100% The Molecule Man needs no Fate! [Marvel x FSN] / Chapter 2: Reaffirmation of Bonds and Strange Stalker Neighbors?! I…

章 2: Reaffirmation of Bonds and Strange Stalker Neighbors?! I…

The Infinite Earths are governed by laws that must never be broken, laws that only becomes stricter with the passage of time.

Magic or rather Mana, is not an infinite resource. For if it was, then the Age of Gods would surely not have ended. As time goes by and man progresses, the will of the Earth, Gaia, grows even weaker and can no more support the planet like she used to…

It was reputed that King Gilgamesh, the King of Uruk was the man who had officially brought about an end to the Age of Gods, while King Solomon of Israel formulated the concept of Modern Magecraft to compensate for the declining magic…

But was that really true?

Gods, Primordial Demons, Types, and Humans. They all in one way or the other borrow resources from Gaia's life-blood without any regards, all for their own agendas. But if any modern Magus could just settle down and think rather than strive fruitlessly for the Akashiac Records forever closed to them, then they will see the truth…

That sooner than later, Mankind is going to pay back everything they took in full… Or in blood.

But even disregarding all that, Gaia, the Earth Mother has imposed many rules and regulations concerning the use of magic in this world, but the most important of them all is this…

The Denial of the Path to The Swirl of All.

The fools who had tested the will of Gaia as a result of not conforming to new play in hand has experienced her thoughts on that through the Counter-Force…

But still, that didn't mean there weren't any scrapes left… After all, if they weren't then there wouldn't be any form of True Magic left, would there?

Magic is basically mystery. What one does not understand nor can it be explained with common knowledge is generally regarded as Magic in other words, the Unexplainables… According to a wise man, he had described Magic in this term for the world of Mages.

… At the beginning, the First changed all.

… Next, the Second recognized by many.

… In answer, the Third showed the future.

…. Tethered, the Fourth concealed itself. And the Fifth had long since lost its significance.

It was commonly noted that only the First, Second and Third are regarded as True Magic as opposed to its lower counter-parts. But even those so called True Magic are not as all-powerful as they may seem as the Mysteries themselves also come with certain restrictions…

For even they have submitted to the will of Gaia…

Although in the end, the world would futilely strive to stop its destruction in only for it to end up in vain, failing to do so, dying as the leeches that called themselves Humanity suck everything up.

Just like the ones before them.

Or at least, that's how the Story was supposed to go…


Everyone is assigned a particular role to play in life. That was the one thought, ringing in the mind of the dumbfounded being that was addressed by moonlit world as The Grand Marshall, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg or better yet, the Kaleidoscope.

Stroking his beard, the Dead Ancestor considered the scene before him while observing from over 10miles away on top a fifty story building in Fuyuki City. His inhumane physique coupled with the use of familiars were more than enough to give him a clear view of what was going on in the residence that held his interest.

He has seen this story many times. In-fact, the Magician could even say how this will play out even in his sleep, so he decided not watch this time. After all, this isn't when the Main Show would begin after all.

It was like a fairytale, one that had a sad ending.

A boy who was rescued from the flames, a red hair amnesiac who admired the eyes of his rescuer, the optimistic naïve child who would begin a life journey that would literally destroy him in the end.

Emiya Shirou, a boy whose very foundation and ideals is based on the twisted truth on what Heroism is all about.

'Hero of Justice.' Zelretch chuckled at that word. Although he could say that even uttering that felt like a curse to him.

In one particular timeline, the Operator of Other-Worlds Operations had personally scanned Shirou for traces of leftover curses from the Great Fire, as his behavior were too confusing to even be understood.

"I had never been so impressed and irritated at the same time concerning that boy in all my life."

But that wasn't the reason the Dead Ancestor was here this time -he had already just checked the kid, and the boy was just settling down with Mage-Killer, all according to script-

Sighing, the Wizard Marshall looked up to sky as he considered how all this even began. It was just some hours ago.

Even that word sounded stupid, but it really was just some hours ago…

When the entire Multiverse had almost been ripped asunder.

As the operator of Second Magic, it should be of no one's surprise that Zelretch was interminably acquainted with the workings of inter-dimensional matters. He was in workshop when it suddenly happened.

An explosion of some kind of energy caused multiple Universes to collapse in tandem.

It had actually destroyed more than thousands of worlds before the Marshall could have processed the situation, losing count while helpless at the sudden Ragnarok

The Wizard Marshall had no idea on what was going on, and was even more powerless before it all to stop it. His alternate selves had casted spells upon spells, ancient forbidden crafts that he had sworn never to touch, but for that occasion he had utilized it.

Unfortunately, it was all in vain.

