65.74% A Legacy Continued / Chapter 71: Chapter 69 - Divination pt. 1

章 71: Chapter 69 - Divination pt. 1

***** Regular Chapter ***** A/N: So bit of a longer author's note today; A personal peeve of mine I had with the HP world and I'm fixing in this story of mine..... I always thought Divination was given a bad rap, maybe due to Trelawney and her craziness (and maybe Hermione's and Harry's detest for the subject).

Seers and Fortune Tellers have always existed in every form of human society, and have always been important. From priests and prophets, to gypsies and shamans, there has always been some form of 'Divination' that was important to the human society at the time. And typically, they were given a position of power or at the very least, a high level of respect, in their communities.

Even now, in our digital age, we still have Horoscopes, farmer's almanacs, palm and tarot readers..... (albeit they aren't nearly as important or taken as seriously as they once were).

As such, my thinking is that, theres no reason why it wouldn't be a respected discipline in the magical world as well, especially with actual natural born seers (I mean they have a hall of Prophecies FFS).

It's probably only a result of Harry interacting with people that have no talent in it (other than Luna) that its displayed like such a 'Wooly' subject in the HP world.

Anyways, I'm going to go about fixing that in my story *****


Khan and Fleur appeared in a flash, courtesy of Sol, who was of course, proudly perched on Jordan's shoulder. She trilled happily at Jordan, seemingly just as exited as he was to see Natty again.

Sol was indeed mirroring her bond's feelings, with her excitement of seeing Natsai again. She of course, knew of Khan's various best friends and even interacted with them on a regular basis during all their adventures over a century ago. And although Sol was closest to Poppy out of all of Jordan's friends, Natty was perhaps a close second.

And Sebastian..... Well Sol refused to interact with him. Whether it was because his obsession with the dark arts, or whether it was because he was simply a male and Sol was being sexist (against everyone except her bondmate Jordan of course), only Sol would ever know.

Jordan and Fleur meanwhile, were blinking quite rapidly, trying to clear all the 'flash-spots' from their eyes.

After a few more moments, they were able to gather their bearings, looking around the Headmaster's office, and strangely finding nobody present.

"It looks as though they just stepped out." He commented in observation, staring at Natty's cloak and Battle staff perched oddly enough, on the Headmaster's seat.

It appeared as though Natsai and Dumbledore were elsewhere in the school, Khan having missed them with his various delays and responsibilities.

Although He knew that she did not need a wand, or a staff to cast magic, being just as proficient in wandless magic, thanks to her education at Uagadou, he figured that she would not leave her battle staff/cloak if she were actually departing Hogwarts.

Thus he was confident that she and the headmaster had simply stepped out of his office for a moment, and he had just missed them.

"I wonder where they went..." Khan muttered to himself, as he began to look around the office, for any trail they might have left.

Although he was confident they would return to the office at a later time, he was a little bit over-eager to catch up with his friend, and thus decided to search for them, to speed up the process.

He didn't want to wait anymore! He wanted to talk to Natty already!

Fleur similarly, was also looking forward to talking to this Natsai, and had insisted on accompanying her husband to meet his old 'best friend'.

But it was not without reason.

Fleur, unlike the rest of the students, was not frozen by Natsai's spell, and therefore was able to hear the elderly lady's rant, not to mention Jordan's subsequent explanation of how he got into his coma and came to the present time in the first place.

To her slight surprise, it turned out that Rita's article was indeed a little bit truthful, and Khan was from the late 1800s.

Surprisingly, Khan had gone to Hogwarts alongside Natsai, that elderly lady who was also Dumbledore's mentor, and it was only due to his accidental magical coma, that Jordan was able to come to her in this present era.

Unfortunately, Fleur had also learned that they were quite intimate, having a very close friendship.....

And although she was a little suspicious of this older lady, and her previous relationship with Jordan, Fleur thought he was a little too 'innocent' to have actually done anything serious with her.

She did intend to find out however, what exactly Natty's intentions were with Jordan and his reappearance...

She looked a little too good still for a witch over 100 after all.... Other than slight wrinkles present on her face and elbows, she still appeared quite young, looking more like a middle-aged witch, rather than Dumbledore's senior.

What kind of lineage did she have?

Distracted by her thoughts of Natty, Fleur left Jordan to his own devices, and instead examined his friend's battle staff in curiosity.

