As soon as Albrecht and his group got their rooms for the night, Shirohime knew that she had to do something before she lost sight of them. Once Albrecht and the ladies were out of sight, she casually walked towards the receptionist who just so happened to be the owner of the tavern as well.
"Welcome, how may I help you?" The kind lady asked with a sweet disposition even though she already knew what Shirohime was going to say. Of course, she seemed like she was going to stay for the night, but the lady still had to ask.
"One room, preferably near the group who just checked in." Shirohime said with utter confidence even though she wasn't acquainted with Albrecht and the others.
Fortunately, the kind lady was fooled by her casualness, and she concluded that Shirohime knew the group who just came up. After all, they did signal at each other a moment or so ago.
Oshiete, oshiete yo~ sono shikumi wo~ ahahhaha