In his Observation room, Zelretch had closed his eyes resigned, waiting for the sudden doom to overtake everything… That was until it suddenly stopped, and that wasn't all. The archaic vampire couldn't stop gagging as that same unknown energy that ruptured those thousands of worlds repaired them all in an instant!

It was like a sudden bad dream that had ended climatically!

For a moment, Zelretch really thought someone was screwing with him, but then, he settled down checking in with a couple of his parallels to be sure it wasn't just a mirage, and then set out to find the source of it all…

To honest, the Kaleidoscope wasn't surprised that his search had led him to Fuyuki city -it just had to be there or nowhere else- either way, an unlimited amount of energy that he was sure could not be sensed by any Magus due to it not being Mana, was washing over this side of the planet.

Zelretch had at first wondered whether it was a certain 'Golden Bastard' doing -as his soon to be coming tsundere twin-tailed apprentice would call him- but then he realized that the power used wasn't exactly the same as that red antique of his.

When he scoured even more carefully, boy, was the old prankster in for a surprise…

'Everyone is assigned their own role to play in life.' Zelretch repeated as if on a broken recorder.

It doesn't matter how much anyone would try to fight their fate, what will be will be. One can look no further than Ragnarok, even though the Asgardians knew of their impending doom, there was nothing they could do except dutifully fulfill their roles, even to their deaths.

But the Magician's saying was important, considering what or rather, who, he was referring about.

Matou Shinji…

If the Magician had a sentence to actually describe that boy, it would be. 'An ultra-miracle piece of shit.'

Matou Shinji was a human, whose upbringing would paint his perceptions in life negatively, leading him to hold himself at a false higher ground. While he was not exactly the worst as far as Mages come -certainly was a saint compared to his Grandfather- the boy was a failure as human.

Considering this particular timeline, which would be concerning the romance between the young Shirou and Sakura, Shinji in this particular story would be the nastiest.

In the end though, his death would be pretty anticlimactic, a generic villain's just desserts.

"Yes, that's how the story is supposed to go." Zelretch nodded to himself as a bead of sweat appeared at the side of his head.

"Then, what the hell is this that I'm watching? Since when did the kid unknowingly shot up from Level 1 to Level Ꝏ!"

The Wizard Marshall shook unable to describe how the boy went from having an unassuming presence to one that actually dwarfs the will of Gaia! Not the mention the power the boy was displayed. Oh, he felt it good, at the very moment Shinji was angry, a planet light years away suddenly shattered.

Zelretch had took in a deep breath, when his alternate-self had informed him of that fact.

There will be repercussions for this, Zelretch can already see that the Earth Mother will be putting interest in this being that was calling himself, Shinji Matou…

"So, who the hell are you?"

Zelretch froze as a child-like voice appeared asking him from behind. It sounded childish alright, but an experienced person could actually spot the ruggedness in the tone of child which suggested some form of ancientness.

Cranking back slowly, the vampire spotted the scar-face being who is supposed to be Matou Shinji hovering in the air, while one of his hands held what seems to be an odd creature that had a cross-like appearance between a crow and a bat.

It was the Magician's familiar.


"I'm waiting."

Owen Reece or rather, Shinji narrowed his eyes, flexing his hand turning the bird into harmless smolder. While he was tucking his Sister, Sakura, to her bed -though she strangely held him tightly not wanting to let go- he had actually sensed multiple eyes watching him.

Hell, he had sensed it the minute he emerged back when confronting that old worm. But he decided to just take care of present matters first before putting any sort of attentions on the lurkers in shadows.

He initially registered the abnormal bird, when he probed the City. He disregarded it at first, but that was until he then notice it flinching when he had destroyed an uninhabited planet light years away in anger.

There was definitely someone behind that bird.

It was quite simple finding out, who, the hell was behind the abnormal creature of flight.

While Shinji wasn't familiar with the workings of aberrations in this reality. It was common knowledge that a bird like this could mean either three things: a transformation, a drone, or a familiar.

The first two were out as he had scanned its make-up, and did not found any metalwork in its composition, rather it appeared kind of ghostly. So the reality-wraper decided to assimilate that strange feeling.

Lo and behold an ethereal white line manifested leading him to the culprit. Although…

"You aren't the one." Shinji said dismissively to the Magician. Twitching his lips in disgruntlement, the Molecule Man faced the sky as if searching for something.

"While you are certainly one of the people watching me. You aren't the one with the annoying ubiquitous gaze. But even so, before I decide to turn you and all that parallel yous that are watching this right now into stone. Tell me, who the hell are you, old man?"

"Y-You can see them?" Zelretch eyes widened in wonder at the being who had so casually revealed its capability in comprehending the Second Magic.

