66.66% Omega Spawn Archetype [Marvel x Spawn x X-Men] / Chapter 4: The Devil's Roar: A brutal awakening I…

章 4: The Devil's Roar: A brutal awakening I…


Location: Mid-town Manhattan, New York, Stark Tower…

"So, what's next on the list, J.A.R.V.I.S?"

It was a dimly-lit room, located at the top of an exquisite skyscraper. All forms of contraption parts could be seen strewn around, particularly parts relating to armory. Metal armory. Sited on a hovering sophisticated chair, before a holographic display. Tony Stark rubbed his dark weary eyes, while letting out a yawn.

[We've just come back from the meeting with Senator Cornwell. So Sir, I reckon that you have at least, 30minutes to take a recess.] From the screen, a synthetized British voice answered back.

"Is that so…" Tony drawled.

Although, in his heart, the billionaire knew that he didn't have time for that. The world wasn't so peaceful enough to allow him that little respite. There was always the megalomaniacs, the tyrants, the grand schemes, and the bad guys to watch out for.

And even if he could do that –sleep that is- Nowadays, most if not all his slumbers are not exactly serene… Tony would always see 'him' haunting his dreams, every single time. Always asking that same question, again, again, and again.

'Why did you kill me, Tony?'

It was like a damn recorder that the inventor knew would haunt him for the rest of his life…

Standing up, the inventor went towards one of the tables. On it were broken remains of a circuitry, he had been working on, yesterday. But as a result of Mole-Man's monthly attack at center Manhattan, he had to put it on hold. Now, he can use this little time to tinker away.


[Sir, you don't seem to be resting.]

Picking up a screwdriver, Tony threw a short glance at the screen. "Well, obviously genius."

[But you had set this time of the day for your daily siesta. This is the 8th time you are ignoring it. Sir, I worry about your health.]

"Well don't be, J.A.R.V.I.S." Tony absentmindedly replied. Putting on a vision-enhancing googles, he continued. "I'm Iron Man, and I've also gotten the Extremis virus to complement it. I'm sure that a little sleep-boycotting won't affect me, much, in the long run."

[Your dark-bags says otherwise, Sir.]

"Nice one, smartass." Tony quipped as he continued on.

But it was like the world was out to get him. Even his little alone time had been interrupted.

Suddenly, the dim room lit up in red, as a siren-like alarm rang out. It was an alarm that reverberated throughout the building. It was a stringent call, for the Earth's Mightiest Heroes to rally.

Groaning, Tony stood up to leave the room –not before gulping the lukewarm coffee- Cleaning his lips, with the back of his hands. The Man of Science spoke out to the air, knowing that J.A.R.V.I.S. would be connected to just about everywhere in the Tower.

"Give it to me, J.A.R.V.I.S. What is it this time?"

[Well, Sir. There are strange energy readings from the east-north part of the States.]

Tony raised a brow to that, somewhat confused on why that had warranted the alarm. The other certified heroes were more than enough to take care of it, right? As if sensing his master's puzzlement, J.A.R.V.I.S added.

[Estimations shows that if it isn't swiftly taken care of, the strange energy would envelop the planet.]

"Alright, now you've gotten my attention."

There were many things Tony had picked up, when he began this Hero work. But the one main rule among all that, is this: if something strange is happening, and it's affecting the entire world. Check it out immediately, or later suffer the consequences for your negligence.

Briskly walking ahead, Tony activated the machinery in his body system.

It had happened back when Tony had infected himself with the Extremis virus. After he had been grievously injured by the domestic terrorist, Mallen. It was a do or die situation. And the only way Tony had to save himself, was by taking in the same virus that gave Mallen, the power to defeat him.

Long story cut short. After the whole matter, Tony had the idea of integrating his armor with the virus and wala! Model 30 was made. A new version of the Iron Man suit that comes directly from his bones. Kinda' like nanites in his bloodstream.

Linking himself to the Avengers private network, Tony said. "Alright, guys. You've all heard the racket. So, to the meeting room in 5minutes…"

Deactivating his com, Tony gave a tired sigh rubbing his shoulders. His body, despite its apparent superhuman stats, was still suffering from traces of exhaustion. Tony knew that he couldn't deny himself some shut eyes for long…

"Maybe, J.A.R.V.I.S's right. After this mission, I suppose I'll go get some shut eye."


Location: outside Salem Center, New York, Xavier's Institution…

Scott Summers had just finished firing a concussive blast at one of the holographic enemies, before his internal alarm informed him that he was going beyond schedule. Pulling his finger away from side of his visor. The Mutant said.

"Alright, we're done for now. Take a breather, and we'll meet here at 5."

Like an unspoken command, the room froze. The conjured battlefield faded away, revealing a large space outfitted with all sorts of technology. Particularly, hard-light technologies.

This site is the successor to the Danger Room –before the said room decided to gain its own sentience, and wreak havoc in the Institute- the Danger Cave. Banal? Yes, Scott would admit. But he wouldn't have it any other way.

