

He would have contacted Gazef but it was already midnight so that wouldn't be appreciated


Akabaru had found some interesting things when he explored the capital.. he found that the roads were more decrepit the more he want from the main road.. he also saw the terrible living conditions, and warehouses full of substances that weren't commonly sold…

All in all Akabaru got a feel for the kingdom and its people, the crime and the corruption.. he wasn't planning to do much about it as it was not something he saw as his problem… The kingdom itself let it happened and instead of fighting for it they let it poison their people… the only way to stop such a thing was to take over.. not just the rulers but also the criminals…

But Akabaru didn't want to be a ruler… a ruler in his eyes was someone that cared for the nation first and strove to be the best for it… if he were to rule than he would have to do it through force.. instilling fear into those who would oppose him… but Akabaru doubted that prospect.. he would be more inclined to spread fear while having a good fight..


Yuri had arrived at the building where she would meet with her lord, but her lord was currently not there.. she was currently wearing a black qipao, a Chinese dress witch was modified to allow a far wider range of movement than a normal qipao could give. With that she had a pair of spiked gauntlets witch matched her black dress.

De dress she was wearing was a gift from her creator, Yamaiko as she hat won it at a festival named Chinese new year…

Just as Yuri was mulling over her creator not being there with them she was approached by a tall and robust man.

"Riri, you are earlier than expected.. hope I didn't keep you waiting.."

"You couldn't Lor.. master!"

At first Yuri was confused as she didn't recognise her lord but after she almost called him lord..

"Its great that you are here.. we should immediately get you registered with the guild and begin with a job."

"Of course master."

Yuri made a small bow out of respect and then followed after Akabaru who was already heading towards the guild hall.


Entering the Guild Hall just in time to see Lakyus with four other woman leaving the guild two of them being Tina?

Akabaru smiled and greeted Lakyus

"Lakyus how nice to see you again.. I wanted to talk to you about something.."

"Listen here popsicle.. don't get in our way!"

"No need to get mad.. I just wanted to talk about eight fingers?"

"Why would you want to talk to us about that?"

Lakyus asked as her team mates seemed to get tense

"Well when I was talking to someone he told me to not get involved with them but it seems as though they are involved with everything so I figured I would talk to you.."

"Why talk to me?"

"Well you are connected to it aren't you… or am I misinterpreting?"

Lakyus looked surprised but answered

"We will talk about this another time.. alright?"


Akabaru heads further into the Guild Hall towards the reception, as Lakyus and her companions leaved to do their job.

Not having to wait because the group before him leaved just as he arrived, he stood before the counter

"Excuse me miss, my apprentice here needs to sign up to become a adventurer."

Giving a small sigh the receptionist replied:

"We have a board for quest if their aren't any quest suited for your, than you can ask for assistance from the receptionist here."

The receptionist gave a form and was about to head back to do something else but Akabaru stopped her

"Haha, while I wouldn't like to be a bother to a beauty like yourself me and my companion are just new to the guild and she cant read while I need to pick a suitable jobs that are on our level."

Gaining a sense for why the duo where asking for assistance the receptionist looked more understanding.

"Sure.. the job board is standing there if you have any questions about a job I can give more detail.. while I will help you apprentice with the registration."

"I would thank you a million times but that would take to long.. now Riri listen to her I will get a job that will fit us both."

The receptionist nods understanding his request and starts asking Yuri questions to get her registered.

Akabaru was searching for hunting jobs anything that suited them would be good but hunting was fun and did not to require many people.

"There is a Goblin hideout to the west of the city, it's a gold quest but because I am a mithril rank I can take it and test Yuri while we are at it."

Akabaru muttered absentmindedly

"Riri.. are you finished registering?"

"Almost Faer-sama.. I just need to get the copper plate.."

"That's fine.. I found a suitable quest, it will be easy but it will be good exercise right?"

"Of course, Faer-sama." She said while nodding

"Here you go… you found a job, if you need help with that just say it."

She looked towards Akabaru while she handed Yuri her new rank plate.

"We don't really need help but can you confirm, the location of the cave…? that the goblins are staying in."

"Yes, the cave you are looking for is 2600 yards to the west of the northern entrance you can also leave via a different gate but the directions might not be as clear."

"It will be fine, thank you for your time, we will return when the job is completed."

Akabaru and Yuri could be seen leaving the Guild hall and heading north to the gate.


Nearing the cave where the goblins resided, Akabaru spotted the entrance

"How should we do this my lor.. master?"

