29.62% Haikyuu!!: The God of Information / Chapter 7: Meeting His Teammates

章 7: Meeting His Teammates


In the middle school gymnasium.

""...is Mayeda Tatsuo!! If you know who it is, please contact him if he wanted to play in the special volleyball match. Thank you!"" the commentator announced.

Tatsuo was woken up when he heard his name and it took him a second before understanding what the commentator had just said.


"Ehhh?! Hey! Hey! Hey! Tatsuo!" Nunoe exclaimed and was surprised even more than Tatsuo. Nunoe made his way to Tatsuo and he shook his shoulder.

Tatsuo was now grinning like a wild child.

'Thank you! Whoever you are, thank you very much!' Tatsuo thought as he was ready to kneel any moment now but Nunoe saved him.

"Did you hear that?! You did, did you?! Wow, I can't believe you're really playing volleyball with our seniors!" Nunoe just said what comes to his head. He did not bother giving time for Tatsuo to answer and said what he wanted to say.

Even if he did, Tatsuo has no answer to give to all Nunoe said. So, he decided to just be a good friend and ignore him for now. He looked for his parents but he only saw his father standing there chatting with other dads.

"Ah?" Tatsuo was confused and asked his father. "Where is Mom, Dad?"

"She said she'll use the washroom for a bit" Shigeru answered his son's concern.


In one of the washroom stalls.

"Thank you, Father, ~," Chiyoko said in a sweet voice.

If Tatsuo saw this, he will not believe this occurrence. He will probably choose to believe that his mother is possessed than see his mother's sweet side.


Chiyoko just finished chatting with her dad. She sighed because her dad's love for her was quite tiring. One of the reasons why he decided to leave their main house.

She just called him because she wanted to ask a favor.

While she was on her way to the washroom to do her business, she heard that there was a special volleyball match organized by the student council from the stall behind her.

Hearing this, Chiyoko was reminded of his son's passion for volleyball.

She had observed him for most time of his life so she noticed that whenever the volleyball match airs on tv, Tatsuo watched intently with enthusiasm in his eyes.

Without a second, she used her most reliable contact - her father.

But a condition was set by his father for helping her.

"Go to our house with your family. Oh, and don't forget to bring my cute grandson~"

Of which she accepted unwillingly. Even though she was trying to avoid them as much as possible, their family business was all around Japan, their business included. It was inevitable.

'But... it's worth as long as Tatsu's happy...'

She sighed once more before going out of the washroom stall and walking gracefully to her family.


Still on the second floor of the gymnasium.

"I can't believe that Tatsu-chan is not going to play with us..."

Nunoe was quickly saddened and was presented with a depressing cloud above his head. Ukio and Fuku consoled him as they rub his back.

His friends were even more excited for him. Though, not visible in the faces to the face of Fuku. While Ukio tries to do that but ultimately failed. He was tired but...

'It was not that bad...'

He has good friends that were always there for him to get annoyed at. Parents that were considerate, loving, and giving.

'Ahh, what a life...'

A moment later, his mother arrived and asked 'what were they talking about?' of which Tatsuo answered energetically, surprising his friends with his sudden change of tone.

Chiyoko smiled at the news pretending that she was not the one who instigated the student council for picking Tatsu. But she chose to keep it a secret from Tatsuo, anyway.

They chatted for a little bit then continue their way to the high school gymnasium.




In the High School Gymnasium

The high school gymnasium was much larger than the gymnasium of the middle school. There were two courts inside that were currently being cleaned by students assigned.

It was quite far from middle school so, they arrived just 20 minutes before the game started.

"We'll be watching up there! Make sure to do your best!" his parents cheered for him as well as his friends and their parents.

"Okay!~" Tatsuo replied as he wave his hands.

'I'll get my first win...surely'

Alone, this was the first time in 3 weeks. Of course, there is staff beside him guiding him to the locker room of his team but he's basically a stranger to him.

The staff walked first as Tatsuo follow behind.

Apparently, the special volleyball match was organized by the student council to add more entertainment to visitors. They invited two upcoming national-level volleyball players from Japan.

The special volleyball match was called special because there were representatives from each school of Kaisei Academy.

Each school in Kaisei has 2 spots available which the student council has the authority to choose by their standards. And those who were chosen definitely have a talent for sports or else they will be a laughingstock in front of many.

Tatsuo himself was confused as to why they picked him. They didn't even know if he has the talent as he only participate in physical activities during classes.

'But that didn't matter anyway because right now, he just wants to play whether it is a coincidence or not.'

Arriving right outside the locker room, he let out a breath.

"Just go inside and introduce yourself first...Oh, and say your jersey size and you'll get your jersey. Understood?" the staff notified.

"Yes! Thank you, senpai!" Tatsuo bowed his head.

The staff nodded and left.

