

"So what do you want? I thought you already left for Soul Society?" Ichigo looked at Rukia with a confused look. Rukia smiled sadly.

"I can't, Ichigo. You took almost all of my powers last night so now I'm stuck in a Gigai, which is an artificial body for weakened Shinigami. Until my powers return, I'm stuck in this Gigai temporarily. " Rukia explained.

" So that explains why they can see you. So does that mean I must take over your duties until your powers return? " Ichigo asked her. Rukia smiled proudly.

" You catch on really fast. I like that. At least I don't have to argue with you about responsibilities and all that. " Rukia complimented. Ichigo sighed.

" I'm not a coward Rukia. I have a quote which I always follow." Ichigo told her. Rukia raised an eyebrow at him.

" And that quote is...." Rukia wanted to know. "With great power comes great responsibility. That's the quote I follow. If I have the power to help people, why not just use it to do just that? " Ichigo smiled at her.

" Your reaction is very different than I thought. " Rukia pointed out. Ichigo frowned.

" What kind of reaction do you think I will have? " Ichigo asked her. Rukia sighed.

" I was expecting you to argue with me. I thought you were going to deny my request." Rukia explained.

" Let me guess, the request is to fight Hollows and perform Konso on the spirits that are in this town. " Ichigo guessed. Rukia nodded and smiled.

" Mhm! Will you help me?" Rukia looked at his brown eyes. Ichigo chuckled.

"Of course. I'm pretty curious about these powers myself." Ichigo looked at his hands.

"Good. We'll start your first shift now." Rukia revealed.

" Wha—


"Ugh!" Ichigo grunted as his physical body fell onto the ground. He looked at himself.

"Woah. I'm floating in the air." Ichigo looked at Rukia.

"What did you do to me?" Ichigo asked her. Rukia raised her right hand to show him a red colored glove with a skull drawn on it.

"This is a Gokon Tekkō. It is a device used by the Shinigami to forcibly remove souls from bodies. Your physical body is alright, it's not dead. " Rukia explained. Ichigo sighed.

" So I'm a spirit now. Can you please hide my body?" Ichigo asked her. Rukia nodded and grabbed Ichigo's clothes.

"Hnnnghhhh!!!!" Rukia grunted as she dragged Ichigo with great difficulty.

"Why are you so heavy?!" Rukia shouted in irritation. Ichigo chuckled.

"I'm 145lbs, Rukia. Of course I'm heavy. Or are your arms just weak?" Ichigo teased her. Rukia glared at him.

" I'll strangle you with my own hands, idiot! " Rukia shouted angrily. She had a tick mark on her forehead that shows her anger. Ichigo chuckled.

" I'm just messing. Just put me behind this bush. " Ichigo told her. Rukia grunted and started pulling Ichigo's physical body behind the bush.

After finishing the job, Rukia looked at him. "Just give me a second." Rukia sat on the ground and breathed heavily for a while. Ichigo shrugged and stood beside her.

A few minutes later, Rukia stood up and looked at Ichigo. " Follow me. I have received an order from Soul Society." She told him and pulled out her old school flip phone.

"What does it say?" Ichigo asked while they started walking.

"The order says that a Plus—

" Sorry for interrupting but what's a Plus? " Ichigo asked her. Rukia sighed.

" Pluses are the benign ghosts in the Human World. They are the spirit of a person who has died. " Rukia explained to him. Ichigo nodded.

" Back to what I was saying, the Plus who lives in a park nearby will probably be attacked by a Hollow—

"We're wasting our time walking here. Let's go!" Ichigo grabbed Rukia's wrist and started running, dragging Rukia with him.

"But you don't know where the Plus is!" Rukia argued.

" I know where the Hollow you're talking about is! Just trust me, Rukia! " Ichigo shouted back. They ran and ran until they arrived at a park.


"Help me!!!!"

Ichigo grinned. He saw a young boy running away from a spider like Hollow. The boy climbed over a slide, the Hollow crashed through it.

"It seems we're just in time." Ichigo unstrapped his claymores that were strapped on his back. He disappeared and reappeared in front of the young boy.

"Do not be scared, young man! Because I am here!" Ichigo grinned. The boy widened his eyes in surprise.

The Hollow stopped chasing the boy and looked at Ichigo. "WRROOOOOAAAARRRRR!!!!" It roared at him. Ichigo smirked. He stabbed the claymore in his left hand onto the ground. He grabbed his claymore in his right hand with both of his hands.

Ichigo appeared in front of the Hollow while in the middle of swinging down his blade. Red fire flowed out of the blade.

'Hi no Kokyū, First Form: Dance'


The Hollow stopped moving. Its body split in half and turned into ashes. Ichigo smirked as he stood up straight.

Ichigo walked towards the boy who had tears flowing out of his eyes. He knelt down beside him.

"Hey kid. I can help you pass over, do you want me to do that?" Ichigo asked with a gentle smile on his face. The boy sniffed and nodded.

Ichigo smiled and pressed the hilt of his Zanpakutō to the boy's forehead and performed Konsō, causing the boy to sink into the ground in blue light.

Ichigo stared at the sandy ground where the boy was sitting. Rukia slowly walked towards him.

Ichigo grabbed his claymore that was stabbed through the ground.

"That was a great use of your Zanpakutō, Ichigo. Are you experienced with using claymores? " Rukia asked him. Ichigo looked at her and nodded.

"What is a Zanpakutō?" Ichigo asked her.

"A Zanpakutō is a weapon used by the Shinigami. It is capable of cutting spiritual bodies, they are among the few weapons which can be used to combat Hollows. " Rukia explained. Ichigo narrowed his eyes.

" Yours was a katana. But why were mine two claymores? " Ichigo asked her. Rukia sighed.

" Each Shinigami carries a Zanpakutō, and each Zanpakutō is unique: the swords are reflections of a Shinigami's power and soul, and sentient beings unto themselves." Rukia followed up her explanation.

" How can I talk to my Zanpakutō? " Ichigo asked her. Rukia snorted.

" You can't." Rukia answered bluntly. Ichigo sighed.

"You'll tell me the truth someday." Ichigo grumbled. Rukia giggled.

"Like that will ever happen." Rukia argued back. Ichigo looked at her with an amused smile.

"Getting cocky now huh? It seems I have to teach you a lesson." Ichigo grinned menacingly. Rukia shuddered.

"Wh-what do you mean, Ichigo?" Rukia stuttered out. Ichigo chuckled and strapped his claymores to his back straps.

"Time for some tickles!!" Ichigo growled and pounced on Rukia. Rukia squealed as Ichigo unbuttoned her grey coat.

Ichigo raised his hands and started tickling Rukia's waist." Hahaha! No! Stop it!!" Rukia squealed loudly. Ichigo didn't stop, instead he increased the intensity of his tickling.

Loud joyful squeals and giggles filled the air. Rukia was laughing like a maniac with how intense Ichigo was tickling her.

After a while, Ichigo stopped the tickle torture and looked at Rukia's purple eyes. Rukia looked at him while she was breathing heavily.

Their faces were very close to each other. Rukia looked away.

"Get off me." She grumbled.

"Whatever." Ichigo laid down beside her.

They stayed silent for a while. They're eyes were focusing on the clear blue sky.

"Hey Rukia. I'm going to ask you a personal question." Ichigo revealed. Rukia looked at him.

"Try me." Rukia challenged him. Ichigo looked at her.

"Do you have a family in Soul Society?

To be continued....

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


