34.36% Minecraft: loading new world / Chapter 89: Chapter 89. Back to mining

章 89: Chapter 89. Back to mining

The next day I was in front of the mining entrance of the Clan.

Since people like those who worked such hard labor jobs, tended to start early in the morning, when I arrived there five people were ready to get to mining, and from what I know, they were the majority of the miners.

"Would you look who's back boys, the expert in mining. Come back to argue again what's the best depth of mining?"

"Ravi I'm not here to argue, and as I said before the best level of mining is above the natural lava pools, so you don't have to keep mining around them."

They all laughed at me but didn't continue to argue.

This is their way of showing appreciation, I think it's called tough love. I'm not too fan of it, but as long as they don't outright insult me like we're old buddies then I don't have a problem.

They started to treat me much better once I shared some of my mining knowledge. Those guys were Miners before becoming witches, so it didn't change their lives too much from their old ones.

Actually, I could say it improves it since their not afraid to explore cave systems anymore. And that's where you'll get most of the ores if you want to be efficient.

"So what brought you back fancy pickaxe?"

They started calling me that once I made the mistake of showing them my enchanted diamond pickaxe.

At least it's better than the old nickname 'no nose'.

"I want to do some mining today, and I want to know if I could use yours?"

"Sure, knock yourself out, just don't go on our tunnels and you'll be good. Andrew will show you the way. "

While they were six at most, they were too used to working alone, so the solution was to each have their own tunneling system, only working as a group when a cave system is found.

Of course that probably meant that they already have the best spots, and since this mine is a few decades old, it's very spread, to say the least.

So I took Andrew as my guide since I would surely need one.

It took us around an hour to arrive at one place that I was allowed to start mining. If this place didn't have any signs to show the way in I think I'll never be able to get out on my own.

Sure, I could use the old-fashioned way of mining my way up, but I'll just be out in the misty swamp with no way to get back to the Clan.

And that's not something I want to happen.

"Ye mine here."

Andrew was a man of few words, so I just said thanks before starting my work.

I had everything necessary with me, an enchanted diamond pickaxe, some logs, a stack of torches, some food, and some potions.

I didn't have my armor with me today, since I wanted to use the invisibility potions to explore a cave system if I found any.

I did take a shield in case something bad goes down and I need some protection.

In front of me was a wall of deep stone that probably hasn't been touched for who knows how long.

So with my trusty pickaxe, I started to mine further away from the already built network of tunnels.

I want to find an unexplored cave system or at least get far away where I can mine a little upwards and not clash with an already existing tunnel.

With such a powerful pickaxe mining was going fast, soon enough I was zoning out and letting my muscle's memories take the wheel while I started to think about how should I get stronger.

Should I grind my Crafting skills so I'll have access to all the recipes that I already know?

If I did this, it would take a long time to finish and a lot of resources. This is a slow but sure path.

I already know a few crafts that would be dangerous once I got the levels for them.

Or I could go towards a riskier approach and continue with my Enchantment skill to learn how to make powerful weapons or blocks like the ancient civilizations.

They got so powerful that the system had to step down and stop them from that madness.

I don't want to get to that point, but there's no need to get that high, only a few powerful Enchantments will be enough for me.

Getting the levels for this skill is much easier than for Crafting.

I only need to make a printing press and the numbers will go up.

But the true knowledge will take longer and I can't just use a shortcut to get it, so it's much riskier and it has to potential to take longer than even the Crafting skill.

As for the brewing skill I don't even consider it as an option, I know what the capabilities of such skills are, after all, it's called a Witch.

They are very convenient to use in a pinch, but I have to use too many resources that I don't have to get to that level.

There's no point in doing that if I can ask Froggy to do it for me.

Like that hours passed, blocks were broken, torches were placed and ores were mined.

I didn't get what I wanted until the second day when I finally found a cave system that was not filled with torches.

"Finally I can use those potions."

With that, I placed some torches around my hole to not lose it and drank the night vision potion together with the invisibility one.

To say that I was excited about this experiment was an understatement.

The first zombie that I passed without getting any reaction was a rush of adrenaline.

I even sliced him with my iron sword and he seemed very confused about what was happening.

He tried to attack the floating sword, but if I kept it in my inventory there was nothing he could follow.

After a few more hits he was dead for good, but I didn't bother to loot him.

"Maybe being a witch isn't that bad."

If I can live without worrying about monsters that would make my life much easier, I can see how they live such a peaceful life.

I went deeper down the cave and found the iron ores that I was looking for, and with the Fortune on my pickaxe, I soon got what I wanted end even more.

"If I'm here I should look for diamonds as well, it would be a waste not to use those potions to their full capabilities."

