3.33% I Will Become Football Manager With My System / Chapter 1: A Clash of Rivalry
I Will Become Football Manager With My System I Will Become Football Manager With My System original

I Will Become Football Manager With My System

作者: arnautovic

© WebNovel

章 1: A Clash of Rivalry

Hi everyone, This is the new rewrite of this novel. In my current ability, I will maxed out at 3k/week. So don't expect quick updates from me, since it's just my passing time hobby for now, and I don't get any monetary value from this. Be patient and don't forget to add this novel to your collection, to get the updates, whenever I update (lol).

This first chapter is 6K (wow), so update most likely will be after 2 weeks. I have drafted around 40k, so need to edit them first before publish :)


James Cooper, a high school math teacher in his 50s, embodied the qualities of a typical educator—strict yet fun, approachable without crossing the boundary of familiarity. But hidden beneath his professional facade lay a secret passion that set him apart. James was an ardent football enthusiast and an unwavering supporter of Arsenal. Football coursed through his English veins, pulsating with a fanaticism that surpassed even religious fervor.

As a young boy, James had harbored grand dreams of donning a professional footballer's jersey. Every day, he would lace up his boots, emulating his idols and honing his skills on the local fields. His parents, John and Sarah Cooper, were unwavering pillars of support throughout his youth. John, a lifelong Arsenal fan himself, shared an unbreakable bond with his son over their shared love for the club. Together, they would sit in front of the television, cheering and celebrating each Arsenal victory. Sarah, on the other hand, found it endearing and somewhat amusing how her husband and son would immerse themselves in the sport that failed to captivate her. She often teased them, playfully remarking that football had become the true religion in their household.

However, as James approached the end of his high school years, reality began to cast its shadow over his aspirations. Despite his unwavering passion and dedication, the scouts he had hoped would unearth his talent never materialized. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but James knew he had to confront the limitations of his physical capabilities. With a heavy heart, he made the difficult decision to bid farewell to his football academy days.

One evening, as James sat with his parents at the dinner table, contemplating his future, a mixture of disappointment and uncertainty hung in the air. John, noticing his son's pensive expression, couldn't help but interject.

John's gaze met his son's, his voice gentle yet filled with wisdom. "James, you've always been a bright lad. We Coopers are known for our intelligence, and while your dreams of becoming a professional footballer may not have panned out, pursuing a university degree will set you up for a promising future. There are countless opportunities awaiting you beyond the world of sports."

James, with a defeated look on his face, contemplated his father's words. He had never considered a life that didn't revolve around football. The idea of sitting in a classroom instead of being out on the field felt like a concession, a step away from his passion. Yet, there was a glimmer of truth in what his father said. Education could unlock new possibilities and open doors he had never imagined.

His mother, Sarah, chimed in with a suggestion. "James, you've always had a way with younger kids. Whenever our cousins visit, you're the one who takes care of them. Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher? It's a profession where your intelligence and natural charm can truly shine."

James took a moment to absorb his mother's words. The thought of shaping young minds appealed to him. It would be a way to use his intelligence at least for him to have stable future, maybe starting a family later, your typical life. The idea began to take root in James' mind. Perhaps pursuing a degree in mathematics and becoming a teacher was not such a bad path after all.

With a newfound sense of purpose, James made up his mind. He would embark on this journey, leaving behind the dreams of a career in football. It was a bittersweet decision, but he knew it was the right one for his future. And so, James bid farewell to his football dreams on that fateful evening, as he embarked on a journey that would eventually lead him to become a respected math teacher. Little did he know that his passion for football would continue to weave its way into his life.

* * *

During his university days, James found himself immersed in a new chapter of his life filled with academic pursuits and newfound friendships. In the lecture halls and study groups, he engaged in lively discussions about mathematics, showcasing his intelligence and wit. As he passionately explained a complex theorem to his classmates, their eyes widened with admiration, and one of them, Allison, turned to James with a smile. "You really have a knack for this, James. You make math seem exciting!"

