Music Recommendation: Futile devices (Doveman Remix) - Sufjan Stevens
Emily vividly remembered how the flames had engulfed the forest floor, and she wondered what other entities or phenomena might have emerged from Hell without the awareness of the living. She asked Raylen,
"Who do you think is responsible for the breach in your barrier?"
"It could be anyone," Raylen hummed, gazing ahead with his hands holding the horse's reins. "Possibly a cunning demon attempting to break through the invisible walls I erected around the kingdom. Some demons are quite devious."
It seemed that he loved his kingdom, Emily mused quietly. She asked, "More devious than you?"
Raylen's calm expression twisted into one of cunning, and he leaned closer to her. His breath grazed her ear as he whispered, "You haven't seen what devious is yet, Princess."