23.07% Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: USJ Part 2!

章 6: Chapter 6: USJ Part 2!

"Luffy! What are you talking about!?" Izuku said loudly as he felt his heart drop into his stomach. "Y-You can't possibly want to beat that thing!"

"Yeah! That monster was made to kill All-Might!" Yelled a tearing Mineta. He admired his will to fight and everything but this was too far in his opinion.

"Guys, don't worry, I'm a monster too. Now take sunglasses and boom boy to the others while I deal with this guy." Luffy confidently instructed the others while giving them a reassuring grin.

"You stupid brat! You really think you?! Have a chance against my Nomu?" Yelled the hand-covered villain, whose arm still felt like a sledgehammer had hit it.

"Doesn't matter what I think, just watch what I do." Luffy said eerily calm as he began dodging punches from the Nomu, punches that were so fast that you needed a slow-motion camera to even begin knowing where they were going to hit. And he dodged every single punch.

"Here Asu- I mean Tsu, hold onto Mr. Aizawa for me while I get Kacchan." Izuku said, worry clearly evident in his voice as he came to a stop near Bakugou. "Okay Kacchan, easy does it."

"Don't treat me like a Baby!" Kacchan bellowed as Izuku flinched in fear. "And I don't need your help! Or anybody's Help! I can still fight just fine."

"C-come on Kacchan don't be like that, we just want to help you." Said Izuku as he approached the tired but still angry boy who was now standing up.

"Oh really, you can fight? Then what happens when I do this?" Asui said as she poked Bakugou in the ribs which caused him to fall to the ground helplessly.

"Asui?! Don't hurt him more!" Izuku said as he crouched to where Bakugou's limp body stood. "Come on, I know you want to fight but right now you are too hurt too even walk properly."

"Don't you dare patronize me Deku. I can walk just fine." Bakugou said as he slowly but surely got up and began to walk back to the rest of the group. You could just feel the tenseness of the situation just by walking with them, neither of them daring to utter something as they carried a broken and bleeding Aizawa who was very hoarsely breathing. "I blasted him with all the remaining strength I had left."

Now everyone turned to Bakugou surprised that out of everyone, he would be the one to break the silence. "I attacked him and he didn't even as much as flinch. The rubber brain signed his death warrant the second he entered the fight with that thing." You know it says a lot when even Bakugou admitted he wasn't strong enough.

"Gomu Gomu no Hawk Gatling!" Luffy screamed as he blackened the end of his arms and attacked the Nomu relentlessly. "Damn, your skin sure is though."

"That's not his skin that's the problem, it's his quirk!" The hateful villain proudly proclaimed as the mist villain was tending to his arm. "That's right, super strength isn't the only quirk the Nomu has, shock absorption is also one of them. The only one that has a chance to defeat my final boss is All-Might, not one of his brats."

"I didn't really get any of that, but what you said is that normal punches won't work, right? Then let's see how you handle this." He said as he was weaving from the barrage of punches. "Gear Third!"

"Gomu Gomu no-" Luffy said as he put his finger in his mouth before shaving away from the Nomu. "Elephant Gun!" Luffy shouted as he thrust his ginormous fist towards the Nomu who in turn decided to challenge it by also punching it as hard as he could.

"Your gonna need a stronger attack to stop my fist!" Luffy excitedly said as he saw the Nomu crash into the stairs as if he was just hit by a giant.

"That was impressive, are you one of All-Might's special brats? No matter this is far from over." The boss villain told the pirate as a makeshift sling was supporting his arm. "We're villains so we don't exactly play fair."

Luffy before he could even begin to wonder what he said, felt as if he was falling, only to look down and see a familiar purple portal stopping at about his waist. *Crap, I let my guard down when I punched the big guy!*

"I don't exactly like having guts and blood making a mess in my portals, so I'll just hold you in place." The mist villain politely said as he was waiting for the Nomu to rip the kid's head off.

"Damn!" That was all Luffy managed to say before a massive Nomu punched the pirate's head so hard, that it started flying backward.

"Gomu Gomu no-" Luffy's voice was heard yelling from a whole different zone, as he was yelling his body began turning pinkish.

"Jet Bell!" With a little bit of armament haki on his forehead and breakneck speeds, he delivered a massive head-butt to the Nomu's exposed brain, which caused him to fall on his back.

"Yosh! Now get this purple thing away from me!" Luffy said as he sucked in his belly and put his hands on the portal's edges. *this thing's not budging an inch! *

"You simpleton, I am the only one who can affect my po... Wait how are you doing that?!" The mist villain broke his façade for a moment when he saw Luffy's haki-infused hands start to make the portals wider.

"Should have known haki would work on you!" Luffy said with a smile as he got out of the portal and pulled his fist back to strike the purple villain. (Ok so for clarification, haki attacks a person's soul, their will, right? So it's only logical that it would work on kurogiri, even though he is not a logia.)