A sense of pride swelled within James as he acknowledged the compliment. He had always been confident in his academic abilities, but it was moments like these that affirmed his decision to become teacher. Deep down, however, he couldn't shake off the lingering thoughts of football that still tugged at his heart. He wondered if he would ever find a way to reconcile his love for the game with his current path.

One memorable encounter occurred during his first week at university when he bumped into Alex Marsh, a fellow student who happened to be wearing an Arsenal jersey. A smile stretched across James' face as he struck up a conversation with Alex, discussing their shared love for the football club. "You're a Gooner too?" James exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. "It's great to meet someone who understands the magic of the game." Alex nodded enthusiastically, and their conversation quickly delved into memorable matches and iconic players.

As James spent more time with Alex, he discovered that their friendship extended beyond football. Alex's vibrant personality and infectious enthusiasm for life made him a magnet for people from all walks of life. Together, they attended university events, explored the city, and shared countless laughs. Alex's presence brought out a lighter side of James, a side that didn't solely revolve around his studies. He cherished their friendship as a source of joy and rejuvenation amidst the demands of university life.

Mark Stone, a charismatic and outgoing classmate, entered James' life during those university years, leaving an indelible mark. His energy was palpable, drawing people in like moths to a flame. Mark had a knack for making others feel special and heard. James was no exception.

Solly Andersen, a reserved and thoughtful student, completed the quartet of friends. His quiet demeanor often concealed a wealth of wisdom and insight. James admired Solly's ability to analyze situations from multiple angles and offer thought-provoking perspectives. It was during one of their late-night conversations at a local coffee shop that Solly noticed the flicker of James' passion for football, even as he attempted to suppress it.

Sipping his black coffee, Solly fixed his gaze on James. "You can't deny it, James. There's a fire within you when it comes to football. It's written all over your face, even as you try to bury it under equations and theorems." James fidgeted in his seat, his eyes drifting away. He had hoped that no one would notice, that he could silently move on from his footballing days. But Solly saw through the facade, and deep down, James knew he was right.

The words lingered in James' mind long after their conversation ended. He couldn't shake off the realization that his passion for football was an inseparable part of his identity. The thought of never experiencing the joy of the game again felt like a weight on his chest. Maybe there was a way to reconcile his love for football with his current path, to find a balance that would allow him to pursue his passion without sacrificing his future.

One afternoon, while studying in the campus library, Mark approached him with a mischievous grin. "James, my man! You need to take a break from those books and come join us for a game. Life's too short to be cooped up all the time!". James looked up from his pile of textbooks, a mix of surprise and reluctance crossing his face. He had purposefully avoided the pickup games, fearing that they would reignite his longing for the sport. Yet, Mark's infectious enthusiasm was hard to resist. He chuckled, shaking his head. "You know I've been trying to leave football behind, right? But...maybe a little break won't hurt."

As James stepped onto the field once again, a wave of nostalgia washed over him. The sound of boots clashing against the grass, the shouts of his friends, and the rush of adrenaline reminded him of the exhilaration he had once experienced. With each pass and well-timed tackle, he felt a spark reignite within him, a sense of purpose and belonging. With one game, it turned out to be a weekly events for James and his mates. He couldn't deny that he missed the game, but he also felt a little bit less satisfaction compared to his previous days in academy with the sporadic matches.

It was during a late-night gathering at Alex's apartment, surrounded by empty pizza boxes and raucous laughter, that Solly suggested James explore the world of Football Manager. Intrigued, James listened intently as Solly explained the intricacies of the game. "With Football Manager, you can immerse yourself in the management side of football. It's like being the mastermind behind the scenes, making strategic decisions, and building your own dream team."

James's eyes sparkled with curiosity. The idea of indulging in his passion for football through a virtual medium seemed like a brilliant solution. Maybe this was the missing piece, the outlet he needed to sate his hunger for the game. He nodded, a smile forming on his lips. "Alright, I'll give it a shot. Who knows, maybe I'll discover a whole new world of football!"

Amidst his academic pursuits, football matches, and football manager gaming endeavors, James also found himself navigating the realm of dating. His charming demeanor and good looks attracted the attention of several women. In lecture halls and social gatherings, he exchanged flirtatious banter and shared heartfelt conversations. It was during a poetry reading event that he met Emma, a fellow student with a passion for literature.

