
A Photo!

Roddy doesn't know where his absorption limit is. Although his energy absorption ability has only been developed to level 2, because of the relationship of strengthening a thousand times, even if it is normally developed to level 5, it may not be as good as the current Roddy.


This time, Roddy came to the sun, and it wasn't just to melt that metal cube.

I also have the idea of testing the upper limit of my own absorption!

"The temperature here is not enough; we have to go deeper."

Roddy stayed on the surface of the sun for a while, admiring the unique scenery here, and then turned around and continued to go deeper into the sun.

He didn't dare to go too deep at once. Although the surface temperature of the sun is only 5,500 degrees Celsius, once it enters the corona, the temperature will directly increase to 1 million degrees!

There is no transition between the two, can you believe it?

Not to mention, the temperature in the core region of the sun is as high as tens of millions of degrees Celsius.

Although Roddy himself is not afraid of such high temperatures,

His energy absorption ability can make him completely unable to feel that terrible temperature.

But that metal cube that Roddy brought was not going to work.

The metal cube will reach the melting point at 500,000 degrees, and it can be melted in a short time at 1 million degrees.

And tens of millions of degrees...

Roddy was worried that this thing would be vaporized!

So, after entering the area of the corona, Roddy stopped.

I didn't go any further into the sun.

"It's almost here."

Roddy stopped and took out the metal cube.

When the metal cube arrived here, it really softened very quickly, and the whole body turned red.

Although Roddy held it in his hand, he couldn't feel the temperature change on it, but he could still imagine how high the temperature on the surface of the metal cube was at this moment!

"Squeeze a wristband."

Because of the size, it is impossible for Roddy to squeeze such a small metal cube into an arm guard, so he can only squeeze a wrist guard.

The volume of the wrist guard is much smaller than that of the arm guard, and Roddy doesn't need to be pinched to look good.

to be honest;

as long as you can wear it.

Does it look good or something? Roddy can do post-processing!

So there is no need to consider these issues at the moment.

Pinch the metal cube hard with both hands; although Roddy's strength has reached more than 25 times that of ordinary people, it is not easy to pinch the metal cube that is gradually starting to melt at this moment.

After all, this thing is three times harder than steel.

Although it is melting, the speed is very fast. The surface layer is melted first, and then it gradually deepens.

In fact, Roddy can wait a while until it melts completely.

But Roddy didn't want to wait.

Therefore, he transformed part of the energy absorbed in his body into strength, causing his strength to increase dramatically.

This is like pinching Plasticine—you could easily pinch this metal cube!

after more than a minute.

Roddy paused.

At this moment, the metal cube in his hand has turned into a wristband.

Roddy put it on his wrist.

Then squeeze it hard to make it shrink a bit.


Roddy smiled and looked at the wristband with his palm print on his wrist, very satisfied with his book.

next second——

Roddy uses the cross-dressing ability to change the shape of the bracers.

This time it was a lot easier than when it was used on Vibranium.

In less than three seconds, Roddy's body was covered with a battle suit made of burnt red metal threads!

Although it was burning red, Roddy didn't feel uncomfortable.

On the contrary, it is very warm and comfortable!

"That's about it."

Roddy nodded in satisfaction.

On the road in the early morning, Nick Fury just got off work, thinking about the ghost inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

at this time;

His cell phone on the passenger seat suddenly rang.

After Nick Fury glanced, he pressed the Bluetooth headset.

"What's up?"

Hill's voice came from the headset.

"One minute ago, our satellite detected an unusual energy reaction on the surface of the sun."

"Where did you say?"

Nick Fury's voice couldn't help but rise.

the surface of the sun?

That's the sun!

"The satellite has taken a picture, and I have uploaded it to your phone."

Hill didn't repeat what she said before; she knew Nick Fury heard it clearly, and to be honest, she was shocked when she first heard the news.

after all;

That is the sun that concerns all human beings on the blue star!

If something goes wrong, it may cause a devastating catastrophe!

Not to mention the photo taken by the satellite.

It made Hill unable to calm down for a long time!

With a slam on the brakes, Nick Fury stopped the car in the middle of the road.

In the middle of the night, he was the only car on the road.

So there was no traffic accident.

He picked up the phone on the co-pilot's seat, and sure enough, he received a picture.

Nick Fury clicked on the picture, and there was a "boom" in his brain in an instant, and the only eye left was staring at the suspected human figure in the photo!

Why do you say it looks like a human being?


Can humans in your family run up to the sun? Still bare upper body?

The satellite photos are very clear.

Although the person was wearing a mask and couldn't see the other person's face, Nick Fury was sure it was a person!

You can never go wrong!


Apart from Captain Marvel, who left Blue Star to go to the universe, who else can fly freely on the surface of the sun these days?

Thor Thor?

He might, but this man is clearly not Thor!

So who is he?

Why do you want to run to the sun in a good way?

Will he pose a threat to the world?

Can I pull him into the Avengers?

One question after another popped up in Nick Fury's mind, making him unable to calm down and think about these questions.

"What are you going to do?"

At this time, Hill's voice came from the earphone.

Interrupted Nick Fury's thoughts.

"You stared at the son of the sun for me; I'll come over right now!"

With a sharp turn on the steering wheel, Nick Fury turned around and drove back.

"Remember! Keep an eye on it!"

He ordered solemnly.

Then I hung up the phone.

Void_06 Void_06

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C29
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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