"You again?! You sure do recover fast." Luffy said slightly annoyed at being interrupted from his attack by the big creature. "2 on 1? It's not very fair." Luffy despite saying something whiney, he said it with excitement like a kid nearing the water park.

"Then how about 2 on 3? Does that sound better?" Kirishima said as he dropped his hardened fist on the mist-like villain, only for his punch to go through it again, making the villain step back. "You know we've figured your little trick!"

"You still have a body; you just cover it with mist." Said Todoroki in a blood-chilling cold voice from behind the villain with a hand on the villain's metal brace. "Don't try anything, I don't know what this metal brace is supposed to do, but my guess is that it's not supposed to be frozen." He finished saying as he face-planted the villain

"Spiky hair! Ice guy!" Luffy said as he was trading blows with the oversized villain. "What are you guys doing here!" Luffy more so said than asked.

"Well you said it, it's not very fair for these guys to gang up on you, so we thought we'd help out, at least lighten up your load!" Kirishima said as he was getting in on a battle-ready stance.

"No! you don't get it!" Luffy as soon as he finished saying this, activated gear second, no time to say it. "Ice guy!"

Before Todoroki could even wonder what he meant by that he soon saw the straw hat standing in front of him and soon after the Nomu in front of the pirate.

"Gomu Gomu no Ballon!" as soon as he said this, Luffy quickly inflated his whole body with air, knocking him, Todoroki, and the Nomu away.

"Rep! Todoroki you guys okay?!" Said Kirishima as he barely saw Luffy come in front of the Nomu and become a giant balloon.

"We're fine! Now go away! This is my fight!" Luffy angrily said as he punched the mist villain next to him, knocking him out for a short time. "Alright, you bastard! Time to end this!"

As soon as Luffy said that, he jumped towards the Nomu who was prepared to block the incoming attack, only to have Luffy use him as a step ladder to jump high into the air.

"Gear Third!" Luffy said as he put both fingers in his mouth, and used haki to his now gigantic fists. Which caused the two boys who were still at the battle sight to look at him with gaped mouths.

"Gomu Gomu no Elephant " Luffy said as he threw one massive fist at the Nomu and then brought it backward.

"Gatling!" and then throwing the other one down and bringing that one upwards and again and again each time faster than the last.

"T-there's no way!" Said Kirishima now kneeling next to a Todoroki who was watching in pure amazement at the absolute beat down the Nomu was receiving, each fist hitting the ground made small earthquakes making any low-level thug drop down to the ground as they too watched in pure fear the monster that was Luffy.

A Couple of Seconds Earlier.

"HEY! Help us out would you!" yelled a Mineta as he felt like his legs were turning to noodles from having to carry Aizawa. "Our Sensei and Bakugou need help!"

"NO I Don't, you ball headed imp!" retorted Bakugou to a now scared Mineta.

"We're coming right n-" Uraraka stopped herself when she felt the ground beginning to shake. "Earthquake?! At a time like this!"

"Wait! I don't think it's an Earthquake!" Said Mina while crutching on Uraraka to not fall down from the unstable ground. "Look! It's the Rep!"

"I-i-impossible!" Izuku said as he looked at what looked like Luffy throwing small meteorites. This was pretty much everyone's reaction, students and villains alike, even a short-circuited Denki was looking with horror in those fried eyes of his at the natural disaster that Luffy was creating.

After 20 more seconds of Luffy raining fists and creating earthquakes, he began to slow down until coming to a stop and falling to the ground.

"Rep! Rep you okay?!" Asked a still shell-shocked Kirishima who was kneeling next to Luffy's body. "Luffy say something!"

"Me-" said Luffy while still laying on the ground.

"Me?" Asked a now confused Kirishima. "What about you?"

"Me-me-meat!" Luffy suddenly yelled as he sprang back to life which cause the two students to face vault on the ground. "I'm hungry!"

"Well, he's still the same." Asked Kirishima now getting back up.

"N-n-no! This can't be it!" The masked man said as he scratched his neck and looked at the crater that Nomu was now staying in. "H-h-he must be defective, there's no way a brat is stronger than All-Might, he totally cheated!"

"It doesn't matter what he did, it only matters what we are going to do with you now." Said Todoroki as he approached the villain. "Sadly for you, it's over."

"Don't lose hope, sir!" The mist villain said as he came back to his senses, soon after they heard a blood-curdling roar echoing from the crater. "It's not over yet!"

"He's coming back!" Said Luffy while getting into a battle stance.

"What?! How is he not dead?!" Asked a now terrified Kirishima since he thought that Luffy had hit him with his most powerful punch, there was nothing he can do now.