* * *

Amidst his bustling university life, James found himself navigating the realm of dating, his charismatic demeanor and good looks often attracting the attention of several women. In lecture halls and social gatherings, he engaged in playful banter and shared heartfelt conversations, yet none had managed to captivate him quite like Emma. It was during a poetry reading event, bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, that James first laid eyes on her.

As the room hushed, James couldn't help but steal glances at Emma from across the crowd. Her traditional posh innocence and striking beauty took his breath away. Her fair skin seemed to glow in the dimly lit room, and her cascading chestnut curls framed a face that radiated kindness and curiosity. He was smitten, unable to tear his gaze away from her.

When the event concluded, James mustered the courage to approach Emma. "I couldn't help but notice your enchanting presence throughout the evening," he admitted, a hint of nervousness coloring his words. Emma's soft smile and gentle demeanor put him at ease. "Thank you," she replied, her voice melodic. "The poems spoke to my soul, and I felt a connection to the words. It's lovely to meet someone who appreciates literature as much as I do."

Their conversations flowed effortlessly from that moment on, as they sat in cozy cafes and wandered through bookstores. James found himself enthralled by Emma's soft-spoken nature and her innate ability to make everyone around her feel seen and heard. She possessed a genuine warmth and authenticity that drew him in, and he relished the moments they spent together, losing track of time as they discussed their favorite books and shared stories of their dreams and aspirations.

James couldn't help but fall deeper under Emma's spell with each passing day. The way she listened intently to his thoughts and offered sincere encouragement made him feel cherished and understood. It wasn't just her thirst for knowledge or passion for the arts that captivated him, but the way her presence illuminated his world, infusing it with a sense of calm and tranquility.

However, as the weeks turned into months, James began to feel the weight of his increasingly busy schedule. Balancing his academic pursuits, football-related activities, and now a blossoming romantic connection felt like walking a tightrope. He cherished every moment spent with Emma, but he also didn't want to neglect his friendships or abandon his personal passions. Doubt gnawed at his thoughts as he questioned whether he could truly find the delicate balance he sought or if he would be forced to make sacrifices along the way.

Caught in this conundrum, James wrestled with his desires, torn between the love he had found in Emma's presence and the longing for a well-rounded life. He knew that he couldn't ignore the burning fire within him for football, just as he couldn't deny the magnetic pull he felt towards Emma. It was a delicate dance, one that required careful navigation and honest communication, but he was determined to find a way to honor both his heart and his aspirations.

James and Emma's once blissful relationship began to show cracks, and tension simmered beneath the surface. It was a sunny afternoon when their disagreement escalated into a heated argument. They found themselves sitting in a quaint park, the scent of blooming flowers mingling with the tension in the air.

Emma's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she spoke, her voice trembling with emotion. "James, I feel like you don't appreciate me or the effort I put into our relationship. It seems like football and your other pursuits always take precedence over us. I want a meaningful relationship, not just someone to fill your time when it's convenient."

James, feeling defensive, responded with frustration. "You know how important football is to me, Emma. It's always been a part of my life. But it doesn't mean I don't care about you. Can't you see that?"

Emma sighed, her gaze fixed on the ground. "It's not just about football, James. It's about feeling valued and cherished. I want to be with someone who prioritizes our relationship and makes me feel like I matter."

Their voices grew louder as their emotions intensified. It was a clash of desires and expectations, neither willing to yield. The argument seemed to stretch on endlessly, fueling a sense of despair and disillusionment.

Unbeknownst to Emma, that very night, James attended a party hosted by Mark. The lively atmosphere, alcohol, and tempting allure of escapism enveloped him. In a moment of weakness, James succumbed to the seductive charm of a beautiful stranger. The night ended in a haze of passion and fleeting pleasure.

The next morning, Emma, hoping to reconcile their relationship, arrived at James's apartment, her heart filled with the desire to work things out. But as she opened the door, her world shattered. She caught a glimpse of the stranger, her body entangled with James's. The pain of betrayal washed over her, leaving her feeling empty and deceived.

