49.56% A World Unwritten / Chapter 169: Girl Chat

章 169: Girl Chat

Mira's scoff is like a jarring note in a delicate symphony, pulling everyone's attention to her. "Ha, who would trust a member of the royal family? What a joke," she declares, plucking one of the snacks I brought, and popping it into her mouth with audacious delight.

Luna, clearly exasperated, runs a hand through her hair, sending her a sharp look. "Come on, Mira, stay quiet if you're going to be rude." The authority in her voice is palpable, but Mira seems unfazed.

She clicks her tongue, her gaze unwavering as she meets Luna's. "She made a good choice to get away from you shitty people." Her words, sharp as daggers, are aimed squarely at me.

Yet, I don't let her words stir me. Instead, I sip my tea, taking in the aroma and warmth, letting it calm any potential irritation. A thought crosses my mind – using Mira's boldness could be to my advantage. It might be a good idea to accidentally drop some information that she could use against Liam. If she's unafraid of our status, then why not use that to my benefit?

Before I can delve deeper into this new strategy, Zara's laughter fills the room, a soft chime that offers momentary respite. "Honestly," she chuckles, her eyes dancing with amusement, "I'm not sure what to tell you. Your offer was certainly good, but the student council offered me something way better."

I nod, absorbing her words. The student council's influence is undeniably vast, and their resources vast. Yet, the question remains: what exactly did they offer? And more importantly, who made that offer?

Mira, not one to let a moment pass without comment, grins widely, the mischief evident in her eyes. "Seriously? How greedy are you? Despite being the princess, to think you'd actually let someone give her a better offer." Her words are dripping with irony, but I choose to see the humor in them.

Letting a soft chuckle escape my lips, I lean forward, the game of cat and mouse continuing. "It's a big world, Mira. Sometimes even princesses can be outbid. The question is, what exactly was this irresistible offer?" I raise an eyebrow at Zara, waiting for her to spill the beans.

Zara hesitates, rubbing her temple while tilting her head left and right in contemplation. "Well... it's not really a secret but..." Her face seems to change hues, reddening slightly, and I can't help but wonder what's causing this reaction. Could someone have blackmailed her? But then, Zara doesn't seem like the sort who'd easily be pressured into anything.

"You see," she begins, her voice soft, yet firm, "you're already aware of my lack of control..." As she speaks, she coats her fork with her aura. The fluctuations in it are palpable, clearly revealing her struggles with control. Indeed, she severely lacks it. The offer I had made her was to accelerate her aura's growth rate.

Taking another sip of my tea, I tilt my head, posing a question to her, "So they offered you a higher amount of herbs?"

She pauses, looking thoughtful, her brows furrowing. For a moment, the only sounds in the room are Mira's loud yawn and Luna's exasperated sigh.

Zara finally speaks, her words heavy with meaning. "They're going to help me whenever I need to breakthrough..." She places her fork down with a soft clink, continuing, "For two months, I was stuck on the same thing. It got so bad that I was near the bursting point... but they easily helped me breakthrough."

Her words hang in the air, laden with implications. Her expression, a mixture of relief and something else – perhaps a hint of embarrassment or resentment – doesn't escape my notice. Just what happened during those two months? And who in the student council possesses the ability to help her breakthrough?

"That's impressive," I comment, genuinely intrigued, lifting my tea cup to my lips once more. The warmth of the beverage spreads a calming sensation throughout my body, but my mind is racing. "Would you mind sharing what happened?"

Zara's face becomes a mosaic of discomfort and hesitation. It's clear there's more to the story than just a simple breakthrough. Luna, seeing her struggle, takes a deep breath, seemingly deciding to spill the beans herself. "It was V. He helped her breakthrough."

I almost choke on my tea. V? The same V I know? He possesses impressive control, I won't deny that, but the nuances of aiding someone else in their breakthrough requires not just control but a deep, masterful understanding of aura. The consequences of any mistakes are dire, leading to severe damage or even worse. Could V really have the expertise for this?

"How did that happen?" I ask, my curiosity evident, "How do you trust him with such a dangerous task?"

Zara averts her gaze, her fingers nervously playing with the edge of her napkin, as Luna rolls her eyes with a mixture of frustration and understanding. "He gave her a beating and then... without asking... connected directly from the back."

The silence in the room is heavy and uncomfortable. Mira, always quick to interject, appears to be processing the implications, before bursting out, "Zara, you let him directly connect to your aura paths?" She thumps her own head as though trying to knock some sense into herself.

My mind races, trying to grasp the enormity of the revelation. Direct connection to someone's aura paths, especially from the opposite sex, is intimate on a level that's usually reserved for people who share a deep bond. Are they... dual cultivating? No, that's impossible, their relationship isn't like that. Or is it?

Mira's glare is piercing. "You can't be serious. With that goblin-looking boy?"

Luna intervenes before Zara can respond, her voice holding a tinge of protectiveness, "Enough, Mira. Zara wasn't in the right frame of mind. Right, Zara?"

The flustered girl nods, her voice barely above a whisper, "Y-yes, I was... lost in thought."

Luna gives Mira a warning look, continuing her explanation, "V provoked her, questioned her choices, and after a fierce confrontation that had her broken and in tears, he connected to her main aura path."

