
New Crops

翻訳者: Dragon Boat Translation 編集者: Dragon Boat Translation

After Morty returned to his room, Leona, who had escaped, was hiding in her room, feeling extremely vexed.

"I was so close. I'm so useless!"

She had been mentally prepared when she went to his room. Why did it have to fail at the last moment?

Recalling the feeling of being invaded, Leona's face turned red again. She hesitated for a moment, and her right hand slowly reached between her legs.


An alluring moan and heavy breathing echoed in the dark room.


The night was silent.

The next day, Morty woke up early. After breakfast, he went to check on the damage to Rebecca's room. Rebecca had already cleaned up the filth in the room, but the big hole in the roof still made Morty's heart ache.

Rebecca, who knew that she had gotten into trouble, was also very well-behaved. She stood at the side with her head lowered and did not say a word.

Since things had come to this, Morty couldn't be bothered to argue with her. Anyway, it had already happened, and it wouldn't help to argue with her.

"Just stay in this roofless room!"

After glaring at Rebecca in the corner, Morty didn't waste any more words. He turned around and went to the cellar. He rummaged through a pile of seeds and finally set his sights on a bag of pea seeds.

"Let's plant this."

Looking at the seeds in the bag, Morty muttered to himself, "This pea couldn't possibly be able to attack people too, right?

If the harvest was good enough, it would be more than enough to exchange for some silver coins to buy some meat.

He took the pea seeds out of the cellar and went to the field. After removing the stalks that had no more corn, he vacated a piece of land and began to prepare to plant the peas.

Just as he was busy with his work, Rebecca came over and said carefully, "Are you planting more?"

Morty looked up at her and said unhappily, "Otherwise, where would we get the money to repair the roof?"

Rebecca blushed. She knew that he was still angry, so she came over with a smile. "I'm going to help you. Don't be angry, okay?"

"Alright." Morty didn't refuse. It was always easier to have one more person help than to do it alone.

Rebecca happily took the seeds and began to sow them behind him.

The two of them worked together, and soon, more than half of the bag of seeds was consumed.

It was noon, and the sun was scorching hot. Morty straightened his back and stretched for a while. Just as he turned around to rest, Rebecca, who was burying her head in sowing seeds behind her, had no intuition and bumped into his arms.

Caught off guard, Morty's body fell to the ground. Rebecca also lost her balance and fell straight to the ground.


Rebecca screamed and pressed her entire body against Morty.

Morty subconsciously raised his hand to support her.

In the next second, a soft touch came from his palm.

Upon closer inspection, his hand happened to be pressing on Rebecca's chest.

The young girl's firm chest made him unable to resist scratching and rubbing it a few more times, and his lower body immediately reacted.

The latter's face was flushed red and she was about to stand up in a hurry, but she tripped on the robe on her body. Her right hand happened to press down on Morty's crotch.

Morty grunted and quickly let go of Rebecca. Fortunately, Rebecca's strength was not very strong. Otherwise, the rest of his life would be over.

"S-Sorry." Rebecca's face was red as she stood up in a hurry. Her eyes would occasionally glance at Morty's crotch, and her eyes were filled with surprise.

"It's alright." Morty waved his hand and turned around to continue digging.

Rebecca hurriedly followed after him, but her eyes would occasionally look at Morty. Her face was red, and no one knew what she was thinking.

After dealing with all the seeds with great difficulty, Morty straightened his back and heaved a long sigh of relief. Rebecca also heaved a sigh of relief and muttered, "It's so hot, so hot."

As she spoke, she pulled open her loose robe and fanned herself with her hands in an attempt to ease the tension.

Morty was stunned.

Rebecca was only wearing a purple bra under her long robe. Her beautiful figure was almost visible. Even though it was covered by the bra, he could still see the snow-white and plump outline of her chest, her beautiful collarbone, and her flat and smooth belly. May Day did not affect his heart.

Rebecca didn't seem to notice it at all. She reached out and lifted the hem of her long robe, her long and supple thighs tightly closed together.

From the side, he could see that her well-proportioned little butt was jiggling with her jumping movements. Morty felt as if he was about to suffocate.

At this moment, Rebecca finally noticed his fixed gaze. Thinking of the scene just now, her face became even redder. She pouted and muttered, "Pervert."