Rather than reply, Shinji floated down, took a single step and slapped the air. A distortion was felt around the Multiverse as every single Zelretch in existence received a painful stinging slap at the back of their head.

"Ow! No need to take things that far!" The Wizard Marshall abruptly moaned, crouching down nursing the bump that had magically appeared on the back of his head.

"Yes or no, would have done quite nicely, you know."

The boy only shrugged unapologetically to that. The stranger even with his awe filled tone, was actually dubious of Shinji's claim that he could see him in every Universe, so to speed things up, the Molecule Man decided to take a faster approach.

Besides, the Molecule Man doesn't like his Omnipotence ever being questioned. In the end, the stooping old man in pain believes him just fine.

"Now, before I change my mind and transfigure you all into a gaseous fart. Tell me, why the hell are you watching me?"

At that, the Wizard Marshall hastily raised his hands pacifyingly. "… I want to begin by saying that I come in peace… Or not."

Zelretch dimmed at the boy's unimpressed reaction. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, the blushing Magician cleared his throat continuing.

"Just some minutes ago, the Multiverse had suffered from a sudden malady. A spontaneous combustion type of sorts."

Carefully observing the boy with a scar-ridden face who had suddenly frozen, Zelretch smirked.

"Thankfully, as suddenly as it had begun, it had been mysteriously quelled by the same mysterious force that had initially destroyed it. Even recreating the destroyed Universes with an effort that looked easier than it took to destroy them. In my immediate investigations, I realized my findings had led me here… So."

Shinji blushed in embarrassment, knowing that the stranger was definitely talking about him. While he knew his mental-blocks were much more reinforced compared to the one he had unconsciously hampered himself with back in his villainous days. There was obviously more to his power compared to before…

Also trying to seal the powers of millions of Beyonders, was not easy.

He had been funneling the excess energy away, destroying parallel Universes, but after he had fixed the hampers he immediately restored the worlds to their prior states.

But still, never had the Molecule Man been so glad that both he, Reeds and Franklin Richards had helped restored the Multiverse together. After all, even building a single world while it sounded easy took a lot of practice. So building an infinite number of worlds definitely helped a lot.

'Should I just kill him and spare myself the trouble?' Shinji mused looking at the man who suddenly appeared a little apprehensive, before shaking his head.

The Molecule Man was trying to be a better person, so killing someone who was rightfully trying to find out, the reason why his Multiverse had almost been destroyed, sounded too much like how a Villain would behave.

Sighing, Shinji rubbed the back of his head. "Yes, it was me. But before you assume anything know it isn't my fault, or rather I really didn't mean it. It was just some more of a spilled water situation. I try to close the lid, but then a little spill out destroying some well you know, worlds."

Never had Zelretch heard such a simple situation that sounded terrifying at the same time. 'Spilled water, he says.' So the reason why everything almost ended was because the being was actually trying to limit himself.

How ludicrous. How ridiculous… And how Interesting.

"Well, that's a first." The Magician of the 2nd Magic, quipped. "So am I to assume that you aren't here to cause any mayhem to our world?"

To that question, Shinji looked amused. "Hey old man."

"Zelretch. Call me, Zelretch. Old man just sounds a little bit too rude."

A brow raised, as the Matou relented. "Alright, Zelretch. Humor me this, if you were rank your power in this Multiverse, where would you place it?"

The True Magic user made a comical show of closing his eyes, "Hmm, not that high to be honest. There are dozens of beings that possess powers beyond what even I can imagine. But I am high enough when this Age is being considered."


Shinji gave a lopsided smile that was too familiar to Zelretch, it was that of one who felt he had just heard something hilarious.

Considering the fact that this Shinji poser can destroys worlds just from having too much power… Hmm, the Wizard Marshall might just be bragging to the wrong mountain.

"Just know this, Zelretch. Even if the people above you are a gazillion times stronger than you, to me, they may as well be ants. If I do want to destroy this world, all I have to do is just… Think, and my will be done."

The Dead Ancestor simply curtsied with an amused smile, "As you say…" The Wizard replied satisfied, for now.


The Magician occasionally twirled his staff as he walked amongst the unassuming crowds. Observing as the humans from all walks of life moving around either with purpose or with a sense of lethargic indulgence, was a pass time hobby of his.

Although, for once in his thousands of years, Zelretch couldn't help envying them.

The world is big, much, much bigger than what anyone can or will comprehend, with its many textures painted by both Humanity and ones before Humanity. No matter he was revered by the folks back in the Clock Tower, Zelretch knew he was only one being.

To the ones with true power, Zelretch doing as he pleased is based all on their whims. They could destroy him with a thought if he ever crosses their way, negatively. Just some minutes ago, the famed Wizard Marshall had almost died in troubling one for goodness sake!