'This is it!... this is my starting point!' he thought as he stretched out his hand for the knob.


Opening the door, he was welcomed by a greatly missed sight! Organized lockers on three sides of the room and a long chair in the center.

There were few people inside currently. There are others changing clothes and there are other already changed their clothes.

"Sorry for intrusion..." Tatsuo said as he closed the door. Gaining the attention of other players, he started introducing himself.

"Hello, senpais! I'm Mayeda Tatsuo, 4th year in elementary school, and the representative of Kaisei Elementary School! Please take care of me!" Tatsuo energetically introduced himself.

They were shocked not because of how energetic he introduced himself but because of his height.

Tatsuo's height was 158 cm. Taller than most kids his age but average in the middle-school height range.

"...you sure not lyin'?" A black-haired man asked suspiciously as he squint his eyes.


"AH!" the black-haired looked back in anger "What was that for, Otoda-senpai?!"

"You'll scare the kid!" Otoda replied.

'At least tell me before if you want to hit me...' Nishuda grumbled as he has no excuse'

"I'm sorry..." Nishida apologized.

Tatsuo couldn't care less about the apology as the black-haired seems familiar to him. Seeing the black-haired's reminded him of someone he just saw earlier.

"Ah! You're the wing spiker earlier in the middle school gymnasium!" Tatsuo exclaimed as he noticed just now. "Your last service ace was great!"

"Oh, you know me, huh? Well, I'm introducing myself anyways. I'm Yuji Nishida, a first-year in middle school, position wing spiker." Nishida was quite perplexed by Tatsuo's reaction but choose to ignore it anyway and also introduced himself.

'Was he not tired? he just played earlier...' Tatsuo asked himself whether to ask but decided not to as he look at composure. He didn't look tired at all. 'I wonder how...'

"Hello, I'm Akisada Otoda, a 2nd-year high school and I play as an outside hitter. Nice to meet you, Tatsu-kun" The one who slapped the back of Nishida-kun introduced himself.

Others also introduced themselves.

(AN: Also known as the right-side hitter, these players need to be a perfect balance of both offense and defense)

"I'm Hamasa Katsu, a 1st-year high school student and I play setter..." Katsu lethargically introduced himself.

"I'm Ike Hachiro, a 3rd-year middle school student and I play opposite hitter..."

"Tada Katashi, a 6th year in elementary school, I play libero..."

After the introduction, Nishida asked Tatsuo.

"What position do you play, Tatsu-kun? Not like you have a choice..." Nishida said and earned a glare from Otoda.

"Uhm, I-I am interested in playing as a setter but I'm also interested in the libero position!" Tatsuo scratches his nape. His situation is the same as Katashi who was forced to play libero because of their height.

Of course, they can also choose other positions but only if they can jump at least on the level of the net. It was exactly 2.43 meters so unless they have the jumping ability of Hinata Shoyo.

Katsu remains unbothered even after hearing the words Tatsuo spouted.

"Tatsu-kun, what number do you want?" Otoda asked as he walk towards where the shirt is stocked.

"I'll take number 3 if that's still available, senpai..."Tatsuo answered.

Otoda gave Tatsuo his jersey.

"Your lucky others did not choose that number" Otoda laughed as he handed Tatsuo his jersey.

Of course, this is not a free jersey. It was the jersey a volleyball club used whenever they play a match in practice. So they needed to return it to them after the game.

Tatsuo changed his attire and looked at himself in the mirror. It reminded him of his past life.

The nostalgic feeling was what he was feeling right now. Right now, he's reminiscing about the days he was playing as a setter in court. He missed the atmosphere during the competition.

But before he even delve deeper into this feeling, the door opening was heard throughout the room. They all looked towards the door.


Seeing him, Tatsuo was stunned because he didn't expect that the 'Iron Defense of Japan' was standing right now in front of him!

"Hello, juniors! I'm Shugo Meian. I'm sorry I'm late because of some business outside. You should've known I play middle blocker if you ever saw my handsome self on tv!" he laughed proudly after saying those words.

(AN: He was on the late few chapters of the manga. Here's his picture)

Tatsuo was wondering earlier why nobody took the middle blocker position even though it was available. Though, he knew that those who play opposite hitters can also play as middle blockers if they want.

'So, this is why they didn't get the middle...'

Shugo Meian was one of the famous people in Japanese volleyball he did not know in his previous life. He was famous because of his amazing defense. Also gained the title 'Iron Defense of Japan'

But his almost missing the game was quite unprofessional.


That's the signal Tatsuo's waiting for almost 15 minutes in the locker room.

'This means they're about to play a match!'

"Anyways, let's go have fun out there, Blue Tigers!"


Please comment on what you think or add a review if you can. Thanks :)

next chapter: Blue Tigers vs Red Ants

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


