100% Actor (Oshi no Ko Fanfic) / Chapter 46: Friend

章 46: Friend

(Ruby POV)

As I stood before the door of my soon-to-be classroom, I could hear the lively chatter of my future classmates on the other side. My fingers fidgeted nervously, betraying the jitters that fluttered in my stomach. My heart pounded, and I took a deep breath, attempting to gather the courage to step inside and make a good impression.

Glancing to the right, I hoped to find Aka-nii by my side, as his presence always gave me confidence. But to my surprise, there was only empty air. Where did he go? Wasn't he just beside me?

Before I could ponder further, Aka-nii's voice echoed from inside the classroom. Instinctively, I looked through the window on the door. There he was, his back turned to me, emitting an aura that made his modest 170 cm height seem towering. He spoke with such enthusiasm that I could hear him clearly even from outside, introducing himself and warmly shaking hands with everyone. He was as friendly with the quiet ones sitting in their seats as he was with those who were already engaged in conversation.

A slight pout formed on my lips as I watched him interact so effortlessly. While I admired his outgoing nature, I couldn't help but feel a tad overshadowed by his social prowess. Nervously, I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to muster the courage to join him.

You can do this, Ruby!

With newfound determination, I straightened my posture, took a steadying breath, and pushed the door open. As I entered the room, my eyes widened in wonderment. The sight that greeted me was like stepping into a scene from a magazine spread – beautiful women and handsome guys engaged in conversations, each adorned with bright smiles that seemed to light up the room. My heart raced with excitement, and I tried to blend in without drawing too much attention.

"It's a whole different world from my middle school!" I whispered to myself, a mix of nervousness and awe swirling within.

I snapped out of my daze as I made my way to my seat. My eyes darted around the room, stealing quick glances at everyone's faces, once again reminding me of how attractive they are.

A hint of a smug grin crept onto my lips, and I felt my cheeks flush with a faint tint of red. Absentmindedly, I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, silently acknowledging that despite being surrounded by seemingly flawless models, I wouldn't be outshone in terms of looks.

After all, I had Mama's genes coursing through my veins, and I took pride in that fact.

Well, except Aka-nii, I guess. He had always been the most attractive among us triplets. Not because he was born that way, since we all had the same face, but because he put in the effort to take care of himself.

Every night, without fail, he devoted time to wash his face and apply various skincare products. His room was like a treasure trove of beauty products - foundation, concealer, brow pencils, mascara, eyeliner, lip balm, powder, moisturizer – he had it all. In fact, he might have even possessed more makeup than I did!

Unlike me and Aqua-nii, who were content with our natural looks and paid little attention to makeup or skincare, Aka-nii genuinely cared about presenting his best self.

I mean, I'm not going to admit it out loud, but he's kinda prettier and cuter than me... It's just not fair! I should be the cutest sibling among us three!

Lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, I settled into my assigned chair, my mind still preoccupied with thoughts of Aka-nii's captivating features. The contemplation was abruptly interrupted when a high-pitched voice chimed in beside me, pulling my attention away from my musings.

"Hi, I'm Kotobuki Minami. Nice to meet ya," she greeted me warmly, causing me to turn my gaze towards her. As I looked at her, my eyes widened in amazement at what I saw.

Her presence was striking, to say the least, especially those things. My gaze unintentionally fixated on her curves, which seemed to defy gravity. My mouth opened slightly in awe, and I couldn't help but be taken aback by her captivating figure.

'This girl is amazing!' I thought, my heart beating a little faster with curiosity and admiration.

Realizing I had yet to introduce myself, I quickly extended my hand for a handshake, trying my best to maintain composure despite my racing thoughts. "N-nice to meet you too, Minami," I stuttered, my voice betraying my nervousness. "I'm Hoshino Ruby!"

"Ruby, that's a nice name," Minami complimented, her demeanor displaying a hint of nervousness. "I was thinking ya were supper pretty. It made me think this program sure is somethin'"

Blushing at the compliment, I replied, "I think you're pretty amazing yourself." My gaze still lingered on her curvaceous figure, and curiosity got the better of me. "Are you a model?" I asked, intrigued by the allure of her line of work.

"Ah..." she began, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of her seat, betraying a hint of nervousness. "Yeah, more or less right," she confirmed, glancing at me with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. Her response piqued my interest, and I immediately reached for my phone from my pocket, my curiosity getting the better of me as I searched her name on Google.

