12.96% A Legacy Continued / Chapter 14: Chapter 12 - Plans for the Future

章 14: Chapter 12 - Plans for the Future

***** 2nd BONUS CHAPTER ***** A/N: Top 4! Here's my promised bonus chapter, since the last bonus one was a surprise xD. Work has been pretty brutal lately, so coming back to all your kind support, means the world to me <3. Anyways, enough with the sappy shit lol. On to the story. Hope you all enjoy! *****

"Little Natsai Onai, isn't it?" Harlow commented as he swaggered towards her and Khan. "And her excruciatingly loyal companion."

The 2 students glanced at each other hesitantly.

Yes, they came here already knowing this was a trap, but Harlow seemed a little too confident.

"You two have done quite a bit of damage to my business interests." Harlow continues.

Laughing a bit to himself at the absurdity of it all. '2 students of all people' he mumbles to himself as he shakes his head.

"But, I must grudgingly give you some credit. What was once a 'mere annoyance', has now become 'remarkably problematic'."

Glancing at his wand, he finishes evilly. "Fortunately, I pride myself on my 'problem solving skills'."

His trap sprung as multiple Ashwinders apparated into the courtyard to surround the two students.

Acting quickly before the new arrivals got their bearings, Khan activated his ancient magic, grabbing Harlow with it and slamming him on the ground a few times to disorient him, before tossing him away.

He then quickly turned to a random ashwinder and transfigured him into an explosive barrel, before grabbing it and throwing it with his ancient magic at few other ashwinders who had arrived together, blowing them all up in an fiery explosion.

'Love ancient magic.' Khan thought to himself.

'Incendio!' Natty called out as she lit a few ashwinders on fire, before transforming into a small antelope and quickly dodging away from various harmful spells.

Khan glanced over to check on Natty, as he heard her recent spellcasting.

Natty was fighting a few ashwinders herself, and showing quite a bit of success with her hit and run tactics Khan noted.

Suddenly he heard from behind him. 'Arresto Momentum!' 'Depulso!'

Khan felt himself get hit with a spell, freezing him in place, before he was painfully shot a few feet away by the follow up spell.

Grunting painfully, he slowly got to his feet, looking up to see Harlow glaring at him hatefully.

"Stupid boy! Should've just came quietly!" He shouted before casting the killing curse at Khan.

"Adava Kedavra!" The green light flashed towards Khan.

Activating his ancient magic, Khan flash stepped out of the way of the curse, before emptying his ancient magic and hitting Harlow in return with a giant lightning bolt.

"AHHHHHH" Harlow cried in excruciating pain as the lightning bolt impacted him.

'Why the hell was this so painful' Harlow complained to himself. He had been on the receiving end of some of his executioners lightning spells, and those were nowhere near as painful!

Soon, seemingly having run out of ancient magic, the lightning bolt slowly dissipated.

Khan stood over Theophilus Harlow victoriously, as he knelt, grunting in pain.

Satisfied, that he has suffered enough, Khan turns away, making his way triumphantly back to Natty, who too had won her with her battle with the remaining ashwinders.

He saw all around her, as she slowly got off the floor a distance away, the other ashwinders lay dead throughout the courtyard, a sign of her victory.

Slightly injured from the battle, Khan limped slowly towards Natty, herself grinning at their job well done.

That grin quickly changed, however, as she quickly transformed into her animagus form, an antelope.

Leaping forward towards Khan, she knocked him aside as a cry was heard.



"Natty!" Khan screamed, as he woke up in a sweat.

He knew he should've killed the bastard when he had the chance.

Quickly sitting up in bed, heart racing, he scanned around his current room, eyes alert, looking for potential threats.

Finding none, he slowly came out of his adrenaline-filled state, and finally remembered where he was. And more importantly, when.

The medical wing. 1994.

Realizing he had just had a nightmare of his last adventure with Natty, where she took an unforgivable for him, Khan attempted to calm his mind and racing heart.

Taking a few deep breathes, he thought back to the previous night.

A night of revelations to be sure.

He had awakened more than 100 years into the future.

His beast friends were with him.

He had learned one of his best friends was still alive! And mentored the current headmaster! Speaking of his best friends, he needed to look into the Sallow family and Sebastian.

He became an unspeakable and worked in the department of mysteries after Hogwarts. Perhaps he was finally able to find a cure for his sister Anne!

Not to mention, he had to find out more about Poppy and these 'death eaters' who attacked her.

Yes, Khan had learned some details of who had attacked Poppy.

Turns out, he had a name.

Lord Voldemort.

No first name.

Knowledgeable in dark arts.

Considered himself, heir of Slytherin and spoke parseltongue.

Commanded an army of dark wizards called 'death eaters'.

