with his mouth. "So you're not dumb?"

"I t-think so?" Izuku was weirded out about the situation he was in. He didn't want to brag about how smart he was, but he also didn't want Luffy of all people to call him dumb. "W-well, you se—"

"Shut the hell up, you damn nerds!" Bakugou said which made Luffy turn to him and Izuku almost fell out of his seat. "Just watch the damn rounds or your ass is grass. D'you understand?!"

Before any of them could retort Present Mic announced the new fighting opponents, Hanta Sero vs. Shoto Todoroki. The fight itself looked like it was going into Sero's way, well until Todoroki decided to fight.

"Momo! Get down!" Luffy said as he pulled Momo to her seat, the ice barely missing her face with only a couple of inches to spare. "You okay?"

"I-I'll be fine." Momo said as she tried to get her racing heart under control. In truth, the Ice wouldn't have actually hurt her, but it would've been annoying to get her head out of the giant glacier that formed in under 2 seconds. "Thanks, Luffy."

"Wow! Super mainly rescue Luffy!" Kirishima said as he started to shiver from having such a giant iceberg in front of him.

"I-I would h-have done the s-same thing!" Mineta said from behind Momo with a slight stutter.

"S-sure you would." Tsuyu said, who was taking this iceberg was very unwell.

"O-okay! It's my turn! Wish me good luck!" Denki said as he started going to his waiting room. "Not that I need it."

"Good luck." Jirou said with a roll of her eyes. Honestly, the guy that annoyed her the most in this class must be Kaminari followed closely by Luffy.

The fight wasn't much of a fight. After Ibara scolded Present Mic for saying that she was there to cause harm, she quickly dealt with Kaminari, his electricity proving to be useless against her vines.

"Guess he needed the luck." Jirou said as she twirled her long earlobes.

"Wow, that quirk was amazing! The number of uses for it, both defensive and offensive is countless. Not to mention the way she use—" Izuku was stopped from going into another muttering spree by the class rep knocking him to the ground. "OW! That hurt so bad!"

*You have no idea.* Momo deadpanned at the amount of strength Luffy just put in that punch.

"Fighting before the tournament is strictly forbidden!" Iida said as he waved both of his robotic arms back and front at Izuku and Luffy.

"You were annoying me." Luffy told Izuku why he punched him as he grabbed the torn notebook that Izuku was writing in. "Shi-o-zakI Ibar-a? What this?"

The class gave Luffy a flat look at the fact that he had to spell it out to understand. "I-it's nothing! Give it back! Please." Izuku normally would have no problem sharing his passion, but he needed a couple of seconds to recollect himself.

After a couple of seconds of Luffy looking at the Notebook and Izuku, a mischievous smile went across his face. "No way!"

"W-what?! Luffy please give it back." Izuku said as he reached for the notebook, but Luffy being taller just put it above his head.

"No!" Luffy said. The way Luffy was acting, pretty much told the class that he was just teasing Izuku, not actually bullying him. "What's in it?"

"It's nothing, now please give it back!" Izuku said as he accidentally pushed Luffy to the ground. "Oh no! A-are you okay?"

"I-I think I see a light." Luffy said which managed to scare Izuku half to death, thinking he murdered Luffy while half the class just rolled their eyes and the other half were snickering behind their hands. "I-I'm going towards it!"

"No! Luffy don't go! Stay with us!" Izuku's mind was going too fast from too many things happening all at once to realize this was just a prank

"I'm goin'!" Luffy held a hand up, blocking the sunlight from his eyes. "Tell my crew I loved them!"

"No! Luffy!" Izuku was starting to cry crocodile tears. "Guys I need help!" Unfortunately, the only thing he got was either eye rolls or full-blown laughs. "w-what?"

"Oh Deku, H-he's just messing with you." Uraraka managed to squeak out between her fit of laughs. This caused Izuku to look down at a now laughing Luffy who was rolling on the ground. If he could get redder then he would invent a new shade from the blushing he was doing.

"O-oh Midoriya! Never change dude!" Kirishima patted him on the back as he laughed.

"I want to die." Izuku said as he now sank into his seat, hoping that it would somehow swallow him up.