With a few quick taps, her name appeared on the screen, and as the page loaded, I discovered that she worked as a gravure model. A gasp of surprise escaped my lips, unable to contain my astonishment. "Oh! You're a gravure model!" I exclaimed, unable to hide my excitement, and my fingers instinctively clicked on the images tab to browse through her photos.

Caught off guard by my action, Minami teasingly pointed out, "Don't ya think that googling me right in front of my face is sorta inhuman?" However, my focus remained fixated on the images that loaded. My eyes that I thought couldn't widen any further did as I saw the insanely lewd photos on the screen.

"How lewd, those are at least G-cups." I muttered, and she seemed to have heard it as she hastily waved her hands in front of her face.

"Stooop!" She begged, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and her eyes darting around, hoping no one else had overheard our conversation. I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction.

After our brief playful banter, we continued our conversation, with me inquiring about her Kansai accent and whether she was truly from Osaka. She responded with a sheepish grin, saying that the accent came from her going with the flow. I couldn't help but be amused, and a small laugh escaped my lips.

Our engaging conversation flowed effortlessly until it was time for classes to begin. As I shifted my attention from Minami to the teacher in front, who was starting her introduction, a small smile spread across my lips. I'm happy I made a new friend.


(Third POV)

"And that's how I became friends with Minami!" Ruby's eyes lit up with excitement as she regaled the story to Aqua, a beaming smile on her face as she gestured towards Minami, who stood gracefully beside her.

The break time provided a serene backdrop for their conversation, with the tranquil school garden enveloping them in its beauty. The soft gurgling of a fountain added a soothing melody to the atmosphere, while a gentle breeze rustled the leaves, lending a sense of tranquility to the moment.

Aqua, however, seemed a tad taken aback by Ruby's candidness, raising an eyebrow in mild disbelief. He couldn't help but feel that his sister's enthusiastic retelling, especially the mention of Minami's "G-cup," was a bit too much information to share so openly. His typically indifferent expression betrayed a slight hint of awkwardness, not entirely sure how to respond to such an unexpectedly personal revelation.

Minami, the object of Ruby's storytelling, greeted Aqua with a serene smile and a graceful bow. Her demeanor remained composed and collected, almost as if she were accustomed to Ruby's exuberant mannerisms. Aqua, however, opted to maintain his usual aloofness, choosing not to respond to the polite greeting as he closed his eyes briefly, as if seeking a moment of respite from the conversation.

"Well, I'm glad you made a friend," Aqua finally responded to Ruby's account, managing to find a more neutral ground for the discussion.

Curiosity shining in her eyes, Ruby turned her attention to her older brother, genuinely interested in his experiences. "Did you make any friends, Aqua-nii?" she inquired with earnest curiosity, her innocence evident in her voice and demeanor.

Aqua's demeanor shifted slightly, the indifference momentarily giving way to guardedness. He turned his head slightly, avoiding direct eye contact with his sister, as if trying to shield himself from the topic at hand.

"Well, I didn't exactly enter this school to make friends," Aqua explained with a hint of reserve, as if reluctant to divulge more. His reluctance was understandable; for him, forming friendships might have felt like unnecessary distractions from his main focus.

Ruby's face fell, realizing she may have touched upon a sensitive topic. She immediately expressed her regret, her voice softening in concern. "Sorry for bringing up such a cruel topic," she quickly apologized, her gaze shifting to the side as she contemplated her choice of conversation. "You don't have to tell me about classes anymore," she offered, trying to reassure her brother.

Aqua didn't want to hear that, especially by a person who he's certain is at least ten years younger than him, and it made him feel the need to assert himself. He raised his voice slightly, wanting to emphasize his point. "I have people to chat with at least!" he retorted, determined to make it clear that his social life was far from non-existent.

Gradually, he continued to elaborate on his stance, listing multiple reasons for his approach to forming friendships. His normally stoic demeanor seemed to dissolve momentarily as he became more talkative than usual, showing an uncharacteristic willingness to open up, even if only slightly.

"You're talking a lot more than usual," Ruby pointed out, her keen observation catching on to Aqua's increased chatter. Concern etched into her expression, she turned her gaze to Minami, her eyes reflecting a genuine care for her brother. "Minami," she called gently, capturing Minami's attention as she locked eyes with her. "Could you be friends with Aqua too?" Ruby asked, hoping to bridge the gap between her two companions.

Minami let out an awkward chuckle, a hint of vulnerability in her response. "Sure thing." she said. Normally, she wouldn't really be keen on becoming friends with him because she has pretty bad experience with males who only tried to become friends with her for lustful purposes, specifically her breasts. However, because Ruby, whom she considered a genuinely nice person after their interactions, trusted Aqua, her reservations were somewhat eased. Still, it is pretty awkward to become friends with him because she really doesn't know him that well.

