
Sabaody Archipelago

During the time the Eustass Pirates were out in the sea, a few major events have happened during that time…

…Blackbeard's victory over the infamous 2nd division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates Portgas D. Ace in Banaro Island granted him a seat among the Seven Warlords of the Sea after he handed him to the Marines.

The battle between the two came to be called the 'Duel on Banaro Island'.

Blackbeard, the relatively unknown pirate at that time proved his strength and became the successor of Crocodile after a meeting between the remaining Warlords that was called by Fleet Admiral Sengoku.

As a result, 'Fire Fist' Ace was imprisoned in Impel Down.

Only a few days after that a bigger incident happened.

The Straw Hat Pirates led by Monkey D. Luffy assaulted the island of justice Enies Lobby and came out as victors against various government CP9 agents, as well as surviving a Buster Call which completely annihilated the Island and left it in ruins.

The destruction was blamed on the Straw Hat Pirates, and their captain was assigned a massive bounty of 300,000,000 Berries, making Straw Hat Luffy officially a Supernova.

Present time,

[Sabaody Archipelago, Paradise],

Close to the Red Line is the final island in Paradise Sabaody Archipelago. But even though it's called an archipelago, it is actually a massive mangrove forest growing out from the middle of the ocean with each tree of the forest serving as an island on which people live.

And because it's just a group of trees and not an actual island like those found in the Grand Line, it has no magnetic pull for which to affect the Log Pose. So, the crew was not actually following the location of Sabaody but that of Fish-Man Island which is located in the same direction but 10,000 meters below the surface of water under the Red Line.

The island is a necessary stop for anyone willing to enter the New World since the route ahead is blocked by the Red Line. One has two options to cross to the other side, either the legal way by getting the approval of the World Government to cross through the Red Port, or coating the ship and going under the water through Fish-Man Island.

"So this Sabaody Archipelago, I heard about this place before but it's my first time visiting" Saga said while calmly observing the Island "I heard the World Nobles are often seen around the place due to its proximity to Mary Geoise"

Being a former Marine, Saga naturally has some basic information about the important places in Paradise and how the Marines and The World Government work.

Bonney had a frown on her face when Mary Geoise was mentioned, but she didn't speak any words.

"World Nobles, heh? Those scum can own whatever and whoever they want just because of their untouchable status…" Kid said with a wicked grin "Hahaha, what a farce! There will come a time where they will be dragged down from their seats in Mary Geoise and face the cold reality of this world, that day shall come without a doubt"

Kid despises the World Nobles, in his point of view why should they act like gods and rule the world like scums just because they were born with a high status? for he will have no grain of respect for people who act like that without even earning their status.

Kai was no different from him, for him at least if they as pirates act like villains, they are honest about it and they do call themselves pirates, not "saints".

"Seems like they are still a lot of things I have to learn about" Wyper commented, the shandian warrior had no idea how the world works down here. Its not going to be as simple as he initially thought.

"Kuhahaha!! If anyone of those bitch ass nobles stand in my way, I'll obliterate them!" Krieg declared with confidence, Bonney pounded his head with her fist in response.

"Didn't you hear them says that the Marine HQ is nearby?! Don't do stupid things!!" She shouted at him.

"You little shit…I'm really going to kill you if you keep doing that" Krieg gritted his teeth and clenched his fists while saying that.

"She's right, they will even send an Admiral if you try to hurt them, so unless you want us to get obliterated before entering the New World, everyone should keep it low" Kai stated. Though, he already knows the events that are going to unfold in this place.

Kureha chimed in and said "Don't worry, I'll keep these brats in check" She was holding a bottle of sake which she proceeded to drink from "But this brings back memories…" she took off her glasses while smiling nostalgically.

"You've been here before?" Kai asked her.

"Of course, I'm 139 years old. You think I spent all that time in one island?"

"Fair enough…" Kai said, then turned to Killer who was steering the ship "Let's dock the ship on one of the Groves, we'll be staying here for a while!" Kai ordered, before Crocodile called him from the ship sailing near them.

"Hoi, red demon!..." Crocodile called out while standing thoroughly on the Sea Scourge "We'll part ways here; it's been a nice ride!..."

"…Let's meet again in the New World!!"

"Ah!! Don't die on the way!!" Kai waved his hand and said goodbye before Crocodile's ship sailed in a different direction.