"Don't say that Midoriya!" Iida said thinking he was serious. "Unfortunately I am unable to help you, seeing as how my match is the next one up, but never lose hope!" Iida tried to comfort Izuku who got a weak 'good luck' for his efforts. Soon after Iida's match began.

Calling Iida's fight a 'fight' was a stretch, the better word for it being a 10-minute advertisement using Iida as an actor. Mei managed to use Iida as a commercial for her support items, and make a name for herself in the support companies. After showing off all her items, she stepped out of bounds making Iida the victor of this round.

"Well, that was something. But it's your turn now Luffy." Momo said as she looked at an angry Iida making his way back. "Luffy?"

Turns out that Luffy was so bred that he managed to fall asleep, with a slight snore. "Luffy! There is free meat!"

"Where?!" Luffy instantly woke up, surprising Izuku who was providing a shoulder for Luffy to sleep on.

"C'mon class rep, it's our fight. Let's just get this over with." Mina said while walking like her pet dog just died.

"Oh!" Luffy said, now running to catch up to Mina. "I almost forgot!"

"Good luck Mina! Break a leg!" Toru said in an attempt to make her best friend excited. It didn't work.

Now at the arena, Luffy was cracking his knuckles with a big smile on his face, while Mina looked like she would rather be anywhere else.

*Ok, so who cares if I lose? I still need to give it my all!* Mina said in a successful attempt to cheer herself up. "Better get ready rep! Cuz I'm gonna win!"

"Good luck with that!" Luffy said it genuinely which impressed some of the crowd with their sportsmanship.

"Opponents get ready! Begin!" As soon as Present Mic said this Luffy extended an arm that was aiming for her face, only managing to miss her by a hair.

"Wow! That was a close one!" Present Mic said as Mina started using her acid to skate on the ground.

*Okay, I can't go in for the attack, seeing how strong Luffy is and all, so my best bet is probably to make him use ranged attacks until he gets tired.* Mina said as she continued to barely dodge dozens of Luffy's punches.

"Luffy's attacks are quick and direct but Ashido manages to dodge every single one, she must be in very good shape and really know how to move her body to dodge all of those attacks." Izuku said as he started writing down in his notebook.

"Oh man, this isn't working." Luffy said as he stopped his punches. "Oh, I got it!"

"wha—" Before Mina could even question what Luffy meant by that, she found herself being thrown on Luffy's shoulder like a bag of potatoes. "Oh dammit!"

"And Luffy managed to grab Ashido in an impressive display of speed! What will she do now?" Present Mic said as Mina started struggling in Luffy's grip.

"Don't make me use my ac—" Luffy didn't let her finish her sentence as she found herself being thrown out of the ring. "OW!"

"Shishishi! Sorry!" Luffy apologized even though he didn't sound like it. "Does this mean I won?"

"And we have a winner! Everybody give it up for Luffy!" Present Mic said as the crowd roared to life with cheers. Everybody was cheering for Luffy but nobody was really surprised, after seeing what he could do in the obstacle race, it was hard to get surprised.

"And now onto the next, more exciting match, both coming from the same hero course Momo Yaoyorozu vs. Fumikage Tokoyami!" Present Mic said as he was accompanied by cheers from Luffy.

"Who do you think'll win?" Mina asked Luffy as they were going back to their seats. "I mean, I know who you want to win. But who do you think really will win?"

"Momo for sure!" Luffy said without missing a beat. "She trained super hard, I believe in her."

"I hope she'll win too." Mina said. Soon after they got to their respective seats, the match started.

*Tokoyami's quirk is great both offensive and defensive if I only manage to someh-. No No, this is exactly what Luffy told me not to do! I just have to fight!* Soon after her little monologue in her head, she created a shield and a metal bat. *This is as good a weapon as any.*

"All right, Begin!" Present Mic said which prompted Tokoyami to use his quirk to attack Momo from a distance. In response, she managed to dodge every single attack. *At least those haki lessons managed to teach me this at least.*

"YEA MOMO! KICK HIS ASS! WOOHOO!" Luffy screamed at the top of his lungs in an attempt to cheer Momo, unfortunately, the only thing it managed to do is make her uncomfortable. "YEAH! GET HIM!" The class deadpanned at Luffy's cheers and tried to avoid his constant yelling.

