11.3% The Dragon God of Tyranny(DxD) / Chapter 11: Ddraig's Old Deal with a god(Edited)

章 11: Ddraig's Old Deal with a god(Edited)

Mark sped off as he had already finished their last test to get to the camp. Mark decided to floor it on the ignition. Meanwhile, Grover, Percy, and Sally were staring at him. He had brutalized a giant monster with his bare hands and he did not even look stressed.

Grover in his life had never seen feet of power like this before.

"How did you do that? It could not even fight back."

Percy nodded vigorously.

"Yeah, and what was that really weird thumping sound? It came from you, but what was it?"

Mark though was not looking to explain so he just pointed at his chest.

"My heart."

Sally who was staring at him almost did not want to believe it.

"Your heart? Were you scared or something?"

Mark shook his head as he explained.

"No. All you need to know is that my heart is a Nuclear Reactor."

Hearing what he said made his three passengers stare at his chest. If he had a Reactor in his chest, what did that mean when it went critical? That thought was answered by Ddraig who saw what they felt.

[IF it goes critical, the power of the explosion is determined by their power. Like me, if the Heart in my body went critical the entire world would be nothing more than ashes. I was in the top 10 of the World's Strongest beings after all.]

For the rest of the trip, Mark kept having to answer Percy's questions. The kid was curious which reminded Mark of when he was a kid. He was just like Percy always following his father and his brothers around the house.

Though he did not answer any real secrets and only things that were public to the Supernatural races. It brought a bitter smile to his face which Sally noticed. She knew that smile well. It was the smile of loss. She did not ask as not everyone wants to speak of their pasts. Eventually, Mark's eyes noticed a magical barrier which made him pull up to the side of the tree line.

"And we are here."

When Sally heard that she turned around to Percy.

"Son, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

She sighed as she stepped out of the truck.

"Remember when Mark said he would leave me with a close friend? It's because Camp does not allow mortals inside. Only Demigods, so I don't think Mark will be able to follow you inside either."

Mark shook his head.

"Nope, I can. When I talked to Poseidon this morning, he left me a special mark that I can use to enter. Besides, this flimsy barrier could not stop me from breaking in anyway."

Percy looked down.

"But, when will I see you again?"

Sally walked over and wrapped her arms around her son.

"Do not worry, once you have been cleared from this you can come back."

Percy hugged her tighter.

"It's a promise."

Once the hug was done, Grover led Percy inside.

"Come on, let's get you situated."

Percy looked behind as Sally smiled and waved him off. Both of them vanished inside the barrier as Mark stayed outside with her.

"I will make sure your son stays safe. One, I like the kid and two, it's my job at the moment. My payment depends on it."

"I hope you do."

Mark waved her to follow him back to his truck. When they got in the truck she expected them to drive back, but Mark closed his eyes and focused on his stolen house. The location and where exactly he wanted to take his truck.

When he opened his eyes they were silver and space warped after. The truck vanished and appeared back in his driveway with a flash of silver. No humans noticed a thing as Mark was quite good at hiding his power.

"And we're here."

Mark heard a sound he did not want to hear as Sally began to retch.


Mark opened the door for her as she puked out the side.

"That was close."

She flipped him off as she kept puking. When she was done she wiped her mouth clean.

"What the hell was that?"

"Teleporting. I forgot it can cause nausea."

Mark stepped out of his truck and helped her up.

"You going to be ok?"

She nodded with a weary smile.

"I'll manage."

Mark opened the door, but when they stepped inside they did not end up in the same place. When he walked inside, Mark was not met with a house, instead, he was met with giant lakes and rivers of lava. They all originated from the giant black castle which Runeas had made.

He had to look up to take in the full size of the giant black castle that she made. She was currently in the air with her two large devil wings. She was so deep in thought that she ignored Mark.

Looking at Runeas' wings made him want his own. However, he needed more time for his bloodline to mature. He flew in the air with magic until he floated behind Runeas.

"Hey, what you doing?"

She turned around and smiled.


She rushed into his arms, but the hug did not last long as she pulled back.

"Look, since you are turning into a Red Dragon I thought you would want a fire castle. And I have been reading those things called manga, and I saw a Demon Lord that had a castle like this. And I have been making it for the past couple of hours, but I think I went a little crazy."

Mark nodded.

"Thanks, when I finally become a Red Dragon this will be perfect, but I have one question. How will we move it from New York as I don't plan to live here forever."

She held her hips and she held her head high.

"Who do you think I am? This a separate space I made where only the two of us can enter. As for the human you brought with you she got sent to the regular house. She is currently wondering where you went."

Mark nodded as he wanted to explore the castle.

"Alright, I am going to have to spend a long time exploring it and maybe change all this fire to Dragon Fire."

Mark wrapped his arms around her nice hips and brought her up. He placed his forehead against hers with a smile. He noticed how her face turned bright red as she was quite innocent.

