19.64% TVD: The Tribrid Legacy / Chapter 11: Chapter 1.10

章 11: Chapter 1.10

(Orion POV)

(Orion is 18 while Bonnie is 16)

A couple of years passed, and the deal was working out perfectly.

Slater exceeded my expectations by acquiring the grimoires from Traveler. As I turned the pages of these ancient texts, I felt a sense of excitement and trepidation. The spells contained within them were not the familiar, traditional magic I was used to practicing. They were different, requiring me to take control of another person's body to unleash their full potential.

I carefully studied the incantations and diagrams, memorizing them as best as possible. Possessing another person's body could not be taken lightly, and I knew I needed to approach it with great care and caution. Over the next few days, I practiced diligently, testing the limits of my abilities and recording my progress in my grimoire. The process was challenging; at times, it felt like I was pushing my body and mind to the brink of their limits. But with each passing day, I could feel myself becoming more adept at harnessing the power of these spells, becoming more comfortable with the possession process.

As I worked through the grimoires, I became more fascinated by the magic contained within their pages. And then, to my surprise, Slater had also managed to obtain a spell from the Gemini coven, renowned for their expertise in defensive and cloaking spells. It was yet another incredible addition to my arsenal, and I quickly mastered the incantation and carefully transferred it into my grimoire with each new spell and incantation.


The memory of the first time I took possession of someone else's body is seared into my mind with startling clarity.


I had been on the trail of a vampire wearing one of my coveted daylight rings, and I acted quickly, casting a spell in fluent Bulgarian to incapacitate him. The vampire, who had been moments away from attacking me, was hit by a mind-shattering aneurysm spell, and I watched as his body crumpled to the ground, motionless. It was an electrifying yet unsettling experience that gave me an unparalleled sense of power.

I stood there momentarily, catching my breath and taking in the sight before me. I knew I had to act fast and seize this opportunity before it was too late. With steady hands and a sense of purpose, I approached the vampire's lifeless form, my eyes flickering with trepidation and excitement. I placed my finger on his temples, my heart racing, and I began to focus on the spell I had been practicing for weeks: the Bulgarian mind transfer spell.

As I immersed myself in the vampire's consciousness, I entered his mind; it was like diving into a murky sea, with thoughts and memories swirling around me like a whirlpool. I felt an intense, pulsing energy emanating from the vampire's consciousness, like a living thing struggling against my intrusion. Despite the resistance, I pushed forward, delving deeper into his psyche.

I began to sense the vampire's essence and personality as I progressed. I could feel the hunger, thirst for blood, and deep-seated desire to dominate and control others. At the same time, there was a sense of emptiness and loneliness, a feeling of being cursed with an unquenchable thirst that could never be satisfied. It was an odd sensation, almost like I was peering into a mirror but seeing someone else's reflection.

The deeper I went, the more I felt like I was losing myself in his mind, like I was becoming one with him. It was an exhilarating yet unnerving experience, and I couldn't help but wonder if I was in control or if the vampire's will was still influencing me.

A strange sensation coursed through the vampire's body as I entered. It was as if my consciousness had been transplanted into a vessel that was foreign and yet familiar at the same time. The thirst dormant in the vampire's body was now present and pressing, an insatiable hunger I had never experienced before. But I was not afraid. Instead, I felt excited at the raw power that surged through every inch of my new form.

As I focused on my current vessel, I became acutely aware of every sensation. My sense of smell was heightened, allowing me to detect the slightest scents in the air. The colors around me were more vivid and intense like the world had been painted with brighter pigments. I could hear the faintest sounds, even the softest rustling of leaves or the distant hum of a car engine.

My body felt light and agile, as if I could move faster and more precisely. My reflexes were lightning-fast, allowing me to react efficiently. It was as if every cell in my body had been infused with electric energy, and I was alive like never before.

With this heightened awareness, I quickly located my physical body and moved it to a safe location. The world around me continued to pulsate with energy, and I felt invigorated by the sensations. It was a rush unlike anything I had experienced, and I relished every moment.

I reveled in the sensation of speed as I darted through the streets like a bullet. Every step propelled me forward with lightning-fast agility, and the wind whistled past my ears. I couldn't help but marvel at the world from this new perspective. I could hear conversations and whispers from miles away and even hear the faint thrumming of hearts beating in nearby buildings. The colors seemed brighter, the sounds more straightforward, and the smells more prosperous. My sense of smell was heightened to the point that every scent was magnified, from the pungent stench of garbage to the sweet scent of flowers.

As I raced through the city, my thirst grew more potent, and I knew I had to find a source of sustenance. The sound of heartbeats pounded in my ears, and the scents of the world around me were amplified. It was overwhelming, but I relished it. I couldn't wait to explore my newfound abilities.