'Prodigy really did a good job, on this.' Scott thought to himself.

While it wasn't on the level of the Danger Room –that was made by Mutants whose specialty lies in making stuffs that was practically impossible- the Danger Cave served as an adequate training room.

The well-built Caucasian, observed the others who were raggedly picking their-selves back up. Like always, nowadays, training sessions were cranked around 11. Unlike before, there were no quarters given.

But these days is there any other option?

Letting out a shaky breathe. The image of the massacred children that were killed in the Bus Bombing, flashed Scott's mind. Clenching his fist, to stop himself from vibrating in rage. The Mutant took that jarring memory as a means to strengthen his conviction.

'If the world is out to get us. Then we have to be ready for the world.'

He would always respect Xavier's ideal: a world were Humans and Mutants could walk together. It was truly a beautiful dream. That imagery was the main reason, why Scott could weather the insults, the curses, the fearful stares, and the hate-filled eyes…

But no more… As a result of the M-Day, the age of Mutants had ended before it even begun. The best, Scott could do is to protect the remaining Mutants he has with him. No matter what…

"Urg." Groaning, the blue hair Asian teenager raised her hands wrapped in heavy gauntlets. Stretching it upwards, with occasional lethal electric sparks sizzling out. Surge, Nori Ashida grumbled.

"My arms are really killing me. I don't think I'll be aiming much, this evening."

"Ha! Pansy." The smug rock-composed humanoid, Rockslide, Santo Vaccaro jibbed. "I can do this all day, literally."

Just as the ticked off Nori, was busy contemplating how cooked rocks would look like. Another Mutant thankfully came to Rockslide's rescue… Albeit unknowingly.

"Cut that smile out, Santo. It doesn't even look funny."

Another humanoid. This one composed of silver, scolded Rockslide.

Slithering towards the electricity discharging Mutant. The said Mutant, Mercury, reformed, resting her head upon Nori's shoulders.

"For the record, we're both 'humanoids' without a normal human's basic composition. So of course, we'll possess better endurance than the others. Or are you telling me that those stones of yours can also get tired?"

"Eh, I get your point, Mercury. And also, its rocks, not stone! It's in the name, dammit!" Rockslide huffed, as he stomped away.

Fluttering towards Mercury and Surge, the butterfly themed Mutant, Pixie, tilted her head, bemused. "Rocks and stones… Are there any differences between those two, or did I forget that in class, when Dr. McCoy had been explaining them to us?"

Nori and Cecily simultaneously shook their head, giggling in amusement.

Scott, the spectator of it all, smiled warmly. Yes, it was a known fact that the situation concerning Mutant survival was currently bleak. That was even putting it mildly. There were enemies everywhere, from both the bigotry Humans and their fellow extremist Mutants.

But for conversations like this. Simple, light banters that shows that, there was still that little light in this generation of X-Men, despite the world saying otherwise…

Scott, no, Cyclops would protect it.

Both for himself and the others who died in doing so. For that was what it truly means to be an X-Man…

White laces gloves slithered behind Cyclops. Wrapping around his décolletage, lovingly.

"Hmm… You talk of a recess, and here you are still brooding around. Mighty arrogant of you, Scott."

At her light jab, Scott gave a small smile. Swerving around, the X-Man held his wife's hand, kissing it. "Sorry about that, Emma. These days, I just seem to get carried away by the smallest things."

The blonde female-fatale huffed, dismissively. "Humph. That doesn't get to excuse your behavior, Scott. Can't you see that I worry for you?"

"And I thank you for that." Cupping his wife's cheek, Scott could still see that his words weren't enough. Sighing, he raised his hands, acquiescently.

"Alright, darling, you win. For you, I'll cancel the evening training program. The others deserve a little rest at the pace there're going."

Smiling impishly, the former White Queen added. "Then, we'll have the rest of the day for ourselves."

Beneath the visor, Scott's eyes slightly widened. "You little devil. So that was your plan, all along."

But the Omega Telepath could see that while her husband was yapping, he wasn't exactly complaining. So with a devilish smile, Emma said. "Don't tell me you've forgotten, darling. I'm the White Queen, Emma Frost."

Watching as the adult couple left the room. The Mutant whose gift was to become a fiery humanoid, Match, said while gagging. "Now that's something I definitely don't want to see."

On the other hand, Hope Abbot sighed blissfully. "What a wholesome couple, those two are."

"Eh?" Match and another telekinetic Mutant, Hellion. Stared owlishly at Hope, while voicing their doubts.

While it is true that they were not exactly experts in the matters of love –Hellion would deny that to his dying breathe- They just couldn't see their selves behaving like Mr. Scott and Mrs. Emma Frost… Their method of public affection felt too old school.


Some moments later, when they had exited the elevator from the Danger Cave underground, in the process of crossing the lobby. Emma Frost paused, face flushing as she held the side of her arms, while her body shook.