Aqua, being his usual indifferent self, interjected with a note of protectiveness. "Don't pass around your friends," he stated, before shifting the conversation. "Forget about me, just worry about yourself. Your class is special, so it must be different," he advised, his demeanor taking on a slightly more supportive tone.

Minami unexpectedly opened up further, revealing her nerves about being among other skilled students. "That's true," she admitted, her voice tinged with anxiety. "When I think about how everyone around me is a pro too, it makes me nervous."

Ruby's eyes lit up with an encouraging smile, and she raised her finger in the air, emphasizing her point. "There's no need to be nervous!" she exclaimed. "This isn't a training school or a film set; it's just a normal school. So just act normal," she advised, recalling the very same words she had heard from a helpful upperclassman earlier.

Minami looked touched by Ruby's heartfelt advice, her hand resting gently over her chest as her eyes radiated gratitude for her friend's effort to cheer her up.

"I heard this exact line from somewhere," Aqua commented nonchalantly, closing his eyes and crossing his arms. "Well, from the looks of the entrance ceremony, there were many good-looking students, but I barely saw any of them in the media. So you don't need to be so nervous," he said in his own unique way, offering his unconventional advice to Minami.

"No." Ruby muttered softly, her gaze wandering to the side and then downward. Minami and Aqua turned their attention to her, sensing there was more to her response. With a mixture of nervousness, admiration, and surprise, Ruby continued, "There was an incredible person." Memories of a few hours ago flooded her mind, and she vividly recalled the nervousness and butterflies she felt upon seeing that person.

"Frill Shiranui was here!" Ruby exclaimed, her eyes now fixed on Aqua's, a mixture of nervousness, admiration, and surprise apparent on her face. Minami, who stood beside Ruby, nodded cutely at Ruby's remark, confirming the encounter.

And so, Ruby went on to passionately fangirl over Frill Shiranui, her eyes tightly clenched, her arms animatedly gesturing in front of her chest, and her occasional squeals of excitement filling the air. She seemed to pour her heart out, as if Frill were her ultimate idol and source of inspiration.

Aqua, on the other hand, listened attentively but with a certain air of indifference, not showing much interest in Frill, even letting out a 'hmmmm' in response. It seemed to irk Ruby as her eyebrows furrowed, silently questioning his lack of enthusiasm.

"What do you mean, 'Hmmmm'? It's Frill Shiranui!" Ruby exclaimed, seemingly bewildered by Aqua's reaction. He calmly explained that he wasn't particularly interested in Frill and that the only true favorite he had was Ai, leaving no room for comparisons.

"Well, that's the same for me," Ruby retorted with determination, her arms now gesturing up and down in emphasis. "But this is this, and that is that," she emphasized, asserting her unique preference for her beloved Frill.

"There's another one too," Minami exclaimed, her eyes brimming with excitement, capturing the attention of the two siblings, Ruby and Aikara, who turned their curious gazes towards her.

"What are you talking about, Minami-chan?" Ruby asked, her curiosity piqued.

"I'm talking about another incredible student in our class that's in a lot of media." Ruby asked who it was with excitement, wondering if there really was another excellent person on their class, to which Minami responded with "It's Aikara Hoshino."

Minami didn't give the other two the chance to talk as she continued her explanation "Aikara Hoshino, or better known as his youtube name Aigen. He's a popular youtuber with hundreds and thousands of subscriber's, and I'm one of his fans. He also showed up in TV a lot of times as a kid and recently, his real name was revealed once the cast of the 'Sweet Today' drama was released." Minami explained with an excited expression on her face, clearly happy that one of her youtubers that she's a fan of is in their school.

Ruby's initial excitement waned slightly at the revelation of Aikara's identity. "Oh, you're just talking about Aka-nii," she responded with a soft sigh, now realizing that Aikara's popularity was already a well-known fact among her peers.

"Ah, so you both are really brother and sister, huh?" Minami inquired, curious about the dynamic between the two. Ruby nodded affirmatively, confirming their sibling relationship.

"Yup, we are. Did you not notice?" She asked curiously. Both Aikara and her didn't mention they were siblings when they introduced themselves a while ago, not because they were trying to hide it, but simply because of that fact it should be pretty obvious given their identical face and last names.