Morty came back to his senses and chuckled. "If I'm a pervert, then what are you? A little lamb?"

"No, I'm not. I'm an evil dragon. I'll swallow you in one gulp. Roar!" Rebecca raised her hands in the shape of claws and wrinkled her little nose. Her cute appearance made Morty unable to hold back his laughter. He raised his hand and gently tapped his head.

"You think you're a dragon? I wonder who's going to eat who."

"Humph!" Rebecca wrinkled her nose and threatened seriously, "Don't underestimate me. I'm very powerful when I'm fierce."

Looking at the little devil who was standing in front of him with her clothes open and a serious face, Morty suddenly had the intention to tease her. He took a step forward, bowed slightly, and said with a smile, "Oh? How powerful?"

"I'll scare you to death if I tell you!" Rebecca said smugly, but she didn't notice that Morty's hands had already sneakily reached out to her waist, grabbed the soft flesh on her waist, and gently pinched it.

"Aiya, what are you doing!? Tickles! That tickles—" Rebecca wriggled her body to avoid it, giggling non-stop.

"Hehe, I told you to put on an act with me. Do you still dare to eat me?" Morty laughed as he tickled her.

"No, I don't dare anymore~" Rebecca panted and begged for mercy. Only then did Morty let her go. After the fight, Rebecca panted heavily, and the valleys on her chest rose and fell with her movements. It was a beautiful sight.

Morty couldn't help but take a few more glances. The girl's breasts, flat and slender belly, and the pink under her slightly transparent purple underwear seemed to be tempting him to pounce on her.

At the thought of this, his lower body subconsciously stood up, and his crotch was propped up high.

Morty was a little embarrassed, but Rebecca didn't avoid it at all. Instead, she stared straight at her lower body and asked curiously, "That is really big. Can I ask, how did you feel when it became so big like that?"

"How do I feel?" Morty was stunned for a moment. He had never thought about this question.

Rebecca moved closer, blinked, and suddenly made a bold move. "She reached out and touched Morty's firm lower body.

Morty's body trembled.

Rebecca didn't notice it at all and asked with a smile, "Is this comfortable?"

Looking at the girl's snow-white body in front of him, Morty couldn't help but pull Rebecca into his arms with bloodshot eyes.


Rebecca let out a soft cry. In the next second, Morty's large hands grabbed her breasts and massaged them wantonly.

"Little slut, you seduced me."

"I… I did not." Rebecca pouted, a little dissatisfied with his form of address.

Morty didn't say anything, but he exerted a little force with his big hand.

"It hurts… Be gentle…"

Rebecca's slender eyebrows furrowed slightly. Her small mouth was open, and she was gasping unconsciously.

Seeing this, Morty immediately lowered his head, covered his mouth, and sucked her little tongue in his mouth.

"Yes, yes!"

Rebecca's pretty face was flushed red, and she let out a soft snort through her nose. She already looked like she was in love.

Sensing her emotions, the desire in Morty's heart grew even stronger. His large hands were no longer satisfied just caressing her breast outside the bra. He directly reached into the fabric and grabbed the soft skin underneath. His fingers gently touched her nipples.

"W-wait a moment…"

Rebecca was confused by this sudden attack. Her delicate body trembled slightly, but she did not forget her purpose. She pressed down on Morty's hands and asked, "You haven't told me the method to cultivate the seed."

"What cultivation method? I don't have it." As he kissed her slender neck, Morty took his hand out of her bra and began to touch her lower body.

"L-liar…" Rebecca snorted and resisted the urge to push Morty away. Just like Leona, she didn't believe that Morty didn't have any special methods to grow those corn.

When he reached out to press the edge of her underwear, Rebecca took a deep breath and pushed Morty away. She looked at him seriously. "If you don't tell me, I won't let you do whatever you want."

Modi was about to go crazy. Why was it always such a critical moment?

But he really didn't know what kind of bullsh*t cultivation method it was!

A hint of disappointment and embarrassment flashed in Rebecca's eyes. She fixed her robes with a red face, lowered her head, and ran away quickly.

Morty stood rooted to the ground, wanting to cry.

God, you must be kidding me!

Looking at Rebecca's back as she left, Morty sighed.

It was better to farm honestly.

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    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
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    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

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