"Pft... Ahahahahaha…"

"Emma, what's wrong?" Scott asked his wife. Who had immediately began laughing, daintily.

Shaking her head, Emma replied. "Oh, it's nothing serious, honey. Apparently, for the children, public display of affection is now considered old school, this days."

"Ah, heh." Huffing in amusement. Scott smiled, while giving a mental sigh of relief. Thankfully, it was nothing serious. Just teenagers being what teenagers are…

Rubbing his forehead. The leader of the X-Men had begun to wonder when was is it, that he had begun feeling this old. Of course, Emma still looked as beautiful as ever.

"Flattery will get you everywhere with me, Mr."

Apparently, Emma had gotten out his intentional broadcast and felt happy about that…


Like an ear-splitting thunder rumbling on a clear summer day. It happened suddenly.

It was like something had been switched on. Something unexplainable, momentous, and powerful. A function deemed impossible to all but the 198 plus Mutants living in small falling Kingdom of Xavier Institution had been activated.

Unprepared for the familiar assailment. Emma Frost let out a pain-filled cry. Staggering back, the telepath almost fell to the ground if not for the quick support of her husband.

"Emma! Emma!"

Giving his wife a brief shake, Scott instantly fortified his mind using techniques from the three most powerful Telepaths in his life. Scanning around, Scott noted that there weren't any screams to be heard, so it wasn't an immediate attack… Could this be a personal assault on his wife?

Scott couldn't be too sure without any form of concrete evidence… Still, Emma needed to be given more priority.

In a princess carry. Scott hoisted Emma, heading for the infirmary. It was only until they entered the lobby of the mansion did Emma rouse from her muddling headache.

"Scott, put me down." The White Queen said, groaningly.

Her left hand pressed against her skull to mitigate the pain. Letting out a wince as her feet touched the ground. Emma resisted the urge to enter her Diamond State, and just stop this banging sensation colliding against her skull.

But now that she was observing the sensation, Emma couldn't deny that while it surprised her at first, there was no denying what it meant… But the others said it was impossible.

Hasty footsteps from the spiraling stairs, drew Emma's attention to the 'Three in One.' The Cuckoos. Their simultaneous nod was what pushed in the final nail. Even though the trio all spotted anguished looks on their faces, it still didn't turn down their smiles.

Eyes widening, Emma breathed out loud. But what was totally different about that action was that, this contained joy. So it really is true, it wasn't a just a conjured imagination.

But even with everything, the White Queen just had to see it for her eyes. Emma wouldn't celebrate until she was 100% percent sure. The final light.

Thankfully, there was somewhere in the mansion that would clear everything up.

"Scott, let's go to Level 6."

"Level 6? Isn't that." Scott's paused as his voice slightly shook.

"If this is a funny joke, Emma, it isn't funny. Level 6, isn't that where the Cerebra is being kept?"

Even as Scott had asked that question, the answer felt appeared to him the next instant. While it was true that the Cerebra could detect Mutants all over the world –with some exceptions- it was currently inert. Its present setting was to only activated, when a new 'light' has been born.

His decision was silly as Henry, Doctor Strange, and many others had proven that, what Wanda had did was permanent. It had fixated with Reality to the point, it was difficult, if not impossible to even take the first step on fixing it… Scott knew he was being petulant, but what could he do.

He just wanted to hope…

Disbelievingly staring at the Cuckoos who simultaneously smiled back. Scott took in a deep breath and nodded back at Emma. It was time to see if his puerile faith is being rewarded.


The room currently abandoned was lit ablaze. Lighting up to a sudden signal which housed a potency which the 'Mutant Detector' couldn't process. Heavily damaged, the A.I, Cerebra, device flickered with a bright green dot that illuminated the room.

It has finally happened, the symbol of the impossible. A new Mutant has been discovered!


- Spawn Ω Archetype-

You know that saying of, when it rains, it pours. Or something relating to that proverb.

Now, Abram Adams could say he had experienced many form of hardships after the death of his Father. The alienation, the annoying stares, the satiric mummers…

But there was 'Nothing,' absolutely, 'Nothing!' that could have prepared Abram for this!

"Heave, ho! Heave, ho! Heave, ho! Heave, ho! Heave, ho...!"

"What are you doing, Abram?"

Looking down, while he cycled. The African-American regarded Jeffery, while breathing heavily. The snow-minted streets had turned back into blurs of white, as Abram rode away. By now, Abram could honestly say that he had broken all of his previous speed records.

Hell, with the speed Abram was going. He estimates, he could probably compete with a motorcycle… And maybe even win.

"Wha-What am I doing…?! Kid. You've just utter out a scary name, while adding the word 'Mutant Hunter' to it. So what does it look like I'm doing?!"

Jeffery wisely mummed to the reply he got. Shaking off a snowflake off his hair, the Mutant reclined back to Abram to support himself from falling off.

'The speed this bicycle is going at is unreal.' Jeffery thought in awe.