A few minutes later, the Victoria Punk arrived at Grove 27 where there is a port they could dock at.

Sabaody is divided into different sections, each corresponding to a specific number range.

1-29 is a lawless area where pirates and bounty hunters run amok.

30-39 is Sabaody Park, an amusement park with bubble-based attractions.

40-49: is a tourist area, filled with shops and souvenir stands.

50-59 is a shipping area.

60-69 is Local headquarters for the Marines.

70-79 is A hotel town.

After docking the ship, lowering the anchor and disembarking, the crew noticed at least a dozen other pirate ships docked at the port as well.

Kai recognized a couple of the flags of the other Supernovas that arrived here before him 'We are a few days earlier than the Straw Hats' he thought after he read the newspaper earlier. But since the Enies Lobby incident happened at least a week ago it shouldn't take them long to arrive here.

After the crew set foot on the island some of the pirates and people who were at the port at that moment looked at them with intimidation.

"Hey, look over there" One of the port workers whispered "Those pirates…they look awfully familiar"

"You fool can't you see that flag?! They are the Eustass Pirates!"

"Then those two walking at the front…a fiery red hair…They must be the captains of the Eustass Pirates, the infamous 'Red Demon' Eustass Kai, and his brother Eustass 'Captain' Kid with bounties of 375,000,000 Berries!!"

Everyone gasped in shock after hearing that. At this moment in Sabaody Archipelago, there was no pirate or criminal with a bounty higher than the two. 

"I heard they killed a Vice Admiral, destroyed countless marine ships and ransacked countless islands on their way here…they even rescued the previous Warlord Crocodile from the navy hands!" Everyone looked at them fearfully afterwards.

At same time at the port, another pirate crew has just disembarked and coincidently met the Eustass Pirates. The one leading them is a tall man, with black triangle symbols on his eyebrows, red eyes, and golden hair that reaches down to his hips. He also has a black cross pattée tattooed at the base of his throat.

His attire consists of a pure white coat, purple trousers and black shoes. He also carries with him a long, thin double-bladed longsword.

"Hawkins-san, look who's over there" One of his crewmembers who was walking beside him said while pointing at Kai's group.

"Eustass Pirates…They don't seem like much" Hawkins muttered before he calmly walked out the port, passing by them.

[Captain of the Hawkins Pirates - 'Magician' Basil Hawkins, Dead or Alive 249,000,000 Berries]

"Yoo! the bubbles are emerging from the ground!" Bonney pointed out.

"How does that work?" Heat questioned.

When Kai and Hawkins eyes locked into each other, they stood in their places gazing at each other for a moment.

'Basil Hawkins, one of the Supernova who made it to Sabaody along with the Straw Hats. What a coincidence' Kai though before casually addressing Hawkins with a friendly smile "What's up?"

"Red Demon, 'Captain' Kid, I heard a lot about your exploits. But to think we would meet so soon…it must be our fate after all" Hawkins said with neutral expressions "I wonder if your bounties reflect your true strength or is it just an exaggeration…?"

Kid's veins bulged from anger, and he glared at Hawkins and shouted "Huh?! You wanna find that out you bastard?"

"Hahaha, let's not do that Kiddo" Kai raised his hand and stopped Kid.

Hawkins glanced at him calmly, he didn't even flinch from Kid's threats. He blinked slowly before he said "I'm not interested in fighting you guys…" He turned his head to the other direction and started walking away "…we shall meet again very soon"


"What a weird guy" Killer commented.

"I'm gonna take a look around the here, you guys are free to do whatever you like" Kai told them and then he walked away.

Bonney hurriedly walked after him "I'll come with you!"

"You said we should find a coating mechanic?" Kid asked him.

"I got that don't worry about it!"

Kai had someone in mind for that job.

After strolling around the place for a while, Kai and Bonney found themselves in Grove 13, standing in front of a bar.

"Shakky's Rip-off Bar…sounds very shady, I wouldn't wanna drink in this place" Bonney remarked while looking at the huge sign on top of the building.

"I'm rich, you think I wouldn't be able to afford a couple of drinks?" Kai said, before the two pushed the door open and walked in.

The bell door sound was heard and a relatively slim women a short black hair turned to greet them while holding a cigarette in her right hand.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C70
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


