75% danmachi:is It wrong to accept a quest in the dungeon world? / Chapter 2: Hestia, joining a familia and system

章 2: Hestia, joining a familia and system

a/n:hello guys, i made some improvement in this chapter, Tell me what you think about It, i Will start a vote in the comments to decide the "Path" of the main character, so i Hope you guys can leave a like in the Path you like more.

i didn't forget about the resume of wishes in the First chapter, i Will introduce them when he get's his falna, though i won't directly say It but i Will Tell you what He has through his status.

()= the main character thinking


{}=a letter, sign, etc



~~the next day~~

I was really tired from yesterday, It's better for me to Go down, now that i think about It i was too tired yesterday and didn't even eat, It's good that i paid for breakfast as well, so It's better for me to eat and Go to the guild. Said Ren as he scratched his eyes

Ren left his room, and Walked to the balcony where he saw the old Man from yesterday sitting there.

good morning old Man.

good morning kid, If you want your breakfast Go to one of the tables at your left, don't forget to give me back the keys before you leave, If you plan on staying for longer Just Tell me How long and leave the payment.

thank you, i'll leave after i finish my breakfast.

after saying that Ren Walked to one If the tables that was empty in his left and saw a menu in the table.

Ren sat down and took the menu, choose somethings at random, he didn't know anything there and called a waitress.

after waiting for a while the waitress came back with his order, a plate with a huge steak with a sauce he can't identity , 3 breads and a juice.

here's your order sir. Waitress

Thank you.

'so let's Dig in'

'the steak was quite Nice, the bread was recently made as well and was also quite good, over ALL i would say that i like It' Ren

after finishing Ren got up from his seat, and Walked to the balcony, gave back his keys to the old Man and left for the guild.


after arriving at the guild Ren looked to the sides to see If the goddess hestia had arrived, when he looked to his left he saw a beautiful loli with Black hair, twintails, BLUE eyes and a white dress with a BLUE ribbon sitting in one of the Boxes with a door open.

'It's her, 100%, i Hope she Will accept me, If she refuses i can only Go cry to Hephaestus'. though Ren as he Walked in her direction

Are you the goddess Hestia?

yes, i'm the great goddess Hestia, you should be the child the advisor told me. Said Hestia while puffing her chest with pride

yes It's me.

good, so let's start, the advisor told me you wanted to Join my família, why do you want to Join?

i wan't to Join to keep my promise to a old Man.

why my família? i don't have any other member and i AM in debt as well

i never trained in my life, i also AM not from a Race like a elf that can get Magic, no other god would accept me and i think you should be a reliable goddess, that's why. Said Ren with the best smile he could give.

so can i Join your família?

seeing that he didn't lie Hestia smiled warmly and Said while grabbing his hand.

yes, you can Join my family.

then she pulled him out of the guild without telling him where she's taking him.

after walking for a bit they reached a dilapidated church.

the condition inside the church wasn't that good, cracked walls, broken windows, broken furniture.

he followed Hestia to the back of the church where he saw a single Room, a kitchen and a bathroom

she took him to the Room where he saw a bed and a old couch

she made him sit in the bed and Said in an embarassed tone.

Sorry, my home is not in good condition, take off your shirt and lay on the bed.

don't mind It, we are Just starting, we can improve our home later. Said Ren while taking his shirt to lay on the bed.

hestia sees that he's already on the bed so she climbs the bed and sit on his back then she takes a PIN and injures her finger letting the blood fall on his back.

after she did that a bright light appeared though Ren couldnt see It too well cause It was in his back.

hestia Said some strange words he couldnt recognize and after some time she stopped.

so, the rest of the process Will take a while, do you already know about the falna or you need a introduction?

give me a introduction, though i have some Idea about How It Works there may be something that i still don't know.

good, as you already know falna is given by the gods or goddesses to their família members, It gives you the ability to gather excelia and consumes that excelia so that you can become stronger, excelia can be gathered by many ways, but the main one is fighting against enemies, the status is divided from I(the lowest) to S(the highest), you can level UP when you reach D Rank in one of your parameters and complete a great feat, a great feat would be something that can surprise the gods, whether It Being fighting against a stronger enemy or against a large number of enemies.

after she finished explaining the light started to become weaker until It faded completely.

congratulations, now we are a family. Said Hestia with a happy smile

give me a minute i Will Tell you your status.