With that in mind, I went deeper into the caves, placing blocks on the right way to not lose my way back and blocking any tunnels that lead to dead ends.

After a few hours, I managed to fully explore this cave system where I found some diamonds and some lapiz that I completely forgot how much I needed for enchanting.

With a final meal, I was back on my way to the surface.

I was tired from all the walking and mining, and since I didn't take a bed I didn't manage to sleep.

When I arrived at the surface only one miner was ready to start his shift for today, until he saw me.

"Yours still alive?!"

"Why would I be dead? I only went for mining not slaying a hord of monsters."

However, I did have fun with being an assassin with the clueless monsters.

"Yeah, which goes mining for THREE whole days without getting out of the mine?"

It's been three days already?

I thought it only was two at most. I must've zoned out a lot more than I expected to.

"People started to get worried you died while mining. If you didn't come back today we would've sent a search party to look for your corpse."

"Well I'm alive, so there's no need to get all worked up about it. Sorry if I seem like I'm rude, it's just that I'm tired from all that mining and I want to get some rest."

"Ha! I understand don't worry, just don't forget to tell the others as well before you'll be out for who knows how long."

That was a good idea, we said our goodbyes and I went to Froggy's house to tell him I was back.

Unfortunately, he wasn't home so I had to visit the second-best option to spread the news of my coming back alive.


Luckily she seemed to be home, so she answered her door when I knocked.

"Trader, you're alive!"

"Wow, does everyone think I'm dead in this place?"

"I would say yes. Froggy was the least worried about it though. He did say something that you tended to do stuff like this, but I think even he started to get worried."

"Yeah, the mining expedition took a lot more time than I expected, but I'm back now, and very tired. Could you do me a favor and tell the others that I'm back and there's no need for a serch party? I want to get some rest as soon as possible."

" Sure, Froggy should be doing some training with his new teammates by now, but I'm sure he'll be happy to hear the news. Do you want me to speak with Elder Flora as well?"

"Yes, that would be lovely if you could. Here's something for all the trouble."

I then gave her a piece of raw gold and went back to my home, a bed was waiting for me, and I wouldn't miss the date.

Catherine seemed to yell something in the back, but I was too tired to listen to what she was saying, hopefully, it wasn't something important.

At home, I got right into bed and slept as soon as my head hit the pillow.


I woke up with a light headache but a rested body, I looked out the window and saw that the sun was still up which means that I most likely slept a whole day.

With some stretching to lose my body, I heard my stomach starting to growl with force.

"I should eat something before I start my day."

I took some bread and carrots from inventory and munched them down like there was no tomorrow.

But finally, after a few minutes, I felt somehow satisfied so I stopped.

"OK, I'm ready to start the day."

I went outside and went to visit Froggy and see if he was awake.

As I walked a group of witches saw me and started to whisper something between them while pointing at me.

It was weird to see this but went on my day. I didn't want to start it in a bad mood.

Soon I was at Froggy's house and knocked on the door.

No response.

I put my ear to the wooden door to hear better, and as I suspected there was some snoring.

I looked once again at the sun and it was almost noon.

Was he going to sleep through the whole day?

I just opened the door and saw him sleeping in an impossible position.

"How can you sleep comfortably like that?"

As usual, I started with the gentle route that gave no results, I then went with the usual route and pushed him off the bed.

He quickly woke up after this, but from his reaction, I could tell it's started to lose its effect, I think I'll have to find another solution soon.

"Trader, you're finally up!"

"Yes, I'm glad to see you doing well. Did they train you that hard?"

"You have no idea, for a moment I thought I was at the Sandstone palace once again training with the head guard."

"So no special treatment for you."

"Unfortunately no, how about you? You've been asleep for two whole days. You even get the nickname 'Lost Miner' after this whole thing."

Was I out for that long?

I should really take a bed with me next time I'm going on such long mining trips, or at least a clock to know the passage of time.

"I'm good thank you I got all the materials necessary for the armor, I only need to smelt it and craft it."

"Cool, Elder Flora wanted to talk with you once you were up. So you should go and check on her as soon as possible."

I wonder if she's worried about me as well. I'll put some ores to smelt while I'll talk with her.

No time wasted.

"Thanks, Froggy, I'll be going now. See you later! "

"Sure, I guess I'll have to get back to training as well now that I'm awake."

Is Froggy willingly training?

This mission is already starting to show results.

But I'll check on him later, I'll first build my smelter room and get it going then I'll have to talk with Elder Flora.

Hope it's not something bad.

EnderStar EnderStar

Thank you for reading up until now! Next chapter will be Monday next week, if you can please support me on my Patreon/ EnderStar

I appreciate any kind of support, have a great weekend! 

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C89
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