But then I heard her voice, a woman pleading for help. I flashed over to where she was, and I saw her surrounded by three leering men. They were taunting her, and she looked terrified. Without thinking, I moved behind one of the men and sank my fangs into his neck. I took down the other two men as well, draining them dry. The taste of blood was like nothing I had ever experienced, and I could feel the thirst growing even stronger inside me.

Turning to the woman, I compelled her to leave, and she ran off without a second glance.



I was interrupted by my thoughts when I received a message from an eBay user named "Wolfman." The man claimed to suffer from chronic joint pain and sought my help. He asked for 30 rings for his pack members and promised to reveal a special request when we met in person.

After that, I was on a mission to unlock the secrets of Ayana Bennett's spell book. I was determined to find the elusive moonlight ring spell that Esther had used significantly in the past. After hours of pouring over the ancient text, I finally found the spell. It was similar to the daylight ring spell but with a few key differences.

The moonlight ring spell required the light of a full moon, which meant that Orion would have to wait for the right time to cast it. Additionally, it required a rare kyanite gemstone, which took a lot of work. But I was undeterred, so I scoured the internet until I found a reputable seller with a large batch of the precious stones.

I then continued to study the spell, memorizing the incantation and preparing the necessary materials. I knew I had to be meticulous in my preparations if I wanted the spell to work correctly. Eventually, when the kyanite stones had arrived, I spent hours cleaning and polishing them to perfection.

(3rd POV)

As the full moon approached, Orion began casting the spell.

"Utere lunam quaeruntur ac ne mutationem."

The air around him crackled with power, and he could feel his magic responding to his intent. He recited the incantation with precision, channeling the energy of the moon and the kyanite stones.

When he finished, he held up one of the moonlight rings to the moon's light. It glowed with soft, ethereal light, and he knew it was ready.


After the full moon had gone, Orion arranged to meet "Wolfman" outside of Mystic Falls at a quaint café known as Noir. The café was tucked away in a cozy corner of town, with ivy-covered walls and warm lighting that gave it a charming and inviting atmosphere.

Orion's eyes darted towards the door as it opened, and a man walked in, scanning the store with a feral intensity. Orion's senses tingled with electric energy as he could feel the raw magic emanating from the man. It wasn't like that of a witch, nor was it as dark as a vampire's, but it was untamed and wild, like a beast. He knew immediately that this must be the infamous "Wolfman" he had been corresponding with.

Orion couldn't help but smirk as he watched the man's eyes settle on him. He knew he must have looked like an ordinary human to the man, but he couldn't help feeling a bit superior with his extensive knowledge of the supernatural world.

"Over here," Orion called out, motioning to the man to come closer. As he got closer, Orion could see the man's sharp features, piercing gaze, and the faint outline of a tattoo on his neck. The man strode over with fluid grace, his movements quick and purposeful.

As the man approached him, Orion couldn't help but feel intimidated by his presence. He cleared his throat and tried to put on a professional demeanor. "Before we start, may I have the pleasure of knowing your name? I can't exactly keep referring to you as 'Wolfman,'" Orion said with a smile.

The man narrowed his eyes briefly before responding, "My name is Derek Alister. I'm the Alpha of the Alister pack up in Connecticut."

Orion sat back in his chair, taking a sip of his coffee as he listened intently to Derek Alister's request. The Alister pack leader was straightforward and to the point, but Orion could sense a certain level of urgency in his tone.

After discussing the job's specifics, including the number of rogue werewolves and their destructive behavior, Alister had agreed to pay Orion for his services once the job was complete. Orion's instincts told him to be cautious, but he could tell that Alister was a man of his word.

"So, let me get this straight," Orion said, calm but firm. "You want me to take care of these rogue werewolves discreetly and without any collateral damage? And in exchange, you'll provide me with the loyalty of your pack. Is that correct?"

Orion leaned back in his chair, his mind already working on a plan. "I see. And how many of these rogue werewolves are we talking about here?"

Alister hesitated for a moment before answering. "We believe there are at least 15 of them, possibly more. They're a small but highly skilled pack, and they've been causing a lot of damage."

Orion nodded thoughtfully. "And what kind of damage are we talking about? Are they stealing from you or just causing chaos?"

Alister sighed. "They've been stealing from us, yes. Some valuable artifacts and other resources. And they've also been attacking some of our members, injuring or killing them in some cases."

Orion frowned. "I see. And you want them taken care of discreetly, without collateral damage?"

"Exactly," Alister said, nodding. "We can't afford any unnecessary attention or casualties. We need this handled quickly and efficiently, without any mistakes."

Orion smiled wryly. "Well, mistakes are never part of my plan. And as for payment, I want three favors that I can cash in whenever I want, no questions asked."

As Alister heard his price, you could see the reluctance in his face. He didn't want his pack to have to do anything dangerous for the person in front of him. He cared deeply for them and didn't like putting his people in danger. But, his desperation won out in the end.