I blink, trying to process the information. It's one thing to be intimate with someone, but to cross such boundaries without consent is shocking, especially coming from V. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I had some respect for V... I didn't know he was that type of person though... 

I rub my eyebrows, my expression a mix of confusion and concern. "I'm still confused though. You still decided to join the student council despite him doing that against your will?"

Mira shoots Zara a pointed look, her eyes fiery. "I have to agree with this stupid Royal on this. Why would you choose to join them? That bastard! The next time I see him, I'll beat him to a pulp."

Luna's fingers tap rhythmically on the table, an attempt to bring order to the escalating emotions in the room. "You two should give Zara time to explain. She promised me she would clarify her choice today."

Silence blankets the room, everyone seemingly holding their breaths in anticipation. I lean back, taking it all in. I've already gleaned what I need from this situation: I know who did it and why. But now, my curiosity is piqued. I want to hear her side of the story.

Zara's fingers start tapping nervously on the table, her expression pained, like she's wrestling with a difficult thought. "Promise you won't tell him. The student body president already assured me, but if he finds out... I don't think he'll continue to help me."

Everyone nods in unison, the tension in the room palpable. Mira's voice, although more subdued, still holds an edge. "Fine, fine, as long as it's a valid reason."

Zara's face deepens in color, her cheeks reddening further. She groans softly, clearly debating how to phrase her next words. Luna, her voice firm yet gentle, warns, "You better not lie to me."

Gathering her thoughts, Zara admits, "So... I kinda knew from the start, and I was going to confront him." She scratches her head in obvious discomfort. "I was struggling, and I intended to tell him what he was doing, but when he connected his aura... almost instantly, the pain I had endured for two months vanished." Her eyes drift, as if recalling that moment of relief. "His aura was so serene... it suppressed my turbulent aura effortlessly. The relief was so immense that I decided not to mention it."

Mira leans forward, her voice sharp, "Stop beating around the bush and just tell us what you're really getting at!"

With a deep sigh, Zara resigns herself to the truth. "V didn't realize the implications of what he did." She takes a moment, then clarifies, "He didn't grasp that only those intimate with each other share such a connection. From his reaction, I could discern he was unaware... and I chose not to enlighten him."

The room bursts into a cacophony of reactions. Mira's loud laughter punctuates the atmosphere. "Hahahahaha!" She falls off her chair, rolling with laughter, "That idiot! Hahaha! Seriously, he's so clueless!"

Luna, still trying to process the information, finally speaks, "So that's why you chose to stay in the council. You plan to have him assist you with your breakthroughs since he's ignorant of the profound nature of his actions. But the student body president... how did she even allow this? Ugh, whatever. I just wanted to confirm you weren't considering dating that goblin. He's a cool guy and his food is great, but... certainly not relationship material."

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

-Luna's POV

As Aira walks out, the doors swing open again and in comes Gareth, every inch of him oozing post-workout energy. His shirt clings to his chiseled body, each droplet of sweat accentuating his muscles. He picks a table and sits, throwing Mira a glare that could freeze a summer's day. I can almost feel the electricity in the air as Mira returns his cold stare with an equally icy one.

"What the hell are you doing here, you brain-dead man?" Mira snipes.

Gareth shoots back, "Am I not allowed to eat?"

I groan inwardly, not again. Reaching out with my bow, I tap Mira on her head, hoping to keep a lid on things. "Stop it, Mira. You two fight every day. When will you two make it up?"

Mira, with a fierce gleam in her eyes, slams her fist onto the table. "When this bastard accepts I'm better than him at everything!"

The cafeteria door swings open yet again, bringing in Eamon, Ariadne, and Elara. Their entrance is a breath of fresh air, especially Elara with her ever-present cheerful smile. "Looks like we got half the class here~ Hey, since we don't know how to cook, why don't we eat out tonight?"

A wicked idea forms in my mind, and I can't help but grin. "I'll tell you a little secret," I say, pulling at Mira's hair as a distraction when I see her gearing up for another round of argument with Gareth. I motion towards the exit, gathering everyone's attention. "As you know, I was lucky enough to be placed in a high position in the student council. Because of the upcoming festival, they have a room where the council members get to try out the food being served. And it just so happens the cook is one of the best in the academy."

Eamon raises an eyebrow, skeptically. "But we're not in the council..."

Ariadne chimes in, her tone uncertain, "That's right. I don't want to be tied down either."

I lean in closer, my voice dripping with mischief. "Come on, guys. If you join as regular members, you don't have to do much. As long as you represent the student council in competitions, you can be a member. Besides," I add, dropping the bomb, "The cook... his food is so good I heard that Professor Ayla begs him to cook for her."

Their expressions change almost immediately. I can see the curiosity and greed for that mouth-watering food in their eyes. There. Now I've roped them in V. To introduce an entirely new member position. I don't know if you have the power to do it but since the council president asked me to listen to you, I'll convince as many as possible to join the damn council. 


Fun Fact: Just so you know, Ilka was the one who told Kael, 'It's not a big deal.' When he asked about connecting his aura to someone else's aura paths.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C169
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


