レビューを書くI don’t know your circumstances, but I really enjoy this book and I hope that you can continue to write it but I also hope if there’s something wrong or going on in your life I pray you get through your hardships! ❤️
Hello, review time First of all, i am at ch.100 writting: till now i didnt find anything which would stop me and i needed to reread anything i should have problem to understand if there were any typos, it was simply gone past me as story is understandable and fine so max star for me . Story development: well in short, excelent, its not necessary slow or fast its simply flow, as it should be so i apreciated rlly much how it went 5* here also. . Character design: i will not writte about MC and side characters specialy here, but overall i think author give his all for his characters and story itself. it can be seem by readers or at least by me for me simply 10* but i can give only 5* (even characters i simply dont like are well done) updating: well here isna bit of problem, but author went though some personal problems in his life and is surprise the story is back on track and again updated, from neutral point of view its not updated much, so i have to give 3*, but you know, author has his own life, his own problem and as reader who rlly apreciate his work, i must say, thank you and hope you keep going even if there are things which block your path, i have and keep my thumbs and roting for you. . World background: 5*, HP is great by original author and thia author give new spectale to read to this show. . now a bit wording about story by me can contain spoiler sp read in caution pls. . I rlly fast liked the MC, he is not perfect but what is perfect in life, he can be dumb sometume, clever and smart sometimes and simply live his life, i cant help but like him, dumb in case even if he is smart he cant see oblivious immediately as he missed things woth imperio curse on barty and after it seems something is of with kharkarov he just brash it of, but he is human, teenager and has a lot on his plate so even if sometimes his brain can think of it its natural and i promise you will like him. I rlly dont like fleur and am bit dissapointed that she end up with mc, but even if i dont like her, i must say, author rlly put great job with her, even i as i dont like her simply in the end accepted her as part of mc (and that did author woth his hands to me) so rlly well done.Well I still wait how Ron will turn put more, and yee i dont like him too, in original and even here. but agains you can as reader await happily for how it turns out again author did gj. etc. i can continue, there are things which i personaly miss, for example for me mc to much has telationship with girls and speak a lot of with them, but i miss he is good to harry which i love to see, but simply miss it more that he could mean Khan interact with him and be more close, i know he take him as younger brother and harry tale him as older brother, but their interaction in story is rlly sidetur ed in story and more place is taken towards only girls, which i find a bit of pity, because its like it could be a harem in this way which i hate (but its not harem till now i know he has fleur only for now) but i can name: daphne, luna, hermione, fleur, etc. a lot girls are interacting with mc during storyline, but how many boys, only harry and only occasionaly, it much viewed for me as sone small harem even if its not right to say its harem, simply put i find it a pity he dont interact with boys the same as with so many girls at least with harry, as they consider brothers with each other a bit, i found it why not share something private or secret just between "boys" and put girls out of it that what i miss a lot. but in overall, as fanfic i can find better storry than this one for now at least and i read books and novels like for 25 years now mb more a bit. for original works put in quation, this story mb not be my top but its stil in better bag of stories i read till now. and to be trutfull about something author a lot interact with readers thats good rlly, but a lot of his though are on start nearly of all chapters sometimes i must say truth skip it i read like 50 percent paragrafs of author himself and skipped half as i couldnt wait for continue of the story, but i like author and that he do it i just mb am not suited for all of his though still there was some i am glad i didnt miss as chapter i am back, which i found rlly important and also root for author from deep of my hearth. so as my ending words: Thanks author for your work, keep going and i hope your health will be good and your eyes too. again thanks for your time soul and work you put for us with this story.
Man. I was very interested in this story due to exploring ancient magic and possibly being an op smart character. Instead I got a remarkably idiotic and forgetful character. Admittedly I didn’t get very far in the story. I simply couldn’t take the cliches and things that just plain don’t make sense. How he acts. Characters act. How they speak. If the story gets better later on props to you. But imo I can’t see it getting better with the groundwork you’ve already laid.
