I panted. My body shook in various surges, the palpitations hit directly to my brain, and my toes curled under the water. The loud thrusting sound of his fingers into me echoed in the area, I was breathless, mind blown by William's aggressive nature, he didn't spare me time to breathe, and he didn't halt even for a second, it was almost like he was trying to ride his anger through me and his pain and at the same time telling me how much I meant to him.
And I took it all...
I gripped his muscular shoulders and slipped my hands into his hair and gripped as a new ripple of pleasure found my body. Most especially when his mouth was back to my nipples, sucking, nipping, and his fingers working magically into my core.
It was ecstasy!
"The Reaper's Wicked Obsession" is out! Please check it out