Khan had learned about him quite professionally from Moody.

And needless to say, Khan wasn't very impressed.

Himself and Sebastian studied the dark arts themselves, fought against it, and Sebastian was now an unspeakable. It was doubtful to Khan that Voldemort knew more than Sebastian did when it came to the discipline.

As for a self-proclaimed heir of Slytherin, well he didn't recognize the last name Voldemort, or that family's nobility. Could Slytherin have descendants who were so unknown? Were nobilities so easy to gain these days that a random dark wizard could become a Noble Lord in less than 100 years?

Not to mention, Khan knew an actual proven through bloodline, heir of Slytherin who also spoke parseltongue. With a recognizable noble name, linage actually traced to Slytherin, Gaunt. In fact, together with Sebastian, the 3 of them had discovered Slytherin's lost Scriptorium.

Khan furthermore had fought, defeated, and killed numerous dark wizards. Poachers, Ashwinders, and even their leader, Rookwood.

No, needless to say, Khan was not impressed with this so called 'dark lord'. Not from what he had heard.

Supposedly dead, Khan found that hard to believe, as the widely accepted story is a 1 year old baby vanquished him.

There were so many inconsistencies with that story!

A 1 year old barely has developed memories at that age, let alone willingly control motor functions. His first memories were at 2 himself, attempting to read, and HE was considered a genius. But somehow there's a 1 year old, who is wielding and controlling enough magic to defeat a dark magic lord at his peak? How was that possible? Had magic progressed so far along that babies were capable of controlling magic now?

Questions led to more questions.

No, Khan was sure he wasn't dead. Where there was smoke, there was fire after all.

He would do investigations into these 'death eaters' during the summer.

There was vengeance to be had, after all.


Thoughts more under control, he got out of the medical wing bed, to move to a nearby table and chair.

Sitting down, he called for Zeke to fetch him some morning breakfast, while he waited for the day to start.

He had a big day ahead of him.

He had also learned about his family from Professor McGonagall, and about himself being the last Khan.

Thinking about the stern woman, Khan fondly noted the similarities between her and Professor Weasley, his own deputy headmistress.

Both Gryffindors.

Both Professors of transfiguration.

Both Deputy Headmistresses.

Both seemingly very stern and authoritative.

She had told him after all , in a very authoritative tone he might add, that they were to visit Gringotts the next day, to see to his family will and take care of family affairs now that he was head of house. And that she would help him get resettled back into current society.

She had glared at him until he had no choice but to agree.

'Why do all deputy-headmistresses have to be like that.' he grumbled, thinking of the tough motherly figures.

His mind drifted off to his tasks later today.

-Visit Gringotts.

-See to his family will.

-Take over as head of house and see to family matters.

-Get settled in current society.

Internally he was feeling rather anxious about the entire thing.

How much had the world changed?

Was wizarding society any different?

How much had the muggles developed?

What was the current economy like?

Who is the current Queen or King?

'Queen Victoria was already pretty old during my time.' Khan recalled, wondering who had replaced her as the ruling monarchy.

It's been over 100 years of development.

How different was everything?

His rambling thoughts were interrupted, as Zeke arrived with Khans breakfast.

Quickly digging in with zeal, Khan devoured the breakfast like a starving man, who hadn't even seen food, let alone eat any, in over 100 years.

Khan was finishing his last few bites when he spotted Professor McGonagall who walked in with a shorter diminutive fellow.

Wearing wizards robes, Khan wondered if he was a 'little person' who stopped growing. Until the unknown person got closer and came into focus.

A goblin! In wizards robes??

Khan had quite a few goblin friends, despite his battle against them. So it wasn't that he was on edge around this newcomer.

No, it was the simple fact that this goblin was wearing wizard robes.

'Were goblins allowed to practice and wield magic now?!?' Khan excitedly thought to himself.

That was the whole reason why Ranrok had become so hostile towards wizardkind in the first place!

Remembering the tragic story, Khan couldn't help but feel slightly sympathetic towards his vanquished enemy.

It was quite sad to think that all Ranrok had done, was attempt to return a lost wand, kindly to a wizard. If he wasn't tragically beaten within an inch of his life by that same wizard who had lost his wand, simply for holding the wand, not even using magic, perhaps the goblin uprising would never have happened in the first place.

But it appears that wizardkind made some social progress in the last 100 years, if this wizard-robe wearing goblin, making his way towards him, is any indication!

Excitedly Khan stood, and introduced himself to the diminutive fellow.

"Very nice to meet you sir! My name is Jordan Khan, head of the Noble and Ancient Khan family. I am very glad to meet a wand wielding goblin such as yourself!"

Sudoku Sudoku

A little battle flashback; get some action back in the story and also some insight into Natty and her combat style.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C14
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