*Ok, now it's my turn to go in for the hit!* Momo told herself as she saw Tokoyami start to breathe heavily, *Why is he getting tired?*

Meanwhile, with Tokoyami. *Dammit, I've never had to use dark shadow so much with such bright lights before.* Tokoyami said as he tried to get his breathing under control. True enough, the fireplaces on all four corners and the fact that it was the middle of the afternoon didn't help his quirk at all.

As soon as Momo got into striking range with her bat, she put all the strength into her next attack, only to have Tokoyami dodge it and call his quirk to attack her. Fortunately for her, she managed to use the momentum of the missed strike to hit Tokoyami straight in his ribcage with her hand shield.

Unfortunately for her, she wasn't fast enough to dodge the incoming hit from Dark shadow. Now they were both on the ground, one having a hard time catching his breath while the other.

*His attacks, are like a baby's compared to Luffy!* She was genuinely surprised at how much it didn't hurt, is it because she developed a high pain tolerance, or is it because his quirk was that weak?

"GET UP MOMO!" Luffy cheered her on. Thinking his cheering worked when she started getting up. "THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!"

In The Crowd.

"Pretty impressive, to have been hit by such an attack and get up so quickly. She must be used to it." Said someone with green hair and spiky teeth.

"It's adorable the way her brother cheers her on!" A girl with a face mask that had smiley faces on it gushed. "I wish I had a brother like that."

"I can't imagine being her though, to have a family member cheer you up like you are a small child, it has to be pretty embarrassing." Someone in a motorcycle helmet said. The crowd was pretty split about how Luffy cheered Momo on.

In The Arena.

*This is it! I just have to go for the finishing blow!* Momo said as she rushed at Tokoyami who was still trying to breathe.

*Perfect, she fell for my trap.* Tokoyami thought as she saw in the corner of his eye a running Momo at him. When she was close enough, Tokoyami wanted to use Dark Shadow at full strength to uppercut Momo.

As Momo was going straight into his trap, she felt something. Something like pins and needles under her chin and she could have sworn that in her mind she saw a glimpse of a layout Dark shadow punching her. But she didn't know whether it was her imagination or something else.

At the last possible second, she moved her head up and took a step backward, managing to just barely dodge his attack. *W-was that haki?!*

Tokoyami was staring at her wide-eyed *Damn, She's more agile than I thought!*

"LESSGOO! MOMO! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!" Luffy cheered his friend on at finally developing some sort of basic haki.

Momo was inches away from hitting him with a baseball bat to the face, not enough to give him a concussion, but enough that he'll remember. And as the bat was about to make contact, Tokoyami caught it in his hand making Momo go wide-eyed this time. "Dark Shadow!" He called.

"I'm on it!" The quirk responded as it hit Momo straight in the gut.

"Woo! That must've hurt! Shall we call the medic?" Present Mic commented on the last blow.

*Yaoyarozu, you surprise me, I thought your quirk and intelligence were your only strengths. Clearly, I was wrong.* Aizawa thought as he watched Momo leave behind a small flashbang.

"AAH! The Light!" Dark shadow whimpered as he grew smaller for about a second. Sadly, that second was all that was needed, because the next thing Tokoyami saw was a metal baseball bat before everything went black.

"Momo Yaoyorozu, WINS!" Midnight declared Momo the winner as she called the stand-by doctors to check on Tokoyami.

"YAY! MOMO YOU WON!" Luffy yelled as he dropped from the balcony and ran to her making his other classmates drop their jaws, thankfully he quickly got up with minor scratches on his body from 4 story drop. So this must be what Rayleigh felt when he saw Luffy off at Sabaody, pride.

"What?!" "Is he crazy?" "Aww, that's adorable!" "How is he not dead?!" And several other comments like these were made among the crowd when they saw the resident straw hat running to Momo who was having a hard time standing on 2 feet from the last attack that Dark shadow delivered.

She was now having a harder time not blushing from being thrown into the air multiple times with Luffy repeatedly saying "Hip-Hip Hooray!"

"Hey! Get off, you have to leave for the next contestants!" Midnight scolded Luffy who was now scowling and a thankful Momo, thinking that Luffy would put her down. But was surprised when she felt being tossed on Luffy's shoulder for the second time that day. *No! Not again!*

"Hold tight!" Luffy said as he activated second gear and run to the spot where he fell. "Gomu Gomu no-"

"Luffy! No! take the stairs! Like a normal person!" Momo already regretted her choice of words. Of course, Luffy wasn't a normal person.