Maybe it was possible that Abram didn't recognize it. But as someone who once lived with many superhumans –especially the ones whose gifts were some sort of body enhancement- Jeffery could tell that Abram's pedaling could compete with their running speed.

But what clinched it, was when Jeffery looked towards where the bicycle handle is. Abram couldn't see it, but Jeffery clearly could. The bicycle's hand grip looked wrapped around Abram's hands… Like it had been pressed like soft mud.

"Abram, your handle!"

"Hmm, my handle?" The African-American echoed, bemused. His puzzled look turned to one of shock when he noticed that his hand had sunk into tough rubber, bending the hollow metal!


Rather than questioning himself on how he was even doing that. Abram felt like crying at the sight of a damaged Dullahan! It cost him quite a lot, you know!

Jeffery was just about to question if Abram was just like him, when the air trembled with a roar!

Looking back. Abram swallowed loudly, unable to get rid of the lump in his throat. The blurred space was gone, in its place was a platinum humongous robot?! Of over 14feet, it stayed stationary.

But Abram would swear on all he had, that it was looking right at him!

"Agh! Heave, ho! Heave, ho! Heave, ho! Heave, ho! Heave, ho...!"

That was all he could do. Pedal, and trust that his human legs could get him far away from that mechanized monstrosity.


[Time stamp period arrival… Confirmed.]

[Crosscheck with Time Archives... Analysis, complete.]

Its soulless synthetized voice, echoed across the barren area, just some meters away from the billboard-sign, which welcomed all visitors to an undescriptive town in the States. Its body was enveloped in a purplish aura, as it remained dormant.

No, that wasn't it. The giant Omega Sentinel, 'Nimrod' was rebooting.

[Time to full operational status… 20minutes.]

20minutes wasn't much to the mechanized being, whose specs granted him the ability to waltz through beings comparable to Natural Destruction. But the Omega Sentinel wouldn't take this chance.

Its input and directive had showed it what would happen to anyone that took 'him' lightly… Or rather, what had remained of them.

Two shapely partitions on its cranium, which could be likened to a skull. Gave off a reddish gleam.

[Scanning: Target biometrics… Match found.]

If the Omega Sentinel could laugh, it would have. For its target was currently before it. Just over 600metres away, and Nimrod couldn't move as a result of its rebooting time. A thorough observation had shown that 'IT' was already rousing. Although, it is still in its preliminary stage.

While this wasn't favorable to Nimrod. This was much better than fighting 'IT' being fully active… For that would have been the worst case scenario.

[Releasing, Secondary Units… Inputting imperative data.]

The space around Nimrod rippled, like a small stone dropped into a still pond. Rabid growls followed soon after, as metal-like monsters pushed themselves out. Their sliver skin gleamed, while corrosive saliva dripped out from their mouths, melting the snow below.

[All Units: Proceed attack on Primary Target… Spawn .]

Letting out a spine chilling howl that will haunt anyone who hears it, forever more. Over 40 Predator X, charged forward with only murder in their desolate minds… The murder of a non-descript boy, who was currently pedaling for his life.


Was it even possible for Abram to feel colder than he was, before now?

Ghoulish howls echoed behind Abram. Chilling the 16years to the point that he felt like he was walking naked in the arctic cold. Looking behind, the world zoomed in as Abram let out a frightened cry at what he saw.

"What the ever living fuck are those things?"

Creatures, a crisscross between dinosaurs and lizards, dashed towards them at frightening speeds. At the rate of their pursuit, Abram knew there was no way he could shake them off…

"Argh! Dammit! Jeffery. Hold on to the side of the grip… I'm gonna' up the throttle."

Seeing that the Mutant quickly did so. Abram narrowed his eyes, pushing Dullahan even more.

'Please, don't fail me now, partner.' Abram prayed.

The boy's desperate plea was answered with the stirring of a monster…


IT eyes brightened as its eldritch flames stirred, burning with a soul bewitching luminance. The seal has loosened just a little bit. But with just this little bit, IT can lend a sliver of its power.

… To his present self.


His eyes lit up with a verdant hue. Letting out a surprised cry, Abram felt an indescribable sensation course through him. An invigoration that felt too addictive, warmed his body. If Abram could equate it, he would likened to a Level Up.

… Endless Level Ups.

To the outside world, Jeffery watched on in fascination. The hands that gripped the handles were enveloped in pale green flames. The flames spread out, submerging even the bicycle. Altering the cycle in accordance to the mysterious flames.

The normal road bicycle gained mass. Its yellow frame turned jet black. Parts of its chassis vanished, and was replaced by an... Engine?!

"What's going on?" Abram hollered, in alarm.

His feeling of elevation rose a little, and before his very eyes. His Dullahan, bicycle became a Dullahan, chopper. And that was not even mentioning its motif… While it was childish of him, this was exactly how Abram imagined Dullahan to be, when he had bought it.

It was a facsimile of how the skull-lit Hero from Hell: Ghost-Rider's famous chopper, looked like. The flames. The skulls… Hell, even the speedometers were replaced by 2skulls opening and gnashing their aged teeth, while their eye sockets were lit up in green flames.