Silence hung heavy in the air as Emma stood frozen, tears streaming down her face. James, now aware of the gravity of his actions, could only watch as the consequences of his choices unfolded before him. He stumbled over his words, attempting to explain, but the damage had been done.

In that moment, the fragments of their relationship shattered irreparably. Emma, hurt and broken, uttered a single word. "Goodbye." Her voice was laced with pain and finality, leaving James with no recourse but to watch as she walked away, carrying with her the fragments of his heart.

Haunted by the loss and the knowledge of his own role in their demise, James retreated into a world of temporary connections and superficial encounters. One-night stands became the norm, and he buried his fear of commitment beneath layers of physical pleasure. The women he encountered were alluring and passionate, satisfying his desires in the moment, but always leaving him yearning for something deeper.

Deep down, James knew that his current lifestyle was merely a mask, a way to shield himself from the pain of intimacy and the fear of being hurt again. He had suppressed his football passion at the beginning of his university days, and now he was suppressing his longing for a meaningful connection. It seemed easier to indulge in the pleasures of the flesh than to face the vulnerability and potential heartbreak of a real commitment.

Yet, as he navigated through the revolving door of temporary relationships, a lingering emptiness gnawed at his soul. The echoes of his breakup with Emma resonated within him, reminding him of the depth of pain that can be inflicted by one's own choices. James yearned for more than the fleeting encounters and empty intimacy. Deep down, a flicker of hope remained, a yearning to find a love that would heal the wounds of the past and offer him the connection he craved. But for now, he remained trapped in a cycle of temporary pleasure, haunted by the memories of what he had lost.

* * *

James immersed himself in the flurry of university life, diligently attending classes, engaging in thought-provoking discussions, and meticulously completing assignments. Despite the constant distractions and temptations, he managed to strike a balance between his academic pursuits and his other indulgences.

In the lecture halls, he eagerly absorbed the knowledge imparted by his professors, his mind hungering for new insights and perspectives. Engaging in stimulating conversations with his peers, he challenged and expanded his own intellectual horizons.

During his pickup games with his friends, Alex, Mark, and Solly, laughter and friendly banter filled the air as they showcased their skills on the pitch. It was during these moments that James felt a sense of camaraderie and joy, reminding him of his love for the game and reveling in the pure pleasure of playing.

In the evenings, when the day's responsibilities were fulfilled, James would retreat to his room and fire up his trusty laptop. Football Manager became his portal to a world of strategic thinking and tactical mastery. With fervor and dedication, he meticulously crafted lineups, scouted players, and devised game-changing strategies. The hours flew by as he delved deeper into the intricacies of the virtual football universe, honing his virtual managerial skills.

Despite his commitment to his studies and extracurricular activities, James couldn't deny the allure of the nightlife. His charismatic persona and striking looks drew the attention of many partygoers, particularly women who were captivated by his magnetic presence. Flirtatious conversations and stolen glances filled the dimly lit rooms, fueling the desire and anticipation that permeated the air.

One-night stands became a regular occurrence, with James indulging in the passion and desire that pulsed through his veins. The whispers of his reputation in bed reached the ears of those seeking unforgettable encounters, and he became the embodiment of desire and pleasure for those fortunate enough to cross his path. However, beneath the surface, a part of James yearned for a connection that transcended the physical, even as he suppressed those desires in the pursuit of a carefree lifestyle.

Despite the distractions and temptations that surrounded him, James remained focused on his studies. His commitment and dedication paid off as he approached graduation day with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Surrounded by his beaming parents and jubilant friends, he donned his cap and gown, ready to receive his degree with honor. The moment marked a significant milestone in his journey, a testament to his perseverance and intellectual prowess.

After the formalities of the graduation ceremony, James and his mates indulged in a night of celebration. Laughter and jubilation filled the air as they reminisced about their shared experiences and toasted to the future. It was amidst the revelry of the after-party that James found himself in the midst of an unexpected encounter, an exhilarating threesome that ignited the senses and left an indelible mark on his memory.