"Jump!" Using Belamy's technique again, he jumped all the way to their class. Making people go wide-eyed at the impressive jump he just demonstrated.

"AAH!" Izuku fell on his back from being startled by seeing Luffy and Momo land perfectly in front of them.

"Hey, guys! Did you see it? Momo won!" Luffy said as he put Momo down, who was having a hard time thinking straight.

"No way?!" Jirou said in an exaggerated tone "Really?"

"Yeah! It was awesome, too bad you missed it." Luffy said which just made Jirou angry and the others snicker a bit.

"Leaving Luffy's antics aside. That was very impressive, I had no idea you could dodge like that. Especially the uppercut that dark shadow was about to give you." Luffy said as he continued to write down in his notebook.

"Ah, it's nothing really." Momo said as she went back to her seat. "You should talk to Luffy, he is the one that trained me."

"So that's what you meant by sparring that time we were at your mansion? Ribbit." Asui said.

"Yes, without Luffy, I don't think I could have won." Momo said which made Luffy very proud and happy.

"Aw, you didn't have to say that!" Luffy said as he patted Momo on the back.

"And the way Luffy was cheering for you! So adorable!" Mina and Toru cooed, which just made Momo want to sink into her chair from sheer embarrassment.

"Please don't remind me." Momo could already see the news outlets, and the headlines concerning her and Luffy. But did Luffy care? No.

The next match was Kirishima vs. Tetsutetsu. Uraraka got ready for her match with Izuku and Iida supporting her. Luffy was sleeping. After the first five minutes of back-and-forth between the two boys, nobody really cared. After the fight ended in a draw, Bakugou and Uraraka were the next to fight.

Luffy for his part was also sleeping, despite Jirou trying multiple times to wake him up, nothing worked. He only woke up when a blast big enough to shake the entire arena was used.

"Huh? What's happening?" Luffy asked groggily, still half asleep on Momo's shoulder.

"Bakugou just hit Uraraka with a massive blast, seems like she's done." Denki responded to his question.

"Ah, so nothing new." Luffy said as he went back on Momo's shoulder to sleep, snoring with a snot bubble coming out of his nose. Nobody was offended by what Luffy just said since everybody with common sense knew the outcome.

The next match was a tie-breaker between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, Kirishima won and ended it wholesomely with a new friendship. Now it was time for the rollercoaster that is Midoryia vs. Todoroki

"Hey, Luffy." Momo said trying to wake up her friend who was still sleeping. With a sigh, she said the magic words. "Meat."

"Meat?!" Luffy woke up instantly like he was never even asleep.

"Wow, it's like magic." Observed Asui from her seat.

"Food really is the only thing on his mind isn't it." Jirou said it more as a fact than a question.

"That's not true, there is also Momo." Said Mina as she started snickering at the red face Momo was making.

"Huh? There isn't any food?" Luffy said as he now was fully awake. "Why'd you wake me up?!"

"I'm sorry Luffy but a new match is starting." Momo said to Luffy who was sulking at being tricked.

"And as the class representative, you must be a witness to all matches." Iida said as he robotically waved.

"Who's fighting now?" Luffy asked only to be answered by the fighters themselves as they showed up in the arena.

After a couple of broken fingers and multiple ice barrages, Todoroki finally decided to use his left side a.k.a his fireside.

"Wow, he is on fire! I didn't know he could do that." Luffy said as the whole stadium rose a couple of degrees in temperature. *Just like Ace and Sabo.*

"Yeah, you didn't know? He said he never uses it in battle. I don't know why." Kirishima said as he looked at Endeavor saying that his creation finally accepted his true self.

"Something to do with his dad maybe?" Toru said a bit uncomfortable at the fact that Todoroki's dad referred to him as a creation.

Soon the big explosion happened, debris everywhere, and hot air blasted into everyone's faces. Almost everybody fell down except Luffy who was just dodging the bits of concrete.

"Wow, awesome!" Luffy said with stars in his eyes while everybody was shocked at the amount of power shown.

Soon after Midnight declared Todoroki to be the winner, while Izuku was passed out, outside the ring with broken hands.

"That was intense." Said Mineta as he tried to recollect himself from almost flying off.