Now, the main question everyone might be asking, is this: Why isn't Abram crying out in fear as all this was transpiring?

Firstly. Because he doesn't have the luxury to do so, due to those fiendish looking beasts that were currently gaining up on them… And also, someone was already doing the freaking out for him.

"Abram, what's going on?!" Jeffery jittered.

Releasing his hold due to the sudden space. Turning back, Jeffery noticed in no small amount of surprise, that Abram's eyes were radiating a Jaden glow. When the African-American opened up his mouth a little, eldritch flames spewed out scorching the air.

Although to Jeffery, even though the toxic-looking flames were currently leaving a trial of melted snow. The Mutant felt strangely warm… It wasn't hot to Jeffery in the slightest.

"Since when could you do this?"

"Me~?! I thought that you were the one doing this!" Abram said. Trying not to think about how he was expertly driving a chopper. When he never had one in his life.

It was strange, freaky, and strange again…

"If I could do this, would I have ran away from those mob?"

"Well, I don't know… Maybe, you can only give people this powers, or something."

"I've got the ability to Teleport, and become like a Ghost… Although at the moment, my powers strangely seem to not be working, at all. But still, I don't think I can actually do this."

Revving up, Abram took a sharp turn. Snow turned into steam due to the fiery wheels, while Abram gazed back with his teeth tightly clenched. Even though, Dullahan's speed had increased, those monsters were still catching up…. Wait!

"Where's the one at the side?" Abram muttered, silently.

The pursuing creatures were a metres away from Abram and Jeffery. But there were at least, 2 of them that were ahead of the pack. Now he could only see 1. Where is the other one?

"Abram, watch out!"

Jeffery's alarmed warning whirled Abram to the left. In the air, in a pouncing pose, Predator X opened its maw to claim its prize.

Normally, the bio-weapons weren't inputted with such kind of hunting strategy. They were meant to be beasts of destruction without reason… Normally, that is.

But this series of Predator X were very different: Apart from being much stronger than the preceding series. This variety of Weapon X were encoded with a hunter kind of mentality.

Although, their brutality weren't taken away. It was an unwritten code that all Mutants were to die a painful death…

It wasn't much when looked at from a distance. But to all who have fought these monstrosities, this was the worst case scenario: a Killing Machine that could think…


Two tons of bio- engineered carnage fell upon its prey with a ravenous hunger. Corrosive maw opened wide to gobble up its query…

Nevertheless, Nimrod wouldn't have need this much Predator X, if it was this simple, would it?

Abram made a move. An action born from an instinctive need to protect himself, and the one with him.

Reckless? Yes. But what was Abram supposed to do?

Roaring, Abram thrusts his left hand sweltering in green flames. The strangeness that was going on with him. Abram was betting on it to protect them both, once again…

And Abram's faith was rewarded…

That strange sensation from before, occurred once again. From Abram's outstretched arm. A giant phantom-like arm composed of emerald flames shot out, catching the Predator X midair by its dewlap.


Its confusing squalls still didn't protect the Predator X from being incinerated by the fiery appendage. Its regenerative potency was rendered useless before the scorching flames. It wasn't even an instant later, all Abram held were bones… Instant Finishing!

Even Abram's light toss, threw the Predator X's charred skeleton with the velocity of a bullet! A metal-like blur flew crashing the trees behind it, never stopping. Only exploding into metal-like shards, when it collided against a large rock, hundreds of metres away.

"Whoa…" Abram muttered looking as the spectral arm vanished. His arm resuming back its flaming appearance. A small smile bloomed out about his new, well… Power of sorts.

Looking back, Abram now watched the remaining pursuing Predator X without fear. The African-American now knew that he could fight back.

"Come at me if you wanna' to end up like your friend over there, pieces of shit!"

Meanwhile, Jeffery was of a different thought process. More than curiosity over Abram's new ability. The Mutant was concerned about the appearance of a Predator X.

'Nimrod and Predator Xs… I don't think that has ever happened before. This isn't even a matter of precedence, as I don't think I can warrant such a deployment. But then, that leaves…'


Watching the speeding African-American, Jeffery held his tongue. This wasn't important at the moment. Getting alive is what matters for now. The rest could be handled at a much more discreet location…

If that was even possible…


The Time-Travelling 'Mutant Hunter' is finally ready to join in the fray.

[System online… Reboot complete.]

A smooth mechanical hum incanted out, as the Omega Sentinel made its first movement. Its head craned up. Under its feet, a pulsing light as Nimrod began to ascend.

Like Nimrod had speculated, not even the famed Predator Xs were able to bring the 'Designation' to heel. The 'target' was that powerful. What was even worse is that, in all this, the said 'target' hadn't even utilized its Mutant ability. This was just the dregs of his heredity.

It had to take out the 'Designation' before any more complication comes up!