However, despite the temporary pleasures and the accolades he received, James couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that lingered within him. The encounters and conquests only served as temporary distractions from the deeper longing he had pushed aside. A part of him yearned for a connection that transcended the fleeting encounters, a love that would fill the void in his heart and offer him the fulfillment he craved.

As he gazed at his well-deserved degree, a mix of pride and introspection washed over him. The path he had walked was one of self-discovery, both intellectually and personally. While he had excelled academically and enjoyed the pleasures that university life had to offer, James knew that his journey was far from over. A new chapter awaited him, one that would test his resolve and reveal the true nature of his desires.

Amidst the flurry of post-graduation celebrations, James found himself at a trendy café, sipping on his latte, lost in thought. It was then that he glanced out the window, his eyes locking onto a familiar figure walking hand in hand with a man. It took him a moment to process the scene before him—Emma, radiant and happy, accompanied by her new boyfriend, or perhaps more than that.

His heart sank as he noticed the glimmer of a diamond ring on Emma's finger. The realization hit him like a tidal wave, crashing against the shores of his emotions. She had moved on, found someone who filled the void that once belonged to him. It was a bittersweet moment, a mixture of happiness for her and a tinge of regret for what could have been.

Determined to find closure, James mustered up the courage to approach Emma and her newfound love. As he approached their table, he felt a swirl of emotions, a blend of nervousness and longing. Their eyes met, and for a brief moment, time stood still.

"Emma," James said, his voice filled with genuine warmth and sincerity. "Congratulations for your graduation. I'm truly happy for you."

A soft smile spread across Emma's face as she replied, "Thank you, James. That means a lot to me. Happy graduation to you too."

As the conversation continued, James found solace in the fact that Emma had forgiven him for the past which he knew based on her response and the conversations, he was happy to be forgiven when he didn't detect any resentment towards him. She introduced him to her fiancé and her parents, emphasizing that James was a dear friend.

Although happiness radiated from Emma, James couldn't help but feel a pang of regret deep within his heart. He couldn't help but wonder what could have been if their paths had aligned differently. Yet, he knew he had to accept the reality of the situation and move forward.

With a heavy heart and a smile masking his true emotions, James bid them farewell, watching as they walked hand in hand. It was in that moment that he realized the true extent of the choices he had made, the consequences of his actions. The longing for something more meaningful tugged at his soul, yet he quickly suppressed it, burying it beneath his facade of carefree indulgence.

As he walked away, a sense of introspection washed over him. The encounter with Emma had offered him closure, but it also served as a reminder of the choices he had made and the path he had chosen. The fleeting encounters and passionate nights held no substance, no lasting connection. Deep down, James yearned for something more, something real.

But for now, he would continue to bury those desires and immerse himself in the lifestyle he had crafted for himself. And so, James walked away, his steps steady and determined, his true desires locked away in the depths of his being.

* * *

After donning his cap and gown, James entered the realm of professional teaching with enthusiasm and determination. He interviewed for a position at St. Mark's Academy, an esteemed private high school in the heart of London. The interview panel, composed of the headmaster, a couple of teachers, and a representative from the board, scrutinized his credentials and asked probing questions about his teaching philosophy and experience.

Sitting nervously in the stiff chair, James felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. He eloquently answered their inquiries, showcasing his passion for education and his innovative teaching methods. The panel seemed impressed by his enthusiasm and knowledge, and after what felt like an eternity, the headmaster smiled and extended his hand.

"Welcome to St. Mark's Academy, Mr. Cooper," the headmaster said warmly. "We believe you will be a great asset to our institution."

The weight lifted off James' shoulders as relief washed over him. He thanked them profusely and eagerly accepted the offer, feeling a sense of accomplishment and anticipation for what lay ahead.

As the academic year unfolded, James found himself immersed in the vibrant atmosphere of the school. He connected with his students on a personal level, fostering an environment where learning was engaging and enjoyable. Through his charismatic teaching style and genuine care for his students' success, he quickly became a beloved figure in the classroom.

In one particular math class, James noticed a student named Emily struggling with the concepts. Sensing her frustration, he approached her during a break.

