66.95% A World Unwritten / Chapter 229: Part Forty

章 229: Part Forty

Aira, looking down at the chaos below, mutters under her breath, "That guy is crazy..." Her expression is a mix of disbelief and concern. 'Does he enjoy torturing people with his potions?'

Kaida, overwhelmed by the scene, stumbles back and collapses to her knees. "I think I'm going to barf," she groans, visibly shaken by Oliver's actions below.

Flora, trying to be supportive, pats Kaida's back gently. "Come on, Kaida, you got this. Just don't look down there. That's what I'm doing," she advises, trying to keep her composure.

Their attention is abruptly diverted by the sound of footsteps. They turn to see Rami, who has just climbed up an ice pillar, leaping gracefully into the air. Mid-jump, her gaze locks onto Biana, who is still dozing off. "There you are, you bitch. I'm going to make you fight me," Rami mutters determinedly as she lands smoothly.

Flora, surprised to see Rami, asks, "Rami? What are you doing here? I thought your team lost." But Rami ignores her, focusing instead on her target.

With a burst of speed, Rami lunges towards Biana, but Aira intervenes, swinging her sword down at her. Rami, quick to react, uses her short axe to block and redirect the sword. She then showcases her incredible flexibility, twisting her body to dodge another swing from Aira.

"What are you doing here, Rami?" Aira asks, continuing her assault. But Rami's agility is remarkable. She wraps her legs around Aira, maneuvering above her and declaring, "I'm here to fight Biana."

Aira manages to elbow Rami off, and as Rami is momentarily airborne, Aira swings her sword again. Rami blocks with her axe and flips, landing gracefully. Aira raises an eyebrow, impressed. 'Was she always this graceful? I've never seen her move like this... and her flexibility is incredible.'

Isabella, growing increasingly annoyed, coldly says, "Get lost." She then casts dozens of magic arrows, launching them at Rami. Skilfully, Rami uses her axe, which glows with each blocked attack, to deflect the arrows.

Isabella closes the distance between them. "So it's an artifact," she observes, her tone indicating she's pieced together the nature of Rami's weapon.

"You should know very well you can't beat us. Now get lost," Isabella states firmly, unleashing a powerful gust of wind at Rami.

Rami smirks defiantly as she's blown off the ice by Isabella's gust of wind. "Maybe not now, but one day I will," she retorts confidently. In a swift motion, she hurls her axe at the ice connecting Biana's pillar, effectively breaking it. The pillar, already precariously cut by Rami, crumbles, sending Biana plummeting towards the ground.

Waking up mid-fall, Biana yawns and rubs her eyes in confusion. "What the hell is going on?" she mumbles, only to land with a thud on the ground. Her blanket and pillow, fortuitously in her grasp, somewhat soften her fall. Groaning, she rubs her head, disoriented. "Ugh... what the fuck is going on?"

From above, Flora looks down at Biana with a mix of concern and uncertainty. "Should we help her?" she asks, her voice wavering.

Aira, observing the situation, shakes her head. "Um... No, I think she'll be fine. I mean, look who's nearby..." She gestures towards Oliver, who is still in his potion-induced frenzy. The idea of descending into that chaos seems unappealing to everyone above.

'Maybe Isadora will help her...' Aira muses, turning her gaze to Isadora. However, Isadora, as expressionless as ever, is nonchalantly sipping a coconut, her attention on Biana. The loud sipping noise from her straw makes it clear she has no intention of intervening. "I don't think she'll help her," Aira concludes, her voice laced with resignation.

Biana, now on the ground, looks up at the group above her. Noticing their lack of action, her frustration boils over. She lifts her hand and pointedly flips them off. "Fuck you, bitches," she shouts, her annoyance palpable.

Rami strides towards Biana, her short axe slicing through the air with increasing speed, creating a whooshing sound. She smirks at Biana, who is still lounging on the ground. "Wake up, lazy shit," Rami taunts, her eyes gleaming with determination.