Tanned street cratered below as Nimrod ascended 1000metres in an instant. Its inherent scanning function spotted the said 'target' tearing apart air barriers, encroaching the speed of sound. Strangely, there was another individual with the said 'target'. A Mutant, it seems. So it wasn't really a problem.

[Collateral within acceptable parameters… Beginning hunt.]

Its visor gleamed, but just as Nimrod was just about to streak towards the 'target,' a yellow column of light flashed by the Omega Sentinel blocking its path. Pausing, Nimrod regarded the new arrival.

"Yeah Tony, I can see it."

The one who just spoke was a blonde hair strapping man. Dressed in yellow spandex, donning a dark-blue cape. But what was most prominent was the glowing 'S' lodged upon his suit. It was a symbol of power. To the world, the bearer of this symbol was a being of unlimited power.

To even the Omega Sentinel, this new arriver could be classified as an 'Extinction Level Threat.' He is an unstable being who must be handled with utmost care. The Sentry.

[Sifting parameters to engage mode… Readying Thrusters.]

"Not so fast, I-robot!"

A red blur shot towards the gigantic robot, slamming into it. Iron Man kept up the pursuit. Calling up miniaturized missiles from his armor's shoulder compartment, sending it towards Nimrod who had yet to retaliate.


The sky lit up in flames with a resounding noise. But Iron Man knew that this wasn't enough to take it. Thankfully, the iron-themed Hero had a team that was good in deconstruction work.

"Tony, why did you attack it first? We still don't know what this robot wants."

"Ah, Carol." Iron Man said towards the woman in a dark one-piece, that had a golden lightning streak on it. Pointing towards the explosion, Tony explained.

"That, right there is called 'Nimrod.' I'm not sure if you've read the X-files, but this metal scrap is apparently a big deal. A time traveling Mutant serial-killer."

"You don't say…" The 'Quinjet' was just entering the battlefield as its pilot, the Legendary Spy, 'Black Widow' drawled as she had finally arrived.

Although once again, she was the last person to do so. Natasha decided the next thing Tony would be upgrading would be the Quinjet.

"Yep," Popping the 'P' word. Iron Man continued. "So for that metal head to even be here, it means that there is someone it's after. Someone it wants to kill."

"Uh, hey." The pacifist Hero composed of Ion, 'Wonder Man' spoke out, calling on his teammate's attention.

"Do you think this Nimrod could be after those guys?"

Simon Williams gestured towards an eerie sight that could only be detected by a being possessing enhanced vision.

Thankfully, most of the Heroes present had a way to compensate for that.

A tiny fluttering light increased in mass, revealing 'Wasp' who tilted her head, in bemusement.

"Huh. Is something wrong with this visor, or did the Ghost Rider just went on a fashion change?"

Janet couldn't spot it fully. But she captured the glimpse of the streaking vehicle that was heading towards the city, through the aid of her visor.

Bones. Green flames. And its rider enveloped in the said flames… That just had to be the Ghost Rider.

Inside the Qunijet. The Grecian Deity, 'Aries,' watched the captured image of flaming rider. Eyes beneath the war helmet narrowed in suspicion. He had seen those flames somewhere, and more importantly…

"That is not the Rider of Hell." The Olympian's voice rumbled to his teammates through the intercom.

"What'd you say, big guy?" Carol Danvers, codename 'WarBird' asked in puzzlement.

"I said. That, is not the Rider of Hell. Those flames. They look familiar. Not to mention that, its presence holds a great similarity to an archaic story, my Father use to regale me with, during my youthful years. A tale of verdant flames that precedes even the Infinity Stones."

That arrested everyone's attention. Anything that holds even a modicum of relationship with the reality-altering rocks, deserves a scouring consideration placed to it.

Clapping his metal hands, Tony gestured towards the hovering Heroes.

"Alright… Wasp. Do you think you're up for checking out, who's our flaming caricature friend, over there?"

"I'm on it." Wasp nodded.

But an instant later, her path was blocked off by a white gamma beam. It streaked down with a bright flash. Not a moment later, over 200metres in diameter silently vanished leaving a deep hole in the earth. Tress, snow, and rocks, all gone in an instant.

The obscuring smoke wafted off, revealing Nimrod. Its malformed large left arm was now a giant cannon. As the Heroes prepared for confrontation, the Omega Sentinel synthesized voice reverberated in the air.

[Hold yourselves, Avengers… My task doesn't seek conflict with your cohorts. I only seek the elimination of the 'target.']

"Well, I don't think so, Bay-Max. We aren't about to let you commit murder." WarBird said clenching her gloved fist tightly.

The cosmic energy within the half-breed Hero stirred for an outlet.

Catching the eyes of Sentry, WarBird gave a light nod. A fight was about to erupt at any second.

[… … In that case. Begin, Auxiliary Function.]

Space ripped as WarBird and Sentry broke the sound-barrier. But it was already too late.