"Tell me about it." Said Kirishima with a surprised face. "I didn't know our classmates were capable of that kind of firepower."

After about 20 minutes Uraraka, Iida, Momo, Luffy, Mineta, and Asui went to check on Izuku in the nurse's office.

"So should we like knock or something?" Asked Mineta as they approached the door.

"Of course, we will ask permission to be let in." Said Iida confidently

"Hey, greenie!" Said Luffy already bursting through the door and startling everybody inside.

"AAH! What are you guys doing here?!" Said Izuku more so scared at the fact that All-Might was in the room in his deflated form.

"Luffy! You should have knocked first." Momo berated Izuku before turning her attention to Izuku and the skinny blond man. "Oh I'm sorry, are you a friend of Midoriya?"

"Oh, ahem. Yes, I am." Yagi said as he got back into his role as a civilian.

"Oh hey! It's All-Night's brother!" Said Luffy which confused the hell out of recovery girl and Izuku while everybody was slackjawed.

"What?!" "All-Might has a brother?!" "I can't believe this!" said the students all at once.

"Young man! I told you to keep that a secret!" Yagi scolded Luffy.

"Oh Yeah! Umm, Sorry guys my mistake! It's not All-Nights brother I swear!" Luffy tried to cover up his lie which didn't work. "That's just his cousin!"

"Don't cover a lie with another one!" Said Yagi while pinching the bridge of his nose. This is the last thing he wanted to deal with today. "Look, please just keep it a secret. I don't want any… ugh, villains to know. Yep, that's who I don't want to know." Toshinori wasn't that much better at lying than Luffy.

"All right, All right enough! Time for everybody to go away, I have to prepare him for surgery." Recovery girl said as she threw them out of the room but her mentioning surgery only made things worse.

The next match was Iida vs. Shiozaki. Iida won no surprise there. The one after that was Luffy vs. Momo. This had the crowd muttering a whole bunch when they came into the arena.

"Momo, Let's have a good fight!" Luffy said as he extended his hand to Momo for her to shake.

"Likewise!" Momo shook his hand and with Midnight starting the fight they were off.

Momo already having some experience from sparring with Luffy, had a pretty basic idea of what she should expect. That is if gear 1 is considered basic. She went with a shield like in her last battle and a sword. Even though she had no idea of how to use it besides swinging it around and sticking Luffy with the pointy end. (See what I did there?)

She at least knew that blunt attacks are going to have no effect on Luffy. So she opted for the sword. As her getting close to Luffy she started swinging it around like there was no tomorrow and Luffy dodged it with ease every time.

"C'mon Momo, you have no chance of slicing me if you're not faster." Luffy said as he continued to dodge her slices. Sadly, she knew that so she had a distraction prepared. Within a second, Momo managed to prepare a flashbang and threw it right in front of Luffy's face. What Momo didn't account for though, is that Luffy caught the flashbang in his bare hands and crushed it.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, unless my eyes are deceiving me, Luffy just broke her sword in half like it was a toothpick!" Present Mic commented

"My turn." Luffy said as he broke Momo's sword in his grip, and started punching her. Momo already knew his move sets so she knew how to dodge them. "You're getting better at dodging. Let's see you dodge this."

Luffy put some distance between himself and her, and with an inhale of breath. "Gomu Gomu no Gatling gun!" Luffy's hits were too fast and too many for Momo to dodge so she opted to block them with a shield as big as her, she could definitely feel pins and needles over her body. Unfortunately, Luffy's punches were too strong for the shield to handle, so he punched her to the edge of the ring, shield and all.

*Wow. I can't believe it, this shield was 5 cm of steel and he still broke through.* Momo thought as she looked at the front of her useless shield.

"You're not out? I'm surprised." Luffy said as he appeared right next to Momo. "But this is where this ends. Gomu Gomu no-" Luffy stretched his hand way back, reaching outside of the ring and then some.

"Bullet!" And with some strength, he brought forth his fist, delivering one very powerful close-up hit to Momo's chest, fracturing a few ribs in the process and throwing her well outside of the ring.

"With an impressive display of strength, Luffy wins!" Midnight said as she held up Luffy's arm, while he was scratching his nose with the other. "Call the doctor." She said to her walkie-talkie.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