Biana, unimpressed and yawning, rolls her eyes at Rami's presence. "Oh, it's you. What a stubborn bitch. You're still after me even after your team lost?" she retorts, her voice dripping with disdain.

Undeterred, Rami points her axe directly at Biana. "I'm only here to fight you. You need a beating for being such a disrespectful brat," she declares, her stance ready for combat.

Biana, however, remains nonchalant. "Oh, boohoo, cry me a fucking river," she retorts sarcastically, stretching leisurely on the ground.

In a swift movement, Rami kicks a rock, which slams into Biana's forehead. "Stand up and fight me," she demands, her frustration evident.

Biana, rubbing her forehead and clicking her tongue, annoyingly lays back down, pulling her blanket over herself. "Fuck off, go fight that idiot Oliver," she says dismissively, waving her hand from under the blanket.

"What!? Fight me!" Rami yells, her disbelief and frustration growing. She walks over to Biana and starts yanking at her blanket, trying to force her to stand. "Dammit, get up!" she insists.

Biana, however, stubbornly clings to her blanket. "No! I'm trying to sleep!" she protests, her voice muffled under the fabric.

The tug-of-war over the blanket intensifies, with both of them straining and veins popping on their foreheads. "You are going to fight me whether you want it or not!" Rami declares, pulling even harder.

Biana, using a talisman to enhance her strength, grunts and pulls back just as fiercely. "Fuck off! I want to sleep! Go fight someone else!" she shouts, her feet digging into the ground as she resists Rami's efforts.

Rami, fueled by determination and a surge of mana, pulls on the blanket with even more force. "I'm going to fight YOU. I might be getting disowned because I went against my mother, so you're going to fight me whether you like it or not!" Her words echo with a mix of anger and desperation.

Biana, grunting in annoyance, uses three more talismans to amplify her strength, pulling back fiercely. The ground beneath them starts to crater under the intense force of their tug-of-war.

"That seems more like a YOU problem! Stop pulling my blanket, or you'll rip it!" Biana yells, her frustration mounting.

In response, Rami, her patience wearing thin, swings her axe down, tearing a hole in the blanket. "If you want me to stop, then just fight me!" she demands.

Biana, momentarily stunned by the destruction of her blanket, suddenly stops pulling and lets go, causing Rami to stumble backward. "No, my blanket! Do you know how hard it's going to be to fix it!?" she exclaims, then pauses, an idea striking her. "Oh wait..." she says, releasing the torn blanket and calmly pulling out a softer, longer one from her pouch. She wraps herself like a burrito, seemingly unbothered by the earlier altercation.

Rami, her teeth gritted in frustration, approaches Biana, only to find her already asleep. She kicks her repeatedly, but Biana remains undisturbed, deeply wrapped in her new blanket. "Wake up and fight me!" Rami demands, her kicks growing in intensity but having no effect on the sleeping Biana.

Suddenly, a potion flies out of nowhere. Rami, quick to react, jumps back, dodging it. However, the potion hits Biana, shattering upon impact. The liquid inside begins to melt her blanket and shirt around her stomach area. Biana wakes up shivering and horrified. "Ah! What the fuck happened to my blanket!" she exclaims, noticing the broken glass shards.

Gritting her teeth in anger, she shouts, "Oliver, you fucking piece of shit!" Oliver, whistling with a devilish smile, looks nonchalantly at the scene. "Hey, calm down~ I was aiming at her, but she dodged," he explains, strolling forward. "The others got teleported out, and I need another test subject. Just get another blanket and go back to sleep," he suggests dismissively.

Biana slowly stands up, a shadow clouding her face, unnoticed by Oliver as he approaches Rami. Under her breath, Biana mumbles bitterly, "V took all my blankets... You fucking bastard melted my last blanket and my favorite pajamas."