It is a good story but the writer gave the mc emotional problems and uses way to many “flashbacks” where they just take the events of the game in a seemingly copy-paste format that can take up to or more than half a chapter each
Muy buen libro. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
It was good up until he gave the MC a love life. Then it was all about it and not enough of the adventure. Like there are multiple chapters about their date. Not to mention the author clearly hates Ron. I am glad if this is permanently dropped because it is a disappointment.
I am unable to enjoy reading this fanfic, it maybe because I haven't played the game or maybe because i don't like the last name khan, still i think i Have rated this fanfic appropriately ✌️🐧(ps: there are very few Harry Potter fanfic that i dont't like)
The story is nice and interesting I am waiting for new chapters and new adventures. I think the aspect of family business need more chapters, and how much money he have that he can use and after 100 years how is the business
It started off good but I had to drop after that frankly absolutely ridiculous magical vow he made to the Weasley’s I get you were to lazy to come up with more plot to keep your mc from being to “op” but what the h*ll man he is the pure blood heir to a family and he was probably raised in the importantance of never making risky vows. The emotional unstability was blown way to much out of proportion again he was a pure blood heir that’s against everything he was probably ever taught it was starting to get fantastic and in my opinion it was ruined by two chapters showing your “genius” mc being an imbecile and basically swearing himself to vassalage to the freaking weasleys on threat of losing his magic. Disappointing.
ネタバレを明かすKinda feels generic as it either follows the game or mainly the book around 80 %. The start was good, but you just had to do that. Dropping it. Maybe come up with something of your own. And yeah, I read other reviews. But I ain't gonna waste my time reading 50 chs just to get the good part. Anyway. This is just my opinion. I don't care or want what others think.
Alright, I gotta be honest, this is one of the best game adapted into novel fics I have ever seen. I love how the author explained all the game mechanics into rational and realistic explanations that fit into the world and story. The MC is entertaining enough and I like how to the author incorporated the rest of the side characters from the game into the books. Some of the beginning chapters were kinda just copies of the movie scenes with SI giving some dialogue into it, but I think the author was just trying to get a feel for how to insert the character without it feeling unnatural. A very good story that I hope will be finished. 4.6/5
lovely, thats all i can say .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................???????????????????????????/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@###########33JjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
A fanfic worth reading. FROM HERE DOWN MAY HAVE SPOILERS We have a good protagonist (courtesy, noble, educated, that is, with very acceptable moral qualities). However, he has flaws like stress, which may have been caused by his condition (absorbing bad emotions for 100 years must not be easy). The plot develops in an interesting and acceptable way. Because he didn't finish school, but he is too strong to be a mere student, and from that the Author arranged a very admissible way to leave him at Hogwarts. There are still many questions to develop such as: • How will he, as head of the Khan noble house, bring his family back to power? The present power he holds is: money (a lot of money power), his personal power and respect for being an old house. If he really wants to make a difference his house must have servants and allies, and these must have political importance inside or outside the wizarding world. • With the power of money he can hire employees, but not necessarily their loyalty. Even though he currently has strong allies, they are few. • How is he viewed in wizarding society? The dark lords certainly want his political suicide. As this scheme is discussed in wizarding society, do they want to take it down? Because they see him as a child, do they want to take advantage of him? • Even if students like him, it doesn't mean his parents think the same. Who he is: a probable ally or enemy of his house, as his house is an old house, they will want to flatter him, however they are only appearances. Who is Ally, Neutral and Enemy? • And most importantly, does he want political influence? Or is he already satisfied? Will he protect his wife(s) from the opinion of others? Because his current wife is not very well regarded. • One day he will graduate. How were his pets? Will they go with him elsewhere? Will they stay at Hogwarts? Will enemies want to steal his pets if they know what he has? Remember, he is not omnipresent. • How will he develop his ancient magic? He will build palaces with her (I think their aesthetic is beautiful in the game), will he create those knights? Will he further develop his magic? Will he discover new paths? All these questions are important, which may or may not be answered, but if they are, they will bring even more to the culture of this fanfic, as the protagonist is a variable in the world that causes an immeasurable butterfly effect. Overall, it's a pretty good fanfic. I liked how it's developed so far.