"Emily, I noticed you're having some difficulties with the material," James said, concern etched on his face. "Is there something specific that's tripping you up?"

Emily hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to express her struggles. "I just don't understand why I can't grasp it. I've been studying so hard, but it feels like I'm hitting a wall."

James smiled reassuringly, pulling up a chair next to her. "Math can be challenging, but I'm here to help. Let's break it down step by step and find a way that makes sense to you. Remember, you're capable of so much more than you think."

Their conversation continued as James patiently guided Emily through the problem, using relatable examples and providing additional resources to aid her understanding. Over time, Emily's confidence in math grew, and she went from struggling to excelling in the subject.

James's commitment to his students didn't go unnoticed by the headmaster. During one of their conversations, the headmaster commended James for his dedication and suggested that pursuing a master's degree in education would further propel his career and open doors for future leadership positions, perhaps even the coveted role of headteacher.

The idea lingered in James's mind, igniting a spark of ambition. He recognized that his desire for something more extended beyond his personal life; it encompassed his professional aspirations as well. Determined to excel in his career, he enrolled in a part-time master's program, juggling his teaching responsibilities with rigorous coursework.

Outside the classroom, James's passion for football persisted. Every weekend, he and his old university friends continued their tradition of pickup games, venturing beyond the confines of their city. They embarked on pub-crawling escapades, relishing in the camaraderie and banter that accompanied their football exploits. The joy of the game and the bonds forged on the pitch kept James connected to his true passion, even as he pursued his academic and professional endeavors.

As for his personal life, James's reputation as a charismatic and charming bachelor remained intact. He indulged in the occasional one-night stand, enjoying the passionate encounters that filled his nights. Yet, beneath the surface, a longing for a deeper connection simmered, buried beneath the allure of temporary pleasures.

Week after week, James navigated the intricate web of his life—the responsibilities of teaching, the pursuit of academic excellence, and the occasional escapades of football and romance. And through it all, he questioned if this fulfilling existence was truly enough or if he would forever be haunted by the nagging feeling that something essential was missing.

James quickly pursued his master's degree to propel him further in his career. After completing his master's degree in education, James felt a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction knowing that he secured his career in the future. Although he pursued the degree to further his career rather than out of a sudden passion for teaching, he still took his role as an educator seriously. Teaching remained a vital part of his life, providing stability and fulfillment in his current life.

However, as time passed, James couldn't shake the feeling that there was still something missing from his football pursuits. Despite religiously engaging in pickup games and managing his beloved teams on Football Manager, he craved a deeper connection to the sport. This longing led him to delve into the realm of real coaching.

Eager to expand his knowledge and expertise, James enrolled in coaching workshops. He immersed himself in the intricacies of tactics, player development, and strategy. The workshops offered him a glimpse into the world of coaching, a role that he found incredibly appealing. The more he learned, the more his passion for coaching ignited.

Though James's newfound knowledge in coaching never materialized into a professional opportunity, it didn't dampen his enthusiasm. He actually offered by the workshop to register as local scout, while the pay was not big by any means, he actually excited to do it, since they said it was not a full time commitment, and could be done in his free time.

James's involvement as a local football scout brought him immense pride. Weekends were dedicated to scouring local matches and talent, seeking out the hidden gems waiting to be discovered. One player, in particular, whom he scouted, eventually made it to the EFL League 2. The accomplishment brought a sense of fulfillment and reinforced James's eye for talent.

As he continued to balance his teaching career, football-related pursuits, and occasional rendezvous, James occasionally entertained the idea of fully pursuing his FIFA license and transitioning to a career in professional coaching. The thought of dedicating his life entirely to football tantalized him, but the fear of losing the stability and comforts his current lifestyle afforded him held him back. The external trappings of success, the admiration of his peers, and the allure of his bachelor lifestyle kept him rooted in the familiar.

However, deep within James's heart, a restlessness simmered. The external image of success and the temporary pleasures no longer sufficed to quell the growing desire for something more profound.

In 2023, as James entered his forties, a sense of discontent gnawed at him as he witnessed the rise of Will Still in the professional footballing world. Seeing how Still had transformed from a passionate player on Football Manager to a renowned head coach, James couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment in himself. He questioned whether he had settled for a comfortable life as a teacher and whether he had neglected his own dreams.

