
Two Hours and Thirty Minutes Remaining

An old man was sitting on an armchair, rocking back and forth. In front of him was a little child no older than 3 years, the boy looked at his father with stars in his eyes.

"Why did you become a footballer papi?"

The old man chuckled, "Ho ho ho my child, have you not heard about this many times from your siblings?"

The kid pouted, "No. They always brush me off." The old man nodded. He murmured a little under his breath. "Are they still mad that I rated little John's mother higher than their mothers in bed?"

He shook his head. He did not know but that was not going to stop him from narrating his son, a few stories about his greatness, and brainwashing him to worship his dad so much that he could get an inferiority complex plus issues which would affect him sadly in the later part of his life.

He smiled fondly as he kept down the books he was reading. 'The King of Faries is now a Demon Lord', 'HOTD- The Vampire Prince', and 'Protagonists are my Stepping Stones'.

These novels were written by his favorite anonymous author called, Oink. He had tried to direct his funds to uncover his identity but even then he could not.

However from what he knew, all of his informants after peeking at 'Oink' became changed men and women. They kept praising him and describing his handsomeness/beauty that reached above the heavens and beyond as if they were cultists.

The old man took the little kid in his arms as he spoke in a nostalgic tone.

"It all began on the eve of...


I could not sleep. All I could do was think of tomorrow. I stared at the ceiling, it was really beautiful and high.

I do not want this new life to slip away from me. Gulping my saliva, I knew one thing. I want to keep seeing high ceilings.

This was the best choice I had to live a life of luxury. If this did not work, then Dyanne would have to divorce her husband, take his riches and come live with me with her son as a freebie.

While it is not completely bad, it is not completely good as well. My dream since birth had and has been to play football professionally, becoming the best.

Now that I have a chance... How could I let it slip?

A sigh escaped my mouth... "-but this fucking brain won't let me sleep. Will I be fine tomorrow?"

Can't even take a sleeping pill. What if I don't wake up at all for the match?

Closing my eyes, I counted sheeps and fell into a short lucid dream of playing football with rabbits, and before I knew it my eyes opened again.

It was not good sleep but even some sleep is better than none. Waking up I checked my watch. It was 5:30 am.

Oh! Not bad! I actually managed to get a few hours in.

Quickly I freshened up and took a cold shower before wearing my clothes. Walking towards the door, I slung my bag which contained my boots and jersey. Then I grabbed the house and car keys.

Walking up to my garage, I took the Cupra since it was an official match. Cupra is Barca's official partner hence all players are told to drive it during Barca matches.

Quickly I drove to Camp Nou. It was not too far away from my mansion, rather it was extremely close. Parking my car in the special basement for players, I took the stairs to the stadium.

There were very few workers and they were all maintaining the grass, seats.. overall checking if the stadium was at it's optimum.

I observed the stadium properly. It was the second time I had visited it. The first time being when I toured when I first arrived.

It was large. Very large... and beautiful. Very beautiful.

As I stared at the field, the blue skies, and the uncountable empty seats, a surge of excitement coursed through my veins and I could not help but smile.

"That is how I felt the first time I was here." I heard someone speaking behind me. Turning around, Xavi stood with his arms crossed, a faint smile on his visage.

"You are pretty early, Storm."

A sheepish smile crept onto my face as I scratched the back of my head. He continued. "Let me guess... you could not sleep yesterday."

My smile froze and in the end, all I could do was bitterly nod my head. He chuckled loudly. "You will sleep soundly like a baby Storm, you will as time passes."

I nodded, a little confused. He did not stop there as he continued. "Do not worry. We will hook you up on as many energy drinks and caffeine, just do not die out there in the field ahahaha!!!"


A smile slowly blossomed on my face as I nodded. "Thank you, Xavi."

The man in question did not speak, he patted my back as he put an arm around my neck forcefully. He made me look at the field where the workers were checking it for any abnormalities.

"The moment you step onto the field, under a million gazes. You will feel more free than a bird and that is what you have to do... be free. You understand Storm?"

No. I do not... but maybe I will when I step in.

"I do." I smiled cheekily.

He laughed as he removed his arm. "You should go and have breakfast. Everyone should soon arrive."

Nodding, I looked at his back as he disappeared and then I glanced at the watch. It was now 6:30 am and the match will begin at 9 am... roughly two hours and thirty minutes from now.


I hope you guys will give me Power Stones and recommend this novel to your football friends and friends who like kinky stuff.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