Welp im droping this novel. 0 ZERO ORIGINALITY IT EITHER FOLLOWS THE GAME OR THE MOVIES. SOOOOOOO BOREING. !!!! End of the day the beginning was an awesome thought of the hogwarts legacy game character gets frozen in time till the 4th year of harry potter. Problems occur here with it followed the game to a T brought up many characters which is cool till you realize it doesn't matter, its 100 years later most are dead. So worthless plot that gets added in every other ch as a mc dream. Mc has zero self control hes OP however not even close its showed hes very weak when compared to other wizards, now mc only had 1 year of training. But he acctually had all his life since he grew up in a pureblood house the bloodline of gengis kahn acctually runs through him. I was thinking sweet harem or at least one romance would be nice, nope none so far. Hermione is already attached to ronniekins bleh. Mc swore a bond with the weasleys for telling him litteraly one known fact about the Wizarding world. Author explained it with oh mc just ate 100 years worth of ancient magic so hes messed up he will fix it. Next ch mc looks into it and apperently fixxed it with a snap. A horrible novel for originality, it straight up follows the books, movies, and games word for word. Id skip this i wasted 1 day of my life on this dont waste yours. Writing quality was amazing tho.
im not a fan fic reader, but my friend sent me this since it followed the game, its brilliant, i love it and hope it stays updated. (hopefully dont go behind a paywall, if they still do that on here)
Is this going to be like those outrageous harem fanfics? I usually don’t read harem. What I’ve read so far is really good though.
Los mejores que[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=coins]
absolute must read if you are Harry Potter fan and played Hogwarts Legacy. Even if you haven't played it just look up a quick overview of the story and the interesting things in the game and BOOM you got yourself a great story with some good action not to fast or slow between it. The only problem is I just cant get enough. i wish it was one of the novels with 1000 chapters. Would be cool if after went to different magical worlds after potter verse. like an magic accident during an experiment sent his whole house to a different world. maybe the rules of that world nerfed him to acceptable level and gets some back as he gets stronger?
ネタバレを明かすbruh no way this fic is 4.8+ rating w/o author deleting reviews, story is legit just copying straight from books (word for word) 95% of the time, the fic's oc character adding stuff the other 5% of the time
The fanfic itself have a lot of potential but unfortunately the story is tailed badly no background without finishing scenes skipping a lot and leave a backlash of the character development standed till chapter 23 will drop it! Have a nice day all hoo read it!!!!!!
Author here, giving a shameless 5 star review after chapter 61. Il also take this opportunity to explain some thoughts below. So I kinda started this story on a whim. I have not written anything since college, and even that was more for a newspaper, so needless to say, this is my first real attempt at any real storytelling. And you can kinda tell in the earlier chapters if I’m honest. Quality has improved and we’re constantly over 2k word chapters now. Also, I’m not trying to hype anything up, but I got some good storylines planned out that I’m confident nobody should be able to guess, even having played the games and watched/read all the HP media. I will admit though, that my story is gonna be very long. You might’ve been able to tell from my prophecy, but I got a few OCs to introduce still ahaha. We’re at 132k words/61 chapters, and I have over 300 chapters planned (at least lol). We’ve finished reintroducing a lot of the main HP characters at this point (chapter 61) also developing and introducing their relationships with our MC. He is basically done catching up with the current situation. So canon changes are starting to occur. And I don’t want to spoil too much, but I will say that if my plans work out properly, this will be a completely different Harry Potter AU by the time I’m through with it. Anyways, even though it’s a bit long, I hope you give this story a chance and read up to the end of the first intro volume. It gets better (in my humble opinion) and I promise, it’ll keep getting better [img=recommend]
I don’t know your circumstances, but I really enjoy this book and I hope that you can continue to write it but I also hope if there’s something wrong or going on in your life I pray you get through your hardships! ❤️