"Revelio!" Khan meanwhile, was in the middle of his search, and proceeded to cast a revealing charm, looking for any left over clues with his ancient magic vision.

He had learned in the past, during his many numerous adventures, that the Revelio charm specifically, reacted synergically with his ancient magic vision, highlighting not just hidden objects (as a regular revelio charm did), but also highlighting anything that contained magic or left a magical trace.

Not just using it to search for treasure or find hidden objects or traps, Khan also had used it previously to track down numerous people and magical beasts during his prior adventures, at one point even using it to track down and save a child who had been taken hostage.

He ended up using it so much during his adventures in fact, that he had previously gotten in a habit of spamming that spell anywhere he went, even in Hogwarts, just to see if he could find anything interesting or obscure.

It seemed that in all his excitement this year, he had forgotten about his old habit.

Thus he decided to use it once again, as he had done so many times in the past, to try to track down Natty.

As expected, Khan was bombarded with feedback from the numerous magical objects present in the Headmaster's office. With the Headmaster's numerous other professional occupations, it was not surprising that he was in possession of that many magical objects.

There were however, a few items that stood out to Khan, glowing different colors than what he was used to with his ancient magic vision.

As he noted during his previous visit, there were still a few items, that glowed an orange type of color to his ancient magic vision. He had never seen a magical glow like that with his magical sight, even after first seeing it during his first visit to the Headmaster's office, all those many moths ago.

Another new color, appeared to be coming from Natsai's staff and cloak, of all things. A rich green type of color, it appeared slightly different from dark arts magic, which was more a plain type of green; If he had to describe it, it was as if the 'green magic' was full of life.

"Jordan Khan, welcome back!" Niamh Fitzgerald called out from her portrait, happy to once again see her Legacy inheritor. "It is good to see you once again!"

"Headmistress! It is good to see you as well!" Khan politely greeted the third keeper. "Perhaps you can help me.... you see I am currently looking for the Headmaster, and an old friend of mine, from my previous time. Do you happen to know where Dumbledore and his guest went?"

"Oh yes! Albus and Natsai have left to use the Hidden Divination Room, located in the decorated corridor leading towards the upper faculty tower." Niamh helpfully responded.

She of course, was familiar Dumbledore's mentor, and was more than willing to aide her young peer.

"Excellent! Thank you very much Headmistress!" Khan knew that room, having explored it previously during one of his kleptomania-induced episodes.

"Not a problem! I wish you good luck on your current quest." Niamh called out in farewell.

"Thank you once again Headmistress!" Jordan was eager to leave, and find Natty, grabbing Fleur's hand and heading for the exit. "Come along Fleur!"

"Oh... and you should try to come visit the map chamber Jordan. It has been a few months since you have returned after all." Niamh continued to call out to the now exiting couple. "Perhaps your appearance will raise my keeper companions out of their slumber. I know they would be ever so pleased to find that you are well."

"Of course Headmistress! I will visit hopefully during this Holiday Christmas break. Please take care!"

And with that statement, Khan and Fleur eagerly walked out of the office, heading to find Natsai and the Headmaster.

Unfortunately in their haste, they completely missed Niamh mutter worriedly to herself.

"I have always wondered why you returned 103 years years later, especially with that being such a significant number. But now... especially with major forces coming together... your reappearance in this current era looks to be more than just coincidence, especially if recent events are to be considered..."


Jordan and Fleur quickly made their way to the hidden Divination room, located behind a fake wall in the decorated corridor that led to the upper Faculty tower.

Having explored this room previously, Khan was familiar with the hidden divination room, and was not surprised that his friend Natty would be using it. She was of course, her mother's daughter, and was quite gifted in divination; it only made sense that she would be using it.

Pushing open the hidden door, they did in fact find Dumbledore and Natsai, in the middle of a divination session.

Natsai was seated at the circular table, waving her hands around a Crystal ball, apparently using it at a medium.

Her eyes were glowing with a grey magical light, almost matching the swirling smoke trapped in the crystal ball, with her actual eyeballs themselves, completely white, as if she were missing her pupils.

Dumbledore of course, was watching over his mentor looking on quite worriedly, himself not being gifted enough in Divination to understand and help her out with her task.