"Ah, yes I nearly forgotten. You see another one of our beloved Nomu's quirk is high-speed regeneration." He said as Nomu jumped back at the top, now looking like nothing had happened to it. "He can just come back again and again and again, there is nothing you can do, its game over."

"Game over? Idiot." Luffy chuckled as he began running full speed to the Nomu. "You know I may not be the smartest guy, but I think I finally learned something at this school."

"Gomu Gomu no-" Luffy said as he coated his arm in not only armament haki, but also Ryou Conquerors haki, giving his arm a golden glow. * I think I finally understand what that saying means, to go beyond *

"PLUS ULTRA!" As soon as his uppercut made contact with the Nomu's chest, well let's just say that if it were nighttime and you were near the U.S.J. you would think that a massive rave party was going on.

Luffy's hit made the whole U.S.J. be engulfed in such a bright yellow light that it would put 50 light-quirk users to shame. And soon after, a small section of the dome broke, leaving behind a Nomu-shaped hole in its place.

*Oh no! What's with that light?! I need to hurry!* Said All-Might as he began running even faster toward the U.S.J.

"T-t-that was absolutely insane!" Kirishima said while rubbing his eyes from being hit with such a bright light. "That was super Mainly, also I'm kinda blind right now."

"I can't believe it, not even my father can make a light that strong." Todoroki said shell-shocked.

"I-i-is that really our class rep? or is he some sort of Demon Monster?!" Asked Sero the question which was pretty much on everybody's mind right now.

*Monkey D. Luffy. Just who the hell are you?* Aizawa questioned himself, barely hanging on to consciousness.

*Luffy? Don't tell me that was also haki!* Said Momo as she rushed to Luffy's side leaving behind an unconscious villain, a shell-shocked Jirou, and a terrified Denki.

"Y-y-y-you brat! What kind of cheat code was that?! I'll kill you!" he said as he started running full speed at a standing Luffy who was not moving from his spot. Only for him to stop running as soon as he heard the door burst open.

"Have no fear students! Because I AM HERE!" Said a pissed-off All-Might.

"No! With our weapon gone, we have no hope in winning this turn!" The villain said as he quickly turned to his partner. "Kurogiri! Time to go to the Lobby!"

"Yes sir!" The villain apparently named Kurogiri, very quickly acted in opening up a portal.

"Not while I Am here!" All-Might said running as fast as he could toward the portal.

"Oh don't you worry All-Might! We'll meet again!" The Masked man said with All-Might's hand seconds away from grabbing his face. Only for the portal to close up and leave behind a frustrated Hero.

"Luffy!" Momo yelled as she slid on the floor to catch Luffy's falling head on her thighs. "Luffy are you okay?! Luffy!"

The answer she got was in form of a snore. "Dammit, Luffy. You had me worried there!"

"Young Students! Is Everything alright?" All-Might asked the 3 students, one who wasn't listening to him, one who was watching the passed-out pirate with pure admiration, and a still shell-shocked one.

"All-Might!" The no.1 hero turned to see Izuku running at him, with tears in his eyes.

"Wow, Calm down young Midoryia! And tell me everything that happened." All-might tried to calm the crying child, not really work.

"T-the Villains came and t-they separated us and Luffy, Kacchan and Mr Aizawa fought them and Mr. Aizawawubihjlkoubhlyueeeeeh" Whatever Izuku tried to say after that was completely incomprehensible by the amount of crying he was doing. He truly hated this pair of genes he got from his mother.

"Young Midoryia, I thought We talked about the Water works!" Said All-Might which did manage to calm down the crying student a little bit. "And have no fear about Aizawa, the ambulance is already on its way."

"Awesome! So that means we won! Yoo-hoo!" Celebrated Kirishima almost forgetting about the other's injuries.

"Meat." Murmured Luffy in his sleep as he began to drool all over Momo.

"Unfortunately Young Kirishima, this has been a loss." Said All-Might which caused every student to turn to him. "They managed to steal valuable information from the school and attacked a class in order to get to me, while inflicting major injures to other students and faculty members, we barely managed to hold them off this time, and we won't know when they will attack again."

Said All-Might before quickly realizing what he said. *Crap! They're only kids! They don't need to hear this!*

"But don't sweat it! I'm sure they won't do it again!" Said All-Might hoping he calmed the student's nerves, but he didn't. "Anyway! I must go to check on Aizawa and Thirteen. Until next time, Bye!"

"Hey, How's Luffy?" Izuku asked after getting slight second-hand embarrassment from the pro.

"Oh, he'll be fine." Momo said as she put Luffy down and created a cloth to clean herself. "I think, he's just hungry."

"Hey! Have you seen how he took out that Nomu guy?! It was insane! He went like this." Said Kirishima as he started Mimicking Luffy's movesets.