"How shouldn't we do this, a job ranked for golds adventurers is hardly worth our time."

"But would making a plan not be better for our teamwork?"

"Yes It would, why don't you come up with something?"

Yuri looked surprised for a second before returning to normal.

"Of course my lord, would it be good if I where in the font to protect you from possible danger?"

"While I have nothing against following a competent lady such as yourself, it wouldn't help us be a better team."

"I understand Faer-sama, what would you suggest?"

Akabaru Looked straight in to her eyes and said:

"I would suggest you would treat me more like an ally instead of a lord that needs to be protected."

"I understand Faer-sama!"

"Now I will hold centre if there is enough room you will be flank-guard. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."


While moving thru the cave Akabaru could see some crudely made traps, a poor attempt to stop trespassers in the form of a pit and tripwires.

Both he and Yuri had night vision, so seeing the traps inside of the cave was no concern for them.

"It is weird that there aren't any goblins guarding the entrance."

"Would such low minded creatures even know how to properly guard things?"

Akabaru looks back to Yuri

"Riri just like humans, goblins are not strong but they make up with it with ingenuity."

"Are humans not better as they have more growth potential?"

"While humans have better growth potential it is only their environment that gives them the opportunity to grow…"

Akabaru was doubting the things he said, he didn't know if this world would be the same as the game… Yuri spoke up..

"While Goblins do have ingenuity, would they learn if they live in such a run down cave."

Coming to a split in the cave, to the left was out of sight while the right had a shaman symbol.

"It appears they are smarter than expected."

"Why would that be, Faer-sama?"

"The symbol on the right would be noticed by everyone who come here, letting the passage on the left be unnoticed by most if not all."

"Mhh, just like you said Faer-sama, they appear smarter than expected."

Akabaru heads to the left, mitigate the plans of the residence of the cave.

As the walked thru the cave they came to a clearing, the clearing looked to be part of a mine, wooden support structures and pickaxes could be seen all over the place.

In the middle of the clearing lay a goblin giant, giant would be an overstatement as for the species it was certainly towering over its kin but compared to a normal human the creature was average.

Furthermore the room was filled with sleeping goblins some being awake as if acting as guards but they also seemed to be tired.. A blood trail flowed from one of the walls as multiple wolf corpses lay there, seeming to be fresh.

Looking around the room some more a ripple could be seen in the air at the back seeming to be from a magic item..

"Riri what would you do if you were to be the leader?"

Akabaru voice could barley be heard by Yuri and serenely not by the goblins

"My lord I would try to kill most of them while they still sleep to make it easier and finish the remaining ones…"

"And what would be the fastest way to kill them all?"

"To brute force our way in and slaughter them with one or two skills?"

"Is brute force the only way?"

"I don't know… Master please teach me.."

The last part of the sentence was to loud and alerted the closest goblin to their presence.


One of the goblins that was awake screamed as he saw the adventurer duo approach, thus waking the sleeping ones.

"And this is why we have test Riri.. to refine our skills and remove rooky mistakes."


In the dead of night, a hooded person entered the giant graveyard of E-Rantel, with steps that made it seem as though it were gliding across the ground.

The person's hooded, jet-black cape and the way its waist and shoulders did not move up and down as it advanced was quite peculiar, resembling a ghost when viewed from afar.

The figure deftly avoided the magical illumination of the tomb and proceeded ever inward.

Before long, the figure arrived at a mausoleum, and shed its hood.

The figure was a young woman of around twenty, in the flower of her youth.

She had a pretty face, and she was cute in the way of a kitten or other small animal. Still, while she looked adorable, there was a carnivore's predatory nature hidden under that face of hers.

"I'm here~"

As she spoke in playful tones, the girl ran her fingers through her short blonde hair and pushed open the stone doors to the mausoleum. The noises of clattering metal came from under her cloak, like the sound of chain mail.

Once inside the mausoleum, all the slabs for corpses were empty. The grave goods for the deceased had already been taken away.

Perhaps it was the scent of all the incense absorbed by the stone, but a fragrant smell tickled the girl's nose.

The girl furrowed her brows, then headed steadily inwards.

"Hm hm hm… hm~"

The girl pressed on an unobtrusive little carving as she hummed. As the carving moved, there was a click as something made contact with something else. A moment later, the sound of grinding came forth. The slabs slowly moved aside, and a path leading downstairs appeared.

"I'm coming in~"

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C19
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