Hello, review time First of all, i am at ch.100 writting: till now i didnt find anything which would stop me and i needed to reread anything i should have problem to understand if there were any typos, it was simply gone past me as story is understandable and fine so max star for me . Story development: well in short, excelent, its not necessary slow or fast its simply flow, as it should be so i apreciated rlly much how it went 5* here also. . Character design: i will not writte about MC and side characters specialy here, but overall i think author give his all for his characters and story itself. it can be seem by readers or at least by me for me simply 10* but i can give only 5* (even characters i simply dont like are well done) updating: well here isna bit of problem, but author went though some personal problems in his life and is surprise the story is back on track and again updated, from neutral point of view its not updated much, so i have to give 3*, but you know, author has his own life, his own problem and as reader who rlly apreciate his work, i must say, thank you and hope you keep going even if there are things which block your path, i have and keep my thumbs and roting for you. . World background: 5*, HP is great by original author and thia author give new spectale to read to this show. . now a bit wording about story by me can contain spoiler sp read in caution pls. . I rlly fast liked the MC, he is not perfect but what is perfect in life, he can be dumb sometume, clever and smart sometimes and simply live his life, i cant help but like him, dumb in case even if he is smart he cant see oblivious immediately as he missed things woth imperio curse on barty and after it seems something is of with kharkarov he just brash it of, but he is human, teenager and has a lot on his plate so even if sometimes his brain can think of it its natural and i promise you will like him. I rlly dont like fleur and am bit dissapointed that she end up with mc, but even if i dont like her, i must say, author rlly put great job with her, even i as i dont like her simply in the end accepted her as part of mc (and that did author woth his hands to me) so rlly well done.Well I still wait how Ron will turn put more, and yee i dont like him too, in original and even here. but agains you can as reader await happily for how it turns out again author did gj. etc. i can continue, there are things which i personaly miss, for example for me mc to much has telationship with girls and speak a lot of with them, but i miss he is good to harry which i love to see, but simply miss it more that he could mean Khan interact with him and be more close, i know he take him as younger brother and harry tale him as older brother, but their interaction in story is rlly sidetur ed in story and more place is taken towards only girls, which i find a bit of pity, because its like it could be a harem in this way which i hate (but its not harem till now i know he has fleur only for now) but i can name: daphne, luna, hermione, fleur, etc. a lot girls are interacting with mc during storyline, but how many boys, only harry and only occasionaly, it much viewed for me as sone small harem even if its not right to say its harem, simply put i find it a pity he dont interact with boys the same as with so many girls at least with harry, as they consider brothers with each other a bit, i found it why not share something private or secret just between "boys" and put girls out of it that what i miss a lot. but in overall, as fanfic i can find better storry than this one for now at least and i read books and novels like for 25 years now mb more a bit. for original works put in quation, this story mb not be my top but its stil in better bag of stories i read till now. and to be trutfull about something author a lot interact with readers thats good rlly, but a lot of his though are on start nearly of all chapters sometimes i must say truth skip it i read like 50 percent paragrafs of author himself and skipped half as i couldnt wait for continue of the story, but i like author and that he do it i just mb am not suited for all of his though still there was some i am glad i didnt miss as chapter i am back, which i found rlly important and also root for author from deep of my hearth. so as my ending words: Thanks author for your work, keep going and i hope your health will be good and your eyes too. again thanks for your time soul and work you put for us with this story.
Man. I was very interested in this story due to exploring ancient magic and possibly being an op smart character. Instead I got a remarkably idiotic and forgetful character. Admittedly I didn’t get very far in the story. I simply couldn’t take the cliches and things that just plain don’t make sense. How he acts. Characters act. How they speak. If the story gets better later on props to you. But imo I can’t see it getting better with the groundwork you’ve already laid.