"Yeah I saw him, it was amazing!" Izuku said before stopping himself from going into another muttering spree. "But it does make you wonder, How is he THAT strong?"

With Shigaraki at his hideout.

"I can't believe this, those brats were so strong! How can we hope to defeat the final boss if we can't even defeat his henchmen?!" Asked Shikaragi as he stood at a bar, with a drink in hand. Their hideout didn't really look like a hideout, more like a small bar giving off that 80's jazz atmosphere. The only exception there being the TV which displayed 'Sound Only' and nothing else.

"And that Nomu you sent, Was definitely defective if a kindergartener could defeat it!" Shikaragi said harshly to his Master and the Doctor.

"Speaking of which, Where is the Nomu your Master and I created?" Responded the doctor on the TV.

"Yes, why is he not with you?" Repeated the Master.

"It was blown away." Responded to Kurogiri after seeing that Shigaraki didn't want to respond. This received a surprising response.

"It was all that Straw Hat kid's doing, he defeated it before even All-Might showed up." Explained Kurogiri further.

"This is a tragedy! And after all the work we put in to make it as strong as All-Might." The doctor said furiously.

"That Brat! That Brat! If it wasn't for him All-Might would be dead right now." Said Shigaraki as he pounded the desk like a child throwing a tantrum. "He even broke my arm!"

"Well, the silver lining is that this was not a futile mission, we have learned a lot of useful information. Next time we will be better prepared" Said the master hoping to inspire his own protégée some more. "Next time gather up your elites and build your troops. Next time Tomura Shigaraki, You will show everybody why they should be afraid."

Now back with Class 1-A

"Everyone seems to be alright besides that boy who took on a full hit from the Nomu and the boy with the broken fingers." Said a policeman to the Class 1-A students who were now outside the U.S.J. After the other faculty members arrived Principal Nezu asked them something strange.

Half an hour ago.

"Even though Luffy did beat the Nomu, I do not want any of you to tell the police just yet, I have a few personal contacts in the police who I trust with sensitive information. But until everything begins to get a little clearer, I want you all to say that All-Might Defeated the Nomu." Said Nezu who was now at the entrance to the U.S.J. with a sleeping Luffy.

"But why sir? I can't imagine All-Might being okay with this." Said Izuku not believing that his number one hero would want to steal someone else spotlight.

"Yeah! Plus I also have a few questions of my own!" Said Uraraka slightly annoyed at not getting answers, which caused a few of the other students to agree with her loudly.

"And they will all be answered in due time, and as for the reason All-Might is getting the credit meant for Luffy is because Luffy dosen't have a license to use his quirk in combat yet, even though it was self-defence." Said Nezu with his chipper voice as usual.

"Lying is never ethical, but I supposed that protecting a classmate is ethical. So for the sake of our class representative I will lie." Said a very uncomfortable Iida, clearly not liking the fact that he has to lie.

"Thank you very much!" Said Nezu as he was leaving the group. " And I assure you, I will give you the answers you deserve."

Present time.

"I still can't believe the amount of power Luffy displayed." Said Tokoyami as he was talking to a small group of boys from his class.

"Yeah man! You should've seen him all close and personal. I'm still seeing kinda blury." Said Kirishima in response.

"Yea but don't forget about Bakugou, he totally saved Mr Aizawa when he went in after the hands guy." Said Mineta praising Bakugou.

"I didn't forget about him, he also manned up and jumped in without hesitation. It was super mainly!"

"Alright time to get these kids onto the main campus for now." Said the Policemen while getting the bus ready to send them to UA.

"But sir, What about Mr Aizawa?" Said Asui as she hopped in front of him.

"Nothing too serious besides a couple of broken cones and acrack in the skull. He was lucky for All-Might to appear when he did or he could've suffered severe brain damage." Said the Policemen while pretending that All-Might saved Aizawa, him knowing it was actually Luffy.

"What about Luffy?" Momo asked worried if something had actually happened that she wasn't aware of.

"Luffy? Oh you mean the boy with the Straw hat! He dosen't seem to have any injures besides being little tired and hungry." He said which made everyone release a sigh of relief.

"Ok time to go back to campus everybody!" He said this caused every student to the bus.

With Nezu and Midnight. "It is frightening to know that a group of villains could have so much power and resources." Said Nezu referring to Nomu and Kurogiri.

"What's more frightening is the fact that a bio-engineered monster designed to kill All-Might was defeat by a single boy. Care to explain?" Midnight asked the animal who in turn just looked at her.

"I promise I will give every bit of information I have from this student, but after this whole mess is sorted out. After that I will reveal everything." Nezu said with confidence, hoping that his explanation would be good enough.

"I hope it can explain that then." She said while pointing to the crater in the middle of the plaza.

"Yeah, me too." Said Nezu

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