"I think you need a reward."

She blushed even more.

"A reward?"

He suddenly kissed her lips. This was their first kiss as they had only kissed on the cheek so far. It was a pretty innocent kiss all things considered which she seemed to have liked.

Mark was about to let go of her, but she kissed him again with a bit more intensity.

"That is for being a good boy."

Mark laughed as he reminded her he was no boy.

"You know I am 58 right?"

She did not seem too fazed.

"You are still a boy to me though."

He let go of her as he needed to get back to Percy.

"We will continue where this left off when I come back. I should not take too long though. The woman I brought is Poseidon's side piece or something. Keep her safe as I plan on recruiting the demigod to my side."

She nodded as Mark warped away once more. Once he was gone, Runeas fell to her knees and covered her face with her red hair. She began to giggle as ever since she met Mark, she felt a reason to stay awake.

Dragons, especially Red Dragons had an aura that drew in females of other races. It did help that that aura was affecting a man like Mark. A confident, handsome man at his peak.

The man in question appeared back on the barrier before someone could enter Camp Half-Blood.

"Ddraig, you still asleep?"

[No. I always make sure to leave when you deal with your stuff. I am not a pervert to watch my friend do that stuff. Anyway, I think noticed how ever since you formed your Dragon Heart your Space and Time abilities got even stronger.]

"Yeah, the energy in my soul reacted and fused into my Dragon Heart. Though, I don't feel like a Dragon just yet."

[Just be patient. Each time your heart pumps your blood, dense Dragon Mana is fused into your body. Your bloodline is constantly being refined every waking moment. I will tell you when it is mature enough to go onto the next phase, forming your Dragon Soul. You just need time. Though to become a true dragon you will need to figure out that yourself.]

Mark nodded as he walked through the barrier. He was not gone for very long so he still felt Percy who had not gone very far. Though he first took in the sight of the camp at first.

The landscape was dotted with buildings. Some looked like ancient Greek architecture, an open-air pavilion, an amphitheater, and a circular arena. The entire area was dotted with kids ranging from very young all the way to high schoolers.

Mark began to walk through the camp where a bunch of demigods began to look at him. He was bigger and looked quite mean so he was instantly labeled as a son of Ares. If Mark saw Ares, he would probably believe them, but for the moment he did not speak to anyone. After a while, he found Percy, Grover, and a blonde girl around Percy's age.

He whistled which drew their attention. When Percy saw him he perked up and ran toward him.

"Mark, how is my mom?"

"She is fine. If anyone can get past my girl, they better be ready for a fight to the death."

As he talked to Percy the other girl walked up to him. She had to look up to look at Mark's face which made her frown. His get up and his face reminded her of the sons of Ares. Mark was like a spitting image of those guys.

"So, a son of Ares."

Mark was about to say no, but he thought it was a good disguise. He stuck his hands in his leather jacket's pockets and held his head high. His black sunglasses and his crew cut made him look a lot like Ares.

"Yeah, got a problem with that short stuff."

Percy and Grover knew he was not a demigod, but he must have his reasons. The girl shook her head with squinted eyes.

"None whatsoever. Come on Percy, get away from this guy."

Percy sighed.

"He is my friend though."

Mark wrapped his arm around Percy with a grin.

"Yeah, this is my buddy right here. Now, who are you short stuff?"

"My name is Annabeth, daughter of Athena."

Mark shrugged.


Annabeth wanted to kick his ass so much already.

['Mark, is this a good idea?']

No one heard him as he spoke in Mark's head.

'Yeah, the least amount of people who know what I really am the better. I am an assassin, remember? Infiltration is another skill of mine. I once was a Janitor for three weeks to kill a Law Maker who angered the wrong people.'


Mark noticed that he was only drawing a bit of attention, but there were people his age. He was just taller than the norm and he dressed a lot like the sons of Ares. A perfect disguise if he had to say so as he fit right in.

Annabeth shook her head as she focused.

"You two are new arrivals. Chiron and Mr. D will want to talk to you two."

Mark shrugged as he, Percy, and Grover followed her. She led them to a small house where two men sat across from each other at a card table. Mark cursed when he saw that one of the men was a god.

The god was small and quite fat. He had a red nose, big watery eyes, and curly hair so black it was almost purple. He wore a tiger-pattern Hawaiian shirt. When Dionysus saw Mark he was about to say something, but Mark mouthed a few words to him.

'Poseidon's orders.'

Dionysus closed his mouth and kept silent. Grover cleared his voice to explain.

"This is Mr. D, He's the camp director."

When Chiron noticed Percy and Mark he nodded.

"Ah, good. You arrived safely. Now, want to play a game of pinochle while we talk."

Mark was quite good at playing cards so he sat next to Dionysus who looked at him with bloodshot eyes. He then turned to Percy with squinted eyes who was the real demigod.

"Oh, I suppose I must say it. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. Now, don't expect me to be glad to see you two."