It is a good story but the writer gave the mc emotional problems and uses way to many “flashbacks” where they just take the events of the game in a seemingly copy-paste format that can take up to or more than half a chapter each
Muy buen libro. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
It was good up until he gave the MC a love life. Then it was all about it and not enough of the adventure. Like there are multiple chapters about their date. Not to mention the author clearly hates Ron. I am glad if this is permanently dropped because it is a disappointment.
I am unable to enjoy reading this fanfic, it maybe because I haven't played the game or maybe because i don't like the last name khan, still i think i Have rated this fanfic appropriately ✌️🐧(ps: there are very few Harry Potter fanfic that i dont't like)
The story is nice and interesting I am waiting for new chapters and new adventures. I think the aspect of family business need more chapters, and how much money he have that he can use and after 100 years how is the business
It started off good but I had to drop after that frankly absolutely ridiculous magical vow he made to the Weasley’s I get you were to lazy to come up with more plot to keep your mc from being to “op” but what the h*ll man he is the pure blood heir to a family and he was probably raised in the importantance of never making risky vows. The emotional unstability was blown way to much out of proportion again he was a pure blood heir that’s against everything he was probably ever taught it was starting to get fantastic and in my opinion it was ruined by two chapters showing your “genius” mc being an imbecile and basically swearing himself to vassalage to the freaking weasleys on threat of losing his magic. Disappointing.
ネタバレを明かすKinda feels generic as it either follows the game or mainly the book around 80 %. The start was good, but you just had to do that. Dropping it. Maybe come up with something of your own. And yeah, I read other reviews. But I ain't gonna waste my time reading 50 chs just to get the good part. Anyway. This is just my opinion. I don't care or want what others think.
Alright, I gotta be honest, this is one of the best game adapted into novel fics I have ever seen. I love how the author explained all the game mechanics into rational and realistic explanations that fit into the world and story. The MC is entertaining enough and I like how to the author incorporated the rest of the side characters from the game into the books. Some of the beginning chapters were kinda just copies of the movie scenes with SI giving some dialogue into it, but I think the author was just trying to get a feel for how to insert the character without it feeling unnatural. A very good story that I hope will be finished. 4.6/5
lovely, thats all i can say .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................???????????????????????????/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@###########33JjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
A fanfic worth reading. FROM HERE DOWN MAY HAVE SPOILERS We have a good protagonist (courtesy, noble, educated, that is, with very acceptable moral qualities). However, he has flaws like stress, which may have been caused by his condition (absorbing bad emotions for 100 years must not be easy). The plot develops in an interesting and acceptable way. Because he didn't finish school, but he is too strong to be a mere student, and from that the Author arranged a very admissible way to leave him at Hogwarts. There are still many questions to develop such as: • How will he, as head of the Khan noble house, bring his family back to power? The present power he holds is: money (a lot of money power), his personal power and respect for being an old house. If he really wants to make a difference his house must have servants and allies, and these must have political importance inside or outside the wizarding world. • With the power of money he can hire employees, but not necessarily their loyalty. Even though he currently has strong allies, they are few. • How is he viewed in wizarding society? The dark lords certainly want his political suicide. As this scheme is discussed in wizarding society, do they want to take it down? Because they see him as a child, do they want to take advantage of him? • Even if students like him, it doesn't mean his parents think the same. Who he is: a probable ally or enemy of his house, as his house is an old house, they will want to flatter him, however they are only appearances. Who is Ally, Neutral and Enemy? • And most importantly, does he want political influence? Or is he already satisfied? Will he protect his wife(s) from the opinion of others? Because his current wife is not very well regarded. • One day he will graduate. How were his pets? Will they go with him elsewhere? Will they stay at Hogwarts? Will enemies want to steal his pets if they know what he has? Remember, he is not omnipresent. • How will he develop his ancient magic? He will build palaces with her (I think their aesthetic is beautiful in the game), will he create those knights? Will he further develop his magic? Will he discover new paths? All these questions are important, which may or may not be answered, but if they are, they will bring even more to the culture of this fanfic, as the protagonist is a variable in the world that causes an immeasurable butterfly effect. Overall, it's a pretty good fanfic. I liked how it's developed so far.