"Well, I did notice. Ya both have identical faces and last names, after all," Minami explained with a sheepish smile, rubbing her cheek awkwardly. "I just wasn't entirely certain and didn't want to assume without confirmation." Her honesty and humility added a touch of endearing charm to her character as she laughed softly.

"I understand," Ruby nodded understandingly.

As they continued chatting, Ruby's attention was suddenly diverted by the sight of someone familiar emerging from the doorway. Her emerald green eyes, akin to those of a cat, and her medium-length green hair made her instantly recognizable—Frill, her favorite actor.

Excitement bubbled within Ruby, and she called out in awe, "Look, there's the real thing!" Her exclamation startled her companions, but they followed her gaze to spot Frill standing near the door, not moving at all as if she was waiting for someone.

Ruby hurriedly moved closer to get a better look, with Minami and Aqua trailing behind. While Ruby and Minami appeared thrilled to see Frill up close, Aqua maintained an air of indifference.

With bated breath, Ruby observed Frill's movements, curious about her actions. As she inched closer, she whispered to Aqua and Minami, "She's moving!" she said as she watched Frill stop standing by the door and begin walking.

Her excitement, like a burst of effervescent energy, was in stark contrast to her brother Aikara's composed demeanor. Moments later, Aikara emerged from the same door, his signature patch of purple hair catching Ruby's eye immediately. To her astonishment, he approached Frill with an air of familiarity, as if they were the closest of friends.

"Geez, Frill-chan," Aikara's voice playfully danced through the air as he flashed a charming smile, causing his eyes to twinkle mischievously. He raised an eyebrow, his forehead lightly furrowing in mock concern. "You didn't bother to wear your tie?" he teased, an amused glint in his gaze.

Before Frill could respond, Aikara's hands moved with practiced ease to her collared shirt under the blazer. With a subtle flourish, he began to button it up, all the while maintaining that confident, charismatic grin on his face. The simple act was a playful gesture, teasing her in a way that only a long-time friend could. "And you didn't bother to button it up either?" he continued with a light tone, the corners of his lips twitching with amusement. "It's been a year since we met in person, and you became this sloppy?"

Frill, seemingly unfazed by his playful ribbing, responded with her trademark indifference. "I'm not sloppy, this is a fashion statement," she retorted, though the fact that she didn't bother to unbutton her shirt again suggested it was more a result of her laziness than any fashion statement. Aikara, ever perceptive, couldn't help but flash a knowing grin.

"Sure thing~" he responded, clearly not buying her explanation but not pushing the matter further. His warm familiarity with Frill was evident in their banter, a connection that had stood the test of time.

Amidst their lighthearted exchange, Ruby's mind finally processed the unfolding events. She let out a startled exclamation, "Wha!?" without completing her thought as she hurriedly ran behind a nearby bush, seeking refuge from the teasing antics. Minami and Aqua, caught off guard by her reaction, exchanged puzzled glances before following her to see what was causing such a reaction.

Unbeknownst to anyone else present in the tranquil garden, a young man with jet-black hair and piercing eyes quietly emerged from a door situated opposite to the one Frill and Aikara had exited moments before. As he noticed the two figures strolling together in the distance, he began to speak, despite the absence of an audience.

"Oh, that's Aikara and Frill." he mused, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "Were those two that close?" He glanced over his shoulder, as if addressing someone behind him. "Tenmaku, remember the actors I mentioned? That's them."

To any onlooker, the young man appeared to be engaging in a one-sided conversation with thin air. But in his eyes, he saw another figure—a young man with shimmering silver hair and captivating eyes. As if in response to the black-haired youth's comment, the silver-haired phantom turned his gaze toward the distant duo of Aikara and Frill.

In the depths of the young man's soul, a storm of emotions brewed as he observed the pair. The silver-haired phantom's eyes widened with revelation, as though a vivid scene was unfolding in his mind—a scene that seemed to hold profound significance.

The black-haired youth called out to his spectral companion once more, puzzled by the unusual silence that now enveloped the usually talkative phantom, especially when discussing movies. But no response came forth, leaving him unsettled and unsure.

Without warning, the young man with the silver hair took swift action, seizing an umbrella from his grasp. With a determined expression etched on his face, he forcefully tugged the black-haired youth toward his own classroom, the suddenness of the action almost causing him to choke on surprise.



End of Chapter.

Bruh, this is 2785 words, why is it so long?

Well, I think it's fine since there really wasn't anything much that happened here other than what was shown in the manga, so it's not really like 2785 words if you get what I mean.

Who's that mystery young man at the end?

Load failed, please RETRY

次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C46
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