The media's celebration of Still's achievements only amplified James's self-doubt. He couldn't help but compare his own path to Still's meteoric rise. The recognition and accolades that came pouring in for Still seemed to highlight the stark contrast between their journeys. James questioned whether he had taken the easy way out, choosing security and stability over the pursuit of his true passion.

Yet, despite these feelings of disappointment, James swiftly pushed them aside. He justified his choices, reminding himself of the successes he had achieved in his teaching career. The prestigious school he taught at, the six-figure salary, the admiration from his peers, and even the subtle appreciation he received from the parents of his students, all served as validations of his accomplishments. He found solace in the comfort of his life, the material trappings, and the occasional pleasures that came his way.

Unbeknownst to the world, James reveled in secret encounters with some of the young mothers who expressed their appreciation for his looks and charming personality. These illicit rendezvous provided a temporary escape from his inner conflicts. The allure of their admiration and the pleasures they offered became a tempting distraction, allowing him to momentarily forget the deeper longings within him.

As a teacher, James found satisfaction in his ability to connect with his students and make the daunting subject of math more accessible and enjoyable. He reveled in those moments when he witnessed the spark of understanding in their eyes, knowing he had made a difference in their lives. The occasional monetary tokens of gratitude from appreciative parents further fueled his ego, reinforcing his belief in his own capabilities.

However, amidst the hustle and bustle of his comfortable life, James couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he was suppressing a part of himself. He knew that true fulfillment eluded him, buried beneath layers of rationalizations and compromises. The unfulfilled dreams of coaching and immersing himself fully in the world of football haunted his thoughts, reminding him of the passion he had once repressed.

Yet, he managed to find solace in his weekly pickup games with his mates. Those Sunday afternoons became a temporary respite from the internal conflicts that plagued him. The camaraderie, the joy of the game, and the familiar faces helped him momentarily forget the lingering questions that tugged at his soul.

And so, as James threw himself into another exhilarating pickup game, the cheers of his friends and the thrill of the sport drowned out the whispers of doubt that threatened to disrupt his carefully constructed life. The present moment offered him a temporary escape, a glimpse of contentment amidst the unfulfilled desires that lingered within.

* * *

Back in the present moment, in 2034, James and his friends Alex, Mark, and Solly continued their post-match ritual, heading to The Crown for some well-deserved relaxation. Little did they know that this pub, newly opened in the neighborhood, had quickly become a haven for Spurs fans. Having never set foot inside before, they were completely unaware of the majority lilywhite patrons surrounding them.

As James and his friends found a quiet corner in the pub, nursing their beers, a mix of exhaustion and frustration settled over them. The adrenaline from the fight still coursed through their veins, but now their focus shifted to their own camaraderie and the game they had just played.

Alex, his face still flushed with adrenaline, broke the silence. "Damn, that was intense. We held our own against those youngsters, though."

Mark nodded, a wry smile forming on his lips. "Yeah, we may be getting older, but we've still got some fight left in us. We gave them a run for their money."

James, rubbing the sore spot on his head, chimed in, his voice tinged with a mix of pride and disappointment. "We almost had them, lads. We held strong till the end. Just a few more minutes, and we could've sealed the draw."

Solly, always the optimist, offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, mate. We played our hearts out. They'll remember this game and think twice before underestimating us again."

James nodded, grateful for his friend's encouragement. "You're right, Solly. We showed them that age is just a number. We can still give the young ones a run for their money."

As they took sips from their drinks, the conversation turned to their individual performances during the match. They shared stories of well-executed passes, skillful tackles, and moments of brilliance that showcased their enduring love for the game.

As the night unfolded, tensions mounted when the game between Arsenal and Spurs reached its final moments. Emile Smith Rowe, one of Arsenal's legends, made a late run into the box. The commentator's voice boomed through the pub, describing the action with excitement and admiration. "Smith Rowe! What a magnificent run! The cross comes in, and he volleys it into the top corner! Unbelievable! The Arsenal's legend showcases his brilliance and delivers a crushing blow to Spurs!"