Welp im droping this novel. 0 ZERO ORIGINALITY IT EITHER FOLLOWS THE GAME OR THE MOVIES. SOOOOOOO BOREING. !!!! End of the day the beginning was an awesome thought of the hogwarts legacy game character gets frozen in time till the 4th year of harry potter. Problems occur here with it followed the game to a T brought up many characters which is cool till you realize it doesn't matter, its 100 years later most are dead. So worthless plot that gets added in every other ch as a mc dream. Mc has zero self control hes OP however not even close its showed hes very weak when compared to other wizards, now mc only had 1 year of training. But he acctually had all his life since he grew up in a pureblood house the bloodline of gengis kahn acctually runs through him. I was thinking sweet harem or at least one romance would be nice, nope none so far. Hermione is already attached to ronniekins bleh. Mc swore a bond with the weasleys for telling him litteraly one known fact about the Wizarding world. Author explained it with oh mc just ate 100 years worth of ancient magic so hes messed up he will fix it. Next ch mc looks into it and apperently fixxed it with a snap. A horrible novel for originality, it straight up follows the books, movies, and games word for word. Id skip this i wasted 1 day of my life on this dont waste yours. Writing quality was amazing tho.
im not a fan fic reader, but my friend sent me this since it followed the game, its brilliant, i love it and hope it stays updated. (hopefully dont go behind a paywall, if they still do that on here)
Is this going to be like those outrageous harem fanfics? I usually don’t read harem. What I’ve read so far is really good though.
Los mejores que[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=coins][img=recommend][img=coins]
absolute must read if you are Harry Potter fan and played Hogwarts Legacy. Even if you haven't played it just look up a quick overview of the story and the interesting things in the game and BOOM you got yourself a great story with some good action not to fast or slow between it. The only problem is I just cant get enough. i wish it was one of the novels with 1000 chapters. Would be cool if after went to different magical worlds after potter verse. like an magic accident during an experiment sent his whole house to a different world. maybe the rules of that world nerfed him to acceptable level and gets some back as he gets stronger?
ネタバレを明かすbruh no way this fic is 4.8+ rating w/o author deleting reviews, story is legit just copying straight from books (word for word) 95% of the time, the fic's oc character adding stuff the other 5% of the time
The fanfic itself have a lot of potential but unfortunately the story is tailed badly no background without finishing scenes skipping a lot and leave a backlash of the character development standed till chapter 23 will drop it! Have a nice day all hoo read it!!!!!!
Author here, giving a shameless 5 star review after chapter 61. Il also take this opportunity to explain some thoughts below. So I kinda started this story on a whim. I have not written anything since college, and even that was more for a newspaper, so needless to say, this is my first real attempt at any real storytelling. And you can kinda tell in the earlier chapters if I’m honest. Quality has improved and we’re constantly over 2k word chapters now. Also, I’m not trying to hype anything up, but I got some good storylines planned out that I’m confident nobody should be able to guess, even having played the games and watched/read all the HP media. I will admit though, that my story is gonna be very long. You might’ve been able to tell from my prophecy, but I got a few OCs to introduce still ahaha. We’re at 132k words/61 chapters, and I have over 300 chapters planned (at least lol). We’ve finished reintroducing a lot of the main HP characters at this point (chapter 61) also developing and introducing their relationships with our MC. He is basically done catching up with the current situation. So canon changes are starting to occur. And I don’t want to spoil too much, but I will say that if my plans work out properly, this will be a completely different Harry Potter AU by the time I’m through with it. Anyways, even though it’s a bit long, I hope you give this story a chance and read up to the end of the first intro volume. It gets better (in my humble opinion) and I promise, it’ll keep getting better [img=recommend]