"Very well, you have yourself a deal."

Orion reached into his pocket and withdrew the pouch of rings intricately carved with moon symbols. "These are moonlight rings," he explained as he handed them to Alister. "They'll allow you and your pack to control your shift during the full moon if you choose to do so. They'll also prevent you from transforming against your will."

Alister took the rings, examining them closely. "Impressive," he said, his voice filled with admiration. "I've heard of these rings, but I never thought I'd have the chance to own them."

Orion smirked. "Well, they're not easy to come by. But I think they'll come in handy for our business arrangement."

Alister nodded, slipping the rings onto his fingers. "Yes, I believe they will. And in exchange for these rings, my pack and I will be loyal to you as well as giving you three favors."

Orion nodded, satisfied. "Good. That's what I like to hear."

As they talked, Alister couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Orion was dangerous, and he knew one wrong move could result in his death. But he also knew this alliance was necessary to protect his pack and their territory.

"I appreciate your willingness to cooperate," Orion said, his tone friendly but with an underlying hint of threat. "But let me make it clear. If you or any of your pack members betray me, I'll kill you all and make it more painful than your transformations."

Alister swallowed hard but maintained his composure. "I understand the consequences of betrayal. But I can assure you, my pack and I are loyal to our word. We will honor any agreement we make with you."

Orion considered this for a moment before nodding. "Very well. Let's discuss the terms of our agreement."

Alister nodded, and the two of them began to negotiate the terms of their alliance. Orion clarified that he was interested in forming a long-term partnership, not a temporary one. Alister agreed to these terms, and the two of them hammered out the details of their plan.

Orion carefully examined the belongings and the items from the rival pack that Alister had brought. "These are definitely from the rival pack," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "Good work."

Alister nodded, feeling a sense of relief that the meeting was over. "I'm glad we could be of service."

After some negotiation, Orion and Alister reached an agreement. Orion extended his hand to Alister and asked, "Agreed?"

Alister hesitated momentarily, considering the offer, before finally taking Orion's hand and replying, "Agreed."

Orion then made an additional proposal, saying, "Also, please spread the word to other packs. If they swear allegiance to me, they will receive the same benefits as you."

Alister nodded, understanding the implications of this proposal. "Of course, we will spread the word to other packs."

With that, Orion left the cafe, feeling satisfied with the outcome of their discussion. He knew that spreading the word to other packs would increase his influence and strengthen his position among the werewolf community. Meanwhile, Alister couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension about the alliance, knowing that his pack's fate was now inextricably linked to Orion's.


Orion entered the dark woods with a sense of purpose, carrying with him the belongings of the rival pack. He knew what he had to do next. Opening his grimoire, he sought the most powerful curse.

He placed the black candle on the clothes and lit it with a match. The flame flickered in the darkness, casting eerie shadows across the trees. Orion began to chant the curse, "Morere hostes meorum," his voice low and steady.

As he spoke the words, he felt the power of his pendant surge through him, and he reached up to touch it, siphoning as much magic as possible. Then, he removed his obsidian bracelet and placed it beside the candle. Its energy would amplify the curse and make it more potent.

Suddenly, rain began to pour down hard, drenching everything in the area. The earth shaking beneath his feet and magic crackled in the air, and Orion knew the curse was taking hold. He could feel the energy of his enemies' belongings being drawn into the spell, their essence consumed by his magic.

The rain intensified, and the wind howled through the trees, as if heralding the power of the curse. Orion's eyes glowed with a bright green light as he continued to chant, pouring all his energy into the spell. Finally, with a final burst of power, he completed the curse, and they were dead.

Orion's body convulsed as a sudden excruciating pain washed over him. It felt like a thousand needles pierced his spine, sending electric shocks of agony throughout his entire body. Sweat poured down his face, and his muscles tensed and twisted, contorting his body into unnatural shapes. His guttural screams echoed through the forest, each one more agonizing than the last. The pain was overwhelming, like nothing he had ever experienced, and he felt as if his soul was being torn apart.

Orion's pain continued to escalate, and the torment felt like consuming every fiber of his being. His muscles contracted and twisted in ways he didn't think were possible; sweat dripped down his face and soaked through his clothes. A low, guttural growl escaped his throat, and he gritted his teeth, trying to endure the agony.

In a moment of respite, his eyes fell on a puddle, and he saw his reflection. His heart pounded in his chest as he gazed at his irises, which were no longer their familiar brown hue. Instead, they shone a bright, piercing emerald green that seemed to glow with an inner light. Panic surged as he realized what was happening - he was transforming into a werewolf.

He was a werewolf.

His question was, How?


Orion is now a werewolf,

New Orleans Arc is starting soon.

How will Bonnie react to Orion? Being a hybrid?

The plot starts, but for season 1, Orion will be away, returning when The Tomb opens!!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