Ever since she had found out that her old best friend, Jordan Khan, had returned from the past, instead of happier, like Dumbledore expected, she appeared to grow more worried, immediately coming towards the Hogwarts Divination room.

Evidently, she believed for some reason, that Jordan's re-appearance in this current era was more than just coincidental, as Dumbledore originally believed.

As a result, she had been using the room for almost the entire day, Dumbledore growing more worried, the longer the day went on, with Natsai showing no signs of stopping.

What is it that she was so worried about?

She constantly talked down Voldemort after all, saying that he was not even worth her time and effort, and that she had bigger 'fish to fry' so to speak.

So who was this person that she appeared so worried about?

Dumbledore felt quite ashamed of himself, for not knowing anything about his mentor's problems. He was one of the most powerful and influential wizards in the world, yet he had been too preoccupied with Voldemort (and previously with Grindelwald) to even help his own mentor.

Dumbledore watched as Suddenly, Natsai stiffened in her seat, the exact same time that Khan and Fleur entered the divination room. She had been at this the entire day, yet it was only now, with Jordan's appearance, that she had finally reacted?

Natsai's eyes still white, Dumbledore, Khan and Fleur all watched, as she suddenly started shaking violently in spot for a few moments, as if she were having some psychotic episode.

After a few moments of violent twitching, she finally stilled once more, before speaking out in a strange garbled voice, making it sound like she was speaking at multiple pitch levels at the same time.

"In the days yet to unfold, a prophecy I weave,

Of battles fierce and bold, where destinies shall cleave..."

Khan of course recognized the words Natty were speaking.... it was the same Prophecy Luna had told him, that night they had discovered the dragons for the first task.

It appeared Natty had been able to pick up Khan's prophecy given to him by Luna, with her Divination skills obviously inherited from her Mother.

Except, as she continued on, Khan grew more and more surprised. It seemed that Natty was a bit more talented than Luna, as this specific prophecy was a lot longer, and contained even more details than hers did previously. There was even an entire new section of the Prophecy he definitely did not remember hearing the last time...

"..... For in the Depths of conscience, redemption's path is found,

Where battles waged within, can shape the battle found."

"A green-eyed serpent, with venomous intent,

Shall sow discord and malice, where envy finds a vent.

In hearts consumed by longing, its poison shall entwine,

Fueling fires of resentment, till harmony's undermined."

"A tempest raging, its fury unrestrained,

Shall paint the world in crimson, with vengeance unrestrained.

In battles fierce and savage, its wrathful flames shall rise,

Leaving ruins in its wake, where empathy meets demise."

"Insatiable hunger, a voracious void within,

Shall taint the purest motives, as avarice wears thin.

Through corridors of power, it weaves its wicked spell,

Corrupting hearts and souls, where fortune's shadows dwell."

"A siren's call, with seduction in its wake,

Shall tempt the virtuous, their resolve it seeks to break.

In webs of desire woven, its allure shall ensnare,

Leaving hearts and lives entangled, lost in passion's snare."

"A shrouded specter, its lethargy prevails,

Shall quell ambition's flame, where diligence oft fails.

In comfort's cozy clutches, it lulls the will to sleep,

Leaving dreams unfulfilled, in apathy's embrace so deep."

"Insatiable, voracious appetite,

Shall feast upon excess, its hunger infinite.

In indulgence without measure, it dulls the senses' call,

Leaving hollow souls behind, in a grand downfall."

"The fallen angel, with arrogance displayed,

Shall blind the eyes of wisdom, where hubris is obeyed.

In towers built on vanity, it stands so tall and strong,

Until the mighty crumble, in pride's relentless throng."

"But fear not, noble seeker, for virtue shall arise,

With strength and purity, to counter sin's demise.

In battles yet to unfold, hearts valiant shall reclaim,

The light that banishes darkness, restoring honor's flame."

"This prophecy foretells of sacrifice, of battles long hard-fought,

Where hope will face despair, and redemption will be sought..."

The prophecy continued on the same as Khan remembered, Natty finally coming to an end, and closing her eyes, a few paragraphs later.

Reopening them a few moments later, her eyes were no longer all-white, with her pupils having returned.

She looked over to the recently arrived Jordan, staring at him with a serious look on her face.

"We need to talk. There is much to discuss."

Sudoku Sudoku

LOL ya'll thought the prophecy was long before.... It wasn't even the full prophecy ahahaha

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C71
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