The words echoed through the pub, reaching the ears of the disgruntled Spurs fans. The combination of the commentator's words and the visual replay of the goal sent a shockwave of disappointment and anger through the lilywhite supporters. Meanwhile James, and his mates cheered loudly, when they saw the worldie, not realizing that other patrons noticed how contrast their reaction to the goal, their faces turned sour, realizing that James and his mates were Arsenal supporters reveling in their misery.

Just as the tension reached its peak, the match concluded, and the TV coverage shifted to the post-game analysis. It was none other than Rodrigo Bentancur, a former Spurs player turned Arsenal stalwart, who now served as a pundit. Bentancur, a persona non grata among the Spurs fans, had moved to Arsenal and won several trophies, including the FA Cup and the Champions League.

As Bentancur dissected the game, his commentary cut deep into the wounds of the Spurs faithful. "Well, well, well, another season, and Tottenham Hotspur once again find a way to bottle their chances. It's like déjà vu. They had it within their grasp, but they let it slip away. This loss, combined with Leeds United's victory, means Spurs miss out on the Champions League once again."

He continued, not holding back his appreciation for Arsenal, the team where he also retired. "And let's not forget Arsenal. They may have had their ups and downs in recent years, but they showed character today. Smith Rowe's goal was nothing short of sensational. It's moments like these that remind us why we love the beautiful game."

The words struck a nerve, further fueling the animosity within the pub. The Spurs fans, fueled by disappointment and a sense of betrayal, directed their frustration toward James and his mates. One particularly vocal Spurs fan, fueled by a mixture of alcohol, disappointment, and resentment, couldn't contain his anger any longer. He pointed an accusatory finger at James and his mates, his words laced with disdain. "You Arsenal scum think you can come in here and gloat, don't you? Well, your team may have won today, but it doesn't change the fact that you're nothing but a bunch of glory hunters!"

The words hung in the air, an open invitation for confrontation. The surrounding Spurs fans, their emotions already raw from the game, turned their attention to James and his mates. As the tension in the pub escalated, Rodrigo Bentancur's voice resonated through the speakers once again, adding fuel to the fire. "You know, it's funny," he remarked, his voice dripping with a hint of sarcasm. "When I was playing for Spurs, it felt like a recurring nightmare. Every time we had a chance to secure a top-four finish or lift a trophy, we found a way to let it slip away. It's like deja vu all over again."

James and Solly, the peacemakers in the group, attempted to diffuse the situation. James, wiping away a trickle of blood from his brow, spoke calmly, "Come on, lads. Let's not escalate things further. It's just a game."

Solly chimed in, his voice steady but firm, "Yeah, we're all here to enjoy the sport, right? No need for this animosity."

However, Mark and Alex, their tempers flaring, and their intoxication didn't help any better, couldn't resist retaliating against the insults hurled their way. Mark, his face flushed with anger, shot back, "You Spurs lot always find excuses, don't you? Just accept that we outplayed you today."

Alex, his voice laced with disdain, added, "Spurs bottling it once again. You're used to disappointment, aren't you? That's why you can't handle seeing us celebrate."

Their retorts further incensed the Spurs patrons, and the tense atmosphere grew even more volatile. Insults flew back and forth, each word intensifying the animosity between the rival factions.

James and Solly exchanged worried glances, realizing that words alone couldn't defuse the escalating conflict. They knew they had to find a way to protect themselves and their friend before things got out of hand.

But before they could act, the situation spiraled into chaos. The aggressive Spurs fan, fueled by his own fury and alcohol, launched himself at James, delivering a devastating blow that sent James crashing to the ground.

The brawl erupted around them, a swirling vortex of fists and shouts. Amidst the pandemonium, James lay motionless, a casualty of the violent confrontation.

Amidst the chaos, the pub's security finally intervened, breaking up the fight and restoring a semblance of order. James, bloodied and bruised, lay unconscious on the floor, a victim of the violent outburst.

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Since this chapter is 6K, the next update will be in two weeks, wait for the notification!

Have a good day.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