Rami's grin widens as she sees Biana finally riled up. "Finally, you're up," she says with satisfaction. Oliver, caught off guard by the sudden change in dynamics, turns around only to find Biana's fist, empowered by a talisman, heading straight for his face. The impact, enhanced by the talisman's magic, sends Oliver flying back into a tree. "Why do I have to have such a retarded brother!?" Biana yells, marching towards him, visibly infuriated.

Rami, seizing the opportunity, charges at Biana with her axe aimed downwards. However, Biana, unfazed and coldly focused, holds up a different talisman. As the axe makes contact, it's sent flying upwards, deflected by the talisman's power.

Rami quickly adjusts, twisting her body to deliver a kick, but Biana cleverly uses her pillow to absorb the impact, rendering the attack ineffective. "Get lost, you fucker," Biana retorts sharply, attempting a counter-punch. Rami, however, dodges nimbly, landing on her feet with grace.

Meanwhile, Oliver groans as he struggles to his feet, rubbing his jaw. "That hurt..." he mutters. His expression hardens as he looks at Biana. "You want to fight? Fine, I've been wanting to try some of these on you," he says, grabbing two potions. He throws them towards Biana, but she's ready. Grinning, an invisible shield pops out, protecting her and causing the potions to fall harmlessly to the ground.

"You know you can't beat me, moron, no matter how many tricks you try on me," Biana states confidently, ripping another talisman that solidifies the liquid on the floor, rendering it harmless.

Oliver, frustrated and coughing up some blood, douses himself with a potion. His muscles begin to swell, giving him a more imposing, buff appearance. "You're always like this, nothing but a disrespectful bitch," he retorts, his voice tinged with bitterness.

Rami, noticing the escalating tension, points her axe at Oliver and commands, "Hey, back off!" Her tone is firm and resolute, clearly not in the mood for any more of Oliver's antics.

Biana, meanwhile, rolls her eyes at the unfolding drama. Spotting the three crowns scattered around, she casually walks over and places them on her head, now proudly sporting five crowns. Settling herself on a rock, she coolly says, "Come at me," while idly tracing her fingers along the tips of the crowns, her voice carrying a chilly edge.

Oliver and Rami lock eyes for a moment, the tension palpable. Oliver, with a dismissive gesture, throws a potion at Rami. Unfazed, Rami dodges and charges towards Biana instead.

Biana, leaning back against the rock, mutters, "So damn immature," as she rips a talisman and throws it towards Rami. The talisman's effect is immediate – Rami loses her balance and tumbles face-first onto the ground.

With a yawn, Biana places her foot nonchalantly on Rami's head, her voice dripping with mockery. "How sad," she says.

Rami, not one to give up easily, twists her body, attempting a kick at Biana's face. But Biana's pajamas, glowing with a protective glow, form a shield, blocking the attack. "Tsk, if it wasn't for that retard melting some, it would have sent you flying," Biana mumbles, referring to Oliver's earlier potion mishap.

Oliver, watching from a distance, seizes the moment to join the fray. He runs in, throwing three potions into the air. The first one creates a dense, misty fog that destabilizes the surrounding mana. The second one, aimed at Biana, is swiftly caught by her and tucked away in her bag. The third potion splashes on the ground, spreading a black liquid across the battlefield.

As Oliver tries to punch her, Biana effortlessly blocks the attack with her pillow. "Do you think I'd fall for the same shit the others did?" she retorts, her tone dripping with disdain.

In a show of dominance, Biana rips ten talismans simultaneously. One enhances her strength, and the remaining nine amplify the effects of the first talisman ninefold. With her newfound strength, she grabs Oliver by the collar. Oliver scrambles to use another potion to boost his defense, but Biana smirks, "Let me remind you why I'm the older one," her face twisted in a mix of amusement and superiority.

Unleashing her pent-up frustration, Biana starts slamming her fist into Oliver over and over again. Each hit resonates with the amplified power of the talismans, demonstrating the overwhelming disparity between their strengths. Oliver, despite his enhanced defense, finds himself at the mercy of his sister's relentless barrage.


Fun Fact: Oliver has never won against Biana

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C229
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