He wasn't a Hero, in-fact, the very moment Crimson Moon had transformed him into one of his kind, Zelretch had felt some sort of relief. The Wizard Marshall wasn't fighting for Humanity, it was rather for the stories humanities could bring. He was a being that was always after excitement.

Formerly, the infinite possibilities from the story of a certain Wrought King was one of his favorite pass time. Now…

"Shinji Matou, or whoever you are. I never thought a day will come that you'll ever come into my radar."

Zelretch closed his eyes and when he opened them, he found himself in a jet black room sited upon his seat of power. Dots of white lights littered the area as the Operation of Parallel Worlds came into effect.

The vampire's smile widened while the hovering book before him began to glow brighter. "Now let's see the kind of spice you'll bring to this wretched story, shall we, Mr. Molecule Man?"


"What a creepy old man." Shinji muttered, observing the bronze medallion with strange etching on its surface that Zelretch had given him before he left.

"Something, something, Symbol of Authority. Whatever he meant by this."

Clicking his tongue, the Molecule Man placed the item in his pants pocket, turning back to what he originally came here to do. The gaze intensity had actually lessened but it was still disturbing.

"Does this Reality has its own version of Uatu or something?"

Clenching a mauve glowing fist, Shinji collided the back of his knuckle against the air producing a visible crack in space. Waiting for another moment, Shinji stroke even harder before a single object fell from the cavity he was creating unto his hand.

It was a single white flower head…

Cradling it, Shinji scrutinized it for a minute before he gestured the hole to close. 'This one with the flower wasn't the one with the eerie gaze.'

He tsked deciding to leave it be. As long as the creepy eyes decides to do nothing, it'll will get no trouble from him. But if it gets any funny ideas… Enough has been said.

Mom is probably be getting worried anyway…

Placing one hand into his pocket while the other played with the flower head. Shinji hovered while a spherical hole tore away space before him. Destination, Sakura's room.


"Phew, how scary~! For a moment I thought he was going to destroy everything, here." The Incubus said wiping away the sweat cloaking his forehead, observing the endless sea of flowers that had a visible part of it, carved away revealing a dark void.

It will heal thankfully, but to think that strange being could do even this. Disregard the Concept of Space-Time and almost destroying Avalon due to him looking for owner of the creepy gaze.

"I'm just thankful that he accepted my offering, and spared this place from further destruction."

Letting out a hollow laugh, the white haired royal sorcerer, Merlin sat on his chair looking at the distant horizon. "How are you going to remunerate me for this, Gaia? Your annoying observation almost got me killed!"

Merlin knew the will of the world wouldn't deign him any form of reply, but he wasn't expecting it. He too also spy on things that interest him after all, like the boy, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Nevertheless, Merlin had never expected for a being even more powerful than the Earth Mother's Will to visit this planet.

"I just hope he doesn't see something that'll piss him off. I still don't want to die… Not yet."

The Inhuman who sees all of the present, looked ahead as his nigh-omnipresent gaze wondered what will become of the world. A smile graced his lips at the realization of how everything is going to change.

"Ah, I can't wait!"

…- …-…-…-…-…-…-…-…

It began with a little ringing in her head.

Red silted eyes opened wide to see the luxurious chamber that was the same as it had been one hundred and fifty years ago.

Flowing yellow hair spilled out as the White Princess stood from her large bedstead feeling uneasy.

'Has Roa awakened?' The strongest Dead Ancestor thought to herself, before shaking her head. 'No… This isn't him, not yet. This is much-much stronger.'

Wincing, she strode out of her room while shaking her head, as if to get rid of the ringing.

It was like the whole world was screaming in her head to seek out a certain something or someone. The White Princess would have considered it bad, if, it weren't for the exited undertone the will of Gaia was projecting into her.

Her white flowing dress dragged across the hallways, as the Ultimate One looked up to the ever-present Moon, while a hand pressed against her heart.

"What is this feeling?" She muttered out in bemusement. "What am I supposed to do with it?"

Normally the ever silent hallways were ought to be her reply. That was why the vampire froze up when a ghost-like whisper replied to her.

'Fuyuki City. Go, and seek for him there.'

Turning back, the Ultimate One looked around, power pulsing out of her in waves while still careful to keep her bloodlust at bay. Her fingers clawed, waiting for the next instant for that voice to appear.

It was after some minutes passed, that the White Princess relaxed focusing back on her present conundrum.

"Fuyuki City, huh." The Archetype known as Acruied Brunestud whispered, trying to quell the bubbling feeling arising in her heart. "Whatever may I find there?"

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