IS there anything wrong? said Ren

you Will understand after i Tell you.

[Name: Ren Ashbell

Level: 1









Magic: [magic library], [], []

description:can Record any use of magic and reproduce It without a need for a Magic slot.





description: can reach UP to 2000 in every status, grants you with unlimited talent so your gain of excelia, skills are 10 times higher than normal.

almighty Genius

description: there's nothing you can't learn and use.

dungeon sign-in

description:can sign-in once in every floor of the dungeon.]

what is this, really. Said Ren

i don't know.

after waiting in silence with his goddess Ren heard a Voice in his mind.

[system starting]

[congratulations host, you finally found your família]

[there's one Quest available]

[your inventory has a 1m² of space]

[the shop is available]

after hearing that Ren Said.

well, at least this means that our família Will grow fast.

i Will Lock your falna so that only i can see it, and you need to make sure that no one, and i trully mean no one see your falna or knows your skills.

i'll make sure of that, i'm going outside to try somethings.

after saying that Ren left his dumbfounded goddess in her Room and got back to the entrance of the church.

'system, show me my inventory'

after thinking this a Gray screen appeared and he could see the stored itens and their description.


2x sets of clothes similar to the one you are currently wearing

description:Just normal clothes

1x starter sword

description: a sword Common to New adventurers

'show me my quests now'

after thinking that a BLUE screen appeared with some words.


[weak chicken]

description:before you Go to the dungeon you need to get used do train your body and swing your sword after ALL you don't Want to leave your cute goddess crying after dying in a fight against the weakest goblin.

mission objective:

50 push-ups

200 meters run

50 sword swings

50 sword swings while moving

mission reward: 20 system points

time to complete:24 hours

after Reading his Quest Ren choose to Go to the backyard of the church to train.

~~time skip~~

It was already night, there was a boy lying down in the grass, breathing heavily and with a smile in his face as he heard a Voice.

[congratulations, the Quest Weak chicken was completed, do you wish to receive your reward now?]

yes, Said Ren.

[distributing rewards, congratulations, you won:20 system points]

'system, open the shop please'

after saying that he saw a Green windows in his field of vision.

the Green window had the word Shop at the top, bellow It his balance with 20 system points, and categories with numbers from 1 to 20,he could access the number one but the others had a Locked simbol in It.

'system, why are the other categories locked?'

[host, every window need your level to unlock, but don't be Sad, even If there's no Lock you are too weak to use anything aside from the itens and skills in the First level, of course level 1 is the lowest, level 20 is the level of the highest gods]

'okay, does the shop have anything that can help me recover stamina? i can't move right now and i need to Go back inside'

[yes host, for 2 system points you can buy a elixir that make my stamina recover faster, itens that you buy Go directly to your inventory unless told so]

(buy two, and give me one immediately)

after saying that a transparent bottle with a yellow liquid appeared in his hand, he opened the bottle and drunk everything in one Go.

this tastes likes lemon juice, now i guess i need to wait. Said Ren

after recovering for a while Ren returned to the inside of the church.

there he saw his cute goddess waiting for him to eat.

did you Discover anything about your Magic and skills?

yes, there's some things i didn't understand yet but i think i'm okay to Go to the dungeon tomorrow.

the goddess look worried at him but choose to not talk anything.

and then he had his dinner It was the famous jagamarukun, It was quite tasty and he took this chance to get to know more about his goddess.

~~after dinner~~

he got to the church Room to sleep.

Ren-kun, you sleep on the bed today. Said to goddess

no, you sleep in the bed i'll sleep in the couch, and before you say anything, i can't let my goddess sleep in the couch can i?

after saying that Ren got to the sofá and layed on the couch and closed his eyes to sleep.

~~next day~~

----------author note------------

a/n: hello guys, i'm back, this chapter is ok i guess, but maybe i'll change something though i think i wont change anything after ALL there's nothing that i think i'll need to change here, Hope you enjoy.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