[Activate Unit… Omega Sentinels II]

The chassis of Nimrod shook. Before the Heroes eyes. One became two, and two became four. The Omega Sentinel divided or rather, replicated till the skies were populated with the robotized Mutant Hunters.

The Prime, Omega Sentinel, called up its 'subsidiaries' to serve as a barrier from the charged of the 2powerhouses. Nimrod was sure that its Vector Shield could protect him from an assault from WarBird and the Sentry, but it wouldn't be capable of taking in continuous punishment.


Iron Man let loose another round of scorching beam from his hands, wearing a grimace. At this rate, Tony was sure the Avengers couldn't reach Nimrod with all his clones running around. The Avenger could see why the said robot was a High Class Threat.

But nevertheless, they could at least get to the 'target' before the mecha-assassin.

"Wasp!" Iron Man shouted amidst the stringent discordance.

Thankfully, Janet seemed to have gotten the message. With a quick nod, the shrinking Hero, shot ahead becoming a dot in the distance.

Just as Nimrod was about to resume pursuit of its 'target.' It paused, raising its Vector Shield just in time to stop a blow from Wonder Man.

"Leaving so soon, Nimrod? Oh, don't be such a spoilsport."

Eye outlets gleamed as Nimrod rushed towards the ion Hero with a surprising strength! Its lancing charge containing enough velocity to push and crack Wonder Man's ribs!

Grunting, Wonder Man gritted his teeth in pain. The robot's spear attack hurt more than he expected. And this was coming from a guy who wouldn't die from nuclear bombs.

"Be careful, Wonder Man!" Iron Man said. Weaving through a danmaku of beams from Nimrod's duplicate before returning fire.

"That machine possess enough specs to clash with the Juggernaut, and win! It's a Hulk level Class!"

"Couldn't you have said that earlier?" Wonder Man grumbled. Rubbing his already healing torso.

A powerful beam pushed away Nimrod as WarBird joined in. From the looks of it, all the lasers being thrown around must have given her enough juice. Her glow was brighter than usual.

"You alright there, Williams?" WarBrid asked. Floating towards the Ion Hero while giving him a cursory look.

Cleaning the edge of his lips, Simon Williams smirked. "Worried about me, Carol?"

"From the looks of it, you seem to be alright then."

"Oh come on, don't be so cold."

"We're in the battlefield, Williams, not… Anywhere else."

A loud holler drew their attention. On top of the Quinjet that was busy firing armor piercing bullets. Aries stood, screaming to the heavens while swishing his large axe left and right. Bisecting any unfortunate robot that came close to his axe.

"I am not going to be yelling like him, am I?" William said, with an eye twitching.

Carol who felt a little bit awkward at the Olympian's rather 'war-like' behavior, shook her head.

"Well, not like Aries. But rather, you can learn from his enthusiasm. You are an Avenger, Wonder Man!"

With that the half-Kree became a golden blur, shooting back into the fight.

"Enthusiasm?" Wonder Man fixed his glasses. "I'll show you, enthusiasm, Carol."

Not a minute later, the air rumbled as the 100Class Hero let loose.


[Sir, incoming aircraft by your right.]

Pushing away an Omega Sentinel II's hold. Iron Man flipped over, unleashing a Uni-Beam on the robot's back. Pausing, he turned towards his right, but all the rather dangerous 'colors' and smolder prevented him from seeing properly.

Iron Man didn't bother to put on enhanced vision mode. Gripping a nearby Sentinel by its arm, he hurled it towards its soulless companions resulting in an explosion of mangled metal.

"So who is it, then?"

[Sir… It's the X-Men.]

Iron Man hovered for a moment, before clicking his teeth.


As a result of Decimation Day, and the subsequent reduction of the Mutant Race to a mere 198 –Although, Tony didn't believe that the numbers were exactly that- the Mutants were not exactly included in the Civil War, as their numbers were already accounted for.

From what he heard from Charles. The X-Men were holing up in their Institute. Only going out to help their fellow Mutants who were in trouble as a result of the M-Day. While that sounded kinda like Heroics, Tony decided that due to their unique situation, he could give them a pass.

So he decided not to include them in the Registration… They weren't going to be a problem in the near future.

But this. How was Tony supposed to handle this?

While it was an unspoken rule, that all Mutant Cases were to be handled by the X-Men and their associates. This was turning out to be a bigger deal than he thought. Tony could try forcing them to leave due to not being 'Registered.' But that would just open up a can-worm of problems.

Problems, Tony Stark didn't want to deal with at the moment…

'God. I really wish I hadn't sworn to stop drinking.'

"Ah, screw it. I'll just say it was a 'heat of the moment' decision."

Shunting away the part that called himself, a hypocrite. Tony ignored the approaching aircraft while his arms kept on discharging cremating lasers. Thankfully, there were enough opponents to serve as an outlet for Iron Man.


"Hey, isn't that, Nimrod?!" The green skin Mutant with lizard properties, Victor Borkowski, said in no small amount of shock.

