
The reactions

The video gaining 2Million view is impressive but what happened after is much more interesting as almost half a million comments made it the most commented video in the world at the time.

Which made it trending on Twitter helping it gain more momentum and get 6 million views by the end of the day.

But the real question is what made the video get those 2 million views in the first place, because there is no way a channel with no previous uploads can pull those numbers.

Well the answer to that question lies with buttergod, he was having an average day until he stumbled upon a channel called "Superiornerd" with only one video uploded.

As buttergod is already an established youtuber he likes to look at these up and coming youtubers to show them the support he couldn't get when he first started.

The video started and buttergod found the video amusing at first due to the kids first video being recorded by his uncle but then he found the video to be genius as the kid made a device like that so simply.

Buttergod also felt fear for the kids life as he explained about the dangers of the device he made before he talked about testing it but buttergod also felt relief from the fact that the kid made sure the whole thing was safe for everyone.

He felt the wholesomeness of the whole situation of a uncle and nephews YouTube channel so he subscribed and liked the video before he shared the link on Twitter before tagging NASA'S official twitter accounts asking them

/Yo my man's why did you guys research the ocean for so long and decided to say fuck it and started researching the space?. We need answers/

he left it at that and thought nothing of it except for a small joke he made for his fans to laught at.

Stuttering Stuart - /Is buttergod smoking pot again or what, he is acting all creepy conspiracy theorist and shit🤣/

Damsel will destroy-/Holy shit i didn't think of that, NASA needs to answer and show us whatever the fuck they are hiding from us?./

Benchpress boy-/Wait did none of you guys actually watch the video he linked, it's funny as hell ngl.🤣/

wannabe watanabe-/OMG @Benchpress boy

is soo right, the video is fire and i noticed that the video felt like a vlog, which makes me wonder if this type of shit happens all the time in their house./

Sparky spunk-/Love how he explains the mechanics behind what he made even though I don't get any of it lol/

Rainbow warg-/@Sparky spunk i didn't expect a buttergod fan like you to understand much of actually important stuff anyway/

Sparky spunk-/Oh hell nah now you just hating for no reason. 💀💀/

As the discussion grows and grows leading to more people looking at the video to understand the context and as they watch and leave a comment, YouTube's algorithm pushes the video to the front page due to the speed at which it's growing.

While this was happening something else was trending on Twitter, due to uncle ben's theory being cut in half by peters entry in the video, people started making their own assumptions on what could have happened.

Some believe they found horrific creatures underwater but some say NASA found cthulu, these conspiracy theories led to #whatsunderthewater?, becoming trending no.1 on Twitter.

At the end of the day NASAs official twitter finally replied with a cryptid hint by tweeting /The reason was given by the person who questioned it himself/, this hint immediately sent people on a goose chase to find the person who asked the question first.

Looking at the plight of all the trend followers who didn't know the context of the questions origin, the people who knew had only one thing to say

/Link to I SPY MYSELF Part 1:the oxygenator video/ this led to the people watching the video and commenting what they thought was the answer but some trolls made it impossible to distinguish between the real and the fake explanations.

dave098-*The reason for NASA changing their research is simple, they saw star wars and decided to follow suit on the most trending thing at the time.*

femgiraffe-*it's because they found the forgotten city of Atlantis where the atlantians threatened to overthrow the world, so NASA is planning an escape for humanity.*

yeolddriver-*Oh come on it's obvious isn't it, they stopped researching the ocean because it's harder to handle the level of pressure in the depths of the ocean than to actually reach the fucking space.*

srers-*@yeolddriver shut the fuck up nerd nobody cares.*

yeolddriver-*Why are you booing me i am right.*

srers-*i don't care*

yeolddriver-*ushhh young people nowadays*

As the people who only came to discuss about the meme and it's value were leaving comments, some were also talking about the actual contents of the video.

chairwaytoheaven-*Holy hell this guy is just awesome, he put so much effort and made this shit just for the sake of it.*

axisacid-*ayo this uncle and nephew feel like they came out of a rick and Morty episode with their roles reversed*

ridingpony-*Uncle ben seems a little sus with the random info he gives across the video like the blood hard to wash thingy, I'll be watching you uncle ben 📸*

Iknowshit-*How the hell is this kid making this stuff?*

hairport-*is this available to buy somewhere?*

blanketbanger✔️-*Great first video dude, hope you make more awesome stuff.*

As the engagement of the audience increased people began to notice that this is the first video on this channel and were shocked to know that this kid made such a high quality video and started praising him again.

The views and comments may be growing at an abnormal rate but the subscribers were also increasing at a steady but slower rate reaching a staggering 120k subscribers by the end of the day.

This video also caught the attention of some bad people who wanted to immediately start selling a product like this by following the conveniently available blueprint in the video.

These bad companies had later found out that the device was already copyrighted and they have to pay the kid proceeds to actually sell the device, this kind of simple copyright never stopped them anyway as they can use online shopping services to hide any trails that link a similar product like this to their factories (sweat shops) in china.

A few years after the video was uploaded a polish company tried to scam people with the promise of artificial gills that looked similar to the ones in the video but luckily people remembered the warnings in peters video and didn't invest all their money even though they did lose the little money they did invest.

But all of this wasn't noticed by peter as he was busy explaining to ned why it was a bad idea to add midiclorians in star wars as it ruined the mystery of the force and made it just another genetics thing.

While ned seems to be of the mind that "If they hadn't done that there would be a whole lot of questions as to where they were getting young padawans from" and was rubbing his head with the stress of defending a doomed movie.

Peter looked thoughtful at neds reply and says "But if that's the case then the sith could have made a Jedi breeding chamber to get more Jedi easily" the seriousness in his tone took away the absurdity of the statement but ned couldn't help but shake his head in disgust.


Now peter couldn't help but yell back after covering his ears from neds outburst "WELL MAYBE IT IS BECAUSE ALL SKYWALKERS SEEMED TO BE GETTING THEIR DICK SUCKED BY THE FORCE"

"AAAAAHHH" As ned yelled while charging forward and using his momentum to push peter off of his chair.

They both start rolling around on the ground before they get kicked out by the owners for creating a scene, as they sit by the sidewalk panting from exhaustion (peter faking it to seem normal) they look towards each other and nod before getting up and grabbing their things and exchanging numbers.

Peter takes the shirt that came off during the fight and holds it by his shoulder as he walks away, while ned does the same and walks the opposite direction as the rays of the sun illuminated the foes going home to fight another day for the things they believed in.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


