42.18% Re: Apocalypse He Who Devours Monsters / Chapter 27: Worse Case Scenario

章 27: Worse Case Scenario

I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I made my way to the group of students. They looked at me expectantly as I asked one of them to move to the side. With a swift movement, I kneed the vending machine's glass, broke it, and grabbed a bottle of water from inside. As I gulped down the refreshing liquid, I couldn't help but think that even in an apocalypse, one must stay hydrated.

The noise from breaking the vending machine had caused a commotion, but I didn't care. It was too late to worry about attracting the undead. "Most of them have already awakened, and it's not necessary to stay calm," I explained to the group. "We're going to make a run for it soon, but we'll have to wait a bit. Luckily, we're not in a hurry, and the undead isn't pushing us too hard."

"Wait what are we waiting for exactly?" Nadia asked.

"Help. It'll be here soon, I hope," I said, "But I'm not counting on it, for now, let's wait." I said as I downed the water.

We waited, minutes after minutes, that felt like damn eons when the undead began rustling even more.

Apparently, more of them are awakening, and in no time one of them will be able to evolve to a leader type. Once that happens, we're basically screwed if we stay here.

Suddenly, an unwholesome scream echoed from the base of the stairs.

The scream was too powerful that most students next to me were shaken to their cores, and I knew damn well what this was.

White of face, pale, and beyond shocked my face was clear for all to see.

Will was the first to speak, "What the fuck was that? And what's wrong with you man?" he asked.

"This…this is unfair!" I said, "Why the fuck is this thing here? It's not time yet!" I cursed.

This was a very poor show of confidence because the moment everyone realized how terrified, -and I truly was- I am all signs of coherence and peace disappeared and they began panicking, and most, started crying.

Because they too felt it. A primordial fear built in all of us.

What screamed right now, wasn't your typical undead, more than obvious since the notification that appeared right now in front of me was more than explanation enough.

[An undead had evolved to a Boss Class!]

[Low Tier Undead Boss. Hook Beast.]

'No, no, no, no! why is this happening!'

"EVERYONE LEG IT!" I shouted as powerfully as I could, "GET TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CORRIDOR RUN! NOW!" I shouted once again.

Thankfully, I didn't need to convince them anymore, as everyone started running as if a fire was on their heels, which to be honest would have been a far better outcome than the shit that just happened right now.

'Fuck, FUCK, FUCK!' I cursed.

"Will!" I called.

"Get everyone out, blast through the barricade at the end of the hall, there are no undead there, and don't fucking turn back! get them outside!" I shouted.

Will didn't hesitate to take my words to heart and rushed among the students that were running away.

A few ended up falling and stumbling as the corridor was too small to allow everyone to run at ease at the same time.

I remained at the back and heard the voices of both Mary and Nadia calling for me at the same time.

"Lucas! What are you doing there?!" they synchronized it even.

"JUST GO!" I said as I was the last person.

I heard the sound of furniture being shattered, it was Will on the other side, breaking that barricade and allowing everyone to leave.

The path down should be clear, if there are a few undead I didn't account for, they'll have to deal with them themselves. But the shit coming from this side…if it were to catch up to them, then no one will survive.

As I looked behind me, Nadia was still staring at me waiting for the students to funnel out of the third floor. And before I could tell her to beat it. Her eyes opened up wide and were about to say something.

But before her words would even leave her mouth, the barricade in front of me, full of heavy furniture and even a couple god damned vending machines blasted open like they were made of Styrofoam.

A whole shelf struck me face-first, causing me to slide several meters into the hall.

I almost lost consciousness due to the sudden impact. My ears were ringing, and my lunges were emptied out forcefully.

I gasped for breath as I struggled under the damn shelf.

I pushed it away and pulled myself crawling backward using my hands.

I winced as I realized that my left arm was actually broken.

"Fuck," I cursed as I stood up, turned, and limped away from the monstrosity behind me.

I didn't even need to look at it to know what's that thing.

A monster of fucking nightmares. It was a low-tier undead boss, a Hook Beast, at least ten feet tall with four arms, it couldn't stand since the hallways were far shorter than its stature so it was hunched over, and this only made him look far more terrifying than it should. Its two main arms had lean muscular build but they were long, long enough that they could reach the ground even if the creature was standing up, The creature's long fingers had black sword-like nails, and its red eyes and jaw filled with razor-sharp teeth were terrifying to behold especially since they were revealed for all to see because this monster had no lips. While its two other arms were slimmer and sorter, but at the same time looked far more powerful, these protruded from the side of its ribs.

The whole beast was skinny, too skinny for the power it possessed, the bones on its chest were visible under the too-tight skin that latched on to them like a desperate lover.

The stomach of this beast was sticking to its back, it looked hungry and was ready to feast.

As for the second set of arms, those were the most annoying of the bunch, the two arms underneath its main arms have long hooks strapped to chains that they use to grab prey. And they are fucking good at throwing those hooks.

Just as I remembered the hooks I turned and realized that two of those damn hooks were coming my way. I did a matrix bend back dodging the damn things that failed to land on me. But I know one thing, this fucker never aims directly for its prey.

I twisted my body until I was on all fours, or threes since my left arm was broken, then used all the power I had in me to spin my body to the side.

Which enabled me to dodge the more dangerous part of this fucker's hook attack.

The two hooks that were sent before and missed their prey were now wrenched back and thanks to my immediately twisting to the side I managed to dodge them.

This was good, and bad at the same time.

The fact that the Hook Beast missed means that he is going to be even more adamant on hunting me. Yet the best part about this whole scenario was something I was looking at right now.

A couple of undead tried to bypass the Hook Beast only to have them sliced in badly proportioned salami.

The Hook Beast doesn't like sharing prey, and these undead won't be enjoying my brain anytime soon. Though the thought was pleasing since I won't turn to undead, if I don't move away from here, becoming skewered Shish Kebab would be the best outcome I could hope for.

I continued limping and shouting, "RUN!" I said then pulled one of my last vials and drank it.

The effects were immediate and my broken bone snapped back to its correct position, it hurt like a motherfucker but it was good to have my mobility back.

I hurried up to the second floor only to realize that many of the students were still struggling to get down they were packed like a can of sardines waiting for Will to clear the path before they moved.

And since this fucker was already locked on to me, if I were to go down, they'll all end up dead. So much for saving them.

I cursed as I was forced against a situation I really didn't want to be in.

Fucking hell, and here I was reprehending Will for the exact same shit that I told him not to do. FUCK!

"COME HERE FUCKER!" I said as I called out the Hook Beast and dashed into the nearest classroom.

I'm basically trapping myself with this asshole, but I have a plan, a very annoying, and dangerous plan. But I hope it works.

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C27
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