In the 'BlackBird,' an air cruiser with a record of speed of 3times faster than sound. Its large compartment housed the present combat-ready X-Men for what would be a very important mission.

It was a mission that enabled them to even disregard the Sentinels stationed around their Institute.

"En effet, ça l'est. There is no mistaking that metal monstrosity. It seems like we're at the right location." Monet St. Croix nodded her head, eyeing the Omega Sentinel darkly.

Meanwhile sited at the front row. Cyclops studied the metal opponent, while with no small amount of trepidation, due to his team not possessing the required fighters needed for such an adversary. The X-Man was ironically happy that the Mutant Hunter was actually there.

For it meant, what he saw at Level 6 wasn't just some conjured delusion.

Turning to his wife, who was currently concentrating, Cyclops asked. "Emma, have you gotten the new Mutant, yet?"

Even with her eyes closed, the Omega Telepath let out a smile.

"Now, darling. I know you are impatient, but please don't rush me… There, I've gotten him. I only know that he's there. But I can't seem to reach his mind... More like, huh. My own psyche is against me even trying that. There is something within the Mutant. Something I institutively don't want to see."

To Cyclops, this was surprising, as while it could be said that even as an Omega Telepath, Emma wasn't the overall strongest in the field. But the number of people, she was afraid of battling telepathically were well… Nil.

Sighing, Emma opened her eyes, regarding Cyclops.

"And I also have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

'I just had a feeling that things might turn out this way.' Scott exhaled. Rubbing the edge of his eyes. "Give me the bad news, first."

Rubbing his shoulder, Emma said. "For one. Our Mutant seems be pursued by a horde of bio-engineered monsters, the Predator Xs."

"Hold on a minute, Emma. Ya mean tha' say, it's the Abominations those purifin' folks created is actually out there in the streets, chasin' our Mutant friend?" The beautiful brunette whose hair had a streak of white, Rogue cut in disbelievingly.

"But them freaks and time-travelling killer-robo. Since when did those two work together?!"

Emma shrugged. "Are you asking me? All, I'm saying is that the familiarity of their ferociousness exposed their nature, and also… They're over twenty-four of them."

A cold breeze passed through the compartment over the piece of news. To all who knew how dangerous those monsters were, knew that the monsters had to be fought with care. Any form of carelessness could result to death.

A painful death…

It was after some seconds, that Scott cleared his throat.

"This just proves that there is something to our new friend that could benefit the Mutantkind. And Nimrod doesn't want us to have it. So, Emma, what's the good news?"

"The good news is that there is someone else with him. Someone we all thought was dead. Jeffery Garret."

"Jeffery Garret! Are you truly sure, it's Jeffery Garret?!" Sited beside Colossus. Xuân Cao Mąnh, codename Karma, shot up from her seat. Her eyes watered in a gamut of emotion.

Not bothering to wait for answer. Karma shut her eyes, as a pinkish aura bloomed around her crown. She employed upon her own lesser telepathic prowess. Not a minute passed, a line of waterworks flowed down her cheek, but the Viennese couldn't stop smiling.

"It's him. It's really him… But I thought that on 'that' day, he lost his powers and disappeared."

At the back sitting with her teammates, Surge felt mummed as she heard the news from the adult's discussion.

The electricity Mutant had always regarded Jeffery as her little brother, and his death on the M-Day due to his power-loss hit Surge in more ways than one. She could only keep it hidden. The pain and the anguish. Lives in their thousands were lost that 'day.'

Even those who had lost their Mutant abilities weren't spared…

But now hearing that Jeffery could actually be alive. It was like a dream. A dream that she fears is just a conjured fantasy.

A hand placed on Surge, no, Noriko's shoulder. Turning to see Trance's supportive nod and Match's thumbs up, Surge smiled nodding back. Noriko would cry later, but Surge has to bring a Mutant back home.

"Alright, everyone listen up."

Cyclops stood up. He looked around, feeling a bit proud to see the determined looks on their faces. Apart from some old faces, Cyclops reckon it'll be just like the old days…

Yep, it's official. Scott Summers now feels like an old man.

"Rogue. Monet. Hellion. Warpath. You'll run the air interference. From what I can see, the Avengers are getting Nimrod preoccupied. But we still don't want any unknown stranglers catching us unprepared."

The addressed X-Men, promptly nodded.

"Surge. Match. Armor. Pixie. Rockslide. Mercury. Your job is to let loose on the Predator X."

Cyclops knew that the children weren't ready to get down with the Predator Xs. But that is why he was here. Besides, this was better than going against Nimrod and his persistent adaptability.

"All X-Men with mental capabilities will support Emma Frost in jumbling the beasts mind… And if need be, the Avengers, also. The rest of you will be with me."

Looking towards the pilot seat, Cyclops gestured at Sage to open the hatch. As the cold artic blew in, Cyclops gave his team a final nod.

"Alright, X-Men. Let's get this done and bring our Mutants home."

Rockslide pounded his fist together in excitement. "Now I'm getting pumped up!"

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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