Percy did not know how to take that, but Mark did not care. Percy asked a question that was on his mind.

"Uh, thanks, but I have a question. Mr. Burner, why does everyone call you Chiron? And isn't Chiron a centaur in the myths."

The centaur laughed.

"I'm afraid that was a pseudonym. Chiron is my real name and I am a centaur."

Percy looked at Dionysus next and was curious about him.

"And Mr. D … does that stand for something?"

Dionysus stopped shuffling the cards. He looked at Percy with a warning look on his face.

"Young man, names are powerful things. You don't just go around using them for no reason."

Mark rolled his eyes.

"Just don't ask more questions than needed. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss. Too bad you can't have that no more."


Chiron spoke up then.

"I must say I'm glad to see you alive. It's been a long time since I've made a house call to a potential camper. I'd hate to think I've wasted my time."

Meanwhile, Dionysus began to deal the cards to himself, Mark, and Chiron. He turned to Grover with squinted eyes.


"Yes, sir!"

Grover trembled as he took the fourth chair next to Mark. Dionysus dealt some cards to Grover who flinched every time one landed in his pile. Chiron then spoke up.

"So, how much did you tell him, Mark?"

Mark looked up and back to Dionysus. He waved his hands and formed a sound-blocking barrier. Dionysus whistled as that was quite skilled.

"Everything that his father told me. He told me how Zeus and Poseidon are fighting at the moment and how Percy here is suspect number one. If either the lightning bolt is not returned or Zeus does not apologize to Poseidon for calling him a liar, then war. So no biggy."

Annabeth stared at Mark with a new look in her eyes.

"You met Poseidon?"

Mark nodded.

"Yup, he tasked me to keep his son safe"

Chiron sighed.

"I see. What else did you speak on?"

[Everything there is to speak on?]

Dionysus scoffed when he saw the red gauntlet that covered Mark's left hand.

"I knew I smelled you Ddraig."

[And I you.]

There was silence for a minute before they both broke out laughing. Mark looked at the Boosted Gear curious.

"You two friends?"

Dionysus shook his head.

"Ha, no. Ddraig here got a taste for my wine and in exchange for a lifetime supply of the stuff, he exchanged one of his scales and a drop of his blood. I never got around to using it though. I use the scale as a plate though."

He waved his hand and in a flash of purple flames a small vial the size of a thumb appeared with a drop of blood Ddraig's blood was a burning shade of red and still had the power he had when he had lived.

The vial was something that Dionysus used to keep the power sealed. However, even that did not stop the entire aura that leaked from the drop of blood. Just being in its presence made Mark's Dragon Heart work even faster.

He felt his blood purity increase just being around it. Dionysus smirked when he saw pure greed in Mark's eyes.

"I can see you want this. I can part with it in exchange for something."

Mark squinted his eyes worried.

"What do you need and what about Ddraig's scale?"

Dionysus grinned as he had his bid. He held it out to Mark who reached for it.

"Take it, but you will owe me a debt that I can cash in for anything at any time. No matter what it is. As for the scale, I think I will keep it for the moment."

[Partner. Take the deal. That single drop of blood is the last link to my real body. Its power is what you need to gain the entirety of my power in time. Though, you will not be able to handle the power just yet. Keep it safe and use it only when the time is right.]

Mark looked down as he thought about it.

"There have to be some conditions."

Dionysus said no exceptions, but he would hear Mark out.

"What conditions?"

"You cannot ask me to kill myself. You cannot ask me to serve you for ever or for an extended period of time. You can't ask me to give up my secrets. You can't ask for me to give you as much of my blood as you want, and you can't ask for me for my soul, body, or heart. Fair."

Dionysus squinted his eyes before he relented.

"Fair. I Dionysus swear on the River Styx to the terms."

"I, Mark Nathanial Anderson, swear on the River Styx that I will owe the god Dionysus a single debt for receiving the blood along with the terms I set up."

Instantly the sky rumbled and raged with lightning that seemed to push past Zeus'. Dionysus handed Mark the vial who looked at the vial that contained the drop of blood. While this went on, Annbeth watched the gauntlet that talked and the blood vial.

"What the hell is that? I feel like I am in a volcano."

Chiron spoke up sweating a lot.

"Someone you should not ask questions about."

Now that Mark had something this valuable, he could not afford to lose it. He placed it on the Boosted Gear which drew it inside the green gem. Now the blood would be safely stored away somewhere it could not be reached.

[Partner, while you can't use the blood directly just yet there is something I can do. I can take the energy radiating off my blood and use it to speed up the maturing rate of your bloodline. Once you are strong enough you can make use of it and the Boosted Gear's powers will grow over time as well.]

'Got it.'

For now, it was time to focus back on what would happen to Percy which was serious. Though Mark was already more than happy just to get the blood of Ddraig.

God_Of_Wolves God_Of_Wolves

That favor will come in to play later.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


