Back in Winterfell and after the feast, Cyrus found himself grumbling and tinkering trying to cool his head. During dinner he found out about Robb and Jon's stories of his fake adventures in his pirate outfit and was entirely taken off guard, he almost choked upon hearing Tyrion repeat what Robb told him.
He was now in his workshop to try to give a way for their family to stay in touch much better than with ravens. He had the idea of combining the [Jeeves] and miniaturized [Sky Golem] with [Wyrmhole Generator] and [Portable Mailbox]. It would give communication and defensive capabilities with minimal offense. Mainly to distract or buy time, he would have the master key so he could use it to portal to their location so it didn't need to be powerful.
As he was working on his project he was startled out of his tinkering by someone clearing their throat. Turning around he found his father behind him.
"Oh, it's you father. Is something the matter?"
"Aye, I need you to do something for me, and it's very important." Ned said seriously while taking a seat in one of the chairs, looking around at all the different objects and contraptions he had no clue of their purpose. He had long stopped trying to guess.
Seeing his fathers serious expression and hearing it in his voice, Cyrus straightened up giving his undivided attention.
"I need you to do your flying thing and go to Essos. I will give you a letter to take with you. You need to find the Company of the Rose, they are a mercenary group of self exiled northerners. We need them to come home if we have a chance to fight what's coming." Ned explained.
"Which houses? What did they exile themselves for?" Hearing something new he was amazed at hearing there was a mercenary company of northerners in Essos. He thought it was amazing and wanted more info to possibly join.
"Some of every house, even some Starks. When our ancestor Torrhen Stark submitted to Aegon the Conqueror many of his sons disapproved along with many others and refused to bend the knee. They exiled themselves to Essos and created the Company of the Rose." Ned answered with a sigh.
Shocked to hear there were possibly other Stark's out there Cyrus asked,
"Why have I never heard of this before?"
"Well it's not like we are on the best of terms, but they will not harm you. They are family, but they may give you a hard time so be warned." Ned answered as best he could.
"Now have you seen your brother Bran? He's not been seen since after dinner." Ned finally asks remembering Caitlyn looking for him.
"No, I'm sure he went climbing somewhere. When am I supposed to go do this? I thought you wanted me in Kings Landing with you and the girls." Cyrus asked hesitantly, he was looking forward to going and seeing Kings Landing.
"Soon, around the same time we leave for Kings Landing, it will take us about a month so you should be able to get there and deliver the letter and come back. It's only a request for a meeting between myself and them, I want you to feel them out and if necessary do what you can to give them reason to parlay at the least." Ned answered after pondering it a bit.
"Ok sounds good, I'm working on something new anyway, a few days should be enough time to finish a few. Not enough for everyone but at least four of them, if everything goes well maybe more." Cyrus said with a pleasant smile.
Ned was curious and a little worried after seeing his son's expression asked,
"Oh and what exactly are you working on?"
"I call it [S.A.V.I.O.R] it will revolutionize the world. It can communicate unlimited distance instantly thru use of wyrmhole technology. I even threw in some safety features, storage and repair capabilities. Plus I can teleport to them in case of emergencies." Cyrus excitedly rambled off the answer.
Not understanding most of what was said but getting the basics, Ned looked between his son and the little mechanical humanoid doll in shock. Instant communication no matter the distance, it was unheard of. But if possible would radically change warfare as the world knew it. No need to wait days or weeks if you even get it in the first place.
Birds get shot down all the time, especially when a keep is under siege.
Ruffling Cyrus' hair Ned leaves to handle getting the rest of the needed preparations for him to head south with the King to start his war preparations against the undead from Kings Landing. Making sure to hand him the letter he had previously prepared.
Excited about his adventure to Essos and ready to try out his [Aquatic Form] he began working on his new device to get as many done as possible. He wanted to head out sooner rather than wait. More time to explore Essos and get teleportation and portal locations.
Unknown to himself and the rest of the castle, save for an incestuous couple, Bran had been pushed from a tower after witnessing them in the act. Unconscious and unable to respond to the random calls of his name, causing the Queen and her brother to rush back to the keep remaining silent hoping the boy was dead.
He was eventually found by some patrolling guards, who brought him to the keep. When Caitlyn found out she rushed to the room bursting through the door while tears streamed down her face. She watched with her heart in her stomach as Maester Luwin examined Bran to see what happened. She then thought of Cyrus and rushed to his room, seeing it was empty she ran to his workshop knowing he often fell asleep within.
Finding the workshop empty as well but finding a note with four [S.A.V.I.O.R] along with a note explaining his whereabouts and how to use the new devices. Caitlyn frantically tried to call Cyrus but was unsuccessful, not due to it didn't go thru but due to Cyrus was currently swimming deep in the narrow sea enjoying his aquatic form.
Keeping one and grabbing the rest she stormed back up to Brans room, knowing Ned was at fault for giving Cyrus something to do she blamed him for telling him too early, had he waited to tell him when they left he would be there to heal her Bran. So after giving Ned a piece of her mind and giving him the other three devices and the letter she slammed the door in his face and took her seat next to Brans bed to watch over him and continued to message Cyrus thru the new device.
Ned, frustrated at himself mostly due to the fact that he had figured that his son would let the excitement get to him and take off early, how were they supposed to know Bran would have an accident. Everyone knew Bran loved climbing and it was always their biggest fear, him falling. After staring at the closed door for a few minutes in silence, with a sigh he left to continue getting ready and to figure out what to do with the other two devices his son made.
At another part of the keep in Winterfell, Cercei and Jaime were getting worried themselves. They had heard that the boy was alive but they had also heard that he was seriously injured and although alive right now he wasn't out of danger and if he survived he would never walk again.
Relieved after finding out he hasn't woken up since found, they began to set up having a guard nearby the room in case he woke up. Cercei was even planning on finishing the boy off before they left but was stopped by Jaime because he felt it was unnecessary. They would be leaving and he felt if the boy did survive it would be easy to assassinate a cripple. Why bring unnecessary suspicion, if the boy dies it'll be considered an accident. If they made an attempt before leaving, suspicion would be immediately on them. So they just remained silent and pretended concern to keep suspicion off them until it was time to leave. They were delayed due to the accident but soon they all left for Kings Landing.
Deep in the Narrow Sea, Cyrus was having a blast finding all kinds of resources such as metals and plants that he normally didn't see. Even though he had maxed out his professions long ago, he has found that unlike in game he can combine professions and objects creating objects that weren't available.
His newest creation was the proof and he could now work on improving the poisons and other objects. Exploring shipwrecks and finding treasures using his rogue abilities he found many treasure chests and [Lock Pick] was able to get him many riches.
Little did he know his extended absence will give him a huge headache as soon as he gets to Essos. His mothers messages were continuing to add up, with each message getting worse and worse.
Not that Brans condition was getting worse but that Caitlyn wanted Cyrus there immediately, she didn't want to wait. But even after a few days of no response from Cyrus, she continued to try. Increasing her worry for both Cyrus and Bran since she knew it was working after she was able to use it to communicate with Ned.
He had used all his capabilities to calm her down, reminding her constantly of Cyrus' habit to get side tracked giving her a laugh which eased her a bit. She still never left Brans side, keeping Ned and her daughters informed of Brans condition.
After a total of five days of exploring and material gathering Cyrus landed in Essos, ready to meet his long lost kin. Little did he know he would get much more adventure and headache than he would hope for.